No Loose Ends



Chapter 2

Bo and Luke were plowing down the road toward Chickasaw County, namely Capital City.  They were on their way to A-1 Auto Parts right across from the jail.  Luke was behind the wheel of Uncle Jesse’s well worn, dirty white Ford F-150 pickup.  “Dad-dang-it!” Luke exclaimed. 

“What?” Bo asked, perplexed.

“I forgot to warn Daisy about that battery cable on the General that keeps loosenin’ up!”

“Aw that’s all right Cousin”, Bo grinned.  “You know Daisy don’t drive like I do, anyhow.  Besides, you tightened it up good last night right before we came in for supper, didn’t you?”

“Um, yeah”, Luke agreed, scratching his chin.  Then he slapped the steering wheel.  “You’re right, Bo.  I guess there ain’t nothin’ to worry about.  All Daisy has to do is get to the Bank and then the Boar’s Nest.  We’ll pick it up on our way home.  Even if she has trouble, there’s the CB.  I just can’t help thinkin’ what if somethin’ comes up?”

Bo grinned.  “C’mon Cousin.  We’re talkin’ about Daisy here.  Do you and I know anybody else less likely to steer into trouble than her, unless maybe it’s Uncle Jesse?”  

“Yeah, I guess you’re right Bo.  Huh!” Luke agreed.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Meanwhile, Daisy was driving up to the Bank.  By this time, she was in a hurry.  It was now 5 minutes ‘til 8.  She hoped the Bank would be open.  There didn’t seem to be any activity inside.  Even the lights were off.  Of course, Daisy didn’t see the previous customers leaving just before she arrived.  As she pulled up and parked, another vehicle was pulling out on the corner adjacent to the Bank.  Funny how people in Hazzard always seem to arrive a second or two behind and miss these little details, as Waylon would have added. 

Daisy slid out from behind the good General’s steering wheel in her classic lady-like fashion, then gently slid to the pavement with perfect balance, and on both high-heels, then tapped her way up the steps to the Bank’s front door.  A muffled, “Mmmmmmmmmmmph”, met Daisy’s ears as she stepped into the darkened room.  The blinds had been drawn and the lights were out.  She turned them on quickly and found Boss Hogg and Emory Potts, the teller, sitting in chairs back to back tied-up and gagged.  “Oh my goodness, Boss, Emory, what happened?!” she exclaimed. 

“Daizee Dook, Daizee Dook!” Boss bellowed as soon as Daisy ripped off the tape.  “Owwwwwww, be careful, thayat smots!” Boss complained.  “We wuz robbed, Daizee, whaddayu think happened here.  It was probably yer no good cousins that did it, anyhow.  Where are Bo and Luke, anyway?” he asked. 

Daisy had just finished working the knots out the ropes binding Boss and Emory to their chairs.  But she discovered that their hands were still tied behind their backs with plastic zip ties.  She’d have to get a pair of scissors.  She was opening desk drawers looking for a pair as they talked.
            “Don’t worry, Boss.  They’re both running an errand for Uncle Jesse.  Besides”, she added, “They didn’t even leave the house until after I did and they’re going a different direction, so neither one of ‘em could have been involved.”  She bent down and cut the ties on Emory’s hands first, then let Boss loose.  Both of the men’s feet were tied with the same material, so she had to go back and cut those loose as well.  Boss and Emory were rubbing their skin.  Neither of them had been tied long, luckily.  Evidently, she could see that the hard plastic bands were quite uncomfortable.

“Still”, he argued.  “That doesn’t mean they ain’t workin’ with somebody else to pull the job”, he said, “It always seems funny that they seem to send you in on these errands right after they’ve pulled somethin’, doesn’t it?” he smirked.  “I know for a fact that your Uncle Jesse had planned for them to bring the farm payment in this morning.  I got a good mind not to accept it until my money is found.”  Suddenly he gasped, “Daizee Dook”, you were supposed to be openin’ up the Boar’s Nest this mornin’.  Why ain’t you there!” 

“Because Uncle Jesse wanted me to bring the payment in, Boss.  I’m goin’ right now.  Sorry I’m late.  You can dock my pay if I am!” 

“Aw Daizee, I can’t think about openin’ the Boar’s Nest after what’s just happened.  I’ll have to close it until we catch them bank robbers.  You run along home and wait for me to call ya”. 

“But Boss, Daisy complained.  I’ve payments to make on Dixie and I’ve got to buy a new alternator, and some material for a dress for Emily Jackson’s bridal shower and wedding next month.  I can’t afford for you to close the Boar’s Nest.  I need to work!” 

“Well then, get Roscoe and Enos to get out there and catch them bank robbers.  Daisy grabbed the CB at Boss’ desk and started trying to raise help.  Uncle Jesse answered right away, but he was at home stuck without a running vehicle until either the boys or Daisy returned.  Cooter answered, but he was out pulling Elvin Devine’s old tractor out of the creek…..again.  He apologized, but he was going to be hung up for a little while, but promised to keep his eyes open for anything unusual.  Enos answered.  He was still at home, and would not be going on duty for another hour, but jumped up as soon as Daisy called and started getting ready.  He promised to get going in the next 15 minutes.  Roscoe never answered.  Boss figured he must be asleep by the side of the road somewhere.  And finally, Bo and Luke must have already gotten outside of the range of their CB, because they never answered.

“Well, looks like those robba’s are gonna get away scot-free with all my money!” Boss lamented. 

“No they ain’t”, Daisy answered.  “I’ve got the General today.  I don’t have to wait for Enos.  I can leave right now and catch ‘em in the General!” 

“Daizee, don’t be foolish”, Boss warned.  “You ain’t armed.  What are you gonna do if you catch ‘em?  Spray ‘em with perfoom?”

“I don’t plan on catchin’ ‘em Boss.  I’m only gonna get close enough to get a good ID, then radio it in to Roscoe or Enos and let them do the catching!”

“Daizee, you be careful now”, Boss warned again. 

Daisy smiled.  “That’s sweet that you care, Boss”.

“Naw, you got they key to my whiskey storeroom around yo’ neck and you the on’y one besides me that has the combination to the safe in my office.  I’d hate for either of those to get in the wronnnng hands”.  Daisy just shook her head.  Boss probably was really worried about her.  He just couldn’t stand for anyone to get the idea he might actually be human!

“What did they look like Boss?” Daisy asked.  Emory answered that there was a big one and a little one.  The big one did most of the talking, but he felt like the little one may have been the real brains behind the operation.  They were both wearing masks and jeans.  That was the extent of his observations.  Boss saw even less.  Neither man knew what the robbers were driving because the blinds were still down when they came in.  But, Boss did say that he heard rubber pealing as they took off and it seemed to be going around the corner and back to the South again. 

“That would be the Chickasaw Road, wouldn’t it?” Daisy asked.

“It coulda been, Daizee.  But maybe they was tryin’ to throw us off”.

“Then again, that may be my best bet.  I gotta go.”  With that, she was out the door and down the steps, sliding into the General, she followed her instincts. 

Daisy knew a shorter direction to the cut-off for Capitol City.  The boys had probably already gone in that direction some time ago and would be far ahead of the robbers.  If they were driving their usual speed, they’d still be out of radio range and unavailable. 

Daisy covered the roads with incredible speed, slowing down and sliding into the curves, then she’d press her high-heeled foot down on the accelator and powerglide her way around the curve, finally jumping the embankment between the two roads and sliding at last onto the Chickasaw cut-off. 

She tried the radio again.  “Lost Sheep, this is Bo Peep, come in?”  Nothing.  “Bo Peep to Sheriff Roscoe.  Come in?” 

“Khee khee khee.  This is Sheriff Roscooooooeee P. Coltrane speakin’.  Bo Peep, what’s yer 20?”

“Roscoe, I’m about 20 miles this side of the Chickasaw county line and I haven’t seen hide nor hair of those bank robbers yet.  I wonder if I coulda passed them?”

“Not on your life, little lady” Roscoe chuckled.  “You’re probably way to hell and gone the wrong way from those bank robbers.  I’m out here on the Hatchabee County Road and I got Enos lookin’ out on SawMill Road.”

“And I’m a-lookin’ on the Red Creek Road, myself”, added Cooter, who had joined their conversation. 

“All you civilians just stay back and let the professionals handle the police work”, Roscoe ordered.  “Enos and I’ll cuff n’ stuff him….khee khee khee khee”

Daisy pondered what to do for a moment.  She felt sure that her woman’s tuition was giving her the right advice, but for some reason, she had not yet caught onto the kidnappers.  Most likely, they were trying to avoid detection, so they would have to drive the speed limit.  Daisy had violated every speed law in Hazzard County to get here in record time.  It seemed as though she would have seen someone by now.  Unless, of course, she was in front of them!

She pulled over to the side of the road.  “Roscoe, this is Bo Peep.  I’m gonna pull off into a clearing and sit a little while and see if someone else comes.  Let me know if you see anything at all.  Okay!?”

“10-4 Bo Peep, over and out!  Jitz!”