Greater Love, ch. 3

by: Numb3rsfan


The Duke Boys entered Cooter’s Garage to see Cooter hard at work repairing another car.

“The General’s out in the yard. He’s fine besides the little problem with the brakes.  I flushed out the line an’ now he should be purrin’ like a kitten.” Cooter said.

“Thanks Coot, I owe ya.” Luke said, tapping Cooter’s shoulder as he walked back out.

Bo stood there, half in and half out of the garage,clearly not knowing where to go.

“Come on Bo, let’s go home.” Luke said, hopping in to the driver’s seat of the General.

“I uh…think I’ll stay here fer awhile Luke.You don’t mind, do ya Cooter?” Bo asked.

Cooter saw the begging puppy dog eye in Bo’s face and couldn’t resist it.

“I don’t mind.  I’ll bring by the farm later.” Cooter said to Luke.

“Ok, I’ll let Uncle Jesse know.” Luke replied as he started the General and roared off.

Bo sighed, glad in a way, that Luke was gone.

He entered the garage and flopped down on a junk heap of a car.

Cooter, who was wiping his hand on an old, red rag, walked over to Bo, with a wrench in his hands.

“You wanna talk about it?” Cooter asked, giving Bo his sympathic look.

“It was all ma fault.” Bo said, more to himself than to Cooter.

“What was?” Cooter asked.

“If I had fixed the General like I was supposed to have, then we might never have almost crashed!  I…I could have killed him.” Bo murmered.

“But ya didn’t Bo.  Ya hung on, ya fought it every step of the way and ya pulled through.  Not many drivers could do what you did and live ta talk about it.” Cooter said.

“I had come so close ta flippin the General.  If I had, Luke might’a been…” Bo couldn’t finish the sentance.

“I understand how ya feel Bo.  I was in the exact same situation a few years back.” Cooter said.

“What’d you do?” Bo asked.

“I was in a car with ma brother.  The brakes failed and I nearly crashed inta a tree.  I was sittin’ almost same as you, feelin sorry fer maself and I what I nearly’d done, but ma brother came an told me that it was ok.  It wasn’t ma fault, that I had in fact saved his life rather than almost destroyin’ it.  That’s what you did Bo.  You saved a life…ya didn’t destroy one.” Cooter said.

Bo couldn’t stop the tears as they fell.  Turning away from Cooter, Bo buried his face in his hands and cried.

Suspecting that Luke wouldn’t want to make a trip back out here, Cooter decided to drive Bo hope in the wrecker.

Bo quietly followed Cooter out to the wrecker and climbed in.

The drive out to the Duke farm was mostly done in silence.

When Cooter pulled up to the farm and stopped the wrecker, Bo turned to him and asked, “Did ya ever find out why the brakes failed?”

“It was the fluid…or rather the lack of break fluid.” Cooter replied.

Nodding his head, Bo silently opened the door and stepped out.

Looking up, Cooter spotted Jesse and Luke watching from the front door.

“Hey Bo.  If ya ever need ta talk, you can call me.” Cooter offered.

“Thanks Cooter.” Bo replied before he turned and trudged up the steps of the farm house.

He opened the door and side stepped both Uncle Jesse and Luke as he made his way to the bedroom that he and Luke shared, and shut the door.

“You’re right Luke.  He’s takin’ it pretty hard.  He really said he didn’t want to drive the General any more?” Jesse asked.

“That’s what he said Uncle Jesse.  I’m worried about em’.  He’s blowin this all out’a preportion.” Luke replied as he stuck his hands in his pockets and began to walk to the bedroom.

“Luke, leave em’ alone.  If Bo don’t wanna talk now, then we won’t press the issue.” Jesse said.

“Yes, sir.” Luke replied, casting a worried glance down the hall towards the closed bedroom door.

“Come on, ya still got yer chores ta finish.” Jesse reminded as he herded Luke outside.



Bo heard the front door open and close, and only then did he make his way to the window to see Luke heading to the barn to finish his chores.

Bo watched Luke turn and look through the window at him.  Turning, Bo stepped back into the shadows until Luke went in to the barn.

Walking back to his bed and sat back down, the tears running down his face.

The bedroom door was pushed open by something that stepped into the room.

“Please go away.” Bo muttered, thinking it was Jesse or Daisy.

He nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt a cold nose nudge his cheek and then a hot tongue lick his face.

Opening his eyes Bo saw his dog Cassie staring down at him, her tail wagging in sympathy.

Her presence seemed to scream, ‘I’m here if you need me.’

Rising himself up, Bo patted his lap and Cassie walked onto his lap and sat there, waiting.

Bo threw his arms around Cassie and hugged her, burying his face in her neck as he cried.

Cassie just sat there, licking Bo’s ear as he continued to cry.

Her presence there was soothing and appreciated.

Finally Bo raised his head and petted Cassie, thanking her for being there.

“I love you girl.” He muttered.

Cassie wagged her tail and woofed as if to say ‘I love you too.’

Despite still being sad, Bo broke in to a grin as he lay back down and shut his eyes.

Cassie, understanding this, curled up beside her master, one paw on his arm, her head on his chest.

And together, both man and beast fell asleep.

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