Hometown Honeymoon: Chapter 4

by: Susan Porter

When Daisy awoke the next morning she found herself
curled up in her own bed, an afghan covering her body.
The morning sun streaked across the room, kissing her
cheek. On her bedside table was a a note from Enos.

“Daisy, I’ve taken the General to the Capital city
airport to pick up Bo and Luke. We’ll be back about
eleven then we’ll go see Uncle Jesse. Love, Enos.
P.S. You’re beautiful, even in your sleep.”

Smiling, Daisy rose, showered, fixed herself a small
breakfast and was waiting on the front porch when the
General Lee pulled in, carrying Enos and the boys.
After quick hugs they left for the hospital, in two
cars, to check on their Uncle Jesse.

On arrival they found that Jesse Duke was with his
doctor so they were forced to wait until he tests were
finished. Once Jesse was back in his bed Rosco laid
out the problem he and Jesse had discussed two nights
before. He needed the Duke’s help.

“This is more than a celebration of those two
historians finding that Civil War chest at the bottom
of Hazzard Pond. Last month two of Boss Hogg’s former
partners, men Enos and I arrested, were released from
prison. Three days after their release, I got this in
the mail.”

He showed them the paper onto which letters had been
pasted, clearly a threat against Rosco, and Enos.
Luke examined the note, playing with the words.
“There’s something… familiar… about some of the
words. Almost as if they’re taunting you.”

Enos looked over Luke’s shoulder. “I got one of these
last week, I thought it was a crank. Police officers
tend to get them from time to time.”

“There’s something about a trunk here, could that be
the chest those two guys recovered?”

“That’s the only think I can figure. That’s why I
need your help, all of you.”

Rosco laid out the plan he and Jesse had discussed.
“Enos, I want to swear in you, Bo and Luke as Hazzard
County Auxiliary deputies, to guard the chest until
the ceremony. Jesse, Cooter, Cletus and I will try to
find the men who sent the threat.”

“What about me?” Daisy asked. “I want to be apart of
this too. And I was a Hazzard deputy once, don’t

“Daisy, honey, this might be dangerous.” Enos warned.

“Yeah, Daisy, this sounds dangerous. Maybe you should

“Luke, if you don’t mind,” Enos spoke quietly, “this
is between me and Daisy. Honey, could I speak to you
a minute, alone?”

The two of them stepped out into the hall. “Enos…”

“Daisy, honey, you know I love you, and I would never
deny you anything you set your heart on, but this,
this is different. You could be putting your life in

“I love you, too. But how could I be in danger if I
just take over patrol duties to free up Rosco and

There was a light in her eye that told Enos she would
be doing her own investigating, but he knew that there
wasn’t a thing he could do to stop her. “All right,”
he nodded finally, “I won’t stand in your way if you
want to do this, but, it’s been a long time since you
were a deputy. If anything happens…”

“Nothing is going to happen to me.” she laid her hand
on his cheek, knowing she was getting her way. “Not
with my big, handsome guy to protect me.”

Enos smiled, knowing he was being buffaloed but also
knowing he could deny Daisy nothing. “All right,
honey.” he bent and kissed her mouth. “Damn but you
can talk me into anything.”

Arm in arm they reentered Jesse’s room. “All right,
we’ve talked it over and it’s okay with me if Daisy
gets a uniform and goes on patrol But no
investigating, right?”

Daisy smiled sweetly, fingers crossed behind her back.

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