Out of Darkness, Part Two

by: Ameila Lynn

It had been two nights since Bo was brought into the hospital. Tara and Daisy
had saved both Bo and Luke from a witch who have killed them both. But in the Duke
household, the ordeal was just starting. The night Bo was brought home, the nightmares
started. It took Jesse and Luke to hold Bo down when the first nightmare came.
“Easy, boy.” Jesse said as he tried to comfort Bo.
“She was going to kill me, She was going to kill me.” Bo kept repeating. It took
two hours before Bo fell asleep. The rest of the Dukes were turning in when they heard a
bloodcurdling scream. Tara, Daisy and Jesse ran into Bo and Luke’s room. They saw Bo
clutching his hand to his chest. Sweat was sliding profusing down his body.
“Bo, what is it, darling.?” Daisy asked.
“My heart, she is trying to kill me. I swear, I swear.”
Tara sat on the side of Bo’s bed and held his hand. “It’s alright, Bo, I am here. She
won’t hurt you ever again. Lie down, honey. Try to sleep, ok. The doctor wants you to
“Please, don’t leave, Tara. Please, don’t leave me.” Bo’s hand clung to Tara’s
“I am here,cousin.” Luke said as he put his arm around Bo’s shoulders.
“I want Tara to stay.”
“It’s alright, Luke. I will stay with Bo for the night.” Tara said as she still held
Bo’s hand.
Jesse and Daisy left the boy’s room with Tara in the dark. Bo settled into a
restless sleep. Tara stroked his brow and his cheek. The bruises were healing slowly.
The swelling on his face was going down. He was breathing regularly. Tara looked at
her cousin. He looked so helpless, trying to battle the nightmares in his head. Whatever
this woman did to him was taking it’s toll. She remembered as kids when she was so
scared crossing the street. But, Bo took her hand and helped her conquer her fear. Now,
here she was holding his hand and trying to help him conquer his nightmares.
Luke interupted her rememberances and her thoughts. “Are you tired? I think
he’s going to be ok. I’ll keep a eye on him.”
“Luke, that is sweet, but I think I better stay here. He might call out for me again.
I think I will call my marine core and tell them I will be staying here a little longer. I
can’t stand leaving Bo in the condition he is in.” Bo whimpered and stirred. “It is okay,
Bo, Luke and I are here. She won’t hurt you.” Bo settled back into his nightmareish sleep.

Next morning, Jesse walked into Bo and Luke’s room. He choked with tears in
his eyes at the sight of Tara lying next to Bo. She had her arms around him.
“Good morning, Uncle Jesse.” Tara said. “He had another nightmare so I held
him all night. He’s really not doing to good. I am calling my marine core and my parents
to tell them I am staying until Bo is ok.”
“That’s fine. Tara, I am so glad you came. Bo really loved you and I don’t how
we could handle this situation.”
Daisy walked into the kitchen where Luke, Tara and Jesse were sitting at the
“How’s Bo? Tara, you did not come back to bed.”
“I had to stay with Bo. I did get some sleep. He’s still sleeping soundly. It took a
little while but he did get to sleep finally.”
“I think we should talk to that psychiatrist that the doctor suggested for Bo. We
are going to need his help to help Bo deal with this.” Jesse said.
“Oh, Uncle Jesse, you should have seen him in that house. He was so helpless.
You know how big he is and she was so small, but she was so strong. He was halfway
dead.” Daisy said.
“I know.” Luke said fiddling with his spoon in his coffee cup. “I was with her. I
could’nt get away.” Luke proceed to tell them about happened to him.
“Are you ok, Luke? Did you tell Bo yet?” Daisy asked.
“I haven’t yet, Daisy. But he’s been through worse. From his nightmares, she
must have really hurt him. I think’s a good idea about that psychiatrist.”
“What psychiatrist?” Bo asked as he walked into the kitchen.”The one that the
doctor suggested to you.”
“I know, but I’m fine, Uncle Jesse. I don’t need a doctor..”
“Bo, you need to see…” Daisy started.
“Look, I’m fine. I just had a few nightmares. You don’t know what I went
through. I don’t want to bring it up.” Bo said angryly. He walked out of the door slaming
“He doesn’t know how sick he really is, Uncle Jesse.” Daisy said as she looked
out the window. Bo was walking to the General. “He taking the General.” Diasy said.
Tara knew that he would listen to her. She had to try to convince Bo that he
should see that psychiatrist,
“I’ll try to talk to him.”
“You better hurry, Bo’s taking the General.” Luke said. “He’s in no condition to
Bo was sliding into the General when Tara rushed out the door.”Bo,Bo! Don’t go.”
“I’m going to and you can’t stop me.” Bo started the car and raced away. Tara
hopped into Scarlett and charged after Bo.
“I hope she gets Bo before he so something irrational.” Luke said.
“Or Rosco gets him.” Daisy said.
Tara was keeping up with Bo. But, he was racing the General really fast.
“Bo Duke, slow down.” Tara said in her CB.
“No! I am not going back! They think I’m crazy.”
“BEAURGARD DUKE, you slow that car of yours down or I’ll bump you off the
road. I MEAN IT!”
Bo stopped the car. He knew Tara meant business. Tara got out of Scarlett.
“Now, I want to talk to you. We don’t think you are crazy. We just worried about
you. Bo I almost lost you. I don’t know what happened those days you were abducted.
Bo, you need help.” She held his hands. Bo’s eyes clouded over with tears.
“Tara, I am so scared. I don’t know what to do. I want to help but I don’t want to
go to seek help.”
Tara held him close. “Bo, I will help you. I love you! I want you to get better. It
kills me to see you like this.”
Tara and Bo went into the woods near their cars. Tara held his hands just like
when they were kids. He told her everything. She held him close when he broke down
and cried. Hours went by.
“I think we better head for home. Are you ok to drive?” Tara asked.
“I think so.” Bo said as he went into the General.

Bo sat down and told the family that he was going to see the psychiatrist. As long
as Tara went with him. The nightmare raged on. Tara moved into the boy’s room. One
night, both Tara and Luke were up with Bo. He was hysterially crying. “Stop the pain,
please stop the pain.” Sweat was running down his body. His heart was racing and he
was breathing in gasps. Tara tried to hold him but he squrimed out of her arms.”Let me
go, please let me go.” Bo was delirious. He didn’t see that it was Tara. He thought she
was Ambrosia..”Bo,it’s me, Tara, it’s alright.” Bo realized it was Tara and she was trying
to help him. He let Tara hold him. Luke stroked Bo’s hair.
“It’s going to be a long night, Luke. You sleep, I’ll take care of Bo.”
Luke was amazed at his cousin’s ability to calm Bo down. She alway’s did have a
hold on Bo’s heart.Tara held Bo all night. She stroked his brow and kissed his cheek.
She hummed under her breath and rocked Bo to sleep.
“It’s alright, Bo. I will help you. She will be permantly out of your head.”

Bo went to his first meeting with the psychiatrist. “Good afternoon,Bo, my name
is Dr. Thompson. I am the psychiatrist that the doctor ,at hospital, recommanded.Now, I
heard about your situation. I have had patients that went through similar tramas.”
“Doc, you don’t know I went through. It was horrible. I have these nightmares. I
can’t get her out of my head. It like she still alive and still toying with my emotions.”
“These dreams, nightmares. what occurs during them? Do you experience
flashbacks of your ordeal with this woman?”Bo trembled with fear. Could this doctor
read his mind? The nightmares were flashbacks. Those nights locked in that room. The
darkness lurching around him, jeering him. Her dark perceing eyes penetrating through
his eyes like two daggers. Her cackles when she tortured him.
“Bo, I want you to tell me about these nightmares. I know it will take sometime
before the nightmares go away. But, if we can pinpoint the situation that started these
nightmares; I could find some way for you to cope with this.”
Bo swallowed and proceeded to explain the nightmares. He got to one recurring
nightmare. Ambrosia had him and Luke in the same room. Instead of torturing him, she
was torturing Luke. Luke was lying there helpless, he could’nt move or talk. Her cackles
filled the room as she continued to torture Luke.He stopped talking and broke down
crying. “That’s when I wake up, Doc.”
“This is interesting. I want to delve into the ordeal.” He leaned forward. “I am
going to have you tell me about your ordeal. Start from the beginning.”
Bo took a deep breath. This was the hardest thing he had to do. He started by
telling when he saw Ambrosia in the general store. When he got to the part when
Ambrosia started torturing him, he broke down.
“She tortured you. Can you explain what she did to you.”
“Doc, I can’t do that. I just can’t do that. When I think about it, I get scared, so
Dr. Thompson decided that Bo was emotionally drained for one day. “Bo, I want
you to come back next week. I am going to hypnotize you and this way you will be able
to tell we what happened.”
That night, Tara sat down with Bo. It was no use to sleep tonight they both
thought. They were talking about their past. When they were kids. Now Tara knew that
Bo needed her more than ever now. She knew now that she would not go back to the
marines. She wanted to stay with the family. Who knew how long Bo’s condition would
not be too well? She looked at her cousin. Bo was stretched out on the couch. He tried
to stay awake. He didn’t want to go to sleep if he closed his eyes, the memories would
flood back.
“You want to sleep Bo. I am here, and I am not leaving your side at all. Please
try to sleep.”
That night was the quietest in a week. Tara cradled Bo in her arms. When he
was sound asleep, she grabbed the sleeping bag off the floor of the boy’s room.
“Is he asleep?” Luke asked.
“Yes, finally, I hope that those sessions with Dr. Thompson worked.”
“I hope so too. We haven’t had a decent night sleep since he came home.” Luke
Tara could’nt believe what her cousin was saying this.”Luke Duke, Bo is very
sick and needs our support and I don’t care how much sleep I get. I want to help him.”
“Sorry, Tara, I didn’t mean….”Luke was about to finish his sentence when from
the living room was a piercing scream that almost shook the house. “Tara, Tara, HELP
ME! Help me!”
The entire Duke family ran into the living room. They stopped when they saw Bo
with a look of terror on his face. His blue eyes were crazed with fear. His knunkles were
turning white as he grasped either side of the couch.
“Bo, honey, what is it?” Daisy asked.
“I saw her, she was standing right there.” Bo pointed to a far wall.
“Bo, maybe you were hallucinating. You really haven’t slept to good.” Luke said.
“No, Luke, I saw her. She was glaring at me. Maybe I am hallucinating. Uncle
Jesse, what’s happening to me?” Bo looked Uncle Jesse. “What’s happening to me?” he
Jesse held his nephew close.”You are going through a hard time. I hope that Dr.
Thompson can help you. Now, you try to sleep, Bo.” Jesse lowered Bo’s head to the
pillow. Daisy laid a blanket over Bo’s body.
“I’ll stay with him” Tara said.
“I’ll keep you company, Tara.” Daisy said. The whole Duke family stayed up to
watch Bo sleep.
“Uncle Jesse, I am so worried about Bo.” Daisy said. “What if he never gets well.”
“Well, Daisy, it’s in God’s hands. He will help Bo.”

Tara went with Bo to Dr. Thompson’s office. Dr. Thompson made Bo lie down
on the couch.”
Now, Bo, I am now going to hypnotize you so you will tell me what happen when
you were abducted.” Dr. Thompson took a pocket watch out of his pocket. He
proceeded to swing the watch back and forth in front of Bo’s eyes. Soon Bo was under a
trance. Dr. Thompson turned to Tara.
“Now, Tara, I am going to bring Bo back to the incident. He will tell us what
happened. Bo, can you hear me?”
“Yes” Bo said.
“I am going to take you back to the very time she abducted you. Can you tell
what happened?”
Bo’s face went into look of confusion.
“What’s happening Bo? What do you see.”
“She’s kissing me…What’s that? Please put that down. Don’t please, I don’t want
to go with you.” Bo cried.
“I think we’re getting somewhere.” Dr. Thompson said to Tara. “Bo, what is she
doing to you?”
“She’s got a needle. She wants to do something to me. She’s putting it in my arm.
No! No!” Bo thrashed around.
“He’s trying to fight her. Dr Thompson.” Tara said as she squeezed Bo’s hand.
“Bo, I want you to fight her, hard. Don’t let her take you. If you can do that, you
could take her out of your dreams.” Dr. Thompson said.
Bo tried to fight but she was winning. “I can’t Doc. No!” Bo shook hard.
“Doctor, maybe we should bring him out of this.” Tara said.
Dr. Thompson argeed. “Bo, I going to bring you back. You will forget all you
saw. I am counting to three. When I reach three I will snap my fingers. You will wake
Dr. Thompson counted to three and snapped his fingers. Bo woke up.
“Bo, next week, we will continue. I want you fight her in your nightmares, every
time you have one.”
Every night since that session with Dr. Thompson, Bo tried to fight Ambrosia but
he could’nt. He woke up exhausted every morning. The sessions with Dr. Thompson
were trying. He felt like giving up. Until one night, when Bo laid down to sleep that
night, Tara stayed by his side. As he settled down to sleep, the image of Ambrosia
appeared before him. It seemed so real. She grabbed for him. He put his arms out in
front of him and tried to push away. His calm face turned irratated. Tara knew he was
trying to fight her.
“That’s it Bo! Fight her. Don’t let her get you. That’s it.”
Bo’s face got red from excertion. He was breathing hard. Then his whole body
began to shake.
“Don’t give up, Bo!” Tara cried. “Don’t give up.”
Luke woke up from hearing Tara pleads to Bo.”What’s going on?” Luke asked as
he looked at Tara, then at Bo, who was shaking. Sweat was pouring from his body and
his heart was pounding.
“Bo is fighting that witch. He’s trying to get away,” Tara explained what had
taken place at Dr. Thompson office to Luke.
Luke looked at Bo, who was trying so hard to escape Ambrosia’s clutches.
“Come on Bo, Fight her.” Tara cried.
Bo’s body gave one final shake and he collasped.”Bo!”
His breathing returned to normal. His heart slowed down and he was sleeping
“I think he’s alright.” Luke said.
Uncle Jesse and Daisy heard the commotion from the boy’s room and saw Bo
lying sound asleep.
“Is he alright?” Daisy asked.
Tara told Uncle Jesse and Daisy what had happened at Dr. Thompson and what
just took place that night.
“I hope he’s alright.” Daisy said.But Uncle Jesse knew in his heart that Bo was
going to be fine.
Next morning, the Duke family except for Bo, were around the kitchen table
talking about the incedent from the night before.
“I feel that Bo will be fine.” Uncle Jesse said.
“He was really battling her.” Luke said. They were absorbed in the conversation
that they didn’t see Bo walked into the kitchen.
“Good morning,all.” The tone in Bo’s voice was calm, which it hadn’t been in
“Bo, are you ok! Did you sleep well.” Daisy asked as Bo sat at his place at the
“I am fine.” Bo looked his family with tears of joys in his eyes. “She’s gone. The
nightmares are gone. I fought her and she lost.”
“Oh,Bo!” Tara cried as she hugged Bo. “I’m so happy.”
“It’s good to have you back,cousin.” Luke said as he embraced Bo.
Later that day, Luke and Bo sat and had a talk. They talked about the experiences
that they had with the witch.
“I am really sorry that you had to go through what you did, Bo”
“Did she really hurt you? That night, I could’nt bear to live with myself.”
“No, I did what she wanted…” Luke had to stop to choke back the sobs, he took a
deep breath “Because she was going to kill you.”
Both Bo and Luke collapsed in each others arms and openly wept. The ordeal
was over. That night, they had a celebration at the Boar’s Nest for the safe return of Bo in
more ways than one.The sad part was that, because Bo was better,Tara was leaving to go
back to Altanta.
“I am going to miss you, cousin.” Bo said as he hugged Tara hard. “I don’t know
what would have happened if you didn’t come to visit.”
“I am so glad that you are fine.” Tara said. “I would’nt have been able to return if I
knew how sick you were.”
Luke hugged Tara. “Don’t be a stranger.” As the Dukes watched Tara drive away
in Scarlett, Jesse turned to Bo, Luke and Daisy and said.”That there is one special girl.”
The cousins argeed.
All was back to normal in Hazzard, what ever normal is.

The End

Out of Darkness
Copyright 1998
Amelia Lynn

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