Rings and Rumors

by: Valerie Strate

1982 Hazzard County Georgia

Valerie put Fang back into his carrier. Mrs. Nobel’s first grade class had been dismissed from recess after the Game Warden’s monthly visit. Mrs. Nobel smiled at Valerie. She then approached the wildlife officer afterward; “I thank you again for talking to the children about the environment. They sure do love that snake.”

“Yeah… I bet they do.” Val grinned as she closed the cage door on Fang.

“So what do you have planned for next month? Just so I can help plan my lesson around it.”

“Probably recycling.”

“Ah! Well, I’m sure we can think of some things.”

“I’ll send you some information on the subject next week.”

“Alright… and thank you again Game Warden Strate.”

“You’re welcome… I enjoy doing it.” Valerie smiled as she picked up Fang’s carrier and bid Mrs. Nobel farewell then left. Today she spoke to first and sixth graders. Yesterday was second and fifth graders and tomorrow she would speak to third and fourth graders. The only duties left in her day now was to make a quick patrol, visit the Hazzard pond, then gather her things at her office, and head home. She made her way out of the elementary school and to her car. She sat Fang’s carrier on Cricket’s hood. The dark haired woman fumbled with her keys trying to find the one that opens the car door. When a firm gentle hand grasped her shoulder, a deep soft male voice spoke behind her, “Hello Valerie.”

Val spun around to see who was behind her. Her face lit up like a carnival on a Friday night.

“Kurt!” she shrieked and wrapped her arms around the gentleman who was behind her. He smiled as she stepped back after the hug. The gentleman named ‘Kurt’ was six foot five with rippling light chestnut brown hair. He was two hundred and ten pounds of sheer grade ‘A’ beefcake. His face looked as if it was chiseled out of the finest marble and was smoothed to perfection. On his cheeks and chin were little dimples. The tall handsome man wore a pair of form fitting blue jeans, a fancy brown woven leather belt; with a shiny dinner plate sized buckle. A brown colored sports jacket graced his shoulders and a crisp white cotton dress shirt lay underneath. His hazel gray eyes stared back at the woman in front of him with warmth, “It’s good to see you again to Val.”

The excitement bubbled up from inside of her and she beamed at the man in front of her. She had a rush of emotions come to her but most of them were positive.

“I-it’s good to see you and too…” she beamed back and took in a deep breath.

“So, you want to go grab a cup of coffee at the Busy Bee or a beer at the Boar’s Nest?” Kurt asked her.

“S-s-sure…” Val gushed and realized if she drooled anymore she’d probably drown, “Um, um… the Nest is fine.”

“Great! I’ll see you over there at the Boar’s Nest… I’m not keeping’ ya from anything am I?”

“Oh! Um… no, I can do that later. I got time for a little R and R.” Val blushed then opened her car door.

“See you over there then. It’ll be nice to sit down and have a drink with you again. I think the last time we did that was when we were still in college.”

“It was June 1st 1975, a week before I graduated, in Columbus, Ohio at Bowties off of High Street…” she then bit her lower lip and the rest of her statement.

Kurt chuckled as he opened the door to his pickup, “You don’t miss a beat do you.”


“See you at the Nest.” He winked and got into the truck and took off.

She watched him go then fell into the bucket seat of Cricket and dreamily sighed. Then she realized she left Fang on the hood yet. She got out of the car and apologized to the snake in the carrier, “Sorry Fang… my brain just took a vacation to theGalapagos Islands with that beef cake, that just took off.”

She placed the carrier in the back seat then got into her driver’s seat and plopped down. She slipped the keys into the ignition and turned on the car. She twisted the knob of the car stereo.

Take me home

Take me home 

I wanna feel you close to me

Take me home

Take me home

With you is were I wanna be 

Wrapped in your arms tonight

Just making love

Music and candlelight

Stars up above


“Ack!” She panicked and turned the dial for the radio station. The Game Warden’s face flushed another shade of red from the song, “Cher, I think you’re awesome but now’s not a good time.”

She gave the Chevelle gas and it took off out of the parking lot of the school and onto the dirt road. She decided after turning the channels and finding nothing that interested her on the radio to switch it off. Old memories were burning in her mind. Times of when she was young, carefree, careless, and so many different faces during that time, it seemed surreal.


* * * *

Hazzard High School 1966

Agriculture class was probably her favorite class of the day. Holding her stack of books while walking down the hall to the high school Ag. room, she noticed brother passed her and opened the door for her. She smiled and stepped in the room and took a seat toward the front of the room. It was the first day of classes. Last year agriculture class was the easiest and most interesting class in her schedule. She hoped the same could be said for this year.

Her brother Enos took a seat toward the back of the room. She wondered why he didn’t sit up toward the front like she did. She then glanced at the clock and noticed a minute until the bell rang for the start of class. Just before the buzzer sounded, two handsome brown haired boys walked through the door. They were dressed in normal farm boy attire, boots, jeans, the shirts. One she knew was Luke Duke but the other she wasn’t sure of; he had lighter and straighter brown hair and was taller. She thought he might be the veterinarian Doctor Herburt’s son, but she wasn’t certain. They filled into the room and the teacher gave them a scowl. They took a seat in the back of the room next to Enos. They all started to talk to each other when the instructor stood up in the front of the room and smacked a ruler on his desk. It made a lot of the students flinch including Valerie.

“Ok, class, this is Agricultural Science 110. I am Mr. Sammuel, your teacher. This is a sophomore level class. You’re expected to know the difference between speices of farm animals, if you don’t already… Um, yes Mr. Herburt.” The teacher stopped his introduction to answer the young man’s question who was sitting next to Luke Duke.

Valerie looked over her shoulder and grinned. I knew it! It was Doctor Herburt’s boy. I bet this class is going to be a breeze for him, since his dad’s a vet. He’s cute too… Hhhmm, I smell study partner!

“Um… yes, Mr. Sammuel… What’s a cow look like?” the brunette haired young man who was just called on just answered in the most serious of voice. The other two boys’ next to him started to snort and snicker in laughter. Luke buried his head into the table and Enos was turning red trying not to laugh. They knew very well that their friend Kurt Herburt knew very well what a cow was.

Valerie wrinkled her nose at the boys in the back of the room. Or maybe not… what a jerk. He knows darn well was a cow looks like!

The tall stick like gray haired instructor was annoyed but was undaunted, “It looks like someone didn’t study very well in Ag. Science 105. Maybe you have to go back to the freshman level class, Mr. Herburt. I’m sure your father would be thrilled with that news, Kurtis Herburt”

Kurt then shrank into his chair a little bit after noticing Mr. Sammuel’s glare. Luke and Enos quickly stopped laughing and opened their books like nothing happened. Mr. Sammuel then proceeded to pace the room with his hands behind his back, “In this class you will learn how to pick out the best livestock speices and be able to find mates that will correctly compliment them to produce the fittest progeny, or the best offspring. No individual is perfect. However as a farmer, it is your job to make the best, cattle, pigs, horses, or whatever kind of animal you are raising, to get the best profit. Toward the middle of the year, you will all compete in the Hazzard county livestock judging contest. The winners of the contest will get a fifty dollar scholarship from the local Farm Bureau and be in the top ten to compete at the State level for Hazzard County. It is my job to get you all ready so you at least have a chance to compete…”

Valerie thought about the contest in her head and tapped her pencil lightly so it wouldn’t disturb anyone on the desk. Her father had shown her some of the livestock judging techniques but nothing really major. She knew she had to study and read as much as she could about the subject.

“Yes, Mr. Duke…” Instructor Sammuel said as he stopped his lecture to see the young Duke had a question.

“What is the prize at the State level contest?” Luke inquired.

“The state winners get thousand dollar scholarships to any college of their choosing, plus, a trophy and a banner for the school with your names engraved and stitched on them. It also looks good on any resume or job application to have a state title of any sort, Mr. Duke” their professor answered.

Luke frowned slightly at the answer, “What if you don’t plan on going to college? What if you just wish to take over your family farm?”

“Mr. Duke, even if you just wish to farm I would still consider college. College rounds out a person and increases their level of knowledge and understanding. Even farmers should go to college. Farmers that do are more successful and produce better crops due to the knowledge they gain from the universities. Due to science, we are producing more food than we did twenty years ago. The future of agriculture is in science!”

Luke frowned at the answer he got but didn’t say anything further. Suddenly the bell rang and the class was dismissed.

Later on in the year at the Strate Farm… 

The sunlight shone on Valerie’s silken dark hair. Valerie dressed in jeans, a t-shirt and her brown boots that steadied her, as she sat on the fence rail with a notebook in hand. Her pencil flew across the paper as she furiously took notes. Every few moments she would look up at the cattle in the pen that she was sitting near. Her keen eyes were tracing over the body, shape and structure of each animal. As she made her observations, Kurt was in the pen studying them. He walked around the animals shooing them around so that Valerie could look at the animals from all different angles.

“Val… You see these three cows here? Rank’em…” Kurt grinned at her.

“Well they would make good females. All have excellent muscle scoring and are proper frame score, but it all depends on whether or not you want good heavy steers or you’re breeding for replacement females. If it was me I’d go with that middle one there…” She pointed to one of the females in the bunch.

Kurt walked over to a red cow that she pointed to then nodded to it, “You mean this ol’girl.”

“Yeah, that one…” Val explained as she watched Kurt in the pen. Then put the eraser end of the pencil to her lips in thought, “She has adequate muscle shape without being too steerish. You get her with a heavy bull and you’ll have killer, kick butt competitive show steers.”

Kurt smiled at her then looked back at the cow. Then declared, “Nah! You just like her cause her hair coat is red.”

“Shut up… You know color don’t mean anything. They’re all the same after the hide comes off.” She ignored his implication of her bias and concentrated back on her notes, “That’s B.S…. red one my tail…”

“Yep… You like her cause she’s red.” Kurt chuckled then strolled up to the fence with his thumbs in his belt loops, teasing her even more, “Besides Val, I think you better get your eyes checked cause that’s a cow not a bull.”

She shook her head and continued writing. A vile playful smirk came to his face and he ran up to the fence where she sat. Reaching up and putting his hands on her waist lifted her up and forward to pull her off the fence into his arms.

“Kurt! What the… What are you doin’… We don’t got time for this!… Competition is in two days…” She flailed her pencil and notebook in the air as he was pulling her off of her perch and losing her balance, “AAaaaahh!”

He just chuckled and stepped forward. Unfortunately his boat landed in a pile of fresh manure sending his feet forward as the weight of lifting her body was sending his upper torso backwards toward the earth, “Wooaaahooo!”

She clung to him and sent her pencil and notebook off into space. Their bodies landed in the muck with him on his back and her on top staring back at him. Breathlessly they lay there uncertain of what to do next. That’s when he kissed her full red lips and brushed back her hair with his least muddy hand. With no inhibitions she accepted his kiss, then pulled back when she finally needed to breath, “Wow!… What was that?”

“Um… I think they call it a kiss.” The veterinarian’s son smiled back with a smug grin on his face.

Valerie pushed herself up and started to brush herself off, then stammering, “I know what it is!… I just… Why did you… I…”

Kurt got up then took her hand and helped her stand. They were both covered in mud and out of breath. He then looked at her, “Will you go to the square dance with me on Friday?”

Her jaw dropped and it sounded like someone else was talking for her, “I’d love to…”

* * * * *

Present Hazzard County 1982

Valerie began heading to the Boar’s Nest as planed when she realized that she couldn’t just leave Fang in the hot car and she couldn’t take him in the bar. She turned the car around and headed to the courthouse. She arrived in Hazzard square, parked the car, and raced into the building with the snake. Once she got into her office she opened the door and put Fang in his tank. Then she hastily locked the office back up and dashed back out to her car. The maroon Chevelle took off out of the square and headed for the little roadhouse.

However the Game Warden’s haste didn’t go unnoticed. Enos was checking the parking meters. He had seen his sister’s Chevelle make a hasty exit out of the square. I wonder where Val’s off to in such a hurry.

Valerie arrived at the Nest in five minutes flat. She got out of the Chevelle and looked in her side mirror. Removing her hat, she looked in the mirror and smoothed down any stray strands of hair that might have fallen out of place from her tightly braided pigtails. She replaced her hat, straightened her tie, and took in a deep breath as she opened the door to the roadhouse.

* * * * * * * * *

Sounds of laughter, beer mugs clanking together and idle chatter filled the local watering hole. The veterinarian was seated on a bar stool and was waiting on his order for a beer to be filled. He looked around the room. The Boar’s Nest didn’t really change that much since he left. The same tin signs still hung on the wall. Men and women alike were gathering around tables, talking and drinking. The old pinball machine had been replaced with a newer version, but still the game was part of the atmosphere. The jukebox sat in the corner and folks still seemed to be having a good time. Kurt grinned to himself. Hazzard is still Hazzard. With that his beer arrived curtsies of a beautiful brunette waitress with long wavy hair.

“Here’s the beer you ordered, Mister…” She replied smoothly with a smile as she sat the glass in front of him.

Kurt looked at the beauty in front of him, “Haven’t we met before? You did grow up in Hazzard right?”

The waitress smiled warmly as she was wiping out a beer mug with a towel, “You must be new to these parts. The name’s Daisy Duke. Lived here all my life.”

“Little, Daisy Duke! Gosh! It’s been years! You sure grown up.” Kurt replied in shock, “Well, Howdy girl.”

Daisy looked strangely at the man, “Do I know you?”

“You should… Kurt… Kurtis Herburt. I know it’s been along time.” He chuckled and extended his hand to her for a handshake.

“KURT HERBURT! Goodness Gracious boy! Where in tarnation have you been all these years?!” Daisy exclaimed as she looked at the man sitting in front of her. She took hold of his hand and shook it firmly then leaned over the bar, “It’s good to see you home. Hey Vance, Coy… guess who’s back in Hazzard, Kurt Herburt.”

Coy and Vance were busy with an arm wrestling match that they didn’t even see the gentleman whom Daisy was speaking to come in. They turned to see Daisy speaking to a very built gentleman in blue jeans, white cotton shirt and brown sports jacket.

“Kurtis Herburt? Your name sounds familiar?” Coy asked as he stood up and approached the man.

“Well course it does Coy! Don’t you remember Kurt Herburt? He went to school with Luke, Bo and me. He’s Doc Herburt’s son. Welcome home Kurt…” Daisy smiled cordially.

The sandy haired man nodded and smiled, “I remember you… Coy and Vance Duke. You Duke boys aren’t easy to forget.”

“Yeah… well… Welcome back to Hazzard.” Vance replied extending his hand to Kurt.

Kurt took a firm hold of Vance’s hand and shook it warmly and patted him on the back.

“So what you doing back here now?” Daisy inquired.

“I’m just back visiting’ the folks. I thought I would come say hi to some of the folks I haven’t seen in a while around here too.” Kurt explained and took a sip of his beer.

“By the way, what do you do now for a living’?” Coy asked, “I mean a fella dressed as snazzy as you are has to be pulling in some money.”

“Coy!!!” Vance and Daisy snapped.

“Well… look at him. He looks like a regular rhinestone cowboy.” Coy replied.

Kurt laughed at Coy’s statement as he held onto the beer mug, “I’m a veterinarian for a large cattle ranch just south of Cheyenne Wyoming. I do make decent wages and I have room there and benefits. Normally cowpokes like me don’t get paid that much but because I’m the vet, I get the money. It’s not the best but for a single man like myself it’s plenty.”

Daisy smiled after the veterinarian finished his beer. He grinned back then looked to the watch on his wrist, “She’s suppose to meet me here.”

“She? I thought you said you were single.” Coy replied.

“I am… I ran into Val Strate and I told her to meet me here for a drink.”

“Oooohh!” Coy nodded then looked to Vance who just shrugged.

“You did hear she’s the new Game Warden around here didn’t you?” Daisy replied making conversation.

“Yeah… that’s what I’ve heard. She was going to school for that in college and I know when she graduated; she received an offer at one of the parks up by Lake Erie. Dad told me that she moved home though not too long ago.” He answered Daisy as he looked up to the ceiling in wonder as he talked, “I sure hope she makes it over here. I would hate to think something is wrong. How’s Bo and Luke? I haven’t seen them in forever.”

“Well you been gone forever, sugar.” Daisy chuckled, “They’re fine. They went to the NASCAR cuircit. I think they’re racing in Darlington this weekend.”

“Yeah…Val’s probably fine Kurt. Knowin’ the way Val is she just forgot to burp that snake of her’s or something silly like that.” Coy replied.

“Coy!” Daisy and Vance snapped again.

Just as the cousins were chastising their younger relative, the Boar’s Nest door opened and there stood a green and brown clad female officer. She removed her hat and made her way over to the bar.

“Crickets and Crocs! Golly, the whole dang town is gonna welcome you home Kurt.” Val grinned at the veterinarian as she sat down on the barstool next him.

Kurt watched Val come over to the group, “ About time…”

“Hey, I had to drop Fang off at the office. I didn’t think you’d like a boa running around in the Boar’s Nest.”

“See told ya.” Coy replied while Vance and Daisy rolled their eyes.

“Wouldn’t bother me none.” Kurt answered.

“Probably not…” She then gave out a sigh of relief and smiled as Daisy sat chocolate milk in front of the Game Warden.

“Thanks Daisy. So how you been these days, Kurt?” Val asked as she lifted the glass to her mouth.

“I’m doing well, working out west. Are you doing ok, Ms. Game Warden?” He gave her a warm grin.

“Never been better… Back home now. Living with mom and dad till I find something for myself.” She smiled.

Kurt answered as he turned the empty beer mug slowly between his palms, “That’s good to hear.

“So Doc… how is the cattle biz going lately?” Val asked.

Kurt looked at his glass then back to Valerie and the boys, “It’s going well. There’s always work to be done.”

“I bet.” Val answered and leaned forward propping her head up with her hand and taking a sip of chocolate milk from the glass in her other hand.

“Well, Kurt it’s been nice talking to ya. Glad your back in town. We’d love to stay longer but Coy and I have to head back to the farm.” Vance replied.

“Alright, nice seeing you guys again. I’ll have to arm wrestle ya sometime.” The chestnut haired cowboy chuckled.

Coy grinned as he looked to the veterinarian and rolled up his shirtsleeve, “Well, you know Vance we got time for a round.”

“Val, could you hold my coat for me?” Kurt replied as he took the sports jacket off.

Val shook her head in disbelief and accepted the jacket as he began rolling up his dress shirtsleeve. Coy and Kurt sat down to the table that Vance and he were just at, and placing their arms down on the table in ready positions. A crowd in the Nest began to gather, as the two men got ready to arm wrestle. Val sat at the bar shaking her head. Daisy grinned and tugged on Val’s shirt sleeve, “Come on Val. You know ya wanna see this.”

“No… I don’t.” She chuckled as she walked over anyway to see.

The two men then lock arms and Vance began counting off, “ One, two, and three…. Wrestle!“

The two men began arm wrestling. Everyone could see the veterinarian’s gunboat arm ripple as it kept the Duke man’s arm at bay. The crowd around them began gathering in size and it volume. Val felt herself become squeezed in-between people as they leaned in to get a view of the match. As it seemed as if the whole Nest was up staring at the event the Boar’s Nest door opened and in stepped, Deputy Enos Strate.

Kurt grinned at Coy as his arm was firmly holding Coy’s upright, “Determined.”

“Yep…” Coy gritted through clenched teeth as he gave his might to his arm.

Enos couldn’t see what was going on in the center of the crowd. He figured it was a fight. He began clearing folks back to their seats when he seen Kurt land Coy’s arm down on the table. The crowd roared as the man beamed. Coy looked defeated but he extended his opposite hand out to Kurt and shook it.

“Kurtis Herburt.” Enos breathed.

The well dressed cowhand looked over at Enos to see the deputy standing there, “Enos! Hey how you been?”

“Fine…” Enos replied calmly looking at Kurt, as the crowd behind him started to dissipated on it’s own. This left the Duke boys, Daisy, Kurt, Valerie and Enos standing there around the table.

Val slowly made her way over to Kurt’s side and looked at her brother in concern but quickly tried to defuse any awkward feelings, “Um… ‘E’ you remember Kurtis, right?”

“Oh yeah… I know Kurt.” Enos answered his sister staring at the pair. He felt a little unsure about the returning classmate and his sister standing next to one another but then he dispersed those feelings and smiled and extending his hand and chuckling lightly, “How you been buddy roe?”

Relief came to Val and Kurt’s faces and he took hold of Enos’s hand and returned the handshake firmly.

“Well, I have to get back to the office, here. Um… Kurt how long you going to be in town.” Val asked.

“Oh about a week. I’m staying at Mom and Dad’s. You know where to find me.” He grinned.

Valerie’s face beamed for a moment at him.

“Ahem…Office?” Coy interjected.

“Uh… right… My office… Yes…” Val smiled backing up from the group, “Bye Kurt… bye everyone.”

With that the Game Warden walked out the door of the Boar’s Nest and headed back to town. Enos watched his sister leave and knew Val wasn’t acting herself. He then glanced at Kurt and realized there was something going on. Kurt had watched the Game Warden leave. The veterinarian just stood there looking longingly at the departing woman.

* * * * * *

1969 – Hazzard County High School Football Staduim after the State Finals Championship Game – Kurt and Valerie’s Senior year…

Kurt removed his helmet as he walked off the field and onto the pavement with the other players. The sound of the young men’s cleats scrapping against the black top could be heard as they marched down toward the tunnel that led to the locker room. Hazzard High School Football team had just lost their chance to compete in the title for state champs. This explained why the players marched back toward the locker room in mostly silence. A few mutters could be heard but for the most part it was quiet.

Kurt just hung his head as strands of his sweat drenched brown hair fell into his eyes. The players filed into the humid odorous locker room and took seats on the bench. After a brief but very heartfelt speech from their coach about the game, the players all began to change and go on with their lives. Many would be back next year and try again at the title but for a select few they would never have this chance again. For Kurtis Herburt, this was his last high school football game. Removing his jersey and getting ready to hit the shower a hand rested on his shoulder, “You goin’ to the Nest tonight Kurt?”

The young man turned around to see two of his good friends standing behind him in their jerseys. Kurt grinned and ran his fingers through his hair, “Yeah… I kind of planned on it. Why? Are you and Enos goin’?”

“Yeah… Bo’s waitin’ for us with Daisy and Uncle Jesse.” the dark haired Duke explained with their friend Enos Strate standing by.

“Well, let’s hit the showers then.” Kurt answered as he got ready to take off the rest of his clothes.

Luke was already following suit along with Enos. The mention of going to the Boar’s Nest seemed to lift the boys’ spirits. Enos looked over to Luke as he took off his shoulder pads, “I tell ya Luke that was a heck of a pass you gave Kurt there in the third quarter.”

“Yeah… I just wish I could have made more of them. Those linebackers were huge! Felt like a sack of flour.” Luke answered as he shook his head.

“Sorry, Luke… I tried to cover ya as best I could…” Enos answered.

“It’s ok. Those guys were huge. Besides they were double teamin’ ya right and left Enos. You did the best ya could.” Luke then took his towel and walked to the showers. Kurt silently followed, still somber about the game.

“Aw come on Kurt. It’s just a game man. You and Enos played hard. Ya got nothin’ to be ashamed of.” Luke turned on the water.

“Yeah, but you know if we would have won that talent scout from Ohio State would have probably picked all three of us up with football scholarships.” Kurt replied putting some shampoo into his hand then into his hair.

Luke frowned when Kurt said those words. He knew Kurt and Enos were planning on going to college. He wasn’t sure if he would after graduation on the count that his grades were good but not good enough to get a full academic ride and his uncle didn’t have enough money to send him.

“We all could have been going to OSU together.” Kurt answered as he scrubbed the shampoo into his scalp.

“It’s ok Kurt. I don’t know if I’m even goin’ to college. I’m thinking about joining the marines. Then if I want to go to college I’ll go on the G.I. bill.” Luke replied, “Besides, you and Enos will be going whether you got football scholarships or not. Your daddy is gonna pay your way and Enos gets straight A’s all the time. Didn’t you say that Florida State already offered you an academic scholarship Enos?”

“Yeah, but Luke, buddy roe, you don’t wanna go into the Marines right now. We’re at war and you’d get yerself killed!” Enos squeaked as he wiped the suds out of his eyes.

Luke shampooed his head as well, “Ah… I’ll be fine. You guys don’t need to worry about me none. Sides it’s my civic duty.”

“Look, Luke… I’m sure my paw can get you money to go to school.” Kurt offered his football captian, “Dad is more than willing to help ya out…”

“Kurt… I said no. Don’t worry about it! Now come on, let’s get finished here and go to the Nest.” Luke insisted.

“Luke! Ohio State is one of the best agricultural colleges in the country. Now think about it, my paw could loan you the money. We could be roommates and…”

Luke turned to his friend and abruptly shut off the water. With a cold blue eyed stare he spoke, “I said, no… and I meant it.” The Duke then brushed past his friend and picked up his towel on the bench and walked out of the showers.

Once they were showered and dressed the boys walked out of the locker room with their duffle bags on their shoulders. Standing outside the stadium doorway was a younger blond haired kid with an optimistic look on his face, “Hey guys! Ya did good Luke! That pass you gave Kurt in the third quarter was really cool! Kurt you really had some hot hands too! And Enos ya…”

“Bo…” Luke verbally cutting his younger cousin off as they started to walk across the parking lot toward their Uncle’s pick where he was waiting with their cousin Daisy.

“What? Bo protested, “You guys were great! Ya can’t help it Finchburg had Moose Cleaver and Jeb Arron! Those guys are huge! Moose practically killed Enos out there! I say you awtah be kissin’ Enos’s tail for keepin’ Moose at bay as much as he could. That guy is huge!”

“Thanks Bo…” Enos answered flatly hanging his head slightly as he was walking with Kurt and heading over to their vehicles.

“Bo just cool it! We didn’t win. Now come on… Let’s go home with Jesse and Daisy.” Luke chastise then looked over to his friends, “See ya out at the Nest in a bit.”

“Yep… See ya there.” Kurt waved. Then Enos did as well. The two football players headed over to a navy blue Chevelle and a red pickup. Leaning against the Chevelle was a tall slender girl wearing one of the school’s letter jackets, a blue dress that was cut just above the knee wearing saddle shoes on her feet. Her dark hair was in pigtails and her lips were painted with a soft pink lip gloss. Kurt lifted his head to look at the pretty Philly that leaned against his car with her arms folded. She smiled back at him with a mellow gaze, “Ya’ll going to the Nest?”

Enos smiled at the girl as he opened the door to the pickup parked beside Kurt’s Chevelle, “You ridin’ with me or with Kurt, Val?”

“I’ll ride with Kurt.” Valerie grinned as Kurt cornered her against the Chevelle’s door. She giggled then glanced over at her brother and winked. Enos caught her wink and tossed his duffle inside then climbed up into the cab, while shaking his head.

“See you both there… and if I don’t… I’ll be huntin’ for ya.” He called back with a smile on his face.

“Bye Enos!” The young love birds called back to him and waved to the male Strate twin as he took off in the red pickup. Then Kurt slid his arms around Valerie’s waist and pinned her with his body against the car. She wrapped her arms around his neck and stared up into his gray eyes, “You played well tonight… You got nuttin’ to be ashamed of.”

“Val don’t lie to me… We sucked.” Kurt answered as he averted her gaze. He really didn’t feel like talking to her about the game. What he wanted to do was just stare back at this home grown beauty he had in his arms.

“You did not suck, Kurt.” She told him as she ran her fingers through his dark hair, “You were wonderful out there. You caught that pass and made that touch down in the third…”

“Val… I don’t wanna talk about football right now.” He then tilted his head down and kissed her cheek then her neck and growled into her skin, “Mmmrrrowww!”

She giggled, and then nuzzled against him. Then their lips met in a deep passion filled kiss. She ran her fingers through his sandy brown hair. He held her tight against his chest. The kiss soon broke and Kurt looked into the female gray eyes that stared back into his, “We best get to the Nest. We wouldn’t want folks to talk.”

She’s smiled while biting down on her lower lip. Taking grip on the collar of his shirt she whisper, “Talk is talk…”

Kurt grinned back, “Valerie, baby, yer killin’ me… now come on, let’s go.”

Val gave a mock pout then giggled as he backed off her in order for her to go to the passenger side. She opened the door and smoothed out her dress as she sat down into the seat. He took a seat behind the wheel then drove to the local watering hole. As the Chevelle raced across the dirt roads, she studied her love’s face. The night seemed to engulf the rest of the world outside of the car. A pensive air filled the vehicle and something was on his mind and she could tell, “Kurt… is something wrong?”

“It’s just the game… That was our last chance. Now it’s over…”He explained as he watched the road.

Val sighed then put her hand on his shoulder, “Um Kurt… can we talk?”

“I thought that’s what we are doing?”

“Yeah, but could we like, pull off to the side of the road and talk?”

He sighed in defeat and pulled the navy Chevelle off the road. Shifting it into park and turning off the ignition and head lights, he looked straight ahead down the blue hued road, “Ok… what do we need to talk about?”

She reached for his hand and he accepted it with a little squeeze. There was a long silence then with an uncertain voice he spoke staring blankly out to the open road, “Val… I don’t know what’s gonna happen… “

“Kurt… don’t worry. You’re going to go to Ohio State. You got high enough grades to get accepted and your dad is going to pay your way. You don’t have to worry about any thing.” She explained, “You don’t need that talent scout.”

Kurt still stared out the window, “You know… when we were all on the livestock judging team, you, me, Luke, your brother… I always thought we’d go on someday and make it to the big time, the collegiate level. It’s the same with the football team. I thought for sure that we’d win and the talent scout would pick Luke up for OSU’s team. He’s got a great arm and can run when needed and…”

“Kurt this ain’t about the livestock judging team or about the football team is it?”

“No baby… It ain’t…”

Val watched, “Then what’s it about?”

“It’s about us… It’s about the four of us.” The sandy haired young man explained as he tapped his fingers on the dash, “We’re gonna fall apart Val… It ain’t gonna be us four anymore.”

“Kurt… You’ll always have us. You have us now.”

“You don’t understand Val. Luke isn’t going to college. His ship is sailed. He’s going into the marines. Enos is going off to Florida State…”

“You knew the possibility of Luke going with us to OSU and being our horse man was uncertain. Enos never was into agriculture like you and I were. He always had the lowest scores of the team. It’s why we put him in meat judging, it’s mostly satirists. His passion is in law and order, not farming.” She interjected.

“I know… but I always thought that…” He bite his lower lip and pinched the bridge of his nose, “Plus, you don’t even know yet if you’ll get in.”

“Kurt… Listen to me. We may get scattered. We may not but that doesn’t mean that you’re going to lose our friendship.” She put her hand on his cheek and pulled his face to him, “You’re not going to lose our love… my love…”

He then reached out to her gently kissed her on the lips in soft lingering kiss. Opening her eyes she looked back at him and whispered, “We’ll find a way…”

* * * * *

Back to Present 1982 –

Kurt shook his head drifting back to the present and away from the past. So much had happened between Valerie and him that his mind couldn’t help but wander. He glanced up when he realized Enos was talking to him.

“Well, I gotta head back to patrol. Nice seeing ya again Kurt.” Enos nodded to Dr. Herburt then turned to Daisy, “Bye boys. See you around Daisy…”

Collectively the group spoke their goodbyes and the deputy sheriff left the bar. He walked out to the white Plymouth and opened the door to his car, when it hit him. VAL is in L-O-V-E. Enos sat there for a moment gripping the steering wheel contemplating the situation. But… she got over him! She said she was over him. He took her to prom, they went to college together… 

“Possum on a gumbush!” Enos breathed. The Deputy the closed the door to his car, started it up and left. He got back to the courthouse to see his sister walking down the steps with her leather satchel over her shoulder.

“See ya at home ‘E’” She gleefully smiled.

“Um…Val… you ok?” Enos asked.

“Never better.” She beamed and opened the door to Cricket.

“Val are you sure?”

“I’m fine, Enos.”

The deputy stood there as his sister got into the car then left. He walked over to his Plymouth got in and headed home. He knew what she was feeling. He could pick it up just by the look on her face, the way she walked, and the way she talked. She was smitten. The worst part is she probably wouldn’t admit to it if he asked. Although he didn’t ask her directly, he knew. It was funny, he normally could pick this up with anyone else but with his twin he knew it immediately.

Enos drove the white Plymouth to his parents’ farm. Currently, Val was staying at their folks place until she found a small farmhouse of her own to purchase. On occasion Enos, would eat supper with them. Tonight was one of those occasions. He was going to make it an occasion too. He needed to gage his sister’s feelings about Kurt. It had been quite a few years and things have changed. The deputy Sheriff pulled the white patrol car into the drive and got out. He walked up the drive and across the lawn to the porch. Opening the door, he entered the farmhouse.

“Well, hello, Enos… How was work?” His father asked as he looked over the newspaper at the kitchen table in front of his place setting. A meatloaf sat in a glass casserole dish on potholders in the center of the table. A freshly cut toss salad sat in a blue bowl. Plates were put around the table in their place settings. Joanne Strate was over by the oven waiting for her peach cobbler to finish cooking.

Enos looked to his father as he stood before the table and sighed, “Where’s Val?”

“Upstairs, changing…” Ed replied then put his paper down, “Somethin’ the matter, son?”

“Kurtis Herburt is back in town.” Enos answered somberly.

“No wonder she’s in such a good mood lately.” Ed grinned, “Good… I hope him and Val spend some time together.”

“GOOD?! Paw, it’s KURT Herburt.” Enos’s told his father as his eyes widened, “He’ll sweep Val off’er feet like a Hoover vacuum.”

Ed grinned again, “Good! Then she’ll get married to’em, get a little farmhouse outside of Hazzard somewhere and be happy. Veterinaries make good money ya know Enos. Besides, it helps the clan to get bigger.”

“Paw, I don’t see Val livin’ in Hazzard if Kurt and her get hitched.” Enos whined still panicking about his younger twin’s love life, “He lives in Wyoming.”

Ed frowned for a moment, “Well, Enos, I wouldn’t go worrying about it just yet. They aren’t even dating… Besides if they did start dating and got married, Kurt might come back home and take up practice with his father.”

As Ed spoke those last words, his youngest daughter came down the steps and was humming Cher’s song Take me home, to herself, “Oh, hey Daddy… Howdy ‘E’.”

“Val… how was work sweet heart?” Ed smiled at his daughter.

“Good, the kids were happy to see me.” Val grinned.

Enos mumbled as he took a seat in one of the chairs taking off his hat, “Were they the only ones happy to see ya again?”

“Oh! Yeah… Kurt is back in town.” She giggled then sat down at her place at the table.

Her mother then placed the peach cobbler on the table and sat down, “Kurt Herburt?”

“Yeah…” Val gushed.

Enos looked to his sister. It was nice to see her happy but something nagged at him inside. He smiled softly then scooped some salad onto his plate. He then passed his plate to Val. She then too, scooped some salad onto her plate. Joanne looked at her daughter with a questioning look, “Didn’t Kurt Herburt use to be engaged to your roommate in college?”

Val’s smile faded and she put her fork down, looking in her mother’s direction, “Yes… he was engaged to Gale Farelly. They started dating our sophomore year of college. They ended their relationship a week before my graduation. Kurt didn’t tell me why. But somehow… I thought there was something to do with me. Maybe it was wishful thinking, or paranoia, but I had an erie feeling about the ordeal ever since the day he told me in Bowties.”

The family sat still for a moment, gauging Valerie’s unspoken communication cues. Then the Strate woman spoke again, “Well, we best get eating. Don’t want Mom’s special meatloaf to waste.”

“You need to talk about anything else, honey?” Joanne asked her daughter in a concerning tone.

“No, no, everything is fine… It’s just been a long time since I’ve seen him.” Val sighed to herself. The mix of emotions was now hitting her. She was over joyed that Kurt was back in Hazzard but old memories seemed to follow him. Valerie sat there staring at her meatloaf. She just told everyone to eat and she couldn’t even find the stomach to do so. She bit her lower lip and sank her fork into the meat on her plate.

“Didn’t he take you to the prom?” Joanne asked her daughter.

Val chuckled and smiled as the moment came back in her mind, “Yeah… he did. That was a wonderful night too.”

Enos watched his sister pick at the food on her plate as she talked. He knew there was something not right. He remembered the Senior Prom, which his sister spoke of. Val wore a lavender chiffon princess cut dress. He remember that their mother had spent countless weekends and afternoons in the sewing room making it for her.

* * * * * *

Strate Farm Late May 1969

Enos had walked into the house from picking up the mail. He looked at the four envelopes and whom they were addressed to. Three of them had his sister’s name on them; one had his name on it. He opened the letter, as he made his way through the kitchen and up the steps to the sewing room where his mother and sister were. The letter was from the University of Florida. He slipped his finger into the envelope and tore it open. A grin spread across his face as he knew he would now be headed to the Sunshine state for higher education. He put his hand on the doorknob of the sewing room door and glanced at the return addresses of the other letters in his hand, the ones for his sister. University of Florida State, University of Oklahoma, and Ohio StateUniversity, were among the envelopes. He knew she would love to go to any one of those colleges. As he gently turned the doorknob now he could hear his mother and sister talking.

“Momma, you know Kurt is gonna go to Ohio State after graduation?” Val asked her mother as she was wearing the purple dress and standing on a stool in her socks.

Joanne Strate was knelt down looking at how high to make the hem of her daughter’s dress. The older woman held a few sewing pins in between her teeth, as she put the pins in the dress for the hem. She reached up and took the pins from her mouth and then spoke, “I didn’t know that. Didn’t you apply for Ohio State, sugar?”

The daughter blushed, “Yeah, I did Momma. It was one of my first choices.”

Enos could hear the conversation clearly and realized the letter in his hand would either make his sister very happy or crush her like a bug. He bit his lower lip and pushed the door open.

“Hey, look what ya got in the mail…” Enos uneasily smiled as he handed the letters to his sister, knowing she couldn’t move from her spot.

Val took the letters in her hand and looked at them before opening them. A smile of shear joy spread over her face as she seen the letter from Ohio State in the mix. She grinned, “I’m gonna open this one last.”

She then opened the two letters from University of Florida and University of Oklahoma. Both colleges had accepted her. She grinned and looked to her brother who took a seat on his mother’s sewing chair. Joanne had chastised her daughter slightly for moving when she opened the letters and became excited. But now, Mrs. Strate backed away from the dress and looked to her daughter as Valerie held the last letter in her hand, “Well, open it up. I’m not going to even try to put a hem in when you open that one.”

Val grinned as she opened the letter carefully and pulled its contents out, “Dear Miss Strate…”

A grin slowly grew into a full smile as the high school Senior read the paper a loud, “We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to… OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY!”

The girl giggled, smiled in delight, and jumped up and down with the page in her hand. Enos looked over at his mother. A huge smile and a few tears had graced his mother’s face. Joanne got up off the floor and hugged her daughter tightly.

“Momma, I made it! I made it, Momma!” Val was now crying.

Enos grinned and got up and crept to the door chuckling slightly, “I’m getting’ out of here for’ I start bawlin’ like a ninny like you two.”

“Get over here and give your sister a hug.” Joanne laughed and ordered her son.

“Yes, mama.” Enos replied half heartily. A grin crossed his face and he came over and wrapped his arms around his little twin, “Congratulations, sis… I’m proud of ya.”

The hug broke and Val looked to her brother and answered him softly, “Thank you…”

Enos smiled then slipped out the door and let his sister and mother get back to work. He knew the days ahead would decide a lot of his family’s future. 

* * * * *

The Deputy sheriff now shook the memory off and looked to his sister who was picking at her meatloaf. He knew that shortly a year or two after she went to Ohio State. Kurt became engaged to her roommate Gale Farely. Some things, he guess, just weren’t meant to be. He then looked at Val and how she picked at her meal. Then he realized Kurt wasn’t married to Gale. Was this karma? Was something going to happen between his sister and her former heartthrob? After supper, Enos went back to the boarding house. Ed and Joanne retired to the den and Val went up to her bedroom to read and relax before bed.

Val hated this confused feeling. She remembered what happen between the three of them. Gale stole him away and by the time he realized what he gave up, Valerie was gone on to other venues. Do I let myself try again? It’s been a little over ten years since we really talked. Let the bad stuff go… 

* * * * * *

Ohio State University – Fall 1969

Kurt helped Valerie carry her items up the steps of the girls’ dorm. They found the room marked 318. Val sat down the bag she was carrying and pulled out her room key. Kurt stood behind her holding a laundry basket full of clean folded clothes. Once she opened the door there was a blond curly haired young curvaceous woman sitting on the bottom bunk wearing only a bikini.

“Oh! Hi… My name is Gale. Gale Farely… I’m your roommate.” She smiled sweetly and extended her hand.

Val was a little perplexed as to why Gale was in a bikini but she extended her hand out and smiled, “Nice to meet ya Gale. I’m Valerie… This is Kurt, my boyfriend.”

Gale gave a big smile and extended her hand out to Kurt, “Nice to meet you Kurt.”

Kurt couldn’t help but grin wide not really paying attention to where his eyes should be paying attention to, “Uh… nice to meet you too Gale… I’m Kurt.”

Gale chuckled slightly, “Eh… we already established that.” Then she turned to Valerie, “Sorry, I’m in my bikini but I’m on the swim team and I have to go down to the pool pretty soon and practice.”

“Oh… ok… Um, well sorry for barging in on ya.” Valerie sheepishly chuckled, “I’m gonna just start unpacking if you don’t mind.”

“Oh, please do. Make yourself at home. I was in this dorm last year. If you need any help with anything just ask me. By the way, where are you from?” Gale asked taking her towel out of one of the dresser drawers.

“Hazzard County, Georgia.” Val answered.

“I thought you were from the south by the sound of your accent. You’re a long way from home. How come you picked Ohio State?” Gale asked.

“I got a scholarship here and um… Kurt is goin’ to be a veterinarian and is studying here.”

“Uh Hun…” Gale took this in then nodded, “Well, I’m from Greenville, Ohio. That’s where my folk’s farm is. It’s about an hour maybe forty five minutes from here.”

“Farm? You grew up on a farm?” Val asked as Kurt grabbed the bags that were outside the room door and brought them in.

“Yeah, cattle farm… Why? Did you too?”

“Yeah…” Val grinned back.

“Well… Oh look at the time. I got to go to practice.” With that Gale quickly slipped a jump suit on and took a duffle bag from the closet and put her tennis shoes on. She then left. “Bye now…”

Kurt watched Gale leave then turned around to see his girlfriend starting to get to work on unpacking. He flushed slightly and felt kind of guilty for eyeballing Val’s new roommate, “Um… Sorry…”

“For what?” Val shrugged as she took out her jeans. Brushing off any kind hurt feelings if there were any.

He really felt guilty now. Valerie was sweeping her emotions under the carpet. He hated it when she did that. He felt trapped and couldn’t think, “For gawking at, at, at…”

“Gale?” Val finished raising an eyebrow. At least he forgot her name. Goes to show maybe it was his brain just shutting down from his male instincts.

“Thank you…” He wiped his hand over his face and leaned against the door jam.

Val shook her head and shrugged putting her socks away, “Don’t worry about it. She’s hot and you just had a moment where you weren’t thinking with your brain. Plus, she’s in a bikini. What guy wouldn’t want to see a cute girl in a bikini?”

Kurt sighed then put his arms out, “Come here…”

She walked over to him and he hugged her and rubbed her back. It really wasn’t to comfort her it was mostly to comfort himself but his need to show her, his love for her was there, “Val… You make me very happy. Please don’t ever forget that. No matter how stupid I am acting.” He then kissed her on the cheek.

Later on in the same semester at Ohio State University – December 1969

Valerie, Gale and Kurt all sat on Gale’s bottom bunk watching, “It’s A Wonderful Life” on the twelve inch black and white television. It was less than a week before finals then winter break. Kurt was lying to the back of the bed spread out in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Val was curled up in a fetal position with her back against his chest, hugging a pillow against her chest. Gale sat Indian style by the couple’s feet holding a large bowl of popcorn. The blond looked over her shoulder at Valerie during a commercial, “You feeling any better yet?”

“A little… the cold medicine I think is kicking in. I feel dozy.” The brunette answered groggily.

Kurt watched the movie and wrapped his arm around her placing his palm over her tummy and kissing the back of Valerie’s head. The three were wordlessly watching. However three quarters of the way through the movie, Valerie closed her eyes and was lost in slumber. Gale looked over to see her asleep and Kurt watching the movie with his head propped up with his hand.

“Getting tired?” Gale asked as she looked at Kurt.

“Yeah… I am a little. Is she asleep.” He responded with a yawn.

“It looks like it…” Gale nodded then put a piece of popcorn in her mouth.

Kurt smiled then kissed the back of Valerie’s head, “I’m gonna go… She needs her sleep.”

Without disturbing Val, he gently sat up and moved off the bed as Gale got up to let him out. Gale stood by the bed as he stood up, “Since she’s sleeping on my bunk I’m just going to let her sleep. Do you think she would mind if I took her bunk?”

Kurt shook his head, “No… I don’t think she would care. She’s out like a light and needs her rest. I’m going to go back to my dorm.”

“Would you like some company?” Gale asked and gave a sweet smile, “I mean, Val does need her rest and I wouldn’t mind watching the end of the movie.”

Kurt bit his lower lip but then smiled, “Sure… come on back to my place. You might want to leave Val a note, incase she wakes up.”

Gale nodded and smiled as she scribbled out a note and left it on Valerie’s desk. The pair left the room and locked the door. About an hour passed and Valerie woke up to a dark empty room, “Gale? Kurt? Where is everybody?”

She pushed back the pillow and moved off the bed to turn on the light. She then noticed the hand written note on her desk. Picking it up she read what it said.

We went to Kurt’s room. Didn’t want to wake you because you need your rest. Take care and see you in the morning. 


Val read the note then put on her shoes. She didn’t like the idea of Gale being in Kurt’s room, alone. Yet she knew she could trust Kurt but something nagged at her. Then putting on her coat and taking her key, she left for the boys’ dorm that Kurt lived in and was right across the street from the girls. Val walked down the hallway then to the steps and outside. She felt the cold Ohio air hit her and her cold. She sniffled as drew the coat closer around herself as she made her way up the boy’s dormitory steps and down the hallway to Kurt’s room.

Something kept screaming in her mind that there was something going on. No… that’s silly. He loves me. We’ve been together for three years now. She hurried her steps. Three years… three year long years… so why don’t you have a ring on your finger yet? Something inside made her shiver even more. Now she stood at the door. Should she knock? Or should she just go in? If something is going on, she wanted to know. If she knocked on the door that would alter them that she’s there, then she would never know. Yet, it was a boy’s dorm; a girl shouldn’t just walk into a room without knocking first. Her stomach tied in knots as she stared at the door handle. Placing her hand on the knob she slowly turned it and pushed the door open.

She gasped at the sight before her. Kurt had his eyes closed and his arms around Gale and was giving her a deep kiss. Gale was holding Kurt’s face with her hands and kissing him in return. All Valerie could do was stare and watch. It was like her heart shattered into a million pieces on the floor.

“Val!” Kurt looked up finally after opening his eyes then quickly pushing Gale away.

Valerie couldn’t say anything. Her eyes were wide. Her jaw was slacked and she couldn’t say a word. She then swallowed and turned her back to him and went out the door.

“Val! Valerie! Valerie…don’t go!” Kurt jumped up and walked out the door after her. She wasn’t running down the hall or bawling like he thought she might be. She just was walking away. He ran up to her and put his hand on her shoulder stopping her for a moment and keeping her from walking any farther down the hall, “Valerie, please… I can explain.”

She stood still. Not turning around but motionless like a statue. Kurt then walked around to face her and lifted her chin with his finger. The first few tears started to roll down her cheeks.

“Valerie, I can explain…” he spoke softly looking into the hurt broken gray eyes.

She didn’t want to hear explanations. She didn’t want to hear any lies. She knew from the minute he seen Gale there were going to be problems. The soft gray eyes turned to slate and narrowed. Her teeth gritted together, then pulled back her hand then struck him across the face with it. Valerie then pulled away from him, only leaving him to watch her walk away. Gale stood outside the door of Kurt’s room and watched it all take place. She came up behind Kurt to hug him and reassure him, but he pushed her aside to follow Val but his girlfriend was already gone and outside.

Val went straight to bed when she got back to her room. She lay in her top bunk and pulled the covers over her head to hide any tears. Two people very close to her betrayed her. Heard the door open about an hour after she was in bed and knew it was Gale. Gale didn’t bother to wake her or talk to her, which silently Valerie was thankful for. She didn’t want to speak to anyone at this moment.

A week had passed since the incident. Val and Gale didn’t speak to one another. When Gale tried to speak to Valerie and possibly apologize the dark haired roommate didn’t want to hear it. Kurt had come to the room several times and got ignored. He gave her notes, flowers and even a Whitman’s sampler. It wasn’t till one snowy afternoon that he ran into her on the way back from their exams that she was finally willing to listen.

“VAL!” Kurt shouted as he ran up behind her, his cowboy boots clicking across the pavement.

She turned around to see it was him. He was running on the icy sidewalk toward her, “Kurt… You’re going to…”

With that the smooth bottom of his boot met a sheet of solid ice on the sidewalk. He slid forward and landed hard on his face.

“Slip! Kurt!” she hurried back to him to help him up and see if he was alright.

“Hey!” He chuckled brushing off any snow he had on himself. The corner of his lip was bleeding. He must have cut it with his teeth during the fall.

“Oh Kurt… You ok?” she asked helping him up.

“Yeah… yeah, I’ll be fine…” He said as he put his hand to her cheek and looked into her gray eyes, “I’m sorry…”

“I am too… I’m sorry I hit you.”

He chuckled slightly then sucked on his cut lip, “I deserved it. Would you like to come to my place and we can talk?”

They went back to Kurt’s dorm and sat on his bed, each with a mug of hot tea Kurt had made in the community kitchen downstairs.

“How have you been?” He asked.

“Fine… I got an ‘A’ on my biology final. Just got done with my Latin exam. You?”

“Eh… I ain’t gonna kid here, ever since that night… I’ve been miserable.” He answered tracing the rim of his mug with his finger.

“Sorry… that you’ve been miserable…”

He looked at her then set his mug on his desk and took her hand, “Val… I don’t want you to be upset with me.”

She gave a spiteful laugh then took a sip of her tea, “You should have thought about that before this all happened.”

“Val… I care about you a lot. I don’t want to lose you but… We’ve been together so long and only us that, well… Maybe we should explore a bit.” He explained softly.

“You want to see Gale don’t you?” the feminine gray eyes narrowed.

“Valerie please don’t get upset. I really care about you. We’ve been through a lot and… I don’t want to hurt you but…”

Valerie knew what was happening. Kurt liked the security of her but he wanted to see what lay ahead with Gale, “Kurt… why don’t you just say it. You want to date Gale and you want to break up with me.”

“No Val… I still want to be with you. It’s just that I think we should explore.” He begged.

This wasn’t how she imagined life with Kurt. She wasn’t use to the idea of him wanting to ‘explore’ how he called it. They were suppose to go to college together, graduate together, and then go back to Hazzard, get married and raise lots of little babies together. There was no room for ‘exploring’. He was supposed to be ‘the one’, right? She stood up and sat her mug down looking at him. How could he even think about this thing called ‘exploring’. He gave her, her first kiss. He was her true love. There was no exploring!

“Kurt don’t lie to me. You kissed her!” Valerie accused as she stood in front of her lover in his dorm room.

“Val it just happened… I didn’t mean…” Kurt explained.

“Do you love her? Do you love Gale?”

“No… We’re just friends. Val, I love you but… I think maybe we should see other people. I mean we were pretty exclusive all through high school.”

Her grey eyes looked back at him in shock. She swallowed hard then turned to the door of the room.

“Valerie, don’t go… I care about you. I love you… but we should have a chance to explore you know.” He begged as he put his hand on her shoulder.

“Yeah… explore… Got it… Well, you’re free to explore her now. Don’t worry about me.” With that said she took off his high school ring that he gave to wear till he was suppose to propose to her then she opened the door and walked out. It was over…

* * * * * *

Present 1982 – The next day…


The Deputy walked down the hall of the courthouse to the glass door that read, ‘Hazzard County Department of Wildlife’. On his way, Kurt Herburt was coming out of the office. The veteranian smiled at the Deputy Sheriff as they were passing in the hall.

“Hey, Buddy Roe, what’s cooking?” Kurt said to the Deputy in passing.

Enos turned and grinned, “Not much. How are ya?”

“Doing good. Doing good. See ya around. I’d love to chat but I have to get to my dad’s clinic.” The tall handsome gent replied and waved to the Sheriff Deputy.

“Yep, see ya around. Take care.” Enos waved back as he took hold of the door knob and opened the door. He walked into his sister’s office, where he found his younger twin looking through some files and smiling to herself.

“Hi. How are ya sis?” Enos asked his sister who was nose deep in paper work.

Valerie looked up and blushed at her brother, “Hi… Oh, good. Um… I’m sorry ‘E’ but I can’t make it to lunch.”

“How come?” the brother asked his sister.

She sheepishly grinned, “Cause I’m having lunch with Kurt today.”

“Oh…” Enos replied as his eyes dropped to the desk with an awkward gaze.

“I’m sorry…”

“No, no… don’t be.”

“It’s just that I haven’t seen him in a while…”

“Val… don’t worry about it.” The brother answered then put a small smile on his face, “I’m happy for ya.”

A bashful grin then spread across the sister’s lips and she slightly blushed, “Thank you… for understanding.”

Enos smiled, “It’s not like we don’t ever have lunch together Val. There’s always next week.”


“Just go have fun. Side’s, Sheriff’s probably got some paper work for me to catch up on anyhow. Just have a good time.”


“No problem.”

“So anything going on?” the female twin asked and rolled her pencil in between her fingers. Trying to make conversation and thinking about the visitor that was in her office before Enos.

“Nope. Nothing major.”

“Kay… um I’ll see you at Mom and Dad’s sometime then after work.”

“Yeah, I should be there,” the Deputy Sheriff then smiled at his sister as he was turning to leave for the door, “Have a good time with Kurt.”

Valerie chuckled as she played with a pencil, “Yeah, I will.”

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, now.”

Val laughed, “Enos it’s just lunch.”

“Ok… but I just want you to know.” Enos looked back genuinely concerned for his younger sibling.

“Yeah, yeah… go on Dipstick. Get outa my office before I sick my snake on you.” Val teased.

“In that case, it was nice talking to ya Val. Bye.” Enos quickly replied and chuckled as he headed out the door, “Remember Sis… I-I know where you live.”

Val laughed as her brother left. It was always nice to see Enos. She felt a little guilty about not including him on her lunch date with Kurt. But it was exactly that, a lunch ‘date’. Val needed this time alone with Kurt. Something stirred in her when she first saw the veterinarian again in such a long time. Now he was back. Some how something didn’t add up to her. Why was Kurt back from Wyoming? Why did he want to have lunch alone with her? And why didn’t he marry Gale Farely all those years ago.

* * * * * * *

Enos walked back into the Sheriff’s Department. He seen his superior officer sitting at his desk, mulling over some paper work.

“Sheriff, ya want me to go on a lunch run for ya?” Enos asked

“I thought you were having lunch with Val today?” Rosco countered as he looked up from what he was working on.

“Um… not today sir. Val… has some business to attend to today.”

“It wouldn’t happen to be with Doc Herburt’s boy now would it?” Rosco chuckled.

Enos’s jaw dropped a little, “How’d…”

“I seen him go into Val’s office Enos.” Rosco replied flatly, “I’d like a Tuna on Rye, with some of those cookie’s that Daisy makes.”

Enos nodded, “So from the Nest then?”

“Well, Miss Daisy Duke don’t work at the Café now does she dipstick?” Rosco snapped slightly.

“Yes, Sheriff sir. Anything else?”

“A rootbeer to drink would be good.” Rosco answered.

“Be back in two shakes of a lamb’s tail, sir.”

“Alright… oh and Enos.”

“Yes sir…”

“Sorry about the dipstick thing… your sister will be fine. Don’t worry.”

“Thank you sir.” With that the Deputy Sheriff left the booking room and headed to his patrol car to go pick up lunch. However, before he went to the Boar’s Nest he wanted to see his parents. The white Plymouth made it’s way down the dirt roads to a white farmhouse on a hill. There was a barn across from the house. The deputy parked his patrol car in the drive and walked up to the barn where an elderly man stood with a dog.

“Hey, Dad what’s up?” Enos smiled as he approached his father.

The elderly man which was his father frowned as he stared at the dog before him. The dog was a blood hound, bred for coon hunting. However it looked as if it was limping.

“Ellie’s limpin’. I think the cow stepped on her or she got in a fight with something and got hurt.” Ed frowned as he stared at the dog.

“Oh… well ain’t she one of your best coon dogs?” Enos asked.

“Yep. That’s why she’s still not for sale when anyone asks. She needs to see the vet.”

“I can take her for ya Dad. It’s no problem. I’m on my lunch hour and I can drop her off there.”

“Ain’t you having lunch with your sister today?”

“She… had some things she needs to finish up on.” Enos quickly answered.

Ed looked at his son for a moment then went back into the barn to get something and came out. He held a leash in his hand when he came back out, “This is Ellie’s leash. Take’er in and let Doc Herbert take a look at her.”

The son nodded and put the leash on the dog. He then took the coon dog to the Plymouth and left for the veterinarian office.

* * * * * * * *

Meanwhile in Doctor Herbert’s veterinarian practice…

Kurt walked down the hall way of his father’s clinic talking to his dad, Fred Herbert, about things going on around town.

“So, are you going to do that Bull ring insertion for me on Saturday?” The senior animal doctor asked.

“Yeah, I plan on it.” Kurt replied, “Why does Mr. Duke need it done on Saturday?”

“Jesse told me because he’s taking this little one to a sale on Sunday. He wants the bull ring in because it’s suppose to be sold as a bull. Plus it’s safer to have a ring in. You know that Kurt.”

“Yes sir… but since when did Mr. Duke get involved in cattle, Dad?”

“Oh, Jesse just bought an old pregnant cow from one of the local auctions. It had a calf. Now he wants to sell the calf. Not bad business deal.”

“No not bad at all…” Kurt answered his father as they were now in the waiting area of the clinic. No one was in the area. Kurt knew he would have to meet Valerie for lunch, “Dad, I was thinking about asking Val Strate to help me put the bull ring in that calf over at the Dukes place on Saturday. You think she would like that?”

Fred shrugged, “I don’t see why it would be a problem. You’re the one doing the procedure. She knows enough about animals and livestock that she wouldn’t be a problem. Plus, I know she’s friends with the Dukes. She’d probably have fun doing that with you Kurt.”

“Yeah, that’s kind of what I figured. Well, I have to get going to go see her for lunch.” Kurt explained. While the two men where talking. Enos approached the door and walked in unnoticed with the coon dog in his arms.

“So you have the ring for Saturday day?” Doctor Herbert asked his son.

“Yes, dad I do.”

“You think she’ll say yes to the idea?”

“Oh dad it’s a sure thing. She’ll want to.”

The father grinned to his son, “Alright, Good luck with it.”

Kurt nodded and smiled, “Yep, I’m gonna ask her right now. I’m having lunch with her.”

“Well, I hope she’s says yes, cause that’s going to be a big undertaking Saturday. You’ll probably need her.” The older doctor replied as he waved to his son. “Bye son take care.”

“Yep, see ya Dad.” With that Kurt left. Kurt had just noticed Enos as he was leaving. He smiled to the Deputy on his way out.

Enos however had paled. He was thinking about what the father and son where saying to one another. So you have the ring for Saturday day? You think she’ll say yes to the idea? Yep, I’m gonna ask her right now. I’m having lunch with her. The deputy sheriff dropped the dog in his arms and whispered, “Possum on a gumbush…” with eyes like saucers.

The poor dog yelped as it landed on the floor, quickly bringing Enos back to consciousnesses. Fred looked over at the Strate with a peculiar look, “Can I help you Enos?”

“Oh! Um… yes, Ellie! The dog! She has a bad foot and Dad wanted me to drop, I mean, get her looked at.” Enos edgily answered Dr. Herbert.

Fred noticed that the Deputy some how felt uncomfortable, but never the less accepted the dog, “She’ll be in good hands Enos. I’ll look at her and get back with your father for you. Thank you for dropping her off.”

“Yer welcome Doc. I just know Dad, loves Ellie very much. She is his best hound dog and well… I’m sure he’ll appreciate it!” the agitated deputy answered some how he felt he wasn’t just talking about the dog anymore, “Well, I have to go Doc. I gotta get back to work fore’ the Sheriff comes lookin’ for me, cause I’m late with his sandwich.”

The animal doctor smiled and waved goodbye to the Deputy Sheriff as he left. Enos took in a deep breath as he was now approaching his car. Thoughts of his sister, Kurt Herbert, and the words that had just been said, raced in his mind. He opened the door and started the car up. He was happy for his sister, but yet it seemed like such a shock. Kurt had been gone along time. Val never really even dated Kurt. The pair always seemed like they might make an excellent couple someday but they were always going their own ways that kept them apart. Why now? Why the sudden change? These type of questions plagued Enos’s mind as he drove to the Boar’s Nest.

* * * * * *

The Game Warden lay on a blanket with her hand propping up her head. In her other hand was a wine goblet with grape juice in it. In front of her was Kurt, singing for her.

“The Cowboy’s say Valerie is a fine girl. What a good wife you would be… But my life my love, and my lady is the…. Um… Val what rhymes with sea or Valerie?” the sandy haired veterinarian chuckled as he was serenading the Strate woman. Kurt was kneeling on the grass in front of the picnic blanket singing for Val. The Game Warden chuckled and set her wine glass down on the blanket. Kurt smiled as he reached out and grasp her hand.

“Um… prairie would work.” She giggled then took the glass goblet of grape juice to her lips and sipped some of the liquid.

“Ok… Let me start again… ahem… The Cowboy’s say Valerie is a fine gal. What a good wife she would be… But my life, love, and my lady is the prairieeeeeeeee…..” He howled out the last note.

Val threw her head back in laughter, “Only you… I wouldn’t quit my day job if I were you Kurtis.”

“Well, at least I can cook!” He grinned giving her a sandwich that was wrapped in plastic wrap.

“I hardly call club sandwiches, cooking Kurt.” Val grinned as she unwrapped her sandwich.

“Trust me Val, they will be the best you ever had.”

“Is that a fact?” she replied eyeing him then eyeing the sandwich in her hand.

“That’s a fact!” He grinned, “Just try it. I know you’ll like it.”

“What is it?”

“Just try it.”

Val shrugged and took a bite of the sandwich. The flavor’s melted in her mouth, “Mmmm, Kurt… what’d you put in this? It tastes soooo good.”

“Love.” He grinned.

Val looked at him after that first bite of sandwich. She quickly swallowed it down and took a sip of her grape juice to wash it down. Then she play punched him in the shoulder and laughed, “Sap!”

“Oooww!” He chuckled then rubbed the spot were she hit him and watched her. His gray eyes connected with hers and an old connection seemed to come back.

Valerie set the grape juice down, sat up and swiftly with gentle force, pressed her lips to his, then pulled away. A blank look was on his face but then a smile curled his lips.

Val then looked sheepishly at him and blushed, “Sorry… I just thought…”

“No, it’s ok…” Kurt smiled then came next to her and gently rubbed her back, “I thought you would.”

Val could feel the blood rush to her cheeks. She smiled and looked up into his brown eyes, “Well… how do you feel about that?”

“Honestly… I’m flattered.” He grinned softly still admiring her.

Val’s face quickly fell, “But you don’t feel that way. Do you?”

“I didn’t say that.” Kurt grinned with a devilish glance. With that he pulled her in his arms and passionately kissed her lips. He then pulled back and looked at her, “How do you feel about this subject?”

“About what? About ‘us’?” she asked blankly.


Val then composed herself and took a drink of grape juice, “I always kind have had feelings… but I thought you didn’t…”

“I know… I felt them too. I never should have kissed Gale that night.” He gazed back dreamily and cutting her off.

She then looked startled at him, “You have? I’ve always thought you just liked me as a friend after all that. I mean… I kind of always wanted to be with you again but I thought…”

“This is about Gale, ain’t it?”

“Um… sort of…”

“I did love Gale at one time. But I realized it really wasn’t Gale I always cared about.”

“Oh… I see…”

“So do you still care about me?”

“Yeah… I always had. But I mean… is this for real Kurt or is this for right now?” she asked and looked at him while spinning the stem of the goblet between her fingers.

“I don’t know… you tell me.” He then leaned in for another kiss and she stopped him gentle with her hand. The Game Warden gave an uneasy chuckle and put on a soft smile to save face, “Uh… no… um…I can’t take that for an answer…”

Kurt sighed and looked at her, “What? I mean wouldn’t you want to start dating me?”

“Well that means that you’ll be staying here in Hazzard then? Or you’ll be coming back?” Val asked and took a sip of grape juice.

“Well… I’d come back sometime. I’d come back to see you and my folks of course.”

“Ok… um… so let’s say we agree to this… Where would we live, in Wyoming or here in Hazzard? Have you ever thought about taking up your father’s practice or becoming a partner with him?”

Kurt looked at her softly, “Yes, my father has already made plans for me to take over the clinic but it is going be a while yet before I do. It will be a good ten years yet, before he hands it over to me. Besides I have a nice position with the cattle company and I’m saving up for a place of my own and for time for me to take over the old clinic.”

“So how long do you think this courting will go on? Especially if you and I are apart again?”

Kurt got a sullen face, “I was thinking you would want to move out west with me someday. Forest Rangers and Wildlife Officers are always in demand out there. I would think you could find a job easily Val.”

A concerned look came to the Game Warden’s face, “I can’t leave now…”

“But why? You have training to go out west Val. Wasn’t it always your dream to make a difference somewhere…” Kurt then stopped and realized what he was saying as he looked at her and saw the uniform, “But here you already are…”

Val just nodded in response as she looked at him. They both sat there in silence for a moment.

“Why is it we can never seem to be together Val?” Kurt chuckled then touched her cheek.

She took hold of his hand in response and gently pulled it down and held it in both her hands, “I don’t know. I’ve asked that question for years Kurt. No… I haven’t been pining over you forever… but….”

“You’ve always thought about some day.”

“I’ve always thought about some day.” She giggled in response then gave him a quick peck on the cheek, “Maybe we can have this conversation in ten years from now…”


“Look don’t just wait for me. If you happen to still be single and you know I happen to still be…” she added to save face with him.


“Right… that maybe we can… you know…”

“Hook up someday? Val, I know. I’ll keep it in mind.” Kurt chuckled as he grasp the little hand that was grasping his, “You know a lot can happen in ten years Val.”

“But if it’s meant to be. It’s meant to be. I mean gosh it’s been as long as it’s been now. If it’s right, we’ll be together someday.”

Kurt sighed as he looked at her, “Well you’re right. But I hate the thought of passing you up.”

“Kurt… there will be time. Someday…” she answered then kissed him on the lips softly and discreetly.

They looked at one another for a moment. Then Kurt looked at the things around him, “Well, we better clean up. I better let you get back to work.”

“Yeah… I’m sorry…”

“Val don’t be…” Kurt chuckled and picked up some things, “Would you like to go over to Jesse Duke’s on Saturday and help me put a bull ring in a calf’s nose?”

“Sure. Jesse Duke has a bull?”

“Yeah, he’s going to be taking it to a sale on Sunday. He told me it needed a ring in the nose to help sell it.”

“Bulls do sell better if they have a ring in them. Just because it’s safer with a ring in the nose.”

“Exactly. So can I count on your help?” Kurt asked her.

“Yep. You can count on it.” Val smiled in return and gave him a handshake. Kurt laughed and the pair began to pick up the picnic mess.

* * * * * * * * * *

Strate Farm – 1968

Valerie sat in her desk chair holding the thermometer to the light bulb in the desk lap, watching the mercury rise up the glass tube. She had to be careful that she didn’t get it too hot. If she stuck it in her mouth and her mother read the numbers at a temperature over one hundred one degrees she’d be sent to Tri-county hospital for sure, or get a visit from Doc Applebee. No, she had to get it to read one hundred point five. It was a justifiable temperature to keep her home but nothing to alter the doctor or hospital about. She chewed on her lower lip then whispered to her self the numbers as she was watching the red line creep across, “Point one… point two… come on… point three…point four…”

“A hundred point five is ideal, you might want to try for point eight though because it’s gonna cool off a bit in your mouth.” A female voice spoke behind Valerie as she nearly jumped out of the pajamas she was wearing. Slowly Valerie turned around to see her older sister Josephine standing in the doorframe with her arms crossed.

“What are you doin’ home? Ain’t you gotta work at the Nest to get ready for the big shin dig that’s suppose to be this weekend?” Val snapped then turned her attention back to the thermometer.

Joe stepped into the room, “Boss sent me home because he had too many waitresses there decorating. We got it done faster than we thought so he sent me home because he didn’t want to pay me more over time than he had to. What are you doing, trying to skip school?”

“Look, please don’t tell on me… I need to skip today. Please Joe… Please…” Val begged her older sister.

Josephine came into the room and took a seat on her bed that was next to her sister’s, “Val, you haven’t skipped a day of school in your entire life. Why do you suddenly have to now?”

“I’m going to go a state cattleman’s convention with Kurt in Savannah… It’s going on right now at the Savannah fair grounds, and Kurt and Doctor Herburt are going. Doc Herburt is going to have a display booth down there to advertising his practice and he said Kurt could go with him and walk around. Kurt asked his dad if I could come to and he said he didn’t care as long as it was ok for me to miss school.” Val answered.

“Why didn’t you just ask mom and dad? I’m sure they’d let you go.” Joe explained tucking her feet up to sit Indian style on her bed.

“I did… Mom said I could go. Dad said I couldn’t.” Val sighed and her shoulders slumped.

“Oh… did he say why?” the older sister asked tilting her head.

“Not really… I don’t think he like Kurt.”

“That’s strange Val, because dad gets along well with Doctor Herburt and I’ve never heard him say an ill word against him or his family.”

Val shrugged then pulled the thermometer away from the light bulb, “It’s at 100.8. Now what?”

“Blow on it gently so you don’t lower the temperature too much but it don’t burn your tongue. Then stick it under your tongue.”

“You mean, you’re not going to tell on me?” Val asked as she put the glass rod under her tongue.

Josephine got up and helped tuck her younger sister into bed, “No, I’m not… Look, you’re going to need a wing man to help you pull this stunt off. Mom will see through this if you don’t do it right. She’ll believe you more if I’m in on it too.”

“Joe… why you doin’ this?” Valerie mumbled with the thermometer in her mouth.

“Ssshhh… Just relax. I’ll go talk to mom. Just pretend you’re sick.” The strawberry blond sister then walked to the door.

“Joe! Why?”

Josephine ducked her head back, “Would you hush!… Besides who am I to stand in the way of true love?”

The cattleman convention was huge. Valerie had never seen so many different breeds, types, and shapes of cattle. Who knew that they came in so many different colors and sizes? Kurt held her hand as they walked up and down the aisle ways admiring the different exhibits. They talked idly and looked at the different animals with interest. They checked in with his father every so often and at the end of the night they helped Doctor Herburt and his wife take down the display. On the way home they stopped at a nice restaurant. The talk was light and friendly and entertaining. It was probably the first time she really got to sit down and meet the Herburts. The restaurant was a nice steak house on the outskirts of Savannah. The tables were covered with white linens and cloth napkins on the glass plates.

“So Valerie dear, you’re a junior in high school right? Same grade as Kurt?” Mrs. Herburt asked as she took a sip of her water glass.

Val nodded shyly, “Yes, we’re in agriculture class together.”

“Oh… that must be fascinating. So want do you wish to do with your life after high school?” Mrs. Herburt asked watching her son and husband.

“Well… I hope to go to college on academic scholarship ma’am.” She answered then smoothed her napkin that was on her lap with her hands. She was getting the girlfriend quiz and she knew it.

This seemed to please Mrs. Herburt, because she gave a genuine smile, “Well, the Hazzard County Ladies Aid Foundation is offering scholarships every year to young women interested in higher education. I think you should apply. Kurtis has told us much of you and your family is respected in Hazzard County. I’m sure you’d be a shoe in for it.” Mrs. Herburt then winked and put her hand over Valerie’s, “Besides… it always helps to have a recommendation from the president of the organization.”

Valerie blushed at Mrs. Herburt’s words. She felt honored. The food soon came and the waiter placed the plates down in front of each person. Valerie thanked the waiter when her food was set down before her. She caught Mrs. Herburt watching her as she did so. She just smiled politely. Don’t worry Mrs. H; I’ll take good care of your baby boy.

* * * * * * *

Present 1982 

The Deputy Sheriff arrived at the Boar’s Nest. He quickly walked in and took a seat at the bar where Daisy was wiping out a glass.

“Hi, Daisy. I need a tuna on rye for the Sheriff with some of those cookies ya make and a root beer to drink for’em. That order is all to go.” Enos asked her politely.

“Ok Enos, anything you want?” Daisy asked.

“Just the usual Daisy.”

“Chicken salad on wheat with a buttermilk?”


“C’moning up. Any cookies?”

“No thank you Daisy.”

“Ok, suit yourself. That chicken salad to go too?” Daisy answered the ducked back into the kitchen area to make the sandwiches and get the cookies.

“No. I’ll eat it here.”

She came back with the items that were ordered. She had the Sheriff’s order in a brown paper sack and handed it to Enos. He placed it on the bar next to himself. She then handed him the sandwich and buttermilk. He unwrapped his sandwich and began to eat it.

“So what’s on your mind Enos Strate?” Daisy asked casually as she resumed wiping out beer mugs.

He looked up quickly after swallowing what he had in his mouth and took a drink to wash it down, “Nothin’ much. Why?”

“Well, you look like you got a lot on your mind Enos. I just thought maybe I could help you by lettin’ you let it out.” She smiled sweetly.

“It’s my sister…” Enos confined.

Daisy propped her head up with her hand as she listened to him speak. She looked at him to let him know to continue with what he was saying.

“You know Kurt Herbert’s back in town now.”

“Yeah… so why does this concern her?”

Enos looked at Daisy with concerned eyes, “She’s liked Kurt since high school and I think he likes her.”

“Why is that bad?”

Enos took a sigh, “You don’t understand Daisy. He lives and works in Wyoming. Not too long ago I heard him talking to his father.”


“Marrying Val!”

Daisy stood up straight and put her hand to her lips and whispered, “You’re kiddin’!”

“No joke Daisy… He and his dad were talking about him getting married to Val.”

“Does she know? Has she accepted yet?”

“I don’t think so, because Kurt said something about asking her at lunch, which is what she’s doing now.”

“Oh gosh! Enos, this would be a big step for her. Why every woman dreams of her wedding day. You should be happy for her.”

“I am Daisy… some what but…”


“They’ve dated Daisy and they went through a lot. I sure would miss Val if they got married and she moved away with’em.” Enos sighed, “I remember what it was like when she lived in Ohio.”

“Enos, sug, she’ll be alright. Val’s very independent. She can take care of herself. I know you’ll miss her but you have to let her go where her heart is.” Daisy placed her hand over his and squeezed it gently.

He nodded. He knew Daisy was right. It just seemed hard to him. Maybe it was because she just came home not to long ago. He then looked at Daisy and smiled hopefully, “Who knows, I might get to be Kurt’s best man. ‘Cause Kurt don’t have any brothers and we played football together in high school.”

Daisy grinned, “Maybe so… but isn’t it better to look at it that way instead of stewin’ over it?”

Enos smiled brightly at Daisy then finished his sandwich, “Thank ya Daisy. You helped a lot.”

“Any time… tell Val congrads for me if she say’s yes.” Daisy called to him as he left.

As Enos left, little did anyone know but Maybell (Boss’s cousin) over heard Enos speak to Daisy about the subject. Maybell was just having lunch and was on her way to get her hair done at the Hazzard Beauty Shop. Now folks if you know how women are at beauty shops, just imagine ol’Maybell the town gossip in one. Uh huh… Ya’ll get what’s going on. Pretty soon word got all over town that Doc Herbert’s boy Kurt Herbert and Val Strate were getting married.

* * * * * * *

Val got back to the courthouse about the same time that Enos arrived with the Sheriff’s lunch. The Game Warden walked up the steps and inside the courthouse. Enos rushed out of the patrol car and chased after his sister. He came up behind her in the courthouse hall, “Hey Val!”

“Oh! Hey ‘E’ what’s cookin’?” she asked her brother.

“Um I was just wondering how your lunch went?” Enos asked.

“Great! It was good to see Kurt again.” She answered.

“Did he give you the ring?” Enos inquired hoping to find out what her answer to Kurt’s supposed proposal.

“No…” Val answered a little perplexed. Why would he give me a bullring?

Enos then looked at his sister a little confused about what he should ask next, “Well did he ask ya?”

“Yeah, he asked me.”

The startled deputy blinked then inquired again, “Oh? Well, did you accept?”

“Yeah… why not. It sounds fun.” Val replied and shrugged. Gee for putting a bullring in a calf’s nose he sure is making a big deal about it.

“So when’s the date?”

“Saturday.” Val looked oddly at her brother.

“Saturday!” Enos squeaked, “Ain’t that…”

“A little late? Yeah I know, but he wants to shoot for Saturday. I should have told him I could have been ready for tomorrow.” Val replied as she began to open the door to her office.


“Relax, ‘E’ it’ll be alright. You don’t work Saturday right?”


“Well, you can come along too.”

“I was kind of planning on it Val…”

“Oh! I didn’t know he asked you.”

“He…” Enos was about to explain when Val cut him off.

“Just be ready to go to the Duke farm by one farm because I think we’re gonna start at one thirty. Kurt wants to get on the plane to Wyoming by six that afternoon. So just be ready to go at one.”

Enos just looked at his sister with a mystified expression to his sister’s planning skills, “The Dukes are hosting? Ok, I’ll be there. Do Mom and Dad know?”

Val looked oddly back at her brother, “Well yeah… Why do Mom and Dad need to know?”

Enos’s jaw dropped, “B-b-but…”

“Alright if you think I should tell them, I will. I’ll take care of it ‘E’. Have a great afternoon.”

Enos just stood there in shock as his sister ducked into her office and left him at her door. He then got his wits about himself and knocked on her door. Val of course opened it and looked at her brother, “Did you forget something?”

“Yeah…” Enos answered then gave her a huge bear hug.

“Ok?… Thank you… Um… Enos, you’re squishin’ me.”

“Oh sorry… Well, I just hope you’re happy Val.” Enos answered and turned away and headed to the Sheriff’s Department Office Door, leaving his perplexed sister in her office.

* * * * * *

The Saturday morning came and the Game Warden dressed for the job. Adorned in a pair of tight faded blue jeans with a little hole in the left knee, and an old faded gray t-shirt that had the rolling stones emblem on it and a pair of rubber muck boots on her feet, she waited on the porch swing. In her hand was a pair of worn leather gloves and a plastic bag that held her tennis shoes. Val’s feet gently pushed against the wooden porch floor as she awaited for the veterinarian’s truck to pull into the stone drive. Soon enough the F-150 diesel pulled into the drive. A smile spread across her pig-tailed face. Getting up from the swing and heading to the truck her, father came out onto the porch with a coffee mug in hand, “Have fun. See ya when you get home.”

“I will paw. Bye…” She grinned as she turned and walked backward to the truck and waved to her father.

He waved back and watched her get into the truck. Kurt started the engine to the truck and backed out of the drive, “So, ya sleep well?”

“Like a baby.” She grinned playfully and put her seat belt on.

Kurt smiled as he gripped the wheel and headed toward the Duke farm as soon as they were out of the drive, “That’s good. My plane leaves at four. I was wondering if you could take me to the airport then drive my dad’s truck home?” He then patted the steering wheel.

“Yeah, no problem. You all packed and ready to go?” She questioned.

He nodded, “My bags are in the back. After this vet call at the Dukes, I need to be up at Atlanta airport.”

“Oh ok… Gosh, it seems so short… I mean just our time together an all.” Valerie reflected as she played with the leather gloves on her lap.

The brown haired cowboy grinned to the woman next to him, “Yeah, it’s been fun.”

Valerie looked out her window and watched all the farmland and forest pass by. A short silence passed between them both then Kurt spoke again, “You remember when you use to show cattle at the county fair? You were always the best cattlewoman in Hazzard County at sixteen. You won showmanship six years in a row. No one could touch you when you shown steers, and people tried to, too!”

Val blushed at this slightly still looking out the window.

“Remember when we were going to school at Ohio State, I remember you scoring the highest in the fitting contests, on the livestock team, and in the showmanship contests. Val… Why did you leave the cattle business?” Kurt asked questionably.

She turned from the window to look at Kurt and paused. She knew why she switched majors in college but not many people did know why. Part of it was the gain at new and greater opportunity. Another part was because of a broken dream, which was now staring her in the face again after fifteen plus years, “You know there are only three ways to be successful in that business Kurt. You either have to be a child of a veterinarian, or a cattle rancher, or get involved with one of those two. My father may farm but he’s no cattle rancher. He’s not a veterinarian either.”

Kurt was silent for the rest of the way but an unspoken message was clear. Soon they arrived at the Duke farm and all reminiscing was over and business started. They both got out of the truck to see many cars parked in the yard.

“Are they having a party or something?” Kurt looked quizzically to his temporary assistant. He was dressed in blue cover-alls and walked to the tool boxes that were in the back end of the truck that held all his medications and tools for animal husbandry.

Valerie shrugged and took the metal bucket full of supplies that he handed her when she came over to his tool box. Suddenly Enos and Daisy came from behind the barn rushing to the Vet’s truck. Daisy was in a blue flower dress with a bouquet of flowers in her hand and Enos was dressed in a suit.

“Ok, Pastor Wilson is on his way. Everything’s setup for ya’ll. I know ya ain’t got much time…” Daisy explained as her and Enos approached.

Enos nodded then shrieked, “Where’s yer clothes? Don’t you have a dress Val?!”

“Dress? Pastor Wilson? What’s going on?” Val asked now utterly confused then looked to Kurt, “Do you know what’s going on? I thought we were putting a bull ring in a calf’s nose.”

Just then the General Lee pulled behind the veterinarian’s pickup with Coy, Vance and Jesse.

“Daisy? What are you doin’ in Sunday clothes? We got a vet call to worry about and you’re not even dressed for it, and what’s Enos doing here in his Sunday suit?” the elder Duke questioned as he squeezed through the orange Charger’s window and Vance helped him.

“Uncle Jesse! Val Strate and Kurt Herbert are getting married. He proposed to her yesterday during her lunch hour.” Daisy exclaimed.

“That’s right Uncle Jesse sir, they need to get goin’ cause their plane leaves at four o’clock and the Pastor should be coming’ any minute now.” Enos added then looked to his sister, “Where’s Mama and Papa?”

Kurt then looked at Enos then to Val and chuckled slightly realizing what all went on, “Oh geeze… No, no… Oh I think I know where we went wrong here.”

“Yeah, where did you get the idea that we were getting married?” Val blinked as she looked to her twin in confusion.

“I over heard Kurt say he was gonna propose to you during yer lunch hour. When you said you was goin’ on a ‘lunch date’ with’em, I just figured ya know… Then when ya came back you said that you said ‘yes’ to’em, then you told me it’d be at one thirty at the Duke farm and that you and Kurt were gonna leave for Wyoming and wanted to get there by six o’clock Saturday!” Enos squeaked as he nervously rambled and played with his fingers as he looked to his sister.

“Oh Enos!” Valerie sighed slightly in regret, “I’m sorry… Kurt and I did talk about things like that but he never purposed to me. He asked me to help him put a bull ring in the Duke’s new bull calf’s nose.”

Kurt smiled sheepishly and put a hand to his mouth to stifle any laughter he had, “Yeah… uh, Enos, when you came into the office. Dad and I were talking about a bull ring and asking Val to go. I’m sorry, it wasn’t about marriage.”

The deputy’s shoulders slumped and he looked at the people gathered around him. Glancing from his sister to Kurt he sighed and answered in a slightly defeated tone, “Ya’ll mean, ya ain’t gettin’ married now?”

Daisy, Coy, Vance and Jesse stood around the twins and Dr. Herburt watching with a little amusement in their faces realizing what had just happened.

“No, Enos, Kurt and me aren’t getting married.” Valerie answered quietly then reached out for her brother’s hand and cupped it in her own to comfort him.

Enos looked dumbfounded at the rest of the group and at his sister. Suddenly a bright smile spread to his face, “So this mean ya ain’t leaving Hazzard then?!”

The sister smiled and pulled her twin into a hug, “No Enos, I am not leaving Hazzard.”

With that the off-duty deputy sighed in relief. With his eyes closed and holding her warmth hugged his twin sister back. She rubbed his back quick then patted it, “Come on. Kurt has a bullring he needs to put in Mr. Duke’s bull and a plane to catch.”

The Dukes all looked to one another and smiled. A few of the ‘wedding guests’ had drifted back from behind the barn where everything was set up to see what was going on. Once Uncle Jesse explained to everyone that it was all a misunderstanding, and he’d pull out his fiddle after they finished putting the bullring in, the guests seemed to be calmed down.  Ya see he didn’t want to see the good food that Daisy made for the makeshift ‘wedding’ go to waste. Which after Kurt finished the procedure, which went faster than he thought it would, he cleaned up and partied with the Dukes and Strate twins until it was time for Val to take him to the airport.

Valerie looked over to Kurt as the pick up truck sped down the highway toward Atlanta. Chuckling and shaking her head in disbelief at the day’s events, “I can’t believe they actually thought you were going to propose to me, and we were gonna be going back to Wyoming together! I mean that’s crazy!”

Kurt looked out the window and snorted slightly. With a smile he answered, “Yep, crazy.”

“I mean, really… who would get married in such short notice. Sure there’s less hassle of things but I mean really…” Val reasoned then glanced over at Kurt, “Daisy did make some good food though.”

“Yeah… she sure did. I’ve missed Hazzard cooking.” He answered then sighed, “Better get use to it.”

Val nodded and noted the regret in his voice but didn’t question it. They were starting to get into Atlanta. Soon they were in the parking lot to the airport and walking inside. She walked with Kurt all the way to the terminal.

“Well, I guess this is goodbye…” Kurt flashed a bittersweet smile to her. His own grey eyes meeting hers. Longingly looking back at one of the closest female friends he had, with a suit case in each hand.

“Yeah…” She swallowed hard. As she knew she was captive to the gaze, lost to the sandy haired cowboy’s charms.

He set the suit cases down then put his curled index finger under her chin lifting it up slightly. Leaning forward and pressing his full lips to her soft feminine ones in a tender loving kiss. Her body felt like jello as the loving gesture took place and her eyes closed as she got lost in the moment. For that moment, something stirred inside but vanished once the eyes opened again.

“Um… Kurt…” she stammered but was instantly hushed with his fingers placed to her lips.

“There is always someday…” He replied then pulled out an envelope and placed it into her hands, “Don’t open it till you get back home. Take care Valerie… I’ll be back someday.”

With that, he picked up his suitcases and walked to the airport terminal gate and boarded the plane. All Valerie could do was watch. She gripped the letter in her hands tight and felt her throat tight and unable to speak as he left. She then turned away and walked back to the truck and headed back home to Hazzard. She dropped the truck off at Fred Herburt’s house. Enos picked her up from the Herburt’s place and took her back home. Enos noted her quite manner during the ride and wanted to question it further but something told him not to. He couldn’t help but notice the envelope she clutched in her hands. She seemed pensive the entire trip. When they pulled into the drive to their parent’s farmstead, he shut off the station wagon and got out when she did. Twilight was approaching. He stopped her grabbing her shoulder and looking into her face as she came around the car, “Talk to me…”

Valerie shook her head ‘no’ in response then wrapped her arms around her brother for a quick hug. He sighed rubbed her back, “I got all night Val…”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

Enos let go of her then nodded giving her a silent ‘ok’.

“Maybe I’ll be ready to in ten years…” she mumbled and wiped a bit of moisture from the corner of her eye.

Hearing her soft muttering and taking note of her sullen expression he wasn’t going to go any farther. However he decided to leave her with some words of comfort, “Val, ten years is a long time, a lot can happen in ten years. One thing’s certain; I hope I have another ten years with ya in Hazzard.”

She looked back at him and gave her brother a smile which seemed to break her somber mood, “That my dear brother, I can pretty much guarantee.”

The End… (At least for now)

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