The Rangers, Part Two

by: JessieMae Duke and Amanda Robson

Snake Harbin and Larry Turnolt wait till they’re sure
the girls aren’t chasing them before they hijack the
truck they escaped in and head back into town. “I
think we oughta break into the Records Office and see
if there’s any local criminals around here that can
help us out!” Snake says, glancing over at Larry as
they near Hazzard. Larry nods. “Sounds good to me!” He
says. Snake replies with a nod and pulls the truck up
to the curb beside the county building.

The two men watch as County Commissioner, Jefferson
Davis Hogg leaves the building in a hurry. He races
down the steps and climbs into the back of a white
Cadillac. Larry is about to push his door open when
Snake stops him, “Wait.” Larry raises a bushy eyebrow
and sits back in his seat. They watch, their dark eyes
fixed on the door of the building. Sheriff Rosco
Coltrane jogs out of the door locking it behind him
and races to his white patrol car. Rosco leaves just
as quickly, following the cadi out of town.

“Now we go.” Snake mutters in a husky voice. Larry
nods and pushes his door open and steps out onto the
sidewalk as Snake does the same and walks around to
join him. The two men walk towards a window and notice
that it’s open a crack. Snake motions for Larry to
watch for anyone coming as he pushes the window up and
climbs inside. Larry glances quickly around and then
follows his partner. The two men go out the exit of
the office and walk to the door that says Records.
“Here it is!” Snake says as he opens the door and goes
inside. Larry follows his partner and glaces around
the room, “What exactly are we looking for?” Snake
mutters quietly as he pulls a filing cabinet drawer
open, “Someone in these parts who can help us.” Larry
nods and digs through a large folder marked “DUKE”.
“Ya mean like these fellas??” Snake looks up and
walks over to Larry and looks over his shoulder at the
folder in his hands.

“Hmmmm……Bo and Luke Duke!” He murmurs, his eyes
widening at the thick folder. Larry nods and flips
through it. “Yess they’ll come in handy! We just gotta
find em! Snake says, and looks at the address. “Mill
Pond Road! Let’s go find em!” He says and heads out
the door. Larry puts the folder in the pocket of his
long dress coat and hurries after his partner to the
window they had just come through. They slipped out
and closed the window, leaving it like they found it.
“Let’s go!” Snake says and hurries to the truck with
Larry close behind him. The two climb in the truck and
pull out a map of Hazzard. “There it is…” Larry
says. He points to a road sign, “If we follow that
road it will take us right to it.” Snake nods and
follows Larry’s directions. “What are we gonna say to
these fellas??” Larry ponders aloud. Snake smirks and
pats his gun on his hip, “We’ll just say whatever it
takes….” Larry snickers and puts his hand over his
own pistol.
Snake grins and starts the truck up and heads out of
Hazzard towards the Duke farm. He’s grinning from ear
to ear as he drives and looks over at Larry there’s an
evil grin on his face too. Snake pulls his gun out of
his pocket as they near the farm.

He pulls up outside and puts the truck in park and
they get out and walk to the door, hiding their guns
from sight until someone opens the door. Snake’s eyes
widen and he hides his gun behind his back. Larry’s
eyebrows raise high and he shoves his gun under his
coat. The waitress from the Boar’s Nest, Bo and Luke’s
cousin Daisy Duke, steps out. “Can I help you?” She
raises an eyebrow an smiles politely at the two men on
the porch. Snake returns as friendly a smile as he can
manage, “We’re looking for Bo and Luke Duke….are
they here??” Daisy replies, “They’re here…I mean
they live here, but they’re not home right now. I
don’t know where they are….maybe the boar’s nest.”
Snake nods and manages another polite smile. “And just
where might that be ma’am?” He asks curiously. Larry
looks at him with wide eyes, not wanting to go to too
many places since he knew those tow female Texas
Rangers were more then likely still in Hazzard. He was
angry enough with the dark haired Ranger. She’d given
his shoulder an awful wrench. Snake shook his head
silently at him somehow knowing what he’s thinking.
He’s angry with the Dark haired Ranger too. She’d put
a bullet in his shoulder.

Daisy smiles brightly, “I’m on my way there now! If
ya’ll want ya can follow me!” Snake raises an eyebrow
and turns to Larry, “Think we could follow the lady
pal?” Larry chuckles, as he silently eyes Daisy, “I
reckon we could do that. Daisy smiles nervously and
makes a note in her mind as she notices their texan
accents, ‘That’s more Texans, first those two ladies,
now these fellas.’ She thinks to herself as she walks
to her Jeep. “C’mon then.” She says to the two men.

Snake and Larry follow the young woman to the vehicles
in the yard and as they get in the stolen truck, she
gets in a jeep named Dixie and starts her engine,
waving at them, motioning them to follow her as she
pulls out of the yard. Snake smiles and waves back and
then follows the jeep and glances at Larry who’s
scowling. “This is way too easy!” Larry says, as he
watches the road ahead of them. Snake grins. “Don’t
worry about it partner! Them two Rangers ain’t
nowhere’s around so we’re in the clear!” He says.

Daisy glances nervously in the rear view mirror,
wondering who the two men are. She shrugs and heads
for the boar’s Nest with them hot on her tail.

Back in the truck Larry shrugs, “I guess, just so long
as they don’t show up….damn those two! Gawd I’d like
to get my hands on em.” Larry chuckles, “Ya know the
worst part…if they weren’t cops I’d date either of
em in a second.” Snake roars with laughter and nods in
agreement, “I know!!! it’s sad but true! Larry grins.
“Boy that dark haired gal sure has a fiery temper she
didn’t even hesitate in taking a shot at you!” He
says. Snake glares at him. “That ain’t funny Larry!”
He says as he watches the jeep stop in front of what
looks like a small bar. He pulls up next to her and
opens his door and gets out carefully keeping his gun
out of sight. Larry shakes his head and follows his
partner out of the truck.

Daisy quickly disappears into the confusion of the
dark tavern. The two criminals are left standing in
the doorway. “Well this ain’t helping, they could be
anyone of these fellas.” Snake mutters. Larry nods and
glaces around the room with a sharp eye, “Let’s ask
that guy.” Larry points to Ernie Ledbetter, a local
and aquiantance of the Duke family. Snake shrugs and
strolls over to the man, “Say mister…could ya tell
me where Bo and Luke Duke are at?” Ernie glances up
from his beer as he hears the thick Texas accent,
“Ain’t seen em! They haven’t been around.” He replies.
Larry sighs in frustration and stomps off towards the
door. Snake chuckles at Larry and tips his hat a
little to Ernie, “Thanks pal.” Ernie nods as Snake
turns and heads for the door too. He was seething. Not
only were those two female rangers around somewhere
but they can’t even find those two boys they’re after.
Snake sighs as he climbs into the truck after Larry
and starts the engine. “What are we gonna do now
Snake?” Larry asks. Snake shakes his head. “I dunno
Larry!” he says.


MJ smiles as she lays back in the passenger seat of
the Trans Am her barefeet resting on the dashboard.
Luke is laying across the seats with his head resting
against her stomach. “I’ve gotta find Lana…we have
to get working on this case.” Luke frowns up at her,
“Is that all you think about?” MJ raises an eyebrow
and glances down at him. She creases her brow as she
runs her hand through Luke’s hair. “No…” She smiles,
“I haven’t thought about it for the last little while
at all…” Luke smiles back up at MJ, “Good!” MJ
smiles warmly and reaches across Luke for the CB radio
mic. She puts it to her mouth and says, “This is Lil
Annie Oakley callin’ Good ol Calamity Jane? Ya out
there partner?”

Lana lifts her head up from where it was resting on
Bo’s chest where they’re laying stretched out in the
backseat of the General Lee. “Wonder what she wants?”
She mumbles. Bo shrugs and runs his fingers through
her long dark hair as she reaches up and grabs the Cb
mic off the seat. “Ya got Calamity Jane here Annie
Oakley! What’s your 20?” She asks. MJ shrugs and
looks out the window, she smirks and looks down at
Luke, “Well…let’s see, I’m in the car…with a six
foot two…blue-eyed, dark haired hunk. Other than
that…I can’t tell.” MJ smirks down at Luke as he
blushes furiously. Lana starts laughing and slaps the
back of the seat making Bo jump a little and stare at
her. “That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all day!”
She squeals as Bo leans over and starts nibbling at
her neck.

Luke creases his brow as he looks up at MJ,
“Thanks…” She smirks back and gives him a kiss on
the forehead, “You’re welcome hun.” MJ speaks into the
radio again, “Where would ya’ll like to meet?” Lana
sighs and looks at Bo. “How about Hazzard Pond?” He
says. Lana shrugs and turns back to the Cb. “How’s
Hazzard Pond sound?” She asks, as Bo wraps his arms
around her waist and pulls her back down in the seat
causing her to squeal. MJ and Luke cringe as the hear
the squeal over the radio. “My ears!” Luke cries, “She
always like that?” MJ shakes her head, “No. Never
heard her like that before.” MJ shrugs and replies
into the cb, “Hazzard Pond will do just fine, see ya
soon.” As MJ puts the radio away Luke sits up and
turns over. In a swift movement he sits back in the
driver’s seat with MJ close beside him. Her hip rests
against his and he gives her a soft kiss on her cheek.
“Let’s go…before you can’t…” MJ giggles wickedly
as she slides into her own seat and begins pulling her
boots on.

Lana sighs and gently pushes Bo away and sits back up
and climbs over the seat to the passenger side as Bo
climbs behind the wheel and starts the engine. Lana
smiles at him as he glances over at her before putting
the car in gear and heading out of the woods towards
the pond. “I really enjoyed being with you!” Bo says.
Lana smiles and slides across the seat resting her
head on his shoulder. ‘I enjoyed being with you too
Sugar!” She says. A few minutes later Bo pulls up to
the pond and turns off the engine and turns back to
look at her. “Just don’t go getting yourself killed ya
hear?” He asks. Lana laughs. “I’ll be fine blondie!”
She says.

Luke sighs, not wanting to go. MJ glances over with a
smile, “Go on plowboy…you know the way…I’m lost
out here.” Luke nods as he starts the Trans Am and
roars away to the other side of the pond. MJ smiles
contently as she puts her feet back on the dash. Her
smile quickly fades as the realization that after next
week Hazzard and Luke Duke are going to a memory, a
wonderful memory. The black muscle car skids to a stop
beside the General. Luke smiles and turns to MJ. He
puts his hand into her soft blonde hair and gives her
a deep kiss, “Be careful ok?” He pleads as he pulls
away from her. She smiles and and nods, “I’ll try.”
Lana sighs when she spots the Trans Am pull up beside
the General and turns to slide out the window but Bo
grabs her arm and pulls her back around to him.
“Promise me you’ll come back to me and you’ll stay
safe!” He says. Lana nods and kisses him before
sliding out the window and stepping over to the Trans
Am, her eyes full of a grim realization.

Luke sighs dejectedly, not happy with the
possibilities. He pulls himself from the Trans Am
giving MJ a slight wink before he turns to Lana. “Good
luck.” He says as he gives her a pat on the shoulder
and slides into the General. Lana smiles weakly at
Luke as he passes and then turns back to the Trans Am
and climbs up sliding through the window and starting
the engine. “Where too?” She asks MJ. Who sighs and
glances over at her partner, pushing her emotions to
the back of her mind. She replies, “Well, we oughta
find out if anybody’s seen em, go back to that bar. Go
into town. Go back and ask Sheriff Jackass to put up
some photos, warn people.” Lana nods and puts the car
in gear, her shoulders slumped as she heads for the
Boars Nest. She releases a long sigh and stares
longingly at the General before it disappears from
view. “Lana…let it go.” MJ says, her own eyes
watching the orange car in the side mirror. “Let’s
just catch these sonsofbitches, so we can get on with
our lives. So people don’t have to be frightened every
where they go.” Lana nods her eyes fixed on the road
ahead of her as she drives to the Boars Nest. She
sighs when she spots it and pulls up to the white jeep
with Dixie painted on the sides and an eagle emblem on
the hood. She slides out the window and drops easily
to the ground, heading for the door.

MJ hesitates looking around the parking lot. She
pulls her self out of the window and walks around to
all the cars in the parking lot. Almost every second
vehicle has the keys sitting on the dash or in the
ignition. She walks back to the trans am and plucks
her hat from the backseat. She gathers all the keys
and tosses them in. “Okay folks….if you left your
keys in yer car, and ya wanna get home come get em.”
MJ cries angrily as she steps into the doorway of the
Boar’s Nest. The wind blows in past her, whipping her
hair around her shoulders. The lowering sun casts her
shadow eerily across the floor. ‘That’s all we need,
is givin’ em getaway cars. That ain’t gonna helpful to
our situation’ She thinks to herself as she feels many
eyes on her. She dumps the keys on the floor and
places her hat on her head, pulling it low over her
eyes, as she steps over the keys the sunlight catches
her badge.

Lana stands just beyond MJ near the bar, her hands on
her hips, and her eyes roaming over everyone there.
The wind tosses her dark hair across her face but she
doesn’t bother pushing it back as she eyes the
patrons. “All right y’all! We wanna ask you some
questions before y’all get your keys and go home!” She
announces and leans back against the wall, making
herself look completely at ease but readying herself
for any trouble that may be caused.

MJ smirks and nods to the bartender. She holds up two
fingers. He quickly pours the drinks and slides the
mugs across the bar to her. “Uh…o-oooon T-the
H-HH-house.” He stutters as he looks from one woman to
the other. The two Texas Rangers now have the
attention of every man in the bar. MJ grins as she
rests one boot on the bar rail and takes a long drink
of her beer. She slams it down on the bar with a thud,
“That’s right…We’re looking for two fellas…Texans,
like us.” Lana nods and takes a gulp of her own drink
and sets it down on the bar just as the waitress that
had served them earlier came out into the room and
looks at them. “Did y’all say you was looking for two
men with a texan accent?” She asks, eyeing Lana. Lana
nods and takes another gulp of her drink and then eyes
the girl. “What do you know?” She asks. MJ glances
around the room and shooes the waitress and her
partner into a corner.

She strolls back into the bar and motions for all to
gather round. “Now fellas, these men are dangerous.”
She speaks in a low casual voice, “As Texas Rangers my
partner and I are askin’ for your help.” They stare in
awe at the mention of “Texas Ranger”. “Don’t leave yer
keys in yer vehicle for one. If you see them, don’t
try anything…they’re very bright and experienced.
Call us…or ” She grimaces, “The Sheriff. Leave it up
to us to take care of them. And if you’ve seen then or
heard them please leave a message with Deputy Strate.”
MJ smiles and drinks her beer down, “Excuse me
gentlemen.” She quickly moves to the corner with the
waitress and her partner to her the story.

Daisy looks at the two young women in surprise. They
couldn’t be any older then she was and here they were
Texas Rangers. She eyed the pretty brunette who had
first spoken to her. “Them fella’s showed up at the
farm looking for my two cousins and when they found
out they weren’t there they wanted to know where they
were! I told them that they might be over here and
they followed me here! They weren’t here very long and
then they left!” She says. Lana’s eyebrows rise and
she looks at MJ.

MJ glances back at her partner sharing the expression.
She turns back to Daisy, “Who did ya say yer cousins
were miss?” Daisy smiles and looks into the steely
grey, determined eyes of MJ, “Bo and Luke Duke.” MJ’s
eyes widen and she swallows hard. She snaps her head
quickly to look at Lana.

Lana’s eyes widen and she clenches her jaw as she
turns back to the waitress, neutralizing her
expression so no one can tell what she’s feeling. “Do
you have any idea why they were looking for your
cousins miss?” She asks. Daisy shakes her head and
smiles again at the girl, who’s brown eyes stared into
hers. “They never told me why!” She says. MJ sighs and
puts a hand on her partners shoulder and smiles warmly
at Daisy, “Thanks for your help, if you see Bo an Luke
please tell them we need to speak with them.” Daisy
nods and asks, “How will they reach you?” MJ raises an
eyebrow but smiles and replies, “They know…now
please take care and have a drink on behalf of the
Hazzard County Sheriff.” MJ winks and Daisy nods,
liking the idea of charging Rosco for a beer. “C’mon
Lana….we’ve gotta find them boys.” She turns sharply
on the heel of her boot and strides quickly out the

Lana sighs and follows behind her partner really
wanting to find Snake and Larry and taking her anger
out on them anyway she saw fit but a few deep breaths
helped her calm her nerves as they walked over to the
Trans Am. “Do you think we put them in danger MJ?” She
asks reluctantly. MJ stops in her tracks and replies,
“No.” She continues walking and slides into their
slick car. She mutters under her breath, “They knew
what they were getting into”.

Lana growls in frustration before stomping over to the
car and sliding in behind the wheel. She looks
thoughtful for a moment. “Where do you suggest we look
for them?” She asks as she starts the engine. MJ
shrugs, “I have no idea. We need to find Harbin an
Turnolt. And we need to find them now. This has
go….” Her words are cut of by the sound of Rosco’s
voice yelling into the CB, “This is Sheriff Rosco
PEEEEE. Coltrane callin the Texas Rangers!!” MJ
glances over at Lana, “What the hell does he want??
Lana shrugs and picks up the Cb mic. “This here’s
Lana, Sheriff Coltrane! Whatcha got?” She asks, and
looks at MJ out of the corner of her eye. “Someone
broke into the records office this afternoon. Maybe
ya’ll should come round to the station so we can
talk.” Rosco replies.

Lana nods and looks at MJ. “All right Sheriff we’re on
our way!” She says and puts the car in gear and heads
back towards Hazzard. The car skids around corners
throwing up dust and gravel but Lana doesn’t even
notice. She rounds the turn in Hazzard Square and
leaves black marks on the corner and skids to a stop
in front of the Police Station. MJ sits in the Trans
Am, lost deep in thought. She stares out the front
window and watches closely as a familar orange car
rounds the corner. “Lana go inside..I’ll catch up with
you in a minute. She slides over to the driver’s seat
and starts the powerful engine. She shifts into gear
and tears away from the courthouse, leaving Lana
standing on the sidewalk. ‘We don’t need to deal with
them now…they can wait.’ She thinks as she hides the
black car out of sight and dashes across the street to
the courthouse. Lana stares at her friend and then
catches a brief glimpse of the orange stock car and
realized what MJ was doing. She turns and walks to the
Police Station and slips through the door, nearly
tripping over a fat dog waddling towards the door as
she walked inside. The dog slips by her and continues
outside. Lana shrugs and walks in. “Sheriff!” She says
looking around.

MJ looks over her shoulder as the orange boat nears.
Her long legs carry her faster and she darts through
parked cars. She frowns when she sees the front bumper
of the Sheriff’s car resting against the back bumper
of the white Cadillac. She shakes her head and slides
gracefully across the hood of Rosco’s car on her hip.
MJ glances around as she bursts into the building,
nearly ramming into the back of Lana. Who turns
slightly as MJ barrels through the door nearly running
into her but at the last possible second she dodges
away and then quickly regains her balance as her eyes
wander around the Sheriff’s Station searching for the
Sheriff or his Deptuty. MJ’s boots slid on the smooth
floor as she stops herself and regains her composure.
“Well any sign of him??” Lana shakes her head and
searches around the room with her trained eyes,
looking for anything out of place. “Guess we’ll have
to go find him!” She says and starts for the hallway
to the Courthouse.

Rosco stands in the recods office, nothing appears out
of place to the two Texas Rangers as they enter. The
Sheriff turns and says, “Thanksh fer comin’ so quick!”
MJ nods as her eyes scan the room curiously. She
wonders how the Sheriff could possibly know that this
room had been broken into. There was nothing out of
place, nothing seemed to be missing, the only hint MJ
could see was the open window. She shook her head,
it’s a nice day, having an open window wouldn’t tip
the Sheriff off.

Lana’s eyebrows raise as she glances around the room.
There was nothing out of place.”Why on earth would he
call them if there was nothing out of place?’ She
wonders to herself as she wanders around the records
room, her eyes roaming over everything. “Okay Sheriff
you want to tell us what tipped you off?” She asks,
crossing her arms over her chest. MJ nods and rests
her hands on her hips, waiting quietly for his

The Sheriff takes a step back and looks from one woman
to the other, “Jit! There’s shomething very important
misshin’!!” He cries. Lana eyebrows shoot up and she
shifts her position slightly as she eyes the Sheriff,
not understanding what he’s talking about. “And just
what is it that’s missing that’s so important?” She
asks. The Sheriff grimaces and his face wrinkles,
“Gyuck!Jit!! I shpeshial file! An if I don’t get it
back…Ah’m gonna loshe my job!” MJ steps closer
listening closely to the Sheriff. She smriks and turns
to Lana, “C’mon partner, he don’t wanna tell us…he
don’t want our help.” MJ nods towards the door as she
turns on her heel and heads for the exit. Lana nods
and follows her partner watching the Sheriff out of
the corner of her eye.She smirks when she catches the
Sheriff shifting nervously and could tell he wanted to
tell them but he didn’t want to get in trouble. MJ
turns and gives the Rosco and sweet smile as she
exits, “Buh bye Sheriff Coltrane.” She waves and the
door closes behind her and Lana. Who smiles and walks
out the door and across the sidewalk heading towards
the street so she can cross to where MJ parked the

MJ nods to where she parked the car, around the
corner, out of sight of Bo and Luke. “This way Lan.”
She says as she steps onto the street, boots clicking
loudly. Lana nods and follows MJ, her eyes wandering
around searching for anything out of the ordinary as
she crosses the street over to their car.

MJ grins proudly to herself as she admires the shimmer
of the chrome rims of the slick black Trans Am. Her
thoughts are quickly interuppted by the sounds of an
all too familar hemi engine, roaring from up the
street. Lana turns, her eyes wide and confused. She
wasn’t sure what to do. She wanted more of Bo but she
also knew she had a job to do.

The orange stock car blows a blast of wind and dust at
the two Texas Rangers as it passes in a flash. The two
Duke boys inside don’t notice the two women and race
off towards the Boar’s Nest. MJ’s eyes flicker in
slight anger, “They didn’t even notice us.” Lana’s
eyes sparkle angrily. “Well I have half a mind to make
them notice us!!” She grumbles. MJ sighs and shakes
her head as she struts across the street to the car,
“Nah…ain’t worth it right now Lana. We’re still on a
case. They’ll have to get dealt with later.” She
mutters, a hint of anger in her Texan drawl. MJ grabs
the T-Roof and pulls herself into the driver’s seat.
She starts the engine, it purrs loudly as it waits,
ready for eminent action. Lana sighs and walks over
grabbing onto the edge of the door and sliding into
the passenger seat. “Well when I get ahold of em there
may not be much left of em to go around!” She mutters
still furious. MJ rolls her eyes as she gracefully
shifts into first and jams the gas pedal down. The
Trans Am roars and screeches out of Hazzard. They roll
along the same road the Dukes passed on.

Lana rests her head back against the seat and turns
her head to watch the scenery fly by her window. She
allowed her body to relax slightly and turned to look
at MJ. “Where to?” MJ sighs as she scans the road
ahead, “Figured on headin’ back to the Boar’s Nest.
Maybe someone’s seen them outlaws.” Lana nods and
turns back to watch the scenery. “Fine by me!” She


Luke’s blue eyes widen and he smacks his cousin’s
shoulder with the back of his hand, “Say Bo! Ain’t
that the truck them two fellas escaped in eariler??”
Bo’s eyes widen and he nods. “It sure is. I’d like to
get ahold of that one fella for nearly hurting Lana
like that!” He says. Luke holds up a hand to his
cousin, “Just cool it.” Luke squints his eyes as the
two hardened criminals storm angrily out of the Nest.

Larry turns to Snake, “There’s two fellers? Could that
be em?” Snake grins.” They very well could be. Let’s
just find out shall we?” Bo’s eyes widen as he sees
the two men approach. “Uh Luke! I don’t like the looks
of this.” Luke shakes his head, “Me neither cuz.”
Snake walks up to the driver’s side of the General and
leans an arm on the window sill, the other resting
causally on hip over his pistol. “You boys wouldn’t
happen to know Bo and Luke Duke would ya?” Bo chuckles
nervously and glances quickly over at Luke.
“Uh….what do ya want with them?” He asks. Luke
shares his cousin’s nervous laughter and glances at
Larry, perched on his side of the car. Snake grins in
at Bo and Luke, “Just wanna chat with em.” Bo’s eyes
widen a little more and he looks at Luke before
looking back at Snake. “Well you found em!!”

Snake and Larry stand up and shake hands over the
confederate flag adorning the roof of the General Lee.
Snake whips his gun out and aims it at Bo and Luke,
“You two hayseeds are gonna help us out. Get in the
car Larry.” The two criminals climb in while Bo and
Luke sit in shock, arms raised in front of them. Snake
and Larry climb into the backseat, a gun to the back
of each Duke boy’s skull, “Don’t try anything
plowboys.” Larry hisses. Bo looks over at Luke. “I’m
sorry Luke.” He says.

As the Rangers approach the Boar’s Nest Lana’s eyes
widen when she sees the truck that Snake and Larry
jumped into earlier. “MJ look they must be here
someplace.” She cries, her eyes darkening angrily. MJ
nods and slows the Trans Am. Her steely eyes quickly
scan the parking lot, resting on the orange Charger
off to her left. “I found em Lana.” She states coldly
as a grave resolve washes over her face. Lana’s eyes
widen and she reaches for her gun. “They were a part
of this all along. How could I allow myself to fall
for him?” She cries angrily her expression full of a
silent rage. MJ rests her hand on her partners arm,
“Leave that for now. We already risked innocent lives
today, don’t need to take the chance again. The
repercussions for hitting a civilian, especially out
of state…could cost us our jobs an our reputations.”
She sighs heavily, feeling foolish that she had
trusted the words of the dark handsome Duke. MJ’s eyes
harden and she stops the car where they can watch the
four men up ahead. Lana relaxes slightly though her
eyes are sill full of anger. She lets her hand fall
from her gun and watches silently.

Bo’s eyebrows raise slightly when he catches a glimpse
of the black Trans Am behind them but says nothing.
Luke sits straight forward in his seat, feeling the
press of the steel barrel of Larry’s pistol against
his head. Snake sneers and growls, “Don’t this piece
of shit move? Since you two are the local bad
boys…you oughta know someplace to hid.” He presses
the gun harder against Bo’s head, “And don’t try
anything.” Bo sighs and holds his hands up in the air
before starting the car and putting it in gear pulling
out of the Boars Nest parking lot and heading for the

Lana’s eyes darken even more and she turns to her
partner. “Let’s follow em!!” She cries. With a nod MJ
eases off the brake, “I’m on it partner.” She follows
the stock car at a respectable distance, knowing both
the escapees and the Dukes would recognize the Trans
Am right away. Lana settles nervously in her seat
fidgeting slightly and narrowing her eyes at the back
of the mens heads. She growls angrily under her

“Get us outta here! You’re poking along. Don’t make me
use this gun boy!” Snake snarls at Bo. Luke closes his
eyes, his keen mind rolling over every possible idea
he could come up with. Bo groans softly and presses
his foot harder on the gas, causing the stock car to
surge forward.

Lana fidgets in her seat more when she sees the stock
car speed up. MJ senses her partners anxiousness and
presses her foot down, maintaining the same distance
between the two powerful cars. “Where the hell are
they goin’?” She asks aloud, more to herself then
anything. Lana looks quickly at MJ and then back to
the road ahead narrowing her eyes. She watches as the
orange car pulls off the road through the trees. “The
woods. We may be going it on foot soon!!” She says.
MJ nods slowly as she cautiously follows the General
Lee. Her grey eyes widen as she’s hit with a sudden
wave of realization, “Lana, member that file the
Sheriff was missin’? I know what it is.” Lana’s eyes
widen as it suddenly hits her. “It was Bo and Luke’s
wasn’t it? But why would Snake and Larry want it?
Unless……” She leaves the sentence hanging.

“Looks like them outlaws got themselves a pair of
partners. Stealing their file from Rosco leaves him
with nothing to charge the Duke boys with. And I can
bet in exchange Bo and Luke Duke are givin’ em the low
down on the best places to hid in Hazzard Cou…..” MJ
cries, until something else hits her, “When we were
with them boys Harbin and Turnolt were breakin’ into
the records office.” Her eyes harden as she stares at
the back end of the General, CNH 320 flashing in her
eyes as it bumps over the rough terrain. MJ clenches
her teeth and nearly reaches for her gun, wanting to
shoot the tires out and give the Dukes a piece of her
mind, and maybe a lead implant or two.

Lana sighs and looks down at the floor before glancing
back up at the car in front of them her eyes even
darker then before showing she was truly angry and was
about to lose her temper. She glowers at the car ahead
before something hits her. “What if they’re being
forced to help?” She asks quietly. MJ raises an
eyebrow, this had crossed her mind too. But her anger
was clouding her vision. “Gawd I hope you’re right
Lana.” She mutters, “And in that case, they’re in
serious trouble. Remember the last “partners” Snake
and Larry used? They suddenly became a renewable
resource.” Lana’s eyes narrow a bit and fill with
worry. She gasps when she sees the car slow down and
stop up ahead. “Stop or they’ll see us. From here on
we go on foot.” She says.

The wheels of the Trans Am lock as MJ hits the brakes
with a sizable amount of force. The slick car skids to
a silent halt and MJ watches the Duke boys being
ushered into an old barn at gunpoint. On the wrong end
of Snake Harbin and Larry Turnlot’s pistols. She
shakes her head and mutters, “This has gone on far too
long.” Lana nods and slides out her window and drops
to the ground walking around to the trunk and pulling
it open pulling out a rifle. “It has and I’m not going
to let it go on any further. Like any other barn
there’s got to be another door so I’m gonna sneak in
there without being seen and then when they ain’t
paying attention to Bo and Luke I’m gonna untie em and
get em outta there.” She says determinedly.

MJ sighs loudly and swings her long legs over the
window of the Trans Am, dropping lightly to the
ground. She grabs another Walther ppk from the trunk,
dropping the clip out to check the number of shells
remaining, fiveteen. MJ slides the gun into her belt
beside her left hip and pulls her colt .45 from her
back, six shots. That leaves her with twenty one.
“Let’s hope it takes two at most.” She mutters. MJ had
no regrets about the fact she way have to shoot one or
both of the convicts. They had been trained to shoot
to kill.

Lana stalks around the trees towards the back of the
barn making sure to stay out of sight and hearing
distance from the barn. Her eyes fall on the door and
she motions to MJ pointing at the door. MJ replies
with a slight nod of her head. She tosses her head,
blonde hair whipping over her shoulder out of her
face. MJ makes her way to the side of the door, her
.45 held high in one hand and her other on the handle
of the Walther, ready to draw at a moments notice.
Lana reaches out and slowly turns the knob holding the
rifle down by her hip ready to raise it to her
shoulder at a moments notice. She ducks down low and
slips inside ducking behind some hay bales and motions
for MJ to follow her. MJ ducks in through the door
careful not to make a sound. She rests her pistol on
the top of the hay bale, pointing it at the two
criminals. She ducks down enough to be out of sight,
but can still see to aim.

Luke protests loudly, “There ain’t no way we’re
helpin’ you escape them two ladies!” Snake bares his
teeth at the Dukes like an animal, “Tie these hayseeds
up Larry.”

Lana slips around behind another hay bale and raises
her rifle taking careful aim, her eyes narrowed

Bo glares at the two criminals. “There ain’t no way
I’m helping y’all!!” He yells. Larry shakes his head
and ties Bo first, “Shuddap.” Luke backs away but
gives in as Snake’s pistol is pointed at him, and in
the other hand his rifle aimed at Bo. “Now if ya’ll
don’t cooperate, I’m gonna blow yer pretty lil heads
off.” Snake snarks angrily, getting fed up with the
stubborn locals. “We’re not tellin’ ya’ll nothin’.”
Luke states.

MJ glances at Lana, giving her a silent signal. MJ
rises from behind the hay bale, drawing the Walther in
her left hand. She levels a gun at each respective
outlaw and cries, “Freeeeeeze! Or I’ll blow both your
heads off!” Lana stands up quickly and levels her
rifle at Snake, her eyes fixed on his startled face.
“If you men know what’s good for you, you’ll freeze it
right there and let them fella’s go.” She growls,
moving closer to Bo and pushing him behind her keeping
the gun aimed at Snake.

The two criminals glance between each other, a wave
of defeat rushing through their body’s. MJ hops over
the hay bale and crosses in front of Luke beside her
partner. Her two guns aimed at the foreheads of Snake
Harbin and Larry Turnolt. “Drop your guns, or feel the
burn of lead.” MJ commands. Snake
tosses his rifle and pistol to the ground. They slide
across the floor beside the two Texas Rangers. Larry
quickly follows suit and they raise their hands in

Lana pulls her handcuffs from her belt and moves
forward slowly keeping the rifle trained on the two
men. Her eyes dark and furious. MJ stuffs the Walter
back in her belt and pulls her own cuffs from her back
pocket. A sarcastic smirk crosses her face as she
happily slaps a cuff on each of Snakes wrists behind
his back. Her colt aimed at him she checks for more
armament and tosses a hunting knife on the floor. Lana
smirks and handcuffs Larry’s hands behind his back
taking the hunting knife and walking over to Bo,
cutting through the ropes on his wrists. “You okay?”
She asks. Bo nods and pulls her into his arms. “I
don’t think I’ve been happier to see anyone in my
whole life.” He says.

MJ happily ties the two criminals together letting
them squirm on the floor desperately trying to release
their bonds.

MJ chuckles as she unties the dark Duke’s strong
hands. He looks up at her blue eyes sparkling, “You
know Bo…this is the only kinda law I like.” He grins
and plants a kiss on MJ’s soft lips. She smiles and
pushes Luke back, “Our job ain’t done yet sugar.”

Lana smiles at Bo though she can tell there’s
something wrong. His eyes aren’t as happy as they
were. “What’s wrong?” She asks. Bo smiles slightly at
her. “Well it’s just that you caught them fella’s and
now you’re gonna be leavin and I ain’t never gonna see
ya again.” He says all in one breath. Lana smiles and
holds up a hand. “Hold on there plowboy we ain’t
leavin just yet.” She says with a laugh though it
sounds forced.


Within minutes of calling Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane
and the state police they roll up to the old barn.
Snake Harbin and Larry Turnolt are dragged off by the
State Police for immediate transfer back to the Texas
State Prison. Rosco raises his eyebrows in slight
surprise and asks, “How’d you girls to that?” MJ
squeezes her arms tighter around Luke and grins up at
him, “Oh….we know how to handle just about
everything Sheriff.”

Lana smiles and rests her arms around Bo. Bo smiles
down at the dark haired Ranger and realizes he’s in
love with her. “I love you Lana.” He says, causing her
eyes to widen in surprise. Rosco’s eyes widen and
shakes his head as he trots off to his car to fill in
the mountain of paperwork given to him by the state
police. Luke’s eyebrows rise high on his face and he
leads MJ away, giving his cousin some room. MJ
snickers under her breath, knowing “blondie” is either
going to receive a swift kick to a certain area, or
the kiss of a life time.

As MJ ponders Luke turns her head in his hands. Her
steely grey eyes gaze up into his deep blues. MJ
smiles as she feels his warm embrace and returns it,
passion filling her hardened heart.

Lana smiles her eyes filling with tears and she
reaches up clasping Bo’s face in her hands. “I love
you too.” She whispers and then turns to MJ. “I think
we need to go apologize to Enos cause he didn’t get to
help us. Whatdya think?” She asks with a smirk.
“Hmmm?” MJ mumbles as she pulls away from Luke’s deep
kiss. She smiles and turns to her partner, a hint of
red in her cheeks. “Yeah, I think he was looking
forward to working with two fine lookin’ Texas
Rangers!” “Hey!” Bo protests his arms wrapped
protectively around Lana. “This Ranger is taken.” Lana
smirks and looks up at Bo. “And this plowboy is
taken.” She says. Luke and MJ share a laugh, silently
thinking the same thing as their eyes meet. Luke
smiles and asks, “Well let’s get outta here shall we?”
MJ nods and winks as she slides into the passenger
seat of the Trans Am. Luke follows smiling at Lana and
Bo as he passes.

Lana turns and smiles at Bo. “Shall we blondie?” She
asks. Bo grins and pulls her closer wrapping his arm
around her shoulders. “Let’s go.” He says pulling her
over to the General. Lana smirks and climbs inside and
watches as Bo does the same and then starts the
engine and heads for the Boars Nest. Lana slides
across the seat and rests her head on Bo’s shoulder,
sighing in content.


“So you see Deputy, we caught em already. But we
appreciate you willin’ to help!” MJ explains to a
dejected and saddened Enos Strate. He pouts and hangs
his head over his cold glass of buttermilk. Luke
smiles and pats him on the shoulder, “Enos you should
be proud you were asked in the first place.” Lana nods
in agreement from where she stands next to Bo who has
an arm protectively around her shoulder. Bo grins.
“Yeah Enos now you can tell Daisy how you were asked
to help two beautiful Texas Rangers.” He says.

Enos lowers his eyes and steals a glance up at Daisy
behind the bar, “Don’t tell Daisy! Please!” He pleads
and looks from Bo to Luke, “Don’t tell my sweet
Daisy.” Luke laughs and nods, “Don’t worry Enos..your
secret is safe with us.” He grins and winks at MJ,
who’s trying her hardest not to laugh.

Lana turns away to hide her face trying to keep Enos
from seeing the wide grin. Bo grins and pulls Lana’s
face against his chest, muffling the laughter that had
already started. Enos pays no heed to the chuckles and
snickers, he’s too busy watching Daisy behind the bar.
MJ shakes her head and stands up. She grabs Luke’s
hand and declares, “C’mon plowboy, we’re dancin’.”
Luke’s eyes widen and he salutes MJ, “Yes ma’am!”

Lana grins and pulls away from Bo, grabbing the front
of his shirt and pulling him out the door. “Let’s go
blondie.” She says eagerly. Bo’s eyes light up. “Yes
Ma’am!!” he cries eagerly.


MJ blushes as she and Lana stand on the Hazzard
courthouse steps. The Sheriff clears his throat into
the microphone, sending out a screech of static.
Everyone covers their ears briefly. “Jit!! Gyuck!!
Shorry!! Um..git…W-welcome everyone to thish
shelebration!!” Eager and happy cheers and claps ring
out in Hazzard square .

Lana smiles and blushes slightly her eyes fastened on
the handsome blonde haired young man standing nearby a
proud smile on his face. She laughs when he lets out a
loud YEE-HAW!!!! MJ chuckles from atop the steps
beside her partner as the older darker man beside him
shares in his cousin’s cry of joy.

Rosco shakes his fist in their direction and mumbles
into the mic, “Dang Duke boys…..” He cries into the
microphone, “We’re here to thank theshe two fine young
ladiesh for their shucshesshful journey into Hazzard,
acomplishin their misshion. Lana Evansh and MaryJane
Walker Texash Rangersh!!” He holds his hands out the
the girls. MJ blushes furiously, and Luke gives her a
small wink and a loud whistle. Lana smiles and gives
a small wave, never being much on the praise and
lavishing of attention. Her eyes were still fastened
on Bo who looked like he was about to run up the steps
and take her in his arms at any moment. She smiles and
blows him a kiss.

Loud claps and cheers echo in the town of Hazzard.
Boss Hogg steps up and grabs the mic from Rosco, “Now
let’s really have some fun! Lemme present..courtesy of
Hogg Co. Engine Oil…..The Oakridge Boys!!!!” Boss
claps and stuffs his cigar back between his lips.

Lana claps and squeals when Bo runs up the steps and
grabs her hand, pulling her back down the steps.
“Where are we going?” She cries. Bo turns and grins at
her. “We’re gonna dance.” He says and hooks an arm
around her waist pulling her body against his. Lana
smiles and wraps her arms around his neck just as Bo
kisses her hard.

MJ laughs and leaps from the top step as Luke runs
towards her. He grabs her under the arms and swings
her around before he sets her on her booted feet.
Before long the two are making their way through the
crowd in a swift and graceful twostep. MJ laughs and
cries, “I didn’t know you could dance too Luke!” He
grins back as he tickles her side, “There’s lotsa
things I’m good at!” MJ giggles, feeling happier then
she has in years. A wave of emotion washes over both
her and Luke as they both realize where she and Lana
both truly belong. In the arms of a Duke boy.

The End


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