The Return of Shelley – Part Four

by: Trix

While Boss had made Rosco stay at the Dalton farm to look for the will left by Bry, the Duke cousins sped back to the Duke farm to talk to Uncle Jesse.

“What do you think Uncle Jesse?” Bo asked as they sat at the kitchen table.

Jesse sighed. “I don’t know. I mean, Bry had left a copy of his will at the house but his lawyer has the original.”

“What does the will say?” Daisy asked.

“It says that if anything should happen to him or Gus the property goes to Khas.”

Luke stood and rubbed his jaw as he paced, thinking. “Somethin’ just isn’t right here. I mean, why would Boss give a hoot about a will Bry had left? Why would he be so interested in Shelley, too?”

“I’m gonna go back to the house,” Bo said. “Watch Rosco.”

“I’m with ya on that one, cuz,” Luke said. “Daisy stay here with Uncle Jesse incase Khas calls for somethin’.”

“All right. Ya’ll be careful. I don’t have a good feelin’ about this.”

“We will,” Bo said as the walked to the General Lee.

Before they could take off, a familiar voice came over the radio. “Bo? Luke? Daisy? Can anyone hear me?”

Both Luke and Bo reached for the CB at the same time. They struggled over it before Luke won out. “Give me the darn thing, Bo!”

“Fine!” Bo shouted.

“Boys!” Uncle Jesse warned. “Khas needs us…”


At the sound of Khas’ voice, Luke said, “We’re here, Khas. What do you need?”

“I’m headed to the Dalton house. I can’t explain right now but meet me there…now. If we don’t get there soon, I’ll lose that house and land!”

“We’re on our way. Lets go Bo!”

“Me and Uncle Jesse are right behind ya’ll.”

“Okay,” Luke said as he and Bo sped off to meet Khas.

Meanwhile, Boss had made it to the Dalton house and was impatiently waiting for Rosco to find the hidden will. “I found it!”

Boss grabbed the paper out of the Sheriff’s hands and laughed. “I knew I’d find it!”

“Uh, Boss, what’re you goin’ to do with it?”

“Reap the rewards, you knitwit!”

Just then they heard screeching tires outside of the house. Seconds later, Khas burst through the door with her mother not far behind. “Hand it over right now, Boss!”

Rosco said, “Uh oh, proper language.” He knew what it meant it meant when Khas used proper words in such a tone. “I don’t think this is a real good idea, Boss…”

“Shut up, Rosco! This land is mine now, Ms. Dalton.”

Khas reigned in her anger. “Give it too me now, Boss. I know of your law but I am a living relative and this land is mine.”

“Not anymore.”

“Give the will to her, Boss,” Shelley said.

Boss laughed. “Did you tell the little lady of your sore did past? Then…”

“Yes, she did,” Khas interrupted him.

They all fell silent. Khas and Shelley were not going to let Boss or Rosco leave the house and Boss wasn’t going to give it back. Rosco, as much as he knew it was wrong, wasn’t going to interfere. He knew he had done something wrong.

After a few minutes of silence another car was heard outside and Bo and Luke walked in, soon after them was Daisy and Jesse.

“You can’t prove anything unless you have this will,” Boss smiled. “And I’m not handing it over.”

“Well,” Jesse said, “We’re not leavin’ here until you do.”

“Seems we have a standoff,” Luke said.

Rosco looked at the anger on Khas’ face, it was mixed with fear, he noticed. Fear of losing the only thing she had left of her family. He looked out of the living room window and tried to think of what to do. How could he fix this mess. As he looked out of the window, he saw Enos’ patrol car stop on the road. Enos waited for a familiar face to get out before driving off.

Rosco half smiled. Khas caught it. “What are you smiling at Rosco?”

“Nothin!’” he bellowed. “Boss, er, um..”

“Spit it out, you twit!”

“Enos is here.”

“What in Sam’s blazes is he doin’ here?”

“I don’t know.”

Khas didn’t care. She only cared about one thing. “Give me the will Boss.”


“Right now.”


“Boss, I swear…”

“Swear at nothing, young lady.”

The male voice behind her made Khas nearly jump. She heard her mother gasp as the man walked into the middle of the room, between them and Boss.

“Well, well,” Boss smiled, knowing something none of them did. “Gordon.”

“What are you doing here?” Shelley asked, shocked to see him. “Where are the twins?”

“Twins?” Daisy mouthed to Luke and Bo.

Both shrugged their shoulders.

“They’re with your mother in Texas. Boss, may I see the will?”

Boss chuckled and said, “After I clarify something. Would you be so kind as to tell yer wife and step-daughter what you’re doin’ here?”

Gordon looked at Shelley, his eyes sad. “I’m the one who stole this piece of the will and stopped it from getting to Bry’s lawyer.”

“What? Why?” Shelley asked, shocked.

“I was hurt that you had an affair with Gus and when Boss told me you were expectin’ his child I guess doin’ the right thing was not on my list of things to do.”

Khas looked at him with anger. “I have had a lot of things thrown at me in the last few days. I want that will and I want it now. Why are you here?”

Gordon looked at the young woman in front of him. She had her mother’s skin tone but otherwise looked nothing like Shelley. He still could not believe that he had taken his anger and hurt out on an innocent child that was yet to be born. And now here he was, staring at the child nineteen years later. She was on the verge of losing something important, her heritage.

“I am willing to testify in court that I stole the will. That is, if Boss doesn’t hand it over.”

“Gordon,” Shelley gasp. “Your career.”

“Means nothing if I don’t right this wrong. We can talk at home, Shelley. Khas is what is important right now.”

Boss looked as if he was getting riled up. “I have no choice but to give back the will. But here this! I will tell all of Hazzard about you, Shelley. You will never be able to come back to this town again.”

Shelley squared her shoulders and faced off with Boss. “Khas is not a humiliation to me any longer. I realize I did wrong by her and I will accept any backlash from this town as payment for it.”

Boss huffed and gave the will to Rosco. “Lets go Rosco!”

“Yes, yes. Right away, Boss.” Rosco walked after Boss but stopped to give Khas the will. “I believe this is yours.”

Khas took the will and said, “Your forgiven, Rosco. Just go.”

When the two were gone, Shelley said, “Gordon I…”

“You made a decision, I made a decision,” he said. “We’ll talk through this.”

Shelley hugged him, then turned to Khas. “I am so sorry, Khas. I don’t expect forgiveness.”

“And you won’t get it. However, you did come back to try and right a wrong. Boss Hogg tends to interfere with things he shouldn’t. You just happened to be one of those things. Don’t expect me to call you mom. Maybe we can be friends on some sort of level in the future.”

“I’d really like that,” Shelley said as tears rolled down her face.

“As for you,” Khas said as she turned to Gordon. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For what you just did. I understand what betrayal is. If I were you, I would have done the same thing.”

“I am sorry. I should have never have taken it out on you.”

Khas nodded. “I meant what I said, Shelley. I want to know my twin siblings. Maybe, when you and I have worked some things through, you can come visit me and introduce me.”

“It’s a promise,” Shelley said.

“I know it’s a bad time but Shelley and I should head home. The twins will be wondering where their mother went off too.”

“I understand,” Khas said. “Goodbye, Shelley.”

Shelley took her hand and said, “I will phone you when I get home and we’ll discuss how we want to do this.”

“Sounds good.”

“Goodbye,” she said to the Dukes. “I’m sorry for the trouble.”

“Trouble can be a good thing,” Jesse said.

“Have a safe trip,” Daisy said.

“Thank you. Goodbye now.”

Khas watched from the porch with the Dukes as her mother and Gordon drove off. She sighed. Bo put an arm around her. “Are you alright, KB?”

Khas nodded. “I think so. A lot to digest in such a short time.”

“Well honey,” Daisy said. “You’ll have us and yer friends to help you through this.”

“That’s right. Now, lets get that will to Mr. Uton at his house than git some supper,” Jesse said.

“Sounds good,” Luke smiled. “Khas is with us!” he said as he grabbed Khas and got her to the General Lee before Daisy could protest.

Khas let out a laugh and said, “See you on the road!”

Balladeer: Well, that was an interestin’ ending. Mr. Uton filed the rest of the will in his papers and declared Khas the full and rightful owner of the Dalton land and everything on it. Boss is still smartin’ at his loss and takin’ out on no other than Rosco P. Coltrane. As for Khas’ mother and Gordon, they’re workin’ things out and their twins now know they have a big sister. Hmm, just another crazy time in Hazzard County.

The End

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