Dukes in Canada, pt. 2

by: Essy Jane

Days turned into weeks since Jud had arrived. But the funny thing was that
no one really seemed to notice any change. The only difference was that
there were three Duke boys instead of two.

Rosco was still up to his old dirty tricks as was Boss. Boss Hogg had a plan
that would make him a lot of money. As usual it involved the Dukes. Then
again, why wouldn’t it engage with the Dukes?

“Them two are boxers right?” He said.

“Right,” Rosco replied.

“And they’re brothers right?”

“Right. But Boss I don’t get where you’re goin’ with this!”

“Well of course you don’t pea brain, the day you understand something is the
day I run out of money.”

“Kea-gee-gee. Oh fat buddy.” Rosco pinch his cheeks as he always does.

“Well anyway, them boys are going to box for me. And I’ll sell tickets for
ten dollars each to see ‘Killer Kane’ and his big brother, ‘The Duke of
Death’. I could’ve planed it any better.”

“Ah boss, who are they going to fight? You know that Luke wouldn’t punch out
his baby brother.”

“They ain’t gonna fight each other knuckle head. There gonna be the first
ones in Hazzard to do team boxin’!”

“Team boxing? Well that doesn’t sound like the Duke boys.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well they wouldn’t fight for you.”

“They would fight for their cousin Bo’s freedom.”

“What has he done?”

“Think of something you, dipstick!”

“Now look here boss, I’m a knuckle head. Enos is the dipstick.”

“I don’t care whose who. Just go out there and catch me a Duke!”

“I’m gone. Kee-hee-hee, oh I love it I love it, police work is my life. Love
that hot pursuit.”

Back at the Duke farm…

Bo was cooking up a storm for his hungry cousins working in the field. He
was trying to get a stew made up for them. It didn’t spell lethal so he
hoped his cousins would like it. The phone rang and Bo picked it up.

“Duke residence, Bo speakin’,” Bo stated as he edged his shoulder up to hold
the phone.

“Hey kid, how’s everything going over there?” Jesse asked.

“Hey Uncle Jesse, how’s your friend?”

“He’s about the same. We might not be home for a long time. I hate to leave
you boys alone with each other for so long.”

“Don’t worry about it, we have company.”

“Really who?”

Bo turned off the stove.


“That old rascal?”

“Yeah and he’s…” Suddenly sirens started to howl. Rosco’s car, Bo’d know if
from anywhere after being arrested so many times.

“Is that Rosco again?”

“Yeah, I got to go.” Bo hung up the phone.

“Alright Bo Duke, you’re under arrest. You have un-paid speeding tickets and
I’m taking you in!” He screamed on the megaphone. Bo rolled his eyes and
jumped into the General. He hoped that he’d get away long enough. Bo saw a
dip and took his chances. But so did Rosco. Both made it. But unexpectedly,
the tire of the General blew. It sends Bo to a rapid stop, giving Rosco the
upper hand. “Get out of the car.”

An hour later, back at the farm…

Jud and Luke came in covered in sweat. “I never knew that farm life was this
fun,” Jud stated. He looked over at Luke and smiled. “I never though having
a brother would be this fun either.” Luke gave his brother a hug. He looked
at the stove, looking at the pot of stew.

“Boy Bo’s a good guy. He made us lunch,” Luke stated with admiration. He
loved his cousin more than anything. And wondered where he was. It wasn’t
like him to be away from the house. Luke had a bad feeling. He looked around
for a trace of a note. Nothing.

“Luke what’s wrong?”

“I don’t know yet.”

Meanwhile, outside the police station…

Bo was being dragged inside. Cooter was just putting gas in someone’s car.
When he heard Bo’s voice. “Rosco, would you put that gun away? I’m not goin’
anywhere,” Bo exclaimed.

“It’s for safety, you Dukes are tricky kee-hee-hee,” Rosco replied. Cooter
crossed the street. Bo waved with the handcuffs on.

“Hey Rosco, what’s the charge?” Cooter asked.

“Unpaid speeding tickets,” Rosco stated. He jabbed the gun into Bo’s back.

“Rosco! Stop that! You’re going to end up shooting me and then we’ll have a
whole mess of trouble on our hands. Hey Cooter, pick up the General for me.
It’s in sheep’s hollow. I got a flat,” Bo said.

“No problem,” Cooter replied. Cooter walked back across the street. He
picked up his CB. “This is crazy Cooter, callin’ from the greatest garage,
is there any Dukes on the Hazzardnet?”

“Yeah, go ahead Cooter,” Luke replied.

“Your cousin was towed into the police station.”

“What!? When?”

“Just now, for unpaid parking tickets.”

“For once the charge is good. I’m going to get up there.”

“I’ll fix your tire and you can wait for the general to come back.”

“Thanks Cooter.”

“10-4 big guy.”


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