Film Hazards – Intro

by: Susan

//It all started when Jesse got the letter from the film company. Apparently they was going to be filmin’ in Hazzard, and they wanted to rent some of Jesse’s land.//

Luke choked on a mouthful of coffee “They’re offerin’ how much?

“A hundred dollars a day, it says here.” His uncle responded. “‘Course they say they may only want it for a couple of days. It depends on how filmin’ goes, apparently.”

“Even so.” Bo was as astonished as his cousin. “That’s still a heck of a lotta money, Unce Jesse! I presume you’ll be takin’ them up on it?”

“I’ll think about it.” was the cautious reponse.

Think about it? Uncle Jesse! It’s just that little half-acre o’ land down by the fenceline with the Murchison’s! We ain’t usin’ it for anything, and we sure could use the money.”

“Well, now, I just want to talk to a few people, before I go gettin’ my hopes up.” Jesse eyed his impetuous younger nephew seriously, as he re-folded the letter “Like you say, it’s a whole lotta money for not very much, and I want to make sure it ain’t just somebody playin’ some kind a’ practical joke.” He tucked the letter back into it’s envelope and looked up at the boys.

“Now, if you two’ve finished eatin’, I think you got chores to do, don’t ya?”

“Yeah, we do. C’mon, Bo.” Luke pushed back his chair, and clapped his cousin on the shoulder, before they both headed out the door.

//Well, now ol’ Jesse got on the phone, and the CB, and he went into town to talk to a few people, and the upshot was that it seemed to be a serious offer. A few other people, including Ira Murchison, had had similar offers, and the town was buzzin’ with talk of a film actually bein’ made right there in Hazzard. A lot of people was real excited – A few of them even dreamin’ of Hollywood talent scouts, and careers on the big screen.

O’ course, all a that came to nothing. It was a month or so before filmin’ even started, and most folks had forgotten all about it, by then.//

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