I Remember: Chapter 5

by: TNRiverRat

Chapter 5

“Bo…where the hell are you?” Luke said, under his breath, as he trudged through the woods adjacent to the Duke property. He knew that Bo couldn’t be far since he had left on foot. The younger man was fairly consistent when it came to his hiding spots…the barn loft, the old Indian caves, or the pond. Luke had already checked the barn and was now headed toward the pond.

Bo Duke raced through the underbrush; he paid no attention to where his feet were taking him. Tree limbs and bushes tore at his skin and clothes. He didn’t notice. He was enraged and his heart was breaking…he felt totally alone. Jesse, the only daddy he had ever known, had turned against him and what’s worse…Luke and Daisy had not lifted a finger in his defense during the long weeks leading to tonight’s confrontation! Luke was supposed to be his best friend…his brother…he should’ve done something…he should have helped him! His family didn’t seem to care about him…and, now… he had even lost his chance at love.

How could Luke do this to him? His dream had been killed before it had a chance to live! Bo knew he had no right to be angry at Luke…his cousin had no idea that he liked Meghan, too. It wasn’t Luke’s fault that he couldn’t get up the nerve to talk to Meghan sooner. He knew Luke wouldn’t hurt him on purpose…but it still didn’t stop the pain that wrenched his heart. He knew that his little angel would probably like Luke better, anyway. Luke would be good for her…she deserved someone smart and stable like Luke. “She doesn’t need a screw-up like me,” Bo whispered into the warm night as he tried to outrun his pain. The upset young man, consumed with his inner turmoil, paid no heed to the burning sensation in his lungs that intensified with every footfall.

Luke quietly approached the pond. He didn’t see his cousin anywhere and was just about to head toward the caves when he heard the sound of boots crashing through the woods. He turned and saw Bo emerge into the clearing around the pond. Luke could see that his younger cousin was still very upset. He called out to Bo, hoping to get him to stop his frenzied flight.

Bo didn’t slow down when he heard Luke’s shout. Instead, he turned away from Luke, headed back into the woods, and yelled, “Leave me alone!”
Luke swore and ran after him. The dark-haired man soon caught up to his fair-haired cousin and tackled him. The two men struggled…Bo tried to break free of his stronger cousin’s grip and Luke tried to pin the taller blond to the ground.

Luke was determined that he would get Bo to go back home…even if it meant he had to hog-tie him and drag him!

“Bo…settle down! Jesse wants you to come home. He’s sorry…he wants to talk to you…to make things right,” Luke huffed, as he wrestled with Bo.

“He doesn’t care…none of you do!” Bo yelled, breathlessly, as he struggled to get out of Luke’s grip. He managed to punch his older cousin in the stomach.

“OOF…that ain’t true and you know it, Bo Duke!” Luke replied through clenched teeth, slightly winded. He stilled as he heard an odd sound that caught his attention…a high-pitched, irregular, whistling sound.

Bo realized, too late, that he had forgotten to go see Doc Appleby about his asthma! The combination of his heightened emotional state, the humid air, and the exertion of running and wrestling with Luke had triggered a life-threatening attack. His lungs suddenly felt as if they were filled with shards of glass. His airway was constricting very rapidly and he could barely get any air. Bo’s eyes grew wide with fear as he abruptly stopped his struggle; he wheezed shrilly with every breath.

Luke’s mouth went dry as he realized the sound was being made by his cousin! He looked down at Bo’s fearful expression and felt chills go down his spine. By the sound of it, Bo was in serious trouble. The younger man had started to turn pale; the beginnings of a large bruise showing starkly on his left cheek.

Luke immediately got up and helped Bo to his feet.
“Bo…come on, buddy, we need to get you home and call Doc,” he said gently, trying to mask his own fear. Bo just nodded as he wheezed loudly.

The cousins walked back to farm as quickly as they could; Luke supported Bo as he struggled to breathe. The men gradually had to slow their pace, though; as Bo grew weaker and started to become incoherent.

“Come on, little cousin, we’re almost home…just a little more.” Luke encouraged; almost dragging Bo now. He was becoming more worried. His cousin had never experienced an asthma attack this severe; even when he was a kid and had often been ill due to breathing problems.

Bo felt strange…he could barely put one foot in front of the other and had trouble thinking as his body starved for oxygen. His airway had constricted to the point where he felt like someone was strangling him to death! He vaguely realized he needed to keep moving. He attempted to speak to Luke but was unable to as his vision swam and darkness engulfed him.

Three-quarters of the way to the house, Bo’s body went limp and began to fall to the ground. Luke caught his cousin and frantically tried to rouse him, with no success. Bo had passed out due to lack of oxygen. Luke noticed that Bo’s breathing had become increasingly labored and very irregular. He had heard of people dying from asthma attacks and he feared Bo would be one of them if they didn’t get help soon! Luke hefted the taller man over his shoulder and broke into a trot. The dark-haired Duke nearly cried in relief when the porch light of the farmhouse became visible. He yelled for Daisy and Jesse as he reached the edge of the yard.

While Luke and Bo had been struggling in the woods, Daisy had been doing her best to console Jesse. She assured him that she, Luke, and Bo all loved him and that they understood why he may have been acting differently. Jesse felt even guiltier than he already was when he realized how patient his kids had been with him. He hoped that Luke could persuade Bo to return home.

“How could I have treated Bo like that?” he said, sadly.

“You were just frustrated…I guess you needed someone to take it all out on…”

“That may be…but it don’t excuse how I acted. It wasn’t his fault that I had a stroke. I’ve tried not to notice how different Bo has been lately…but it’s all my fault…and now he might not ever come home…” Jesse’s voice trailed off as he tried to fight tears.

“Don’t worry, Uncle Jesse. Luke will bring him home…” Daisy suddenly stopped talking and turned toward the door. She had heard someone outside, yelling.

“That’s Luke. Something’s wrong.” Jesse said, worriedly, as he stood up and joined his niece at the door.
The white haired man opened the screen-door just as Luke stepped onto the porch with his burden.

“Call Doc! He can’t breathe and it’s getting worse!” Luke exclaimed, out of breath himself from carrying Bo. He carried his cousin into the house.

Daisy rushed to the telephone to call Hazzard’s local physician, Doctor Appleby.

“What’s the matter with him,” Jesse asked, worriedly, as he observed Bo’s pale, sweat-dampened skin, his scratched arms, and labored breathing.

“He’s having another asthma attack and this one’s real bad.” Luke answered, curtly, as he laid the unconscious Bo on the living room couch.

“Huh…what do you mean another attack? He hasn’t had one in years.” Jesse questioned as he propped his nephew’s head and shoulders onto pillows in order to make breathing easier.

“He had one the day you had your stroke…we didn’t tell you because we didn’t want you to worry,” Daisy explained; hanging up the phone before joining the others in the living room.
“Doc’s on his way. He needs to stop by his office to get a few things first.”

“Well…he’d better hurry.” Luke said, quietly, as he brushed Bo’s damp hair from his forehead. His cousin’s skin was cool and clammy and a faint bluish tinge could now be seen around his pale lips and fingernails. His breathing seemed to be getting worse, if that was possible!

The ferocity of this attack scared the usually calm Duke. What if Bo had been alone when it happened? Luke was certain that if that had been the case, he might have found his cousin lying dead in the woods. The thought and the image it conjured chilled him to his bones! What if Doc is too late? Luke didn’t even want to imagine that possibility! He shook his head, as if to clear his mind, and went to stand by the window; watching for the doctor.

Jesse prayed his old friend, Doc, would get there in time…this was the worst spell he had ever seen Bo have. He winced as he heard the labored, painful breathing of the young man before him. His mind reeled with the news that Bo’s asthma had returned and he hadn’t known about it. He spoke to his nephew in a gentle soothing voice, much like he had when Bo was young and had been scared over something, “It’s OK, son…your Uncle Jesse’s here. You’re gonna be all right…just rest easy. Doc’s on his way…”
The old man stroked Bo’s face and hair as he spoke. His heart fell when he noticed the large bruise that spread across the pale skin. “I’m so sorry, Bo…for everything I’ve put you through. When you wake up we’ve got a lot to talk about.” he softly told the unconscious young man he had raised as a son.

Twenty minutes after Daisy’s frantic phone call, Dr. Appleby arrived at the Duke farm. Luke heard the doctor’s old blue car pull up in the yard and ran to open the door for him.

“Good time Doc! You must have flown to get here!” Luke said as the older man hurried into the house.

“Well, I figured I needed to get here quick if Bo’s having as much trouble as Daisy said he was.” The seasoned physician saw the young man lying on the couch and immediately went to his side. He noticed the ominous blue color tinting Bo’s lips, heard the rough breathing and frowned. He pulled a stethoscope from his bag; jerked Bo’s torn T-shirt up, and listened to the young man’s lungs. Doc made a serious looking face and quickly started taking supplies from his medical bag. He grabbed Bo’s arm, swabbed the inside of his elbow with antiseptic, and expertly started an IV.

“Daisy, hold this.” Doc said as he handed her a bag of saline solution and then attached it’s tubing to the IV canula in Bo’s arm.

“Luke, go out to my car and get the oxygen tank in the back seat. When you get it…set it up right here beside Bo.” Luke rushed to do the doctor’s bidding. Jesse looked on, worriedly, as his old friend worked quickly to help his nephew.
The doctor said very little as he worked. His face wore a very serious, concerned expression as he decided which medications to give Bo. After measuring the correct dosages, Doc Appleby injected the breathing medications into Bo’s IV. Luke quickly returned with the oxygen tank and sat it in the floor near his cousin’s head. Doc connected an oxygen mask and tubing to the tank, regulated the flow and placed the mask over Bo’s nose and mouth.

After a frantic few minutes, the old doctor sat back on his heels and sighed, loudly.

“Now we wait for the medicine to do its work. What I want to know is when did this problem start up again and why didn’t he come see me? He had to have warning signs before now. I mean…he’s very lucky, Jesse! An attack this bad could easily have killed him!” Doc said, gruffly, as he glared up at his old friend.

Upon hearing Doc’s serious words, Jesse paled. He then looked to his eldest nephew.

Luke swallowed hard. He explained to the doctor about Bo’s previous episode and the recent nightly wheezing spells. Luke felt guilty as he spoke. He should have pestered Bo into going to the doctor, and then maybe his cousin wouldn’t be lying in this condition now.

The old doctor saw Luke’s worried, almost pained expression. He patted the younger man’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, son. That cousin of yours always comes out alright. Besides…Heaven’s not ready for the likes of Bo Duke, yet. They need a lot more years to prepare!” the man said with a gentle smile. “He’ll be fine.”

After a good while and another dose of medication later, Bo returned to consciousness; his oxygen level had finally approached normal. His eyes fluttered open and he slowly looked around the familiar room. He couldn’t remember why he was lying on the living room couch. Why was everyone looking at him…and why was Doc there? He felt awful…like a wrung-out dish rag! His chest hurt and his lungs felt raw. He then remembered the asthma attack and his struggle with Luke…but, his thoughts were still fuzzy and he didn’t quite remember why he had been wrestling with his cousin in the first place. The young man struggled to rise from the pillows he rested against and was immediately pushed back by a strong hand.

“Wait a minute, sleepy-head…you need to get the OK from Doc before you get up.” Bo looked up at the source of the gentle, very familiar touch and voice. His uncle was standing over him; looking at him with concern.

Upon seeing the bearded face, Bo was forcibly reminded of the confrontation in the kitchen…he remembered Jesse hitting him! He immediately pulled away from his uncle’s touch and looked away. Jesse tried to hide his hurt as he noticed Bo’s reaction, but he really couldn’t blame his nephew for not wanting to be near him right now.

Doc Appleby examined Bo thoroughly and scolded the young man for ignoring medical advice. A half-hour later, he allowed Bo to take off the oxygen mask and he removed the IV. Bo made a face and turned his head when Doc pulled out the IV. He had always hated needles! He was just glad he hadn’t been awake when Doc had put it in!

The good doctor packed his things and asked Luke to load them into his car. He gave Bo a new inhaler, scheduled a follow-up appointment for the next week, and then headed back to town after a chorus of heartfelt thanks from the whole family and the promise of one of Daisy’s home-made apple pies.

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