No Bake Cookie Claus

by: Tara

“Betty Sue, I just called to thank you for the package,” Cooter paused. “you didn’t? Ok. Happy Holidays, see you at the New Year’s party.” He placed the receiver back in the cradle. Hmm.The town mechanic thought silently. At that moment, he couldn’t think of no body else who’d leave a plain brown paper bag, tied with a blue string filled with home baked goodies.  No beverages at the garage, thirty minutes until the Busy Bee closed until dinner break. He grabbed the sack in one hand, his ball cap with the other and hurried across the street for some warm apple cider or cold milk to wash the cookies down.

Enos casually tore the flap off the legal size padded envelope that the Chief had tossed onto Turk’s desk for him. He smiled seeing the Hazzard County post mark. “Another care package?” A husky voice asked from over near the filing cabinet. “Kinda,” Enos giggled. “Chocolate No Bake Cookies.” Holding a clear sandwich size container, he noticed that there was no return address on the envelope. Nor was there a card or letter inside. His attention turned to the police scanner. Back up assistance. Finding out who had sent the parcel would just have to wait.


“Lulu, your cooking has improved.” Boss exclaimed and reached for another chocolate no bake from the ceramic platter on the coffee table.

“I didn’t make those Chickabiddy,” Lulu replied from the dining room where she rearranging a poinsettia.

“Really lambykins?” Boss mumbled, trying to finish the last bite of cookie. His dark eyes focused on the twinkling display of lights hung carefully around the fresh cut pine tree.

“Really, J.D.,” Lulu peeked over her shoulder. “The platter was sitting at the back door this morning next to the Gazette.”

“Ok,” Boss picked the platter up to see if there was anything to identify who had left the cookies. “No card?”

“No,” Lulu turned. She smiled watching Boss finish examining the platter. “Probably someone from church.” She surmised.

“If you find out who done this, give them my thanks.” Boss leaned back in the recliner with a cookie in each hand.

Lulu nodded. “I’ll see what I can find out tonight.”


“Flash, I’d love to give you some but chocolate is not good for you, darling.” Rosco looked at Flash buckled in the passenger seat of his patrol car.

He had found a brown paper bag tied with red string that held chocolate no bake goodies. “We’ll be back at the station in a bit and you can have an extra doggie treat if you help figure out who left the cookies.” So far there had been no other reports of folks being stuck by the no bake cookie Claus. He had left half the package on a paper plate for Cletus at the station.

So far we’re seen Cooter, Enos, Rosco, Boss & Lulu with their goodies. Let’s check in on a few more folks. 

“It just has to be you who left the cookies.” Cletus insisted to the pretty brunette who stood outside the post office.

Daisy shook her head. “Sorry, Cletus. When would I have had time to do that?” she paused. “We’re been shorthanded at the Boar’s Nest all week.”

“What about Jesse?” Cletus questioned, began to fidget nervously with his tie.

“Him and the boys been busy helping fix Sunshine’s place.” Daisy smiled at Cletus. “Uncle Jesse is more of a pie person.”

Cletus stared at her for a moment thoughtfully. “Who do you think did this?”

“I’m not sure but I do need to get inside before that Capitol City truck gets here.” Daisy held up a small white box, a pretty green and purple ribbon bow attached to the top.

“Ok, if you find out you’ll let me or Rosco know.” Cletus asked.

“Of course,” Daisy insisted. Cletus took a hold of the door handle to it open. “And if you find out, you’ll let me know.”

“Yeah,” Cletus opened the door with one hand, politely lifted his hat with the other hand toward Miss Tizdale.


“Uncle Jesse, when did you have time to make cookies?” Luke asked while driving the General Lee over near the Interchange. He had seen some no bake cookies in wax paper amongst the rest of the lunch that had been packed this morning.

“I didn’t. Found them on the table,” Jesse replied. “Figured maybe someone sweet on one of you boys.” He chuckled heartily.

Luke turned his head to look out the General’s driver side mirror, quickly to the instrument panel gauges. “Or one of your admirers.” He glanced to see Jesse smiling, then back to the road. “Might be able to tell when we eat them.” The bakery sometimes just wasn’t as good as homemade. And some folks added different items depending on their taste. “Think Mrs. Rhuebottom’sare peanut butter.”



You’re probably wondering who exactly the chocolate no bake cookie Claus is, Me too.  Let’s see the recipe first…

2 cups granulated sugar
1 stick margarine or butter
1/2 cup low-fat milk
1/3 cup baking cocoa
3 cups uncooked Quaker oats

Combine sugar, margarine, milk and cocoa in a large saucepan. Bring to boil over medium heat, stirring frequently. Continue boiling for three minutes, stirring frequently. Remove from heat, then stir in oats. Drop by tablespoonfuls onto waxed paper. Let stand until firm. Place in a container that could be sealed tightly.


Bo had double checked the yellow aged index card and read an additional notation; cool mixture for five minutes in saucepan before adding old fashioned oats. Uncooked instant could be added right away. They sounded really good. Lots of folks liked chocolate. The ingredients and packaging materials hadn’t been costly; just a few cookies to Mr. Rhuebottom before the rest were delivered to other folks. He sat on the front porch with a steaming cup of hot cocoa wondering if anyone would figure he was the chocolate no bake cookie Claus.


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