
By: ‘Chet Duke‘ and ‘Hilery Davenport

It was late in the afternoon and the two Duke twins, (who don’t even like each other let alone be referred to as twins), were at the Boars Nest with their father, Bo Duke, and Bo’s cousin, Luke, Luke’s little girl, Jessie, and the family friends, the Davenports. Chet Duke and his brother, Breyer, were playin pool at a table in the far off corner. The boys were down to the eight ball.

“Eight ball, left corner pocket.” Chet told his brother before shooting. Sure enough, it went into that pocket.

“Good shot Chet,” Hilery told him before givin’ him a friendly hug. Having grown up in Hazzard, Hilery was very close to the Duke family, and looked up to Chet and Breyer as if they were her older brothers.

“Good job Chet.” Amanda said before giving him a hug also. Chet was still in need of the extra attention and understanding, having just lost his best friend in the world. Chet was closer to him then he was his own brother. Daisy and Enos too, had yet to get over the loss of their son. That was the main reason why she was lettin Hilery give Chet so much attention.

“Hey, hold on, Chet, that went into that pocket,” Breyer said, pointing to the corner pocket, then added, “you called it into the one across from it.” That comment made Chet’s blood boil. He had beaten his sibling fair and square.

“I beat you, and I didn’t cheat like you are saying.”

“What ever, you owe me a drink now baby brother.” Breyer said with a giggle in his voice.

“No I don’t” Chet told him, his anger still rising. Breyer’s laugh disappeared and a nasty scowl came across his face.

“Oh, if you wanna play like that, make a bet and not heed by it and cheat, fine with me, but you are gonna pay!” Breyer yelled and punched Chet in the stomach. Hard. Chet was shoved across the room from the force.

Then next thing anyone knew, the boys were in a major fight. Every member of the Duke family rushed to stop the fight, the Davenports not far behind.

“Stop it right now, or else I’ll take a switch to the both of you!” Bo shouted, but it didn’t do any good. “Stop it now boys, Duke don’t fight Duke, remember,” Bo said trying again to get their attention. It too didn’t work. Suddenly, he joined the fight, punching them each in the gut, and in the heads, but it too didn’t work. “Luke, why don’t you give me a gosh dang hand!” With that, Luke also joined the effort to break up the brawl.

“Hey, Amanda, I think I may know how to break this fight up.” Hilery whispered to her friend.

“What you got in mind, Hil?” Amanda said as she leaned closer as she listened to Hilery’s plan. “Sounds good to me. One of the best things you have come up with since we met. Sides, I think Breyer has a tad of a crush on you.” She said before Hilery shoved her out of the way as Chet soared over head and landed on the table they had just been sittin on. He quickly got up, then punched his brother once again, only to get thrown into his father. Bo got up, his eyes throwing sparks. Luke had come over along with Daisy to make sure he was ok.

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Unknown Beginings

by: Chet (Dee)


A scream echos through an alley of a street in Las Angels C.A. But no one around seems to hear it and they continue on with there business. But with in the alley a couple and there 11 year old son stood in the face of danger. A man holding a gun in his hand threateningly at them suffled throw the womens purse and demanded the husbands wallet. The family wasnt weathy, but they werent broke poor either, but what the teribble killer found was not enough. He shot the boys father in the head killing him emedity, then his mother. The boy cried deeply kneeling next to his murdered parents, the killer still standing there but his gun empty.

“Stupid kid, you saw the hole thing and my face.” The killer said furiously.

Suddenly stricking the boy on the back of the head with the gun and beating him in the face brecking his jaw. The man kicked and beat the boy until there was no moevement from his bloody body and pleased with his work he walked away, never to be seen again.

It was nearly four hours later when a fire cheif on his way to work early in the morning found the couple dead in the alley. The fire cheif called the police in a hurry, reporting that he had found three dead civilians, two adults and one boy. The first officer on the scene was young and just happened to be in the area. The fire chief had done the best he could, but as he was preparing to continue onto work he saw the body of the young boy twich and shudder. Without thinking of anything but the life of the boy he scooped the 11 year old up in his arms and ran down the street until he came to the intersection. The cheif crossed and went up two blocks to the Emergency Hospital. He didnt relise that the young cop was running behind him until they were inside the hospital and running down the hall to the emgency room. Nurses and doctors appeared keeping as calm and cool as possible, put the boy on a bed and wheeled him away.

“You alright?” The young cop asked patting the old Fire Cheif on the back.

The cheif nodded whipping the swet off his face and turning to excit the hall way with the young cop. He looked over his sholder at the doors in which the boy had been wheeled through, the child had hardly been alive. In all his years of fighting fires and rescuing people the fire cheif had never seen a child in such bad shape unless they were already deseaced. Shaking his head he left the hospital and continued onto work despite his bad exsperience.

The doctors were able to stablize the child in a short time, he was dignost with four broken ribs, a broken jaw and a suveer concussion. His jaw was wired together, his ribs rapped and he was left to heal. He awoke late in the night of the day he had been edmitted, a nurse was changing the IV in his arm.

Harlond looked around the room scared to death, he did not know where he was or how he had gotten there. The only thing he remembered was kneeling over his parents, his parents he thought in his head, they were dead. He began to cry, he wanted his mom and dad and he wanted to go home. The first time he tried to move his head he cried out in pain, his jaw hurt so bad that he could only keep it open eough to breath. The nurse soothed him and told him not to move, she was an older women with soft old frail hands that proved her many caring years.

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Paper Angel

By: Chet (Dee)

“Can you pick me up Ted so that I can put my wish on the Christmas tree before dinner?” A little girl sitting in a wheel chair asked as she stared up at the meager Christmas tree in the center of the room.

The Christmas tree lay surrounded by beds in long rows, each bed set next to a small window inside of the Hazzard County Orphanage. The large room a cosey warm with a fire burning in the fire place in the corner.

“Yes, Emily.” Ted, one of the staff members at the Orphanage replied.

Carefully he picked the small girl up in his arms and held her close to the tree, but up so that she could reach towards the top. Emily placed her angel shaped ornament on the tree an then nodded that he could put her back in her wheel chair.

Ted wheeled her into the dinning area an she ate among the other kids at the Orphanage, the normal kids. Emily didn’t feel very hungry, so she ate as much as she could, then placed her empty plate in the sink and returned to her bed.

The next morning the Christmas tree was removed from the Orphanage and carefully carried down the street to the gazebo. Suddenly the wind picked up and blew against the tree hard, a single angel shaped piece of paper was blown off the tree. Slowly as the win died back down, the piece of paper fluttered down from the sky and landed on the wet side walk.

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Razor 01: The Maltese Tiger

by: Chet

The evening air was warm in Hazzard County Georgia, an the sun had long since settled behind the distant horizon. Loud music pierced the darkness all around the Boars Nest and people packed into bar for a cold beer on such a hot night.

Among the people a dark lone figure lounged at the pine bar, a long neck bottle set half empty in front of him, and a stool on each side of him lay empty, except of coarse for a few women who moved back and forth from the bar to the tables scattered around the room. An it was only a few select women who new the dark figure that didn’t feel the need to keep there distance from the hulking muscular man and occasionally, a few out of town women found him….charming.

Riddick had been lounging at the bar since just before sunset an just after he had returned from Peachtree City with a delivery truck for Cooter. He didn’t often drive for Cooter, but a couple months before the truck had been hijacked and stolen. So Cooter came up with the brilliant idea to instal his own personal security on the truck, his security being the biggest, strongest an most feared man in Hazzard County. An now after his long drive through the hot weather, he sat enjoying a cold beer or two or three an the fresh cool air of the cold air conditioning.

He finished his third bottle of beer and prepared to order a shot of the Nest’s finest when a thin, lovely looking women with long Burnet colored hair. Her smooth stomach showed visibly for her shirt was short an made of a thin lacy fabric, an her body was made of smooth fine curves and beautiful skin. Riddick glanced at her at first then looked again doing a double take of such a gorgeous being as she leaned against the bar next to him ordering herself a fancy drink. His eyes clearly showed his intoxication, he hadn’t drank heavily in a long time and it was showing in his composure.

The bar tender brought Riddick not a shot but a mug of cold hard whiskey, he tested it at first taking a small sip of the intoxicating liquid. Then with a big swallow he drank down half and glass and then rested it back on the bar.

She turned her attention to him with a ear to ear smile, so big an beautiful that it seemed a mile wide or more. Here eyes were wide with surprise, not many men could gulp whiskey like that, especially that large of amount at once. An she looked him up an down where he stood at the bar shirtless even though it was against the rules of the Nest. His skin shinny with sweat, his huge muscles tight against his skin and his tattoos a decoration wrapped tamely around his massive body. She flashed her eyelashes at him an grinned yet brighter showing a hint of shyness but that shyness was over ridden by the feeling of herself being pulled into him.

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