Blind Faith

by: Essy Jane

Bo was driving that day as Roscoe chased behind them. His blonde hair was waving in the wind. The curls seemed to take on a life of their own. Nice to see Bo behind the wheel ain’t it? You know, even the driving instructor said he was a natural. Already, Bo had most of his Uncle Jesse’s driving habits.

“What the heck would he be doing behind us?” Luke questioned his cousin as Bo took another sharp turn. Luke held on to the window of the car.

“I don’t know Luke but this makes me long for the General Lee. Hey, look in the back, see if Cooter has anything in here that might slow him down,” Bo replied.

“Alright but knowing Cooter, there’s nothing interesting but car magazines.”

“Just get back there Luke, I am not in the mood for sarcasm.”

“Well then you hired the wrong court jester, I am always filled with sarcasm.”

“Well then, I will erase your memory.” Luke began to laugh.

“Like you could do that, Bo Duke—what’s eating at you?

“Nothing really, I am jumpy especially with Roscoe behind me.”

“Why, you’re a great driver.”

“That doesn’t mean that I can’t be cautious. Now can you get back there already?”

“Alright, here I go.” Luke took a look back there.

“Hurry up, he’s gaining.” He continued rambling through the back. Luke pulled off a big burlap sack that had been cut and sewn together. He couldn’t find anything useful sitting under there but what he did find…

“Ah Bo, you might want to take a look down here.” Bo looked in the rearview mirror.

“MOONSHINE?” Yes, Boss Hogg’s recipe of moonshine passed down from generation to generation.

“Well it don’t look like water to me. If I didn’t think we would be arrested for drinking under age, I would have tried it to be sure it truly was.” You see, Boss Hogg usually gets some yokel to drive it so as he isn’t caught.

“You have got to be kidding me.” Besides the Dukes, the Davenports were the best drivers in town. Cooter must have forgotten about it being in the back.

“I wish I was cousin. There’s enough of it here to put us away for the rest of our natural life.” Bo’s eyes shifted back and forth. He shook his head. Now Jesse would have their heads if they were caught with moonshine again.

“Step on it?”

“Oh yeah.”

“Cooter’s goanna pay for this. He owes us lunch.”

“More than that Bo, I think his services should be for free.”

“I don’t think we can out run him at all. We need to get rid of the evidence.”

“Well do it cousin.”

“I’m driving, you do it.”

“I knew that.” Luke grabbed the first bottle out and then a second. Bo put his foot down on the accelerator. They sped up. As they came to a cliff, Luke noticed how close they were to the edge.

“Hey do you mind slowing down just a little bit? One it is hard to throw the bottles out when you’s speeding like this but two, we are goanna be pancakes if we don’t.” Bo kept pushing on the break. Luke climbed back over the seat.

“I can’t.” Luke sat back down in the passenger’s seat. “I just can’t, Luke.”

“No, no, what do you mean you can’t?” Luke reached his foot over and tried to use the break. “Bo…”

“Luke we have to jump.” Luke nodded.

“I’m with you cousin.” Luke grabbed a piece of rope and tied it to the head rest. “At least this way it will stay out.”

“Forget about that, we have to get out of here.”

“Okay, I’m coming!” They both went out of Bo’s door. The car kept on going straight. Roscoe and Enos slowed down.

“Duke Boys, you had better slow down now. I won’t give you a ticket if you do khee,” Roscoe said over the CB. The car kept moving. Roscoe’s eyes widened. “Now boys, I am serious, this is no reason to go and get yourselves hurt. Pull over Bo, come back.”

The car continued going closer towards the cliff.. It suddenly took to the air. It flew for a minute and suddenly began to go down. The car turned over repeatedly until it hit the bottom of the ravine. Smoke rolled out of the automobile slowly at first. I don’t like to see any car in that condition do you?

Remember friends, smoke doesn’t mean they’re having a barbeque down there. The haze you see down there means trouble for the car. Remember, Luke didn’t exactly get all the moonshine out.

Now as Roscoe saw the car he came to an awkward stop. He got out of the car quickly, as did Enos who was following pretty closely behind at the time. They both couldn’t believe the horrific sight. The car just sat there, staring at them. “Do you see any movement Enos?” Roscoe asked. Enos shouted out of pure frustration.

“I can’t see anything Sheriff!” Enos cried.

“Neither can I. All I can see is the smoke. Dang it, do you think they got out?”

“Bo, Luke!” Enos exclaimed. He prepared himself to go down the cliff after them, not knowing that they had jumped out. Suddenly the car exploded. Enos was still trying to go down. Roscoe held him back and looked him straight in the eye.

“NO ENOS! No one could have survived that,” Roscoe told him. His eyes filled up with tears.

“Sheriff they can’t be dead, they just can’t.”

“Enos, we can’t save them now.” Enos fell to his knees in total shock. He began weeping uncontrollably.

“Bo, Luke—no, I…”

“I know Enos, I know.”

“They were my best buddies. Why were we chasing them? Huh? If it wasn’t for us…”

“Enos! Don’t blame yourself.”

“Sheriff, they’re gone…Bo and Luke are gone.” Enos began to cry harder than before. He couldn’t believe this had happened.

“I know Enos, I know.” He crawled towards the cliff wanting to go down again but a second explosion of the car ruled out any doubt that the Duke Boys were coming back.

“Sheriff, I have just got to help them!” Roscoe swallowed hard. He was trying to push back the tears.

“Enos, you can’t help them.”

“I’m their friend, sheriff, I have to help them!” Enos began shaking his head repeatedly. “I just have to get them back up here.”


“They got out, they had to.” Enos stood up. He looked out into the horizon. “BO—LUKE…COME OUT BUDDIES.” Roscoe cried harder than before.

“They’re not coming Enos.”


“Enos, stop it!”


“What is it?”

“They ain’t coming back.” Roscoe shook his head no. “They ain’t goanna be in Hazzard no more.”

“The lord giveth and the lord taketh away.” Enos took off his hat and so did Roscoe. “We’ll never forget will we?”

“No, no we won’t.”

Yeah I know what you’re thinking. Sad ain’t it? Keep in mind though, no one died. Bo and Luke got out of the car remember? Yeah I knew it would come back to ya.

If you look over to the far left…nope keep going…ah a little more behind the bushes, there you go. You see those two humps over there? That’s Bo and Luke. They are lying across from each other…their heads are by the hefty rock.

Taking into consideration how far they are from the wreckage do you think that Roscoe P. Coltrane is goanna find them? They are pretty hidden away or should I say camouflaged? Yeah they were camouflaged more than ever, ah since they’re behind a great number of bushes.

Now you know that Enos was crying something terrible. Roscoe didn’t know what to say to the Dukes. So first, he reported back to the one and only Boss Hogg. Now if you think that Bo and Luke’s death shocked Enos and Roscoe, think about how Boss Hogg felt.

“Dead?” Boss asked blankly. He shook his head, sticking a cigar in his mouth. He lit it and blew out the smoke “Are you sure?”

“No one could have survived that blast. It was in one of Cooter’s cars,” Roscoe replied. Boss’ eyes widened.

“COOTER’S cars? MY PRECIOUS WONDERFUL MOONSHINE!!!!” Boss Hogg growled. “I am taking that out of your pay.” Boss’ eyes widened. He shook his head no.

“Now Boss, shouldn’t we be concentrating on the Duke Boys?” Boss Hogg snapped his fingers, he opened up a file folder. “Why are you opening up your Uncle’s memoirs?”

“Simple, Bone Head—read this.” Roscoe picked up the papers and cleared his throat. He stood up straight and smiled. He looked down at the paper.

“Roscoe, my dumb Sheriff…”

“See the connection?” Roscoe growled. “Keep reading or you’ll loose your job.”

“Roscoe my dumb Sheriff walked into my office at the Boar’s Nest and stared at me. He told me the Dukes were dead. I had a great plan to pin something on them but…”

“They weren’t dead.”

“They weren’t in fact dead.”

“Ah, close enough.”

“They played tricks on me—and my dumb sheriff to make us tell where the items that were proclaimed stolen were. In the end, I had to pay Daisy reward money.” Roscoe looked up confused.

“There was a Daisy Duke in his time too knuckle head!” Roscoe nodded, showing that he understood. He handed back the paper.

“Check the area!”

“Shouldn’t I tell Jesse Duke?” Boss Hogg rolled his eyes.

“Okay tell Jesse Duke and then check the area.”

“Shouldn’t Enos come with me for support when I tell Uncle Jesse about his boys? Then should I make sure all the area is Duke free, not just part of the area the whole area and nothing but the area?”

“Roscoe, you’re giving me a headache!”

“Well I don’t know what to do. Those Dukes have been through a lot of things what with them…”

“How dare you sympathize with those Dukes! I get enough of that from your fat sister.”

“She is smart, Boss.”

“I don’t care if she’s smart.”

“Well I personally think…”

“I didn’t ask you to think. Just get out of here.” Roscoe nodded quickly and walked out. Roscoe walked out of the office. Boss Hogg swallowed hard and sighed. “Dang it, poor boys—poor Jesse Duke…he’s goanna be heartbroken at this news.” Roscoe popped his head back in.

“I knew you cared.”

“Didn’t I tell you to get out of here?”

“Sorry Boss.”

“You better not tell this to anyone!”

“Yes Boss.”

“Now vamoose!”

“Vamoosing Boss, I am out of here.” Boss Hogg rolled his eyes and snarled, signaling Roscoe to move faster but he still didn’t seem to get it..

“GET OUT!” Roscoe ran out of the office and got in his car. Now friends, I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t wanna break this news to the Dukes—or to anyone for that matter.


Jesse sat on the front porch shaping a piece of wood into a whistle. He felt a sharp pain in his toe. Daisy walked over and sat beside him, embracing the nicely lit sky. “My big toe’s a hurtin’ again,” Uncle Jesse commented. Daisy looked at him funny. She held on to her uncle. “Trouble’s a foot, girl.”

“Oh the boys are just driving back into town to pick up the General Lee. No harm in that,” Daisy replied.

“Yeah, I suppose you are right, kid.” Suddenly they heard a horn going off. It was Cooter and Dodger. Jesse stood up as Cooter and Dodger ran over to them. “What is wrong with you two?”

“Can’t y’all come around here like normal people?”

“Where are Bo and Luke?” Dodger asked.

“Yeah and where is my car?” Cooter questioned.

“If you hadn’t made the fool mistake of lending him THAT car, you wouldn’t have to ask that question.”

“Well THAT car was goanna give us like nine thousand dollars.”

“Cooter, you know the boys are on probation!”

“Yeah I know and I’m sorry.”

“Okay, I don’t like where this little tiny chitchat is going!” Jesse cut in. Cooter tried to walk away. Dodger pulled him back towards Jesse. “What in the world is going on?”

“Uncle Jesse…”

“Cooter, I ain’t your Uncle Jesse, I will never be your Uncle Jesse. Do you got that?”

“Yes Uncle Jesse.” Daisy laughed as Jesse growled.

“Now tell me, what is going on.”

“Well you see—I forgot that Boss gave me moonshine in that car.”

“HOW COULD YOU FORGET SOMETHING LIKE THAT?” Daisy shook her head. “Do you have any, ANY idea what this could do to those boys?”

“Yeah and I am sorry.”

“Sorry ain’t good enough. Luke is almost done high school. Bo is getting decent marks. I am not aiming on getting them arrested anytime soon! I don’t wanna visit my nephews from juvy.”

“Cooter, this is low, even from you!” Daisy exclaimed. Cooter’s head lowered.

“Y’all I’m so sorry, honest,” Cooter mumbled.

“I know you are but you have got to think.”

“Yeah I do have to think.”

“You know, the boys could be late because of this. When they find the shine they’ll have to get rid of it.”

“Yeah I know. How about this? I take them out for lunch. It’ll make them feel better.”

“They don’t need anymore trouble than they’re already getting.”

“Well I am mighty sorry, Daisy. I know, I was being stupid and those boys are important to me.”

“Thanks for admitting it Cooter.” Suddenly, Jesse saw Roscoe and Enos’ car coming from around the corner. “Uncle Jesse…”

“Probably here to tell us—tell us that they’re missing from the law. Now act natural y’all,” Uncle Jesse told everyone. Cooter and Dodger crouched down. Roscoe and Enos’ cars came to a halt. They both got out and walked towards the gang sitting around the porch. “Hello Roscoe, Enos, what can I do for you?”

“Um, Jesse, there’s no easy way to say this, possum on a gum bush—I can’t say this. Dang it Sheriff…” Enos began to cry. Daisy got up and put an arm around Enos.

“Well you wanna take a crack at whatever he was trying to say?”

“Enos, go in the car,” Roscoe ordered.

“Boy, what shook him up?” Enos nodded and walked over to his police car. He took out a hanky and began rubbing his damp face. Roscoe turned his attention away from Enos and stared at Jesse.

“We were chasing the boys and the car went off the cliff.” Jesse began laughing.

“That sounds like my boys alright.”

“They didn’t get out of the car and…”

“NO, you’re not saying what I think you are.” Jesse shook his head no as Roscoe’s head lowered. “No, it ain’t possible, it just ain’t possible. Not for my boys. Not Bo and Luke.”

“The explosions were massive—no one could have survived that.” The knife dropped out of Jesse’s hand. Dodger and Cooter looked at each other in shock. Daisy ran over to Jesse, hugging him tight. “I’m sorry, your boys are gone.”

“You’re in the wrong, Roscoe Coltrane…you have just got to be!” Cooter exclaimed.

“Yeah, we’ll go out and look and…” Dodger was saying.

“I have got men down there—so far, nothing,” Roscoe said.

“Oh Uncle Jesse!” Daisy exclaimed as her eyes filled with tears. She buried her face into her Uncle’s overalls. She clung onto them tight.

“I’m—I’m so sorry about this.”


“No Daisy, I am really torn up about all of this. I know, I chased your boys a lot. I never ever wanted this to happen.”

“We all know that, Roscoe,” Jesse cut in.


“I know, I know.” Roscoe’s eyes began to tear up at the sight of the company he was with. Cooter even began crying. He don’t cry unless he means it.

“I gotta git back there.” Jesse nodded softly. He looked at the sun as it began to lower. “I better hurry, the boys will wanna close up soon.”

“I understand.” Roscoe got back into his car and honked, hoping Enos would back up. Jesse looked at Dodger and Cooter.

“We’re goanna find them,” Cooter commented.

“No boy, those guys are working on it.”

“Uncle Jesse, you can’t expect me to just sit here and wait for their funeral.”

“Cooter, you care about them boys just as much as I do but…”

“But what?” Jesse sighed softly to himself. He continued to hold onto Daisy tight. “You know what I’m talking about. You know that I am right. We have to find them.”

“Don’t you think I want to? I just don’t want you two carrying out their husks.”

“They’re alive!”

“How would you know?”

“Roscoe can’t be right about this one.”

“Leave it alone, Cooter…leave it alone.” Jesse stood up, still holding Daisy. “Haven’t you done enough?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I ain’t a scientist or anything but I know one thing, shine causes large explosions when heated too high.”

“You’re blaming me?”

“No—I don’t know. Look, I’m just upset alright? I am upset about all of this. I need some time to deal with this. You can understand that can’t you?” Cooter nodded softly.

“I’m sorry about all of this.”

“I know you are.” Jesse and Daisy walked into the house. Cooter began crying harder.

“He’s right you know.”

“Cooter, he’s just upset,” Dodger mumbled.

“No, he’s right. Why did I take the shine? Why did I lend the boys that car?”

“Don’t blame yourself big brother.” Cooter pulled away as Dodger tried to comfort him. The younger of the two boys rolled his eyes. “You know as well as I do that God takes those he wants.”

“But why Bo and Luke?”

“I don’t know, I wish I could answer that question but we can’t live in denial.” Cooter bit on his bottom lip. Dodger sighed. “No matter what happened to them, we can’t bring them back. Cooter, you can sit there and do the ‘what if’s’ all you want but we can’t pretend they’re alive.” Cooter sighed.

“Yeah perhaps you’re right.”

“I know I am.”

“Why weren’t you born first.”

“Simple, then I would be the crazy one.” Cooter put on a weak smile. “Can you try to look happy for one minute?”

“You don’t look happy.”

“Well I am the younger of us two brothers. I am not supposed to be the happy one.” Cooter rolled his eyes. “No, seriously, I am supposed to be the weepy one. The big brother roll…”

“Don’t poke fun.”

“I’m not trying to Cooter…it is the way I handle loss.” Dodger’s head lowered.

“Yeah I know—I shouldn’t be so quick to judge.” Cooter sighed. He shrugged. “I just don’t know what to do, Dodger, I really don’t.”

“I know big brother but I can tell you one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“I’m here for you.”



“Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it—to anyone, I have a reputation to keep.” Cooter glared at his brother. “I’m trying to stop joking.”

“I know you are. Ever since you was knee high to a grass hopper you have been joking. What is goanna stop you now?”

“I have no idea cousin, maybe if you find a fortune teller…”

“You’re a nut.” The two got in the truck. “I mean that in the nicest way possible.”

“I know you do.” Dodger put on his seatbelt. Cooter followed his brother’s example. “We should just…”


“Sit for a second I guess…I don’t really feel much like driving. After what happened to Bo and Luke…” Dodger shook his head. He couldn’t believe this. Cooter was really blaming himself for this whole ordeal.”

“FOR THE LAST TIME, you couldn’t have known.”

“I could have done something.” Cooter’s face went bright red as he struggled to hold in the emotions that were clouding his mind.


“No! I did this—I could have said no to Boss.” Dodger sighed. He shook his head. “I could have done something. NOW THEY ARE GONE! And nothing…nothing is goanna bring them back.”

“Cooter, you’re acting like a child.”

“I don’t wanna drive.”

“Excuse me?” He got out of the car. Cooter walked over to the passenger’s side. Dodger had his window unrolled. “I don’t like this side of you. Stop it, you’s scaring me.” He leaned partly on the lining of the window.

“Get out.”


“Are you daft and stupid? I said get out. You’re driving.” Dodger shook his head no. “I ain’t driving.”

“Then we’re staying here.” Cooter undid his brother’s seatbelt and ripped him out of the car. Now friends, he don’t deal with stuff really well, do he?

“Okay, I’m driving.” Dodger walked to the other side of the car and got in. He looked over at his brother who had his feet up on the seat, almost pouting. Dodger rolled his eyes. He put on his seatbelt. “Feet down.”


“Don’t you be acting like—like a stupid young baby.” When Cooter didn’t listen, Dodger drove off into the sunset.


I bet y’all are wondering what’s up with Bo and Luke. Whelp, they’re just coming around up by the bushes—well Bo is anyway. He opened his eyes and rubbed them. Bo rubbed them frequently. He suddenly stopped, sighing. “Dang, I can’t see—must have happened when I slammed my head,” Bo mumbled to himself.

He turned to the right, feeling the extremely large rock that was once in the rear him. Bo shook his head. He felt the dirt. It was somewhat humid. The dirt felt like brown sugar in his hands. Bo hoped the feel of the dirt would give him some sort of clue to how far down they were.

He smelt the air. It smelt musky to say the least. Bo knew this meant trouble for both him and his cousin. He had to find Luke and fast. This young man was a human barometer. Bo Duke could smell out a flood in seconds or even just a spring shower. Either way, this boy knew something was goanna happen.

“Oh no, it is goanna rain soon. LUKE? WHERE ARE YOU LUKE?” Bo called out. He turned himself around, feeling what was in front of him. Sure enough he could feel wavy hair. To him it felt as if they were shot fishing line all bunched together. “Hey, can you hear me?”

The object began to moan. Bo could hear the ground rustling from under him. Sure enough it was Luke moving around which was a great relief to him. Bo knew that it was okay. If he was blind and Luke was there, they would be able to get out of here in no time.

“Where am I?” Luke questioned. Bo smiled at his cousin and soon broke out laughing. He shook his head and finally stopped. Luke seemed pretty serious looking at the time.

“I can’t believe you don’t remember what just happened,” Bo replied.

“What happened?”

“Luke, you do know that I didn’t mean it when I said I wanted your memory gone don’t you?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I mean you ain’t doing this out of spite.”

“Who are you?” Bo’s eyes widened.

“Are you kidding me?” Luke didn’t say anything. Bo waited for a few seconds.

“About what?”

“Luke tell me you’re kidding me.”

“Who is Luke?”

“You are.”

“I am? I am Luke—so then who are you?” Bo shook his head.

“Dang, I go blind and you can’t remember your dog gone name! You can’t even remember my name.”

“My name is Luke?” Bo pounded on the ground hard.

“Great, we’re never goanna get home.”

“Who are you? Where’s home?” Bo cleared his throat and straightened up the top half of his body.

“You’re name is Luke Duke. I am your cousin Bo Duke. We’re in Hazzard County. We, that is you and I, were in an accident which is why I can’t see and you don’t know who you are.”

“So my name is…Luke?”


“What’s yours?”


“And how do I know if you are who you say you are?”

“Luke, you’re just goanna have to trust me.” Bo sighed. “Look up at the clouds.”

“How do you know there are clouds if you can’t see?” Bo growled. Remember? He hates explaining himself. Bo will always hate it.

“I can smell the fragrance of the humidity in the atmosphere.” Luke took his hand and rolled it in front of Bo’s face. Bo of course, not being able to see, didn’t flinch. Luke stuck out his pinky and his index fingers.

“How many fingers am I holding up?”

“I don’t know—six?”

“Story checks out. Now it is bad that we get stuck in the rain?” Bo nodded slowly. Luke rubbed his chin. “Well I just don’t see any way out of this. I don’t know where I am.”

“What do you see?”

“Oh like that’s goanna work.”

“Do you have any better ideas?”


“What do you see?”

“The sun is setting. There is a big steep cliff up ahead.” Bo shook his head. Luke slammed his hands down on the ground. “What do you want from me?”

“No, it’s not you. Look, we’re probably about sixty miles away from the farm. We have to climb a steep hill to find shelter and to make things worse, I really can’t see.”


“So? So I don’t know where to put my foot to get up there.”

“I do.” Bo smiled and rubbed his hands together. “What?”

“Even when you’re damaged goods you’re pretty clever. I guess Duke Smarts never run out of a person.”

“Thanks—I think.”

“First I think that we should umm…well make sure we’re not really badly hurt or anything.”

“I can’t remember anything, does that count?”

“Concentrate, Luke. Now, I know I have some scratches and so do you.”

“Oh yeah.”

“From falling down the large cliff into the ravine.”

“We fell into the ravine?” Bo shrugged and shook his head. He couldn’t believe this was happening. The Dukes always seemed to be in some sort of trouble. Now the real question was how they were going to get out of it. “What’s the matter now?”

“Never mind about that, just point me in the direction of the large dirt wall.” Luke grabbed onto Bo’s arms and pulled him there quickly. “Are we there yet?”

“What do you think?” Luke grabbed Bo’s hands, placing them on the soft, yet rocky, surface. “Okay, there’s a ledge—a small one to your left. Put your right foot on it.”

“Why right?”

“Just trust me will you?” Bo nodded his head. He slid his right foot until he found the left ledge. He placed it up there. “Now take your left hand and find the ridge sticking out.”

“Okay cousin.” Bo found the protruding piece of rock. He pulled himself up carefully, not sure of what was going on.

“Very good. Now, you’re going to put your right foot straight up.” Luke began climbing up behind him, continuing to give him directions while he moved up. They were almost at the top when Bo’s foot slipped. Luke grabbed his foot and placed it back on the ridge.

“Thank you so much, cousin.”

“Don’t mention it.”

“Okay, I won’t.

“Now just put your hands on the top and pull yourself up.” Bo did as he said. He put his hands up and reached for his cousin. Luke put his hands up, grabbing Bo’s. “Here we go.”

“Careful there, Luke.” Bo pulled him up. Luke toppled on top of his cousin. “You’re heavy.”

While Bo and Luke get their wits together, let’s go into town and go and see Boss Hogg. He’s having a meeting you know with the Beaudries. I feel like running right now. Oh right, a balladeer has to explain things. I can’t run just yet.

Now, for all of those who are new to Hazzard County, let me enlighten you. The Beaudries have been in Tennessee almost as long as the Dukes have been over in Georgia. Unlike the Duke Boys, who fight for justice and the American way, the Beaudry Family is out there taking it by force.

Milo had a son—his name was Isaac Beaudry. He was actually called Junior or Icky for short. Most people knew him as Icky because of his awful sons. Now what was this meeting about? Well…

“You wanna sell me your moonshine?” Boss asked. Dang it Boss, I was goanna say that.

“Yes sir, the best moonshine this side of Tennessee,” Icky told Boss, proudly. Boss Hogg took a drink and almost immediately spit it out.

“May be the best in Tennessee but here in Georgia, it is the worst.”

“Are you insulting my shine?”

“No, your Moonshine is insulting me. Now get out of here and don’t come back.”

“You’re making a big mistake.”

“The only mistake was having you in my office.” Icky walked out and heard Roscoe talking. He hid behind the wall.

“No luck, huh? Well with the blast I saw, I do believe the Duke Boys are dead…yeah—we’ll send out a search party tomorrow. Thanks Gerry, bye,” Roscoe commented. Icky walked out. “Hey Icky, good meetin’ with the Boss?”

“Nah, but he ain’t heard the last of me,” Icky replied. He walked out of the building and jumped into the truck.

“What’s the matter Pa?” The first son asked.

“Nothing Milo—we’ll get that Hogg and tie him up by his grinds.”

“What about them Dukes? They foiled our plans the last three times.”

“BO and LUKE are dead as doornails, you won’t have to be worryin’ about them two. Now, we have to find a place to take over.”

“Where Pa?”

“Do I have to do all the thinkin’ around here?”


“We’s goanna go and git a place on the outskirts.”



Back to Bo and Luke, since they are all firing interesting. It was about two hours after this funny little meeting that we saw with Boss Hogg. Well Bo and Luke were walking along…I suppose that ain’t very interesting but bear with me y’all.

All Luke could tell his cousin was there were trees. This of course didn’t tell Bo where they were at all. The clouds were still forming over head and they were loosing sunlight faster than a flea growing on a hound dog.

Now you can just imagine Bo’s delight. He didn’t really know what was going on. He was blind and couldn’t see. Luke was in the exact same pickle only he wasn’t blind…he had no memory.

“I just thought of something,” Bo announced unexpectedly.

“What?” Luke questioned.

“We need to keep my eyes clean.”

“What do you mean by us? They’re your eyes not mine.”

“You know what Luke, you wouldn’t be saying that if you had no memory.”

“How would you know, are you inside my head when I have my memory?”

“Because we’re close.”

“Oh don’t try to fool me with your shenanigans. I know some things.”

“Even if your memory is shot?”

“Oh yeah, even if my memory is shot.” Bo began laughing. “You set me up.”

“For good reasons.”

“Look, if I remember one thing it is that cousins aren’t very close.”

“Well we are. In fact we’re probably the closest cousins you have ever met. We shared laughs together. He have cried together. We have even fought side by side.”

“We’re that close.”

“When your Mom died, I was by your side.”

“My Mom died.”

“Yeah, your dad left us here.”

“Man…so if it wasn’t for my dad…we wouldn’t be in this mess.”

“Luke, I wouldn’t want to ever think of that.” Bo grabbed his shirt and gave it to Luke. He examined the shirt carefully. “We’ll use this for my eyes.”

“I don’t want anything else happening to them. I mean—this should go down…the blindness I mean.” Luke still stared at the shirt.

“May I ask a question?”

“Fire away.”

“Nah, it’s dumb.”

“There are no dumb questions.”

“How is giving me your shirt going to keep your eyes clean?” Bo slapped his own head with the palm of his hand.

“That was a stupid question.”

“You just said…”

“Well I take it back.” Bo breathed out outrageously, making Luke stare at him instead of the shirt. “No I don’t, it wasn’t a stupid question.”

“It wasn’t?”

“No…it really wasn’t.”

“I thought it was.”

“Luke, I assumed that you knew and assuming makes an dunderhead out of you and me.”

“Yeah, I guess it does, doesn’t it?”

“Well, I want you to take the shirt and rip it into strips. We got to cover up my eyes with them.”

“Like a bandage?”

“Exactly.” Luke began to do as his cousin said.

“I ain’t tying all of these around you am I?”

“Just enough to cover my eyes.”

“How do you know if your shirt is clean?”

“I have no idea.”

“You know, I wish that we were somewhere else right now. I don’t really care where just anywhere but here.”

“Me too cousin, me too.” Someone was a walking up in the bushes and I don’t think it is the Easter Bunny. “I wish that I was home right now having some grits with Uncle Jesse.”

“Or anything to eat for that matter, I am starving.”

“Well after we’re done…” Suddenly from behind them, Bo put his hands up as did Luke.

“That Sheriff Coltrane thinks you’s dead,” Icky commented.

“Well to them we are,” Luke answered.

“I knew I could smell something fishy. It was your breath Icky,” Bo answered. He stood up tall. Luke grabbed the pieces of the shirt and shoved them in his pocket.

“Silence you ruffian,” Icky growled.

“You know as well as I do if it wasn’t for that gun, I would beat you right now.”

“Yeah I do.”

“So why are you here this time? Want to steal Boss’ money?”

“Actually yes, that is why we’re here. Not that you’ll be able to stop it once you’re tied up.”

“You won’t get away with this.”

“Stand up Luke Duke. I won’t stand for any refusal now.” Luke did as Icky asked. He stood up.

“Who is this?” Luke questioned.

“Are you kidding me?”

“Who are you?”

“This has to be a trick from the great Duke Boys. I know it is a trick.” Luke stared at Icky blankly. Icky’s eyes expanded out of shock of the young Duke boy. “Hey Bo, is he kidding me ain’t he? I mean Luke does know who I am right?”

“You’re an old man but I don’t know who you are.”

“This is a plot ain’t it? To try to make me let you boys go so y’all can fool me. I bet he’s doing this to make me look like a fool.”

“Yeah he’s kidding you,” Bo lied.

“I knew it.” Now do you know why Bo did that? I do. He didn’t want him to know how at risk they were. I wouldn’t want to either I mean really, they already have an advantage, a shot gun.

“Yep, you’re just too smart for us Dukes.” Luke walked over to Bo at a snail’s pace. Luke took hold of his cousin’s hand with care. Bo’s hand was placed on Luke’s shoulder.

“Why the heck did he do that? I mean stick your hand on his shoulder.”

“Moral support. I don’t care for a gun in my face.”

“I don’t care what you care for.”

“Good because I think you’re ugly and I don’t care for you much either.”

“You are rude, didn’t your Uncle ever teach you to respect your elders?”

“Only ones that deserve respecting.”

“Nah, he taught you better than that. What am I doing here squawking? There’s work to be done. Now git.” This was goanna be a long evening, don’t you think?

“We’re going!”

“No more tricks Luke Duke.”

“I wasn’t planning on it. Not when you’re pointing that thing at me,” Luke replied.

“Good thing.” Bo breathed a sigh of pure relief. He was so thrilled that Luke was able to at least show some of the old Luke Bo cared about.

Now I wonder what Icky has planned for them. You never know in Hazzard County what they are really goanna do to you. I guess if we did know, I would be out of a job huh?


Daisy and Jesse were looking through the pictures that were in the photograph albums. Daisy always loved looking at the pictures of the boys. She thought they were wonderful.

“This one here was after you two got back from the docs, after you found out you were staying,” Jesse mumbled. Daisy touched it with care. She sighed.

“I still can’t believe they’re gone,” Daisy replied. Jesse heaved heavily, exhorting all his breath out in one blow. “You know, I wish they could have been here…sitting here and staring at pictures.”

“Well some things weren’t meant to be. The lord takes us when he wants us. Oh, look at this one. This was when the boys first came to me when they were younger.” You could see Bo and Coy when they were younger. Coy had pulled Bo’s hair and the young kid, feeling the pain, was screaming.

“Were Coy and Bo always fighting?”

“Oh yeah, ever since I can remember—you know, sometimes, I would see a moment when they weren’t fighting. It was just for a moment you know. Then one would say something or do something to start it again.”

“Vance and Luke…”

“Luke and Vance fought the same way. It was funny, their little minds were always conflicting. You would wonder why.”

“I think I do wonder.”

“Well, I can’t answer that one Daisy girl. Bo and Vance didn’t get along either. Bo would hate how he acted towards Luke and wouldn’t talk to him.”

“And obviously, Luke didn’t really like how Coy was treating Bo.”

“Well yeah of course. You know, brothers are very touchy subjects.”

“How would you know?”

“You know, I may not have had a brother but I did have a cousin who was very territorial.” Daisy smiled. She shook her head. The tears started flowing down her face. “What is it, Daisy?”

“Oh Uncle Jesse, I miss them.” She buried her face inside her Uncle’s shirt as the rain started to fall.

“It is okay, baby.” Jesse began rubbed her hair slowly. “You know, I can almost commit to memory every detail when your Aunt Laurel died.” Daisy sat up.

“Uncle Jesse I’m…”


“Yeah, my problems were way less than yours.”

“Don’t you ever say that Daisy Duke, ever.” He sighed softly to himself. “No one’s problems are small—do you hear me? Not a person has small problems.”

“Yes sir.”

“Anyway, when I was sitting there thinking my life was over, that’s when family came through for me.”

“I don’t know…”

“Your cousins, Johnny and Tom, seemed to make life better. Every day we would do stuff as a family. Still, there were times…” Jesse wiped his face as tears rolled down his own face. He tried to hide it but couldn’t. “There were times when I would lay there and remember that she was gone.”

“I just pretend like Bo and Luke is out racing or taking on those bad guys like Icky and his sons.” Daisy shook her head. Jesse pulled out his hanky and passed it to his niece. “I don’t know, for some reason I don’t think they’re dead but the evidence…”

“We haven’t looked at it yet have we now?” Daisy’s face lit up as she wiped her tears. Jesse blew his nose on his shirt. “Daisy, remember what I told you…never assume until you looked at the facts?”

“Of course I do, Uncle Jesse.”

“Maybe, there might be a chance that they’re alive.” Daisy smiled. “You know as well as I do what kind of a law man Roscoe is. Maybe they missed something.” The thunder crackled in the sky. Daisy sighed.

“Well we won’t find it anymore, Uncle Jesse, all their prints will be washed away from the down pour tonight.” Jesse snapped his fingers, moving his arm in a half circle position at the same time.

“You know, you’re right.”

“I am?”

“Yeah and now I feel like a total idiot.”

“Why’s that Uncle Jesse?”

“Well kido, think about it. Instead of moping we could have been looking.” Just then, Jesse saw a set of headlights moving towards him. He stood up. “Wonder who that could be at this hour.”

“I don’t know.” As the car moved closer towards them, Jesse and Daisy walked inside, grabbing their coats. Daisy’s pink coat could be seen pretty well in the dark.

As they looked at the car, they noticed the lights on top of the police car. Roscoe walked out. Now friends, Roscoe may love money and he also may love a good scandal but when it came to times like these, he was formal and did his best.

“Hello y’all…umm, we looked through the wreckage—hardly anything was recognizable. The heat was so amazingly hot, we didn’t find even the steering wheel in there,” Roscoe mumbled. Daisy and Jesse stood there silent for a second. The rain poured on top of them.

“Roscoe, thank you for all your hard work,” Jesse said softly. He began walking away.

“Jesse, you’re very welcome.” Jesse stopped. He looked at Roscoe who literally had tired circles under his eyes. “I tried my absolute best. When we got back, we had them look all about the ravine. They weren’t there.”

“Yeah well, I suppose the lord has taken them to a place where no one will chase them anymore.”

“I got to umm…I got to go.” Roscoe got back into his car slowly. He closed the door behind him. “Mama is expecting me home tonight for dinner.”

“You drive safe now Roscoe.”

“I will do my best. I will see you in church Jesse?”

“Of course. You will come to Bo and Luke’s funeral won’t you now?”

“I would be honored to be there. Thank you so much.” He rolled up his window.

Daisy and Jesse walked back to the porch. They grabbed the albums from the excellent wooden planks that sat underneath the base of their feet. They didn’t speak a word to each other.

Over at Enos’ farm, you could see another person who was tremendously upset. His face sunk in. Enos sat by the window, staring at the rain as it walked down from the glass. He sighed softly.

Enos had a picture sitting in his left hand. It was of him, Bo, Luke and Danny. His eyes lowered on it from time to time just peeking at it. He still wished it wasn’t so. He wanted them to be well again.

Maybe walk into his farmhouse and have a talk with him. Many times, they would drag Enos out and take him fishing. Enos shrugged, sniffling. He wanted to do something with them but just couldn’t.

At the Garage, spirits weren’t too high either. Cooter and Dodger worked in almost total complete silence. Both men worked on the cars slower than usual. They looked out in the rain for a minute—seeing the same sky as Enos and the Duke family were staring at.

Dodger looked up at his brother for a second and then turned away. Cooter looked at Dodger and sighed. He looked back at his work. They seemed to want to hide their feelings but they still came out just the same.

Cooter cleared his throat, hoping to hear more than the noise of the wrenches clanging. Dodger looked up at their picture of Bo and Luke. Cooter was holding a giant fish along with Luke who had caught the fish. Dodger and Bo held up their small ones.

Even Roscoe who was driving home looked depressed. He had the radio broadcast playing in the background but suddenly turned it off. Roscoe seemed mortified. All he wanted to do was crawl up in a little ball.

Every person seemed to be experiencing the pains of loss. All the members of Hazzard wanted it to end. The rain just kept flowing and so did the tears.


The gloomy night had changed into a beautiful day and in the barn, Bo was struggling to get free from his ropes. Beside him was one of two twins. Luke was tied to another post. He had the other twin with him. Way far from the entrance was a friend of Jesse’s, Marvin Donnelly.

When Marvin’s wife died, they moved away from civilization. Marvin wanted to get as far away from the people of Hazzard as he could. The only people he still let near him was Jesse and his family who brought them groceries every week.

Marvin’s twins were pretty taken with Bo and Luke. Gina loved Luke and was determined to make him hers. Gail was sure Bo was the top choice. So when she was tied up next to Bo Duke, you better believe she was thrilled.

“Gail, can you grab my knife out of my boot?” Bo questioned.

“I would rather not,” Gail replied. Marvin snarled at his daughter. “Now Bo, I just changed my mind.” Bo pulled his leg up as high as he could. Gail grabbed the knife and passed it to Bo.

“What kid, just what do you think you’re goanna do with that?” Luke questioned.

“I think I am goanna get us out of here,” Bo answered.

“You’re blind…there are like four guys out there.” Luke sat up a little glaring at his cousin. “Besides that, you’re goanna cut yourself with that knife, Joe.”

“First off, the name is Bo.”

“Sorry about that.” Bo shrugged, signaling that the apology was accepted.

“Second of all, I ain’t goanna cut myself with a knife. I have been using a knife since I was two.”

“Yeah, sure you won’t.”

“No, I won’t cut myself. Believe me when I say this.”

“I guess I have to, I have no memory of you using a knife so I can’t judge you.”

“Lastly, being blind has nothing to do with taking on baddies.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“All I need are heights, I can take them all on if you want.”

“Prove it.”

“Alright I will. I am 6’4…tell me if they’re shorter or taller than me as they walk in.”


“I only need help with one guy.”

“Who is that?”

“Have you ever seen a tree?”

“I saw a ton of them on the way up why?”

“Well, the rest of them are fairly short. However, the one guy is shaped like a tree. You’ll recognize him right away. He’s the only person I know who is like 7’1.” Bo was finally out of his ropes.

“How did you…”

“You got to trust me once in a while.” Bo felt for the ropes and undid every person’s bounds. The first of the Beaudry boys walked in, Casey.

“Shorter.” Bo punched him in the face and then hit him in the stomach. Marvin grabbed him and tied him up.

“HELP ME!” Casey exclaimed. Darry walked in and looked at his brother all tied up.

“Shorter,” Luke said again.

“Darry get me out of here.”

“Darry huh?” Bo questioned. He kicked him in the stomach and Marvin grabbed him, tying him up.

“Bo, you’re amazing,” Gail commented.

“Thanks Gail but we’re not done.” Bo sniffed the air. “Here comes Milo.” Sure enough, a man who was about 7’1 in height walked in. Luke walked beside Bo. “You wanna play a game Milo?”

“What kind of game?” Milo questioned.

“Red Rover.” Milo jumped up and down. Milo was a tall giant who had a short fuse. However, he loved games. Anything that involved play was definitely something Milo wanted to do.

“Oooo, goodie!” Bo grabbed his cousin’s hand. He began waving it back and forth.

“Red Rover, Red Rover we call Milo over.” As Milo began to run towards them, Bo and Luke let go and let him run into the barn post. He was knocked out instantly.

“That was genius…pure genius,” Gina announced.

“I agree with my children—you two are wonderful,” Marvin added.

“Well, I would love to stay and chat. I am sure you can take on Icky yourself. After all, you have a rifle in the haystack you keep for emergencies. We have to split now that the downpour has ended.”

“Yeah you do. Man if I thought my kids were dead I would go out of my mind. Look, I am sorry I can’t phone ahead.”

“You have no phone.”

“Yeah and Jesse came by two days ago with the groceries.” Marvin sighed softly. “You know kids, you two are welcome here any time you want.”

“Thank you sir.”

“Oh before you leave…” Marvin grabbed the first aid kit off the wall. “Take this with you. For your eyes Bo.” He put the kit in Luke’s hands.

“We’re off now.” This time, Marvin pointed them into the right direction before going in and tying up Icky. “We’ll be by for them when we get the General,” Bo called.

“Okay Bo Duke.”

“What do you think?” Luke asked.

“About what?” Bo questioned.

“Do you think he’ll be able to keep them all tied up?”

“Four posts and we took away their weapons. Marvin is a tough cookie and so are his girls.”

“Then why were they tied up when we got there?”

“Okay, no one is perfect Luke. They are strong though. Just not when they’re ransacked without warning—then they are weak.”

“You seemed to know them quite well. How good do I know them?”

“Very well, Luke, you know them very well.”

“Gail was looking right at you.”

“That Gail has a great kiss but I don’t know if I would ever date her.”

“You’re nuts do you know that?” Luke shrugged. “I don’t know what to think. Are you really my cousin?”

“Yeah Luke, I am really your cousin.”

“Okay, I’ll believe you only because I have to.” Now ain’t Bo and Luke Duke funny characters?

“You think I am lying?”

“Not exactly.”

“What does that mean?”

“Oh forget it.”

“Come on Luke, what do you mean?”

“Never mind, just drop it.” They kept on course. Oh don’t worry y’all don’t worry one little bit. They’re goanna get home as soon as they can. Hopefully they will get to the homestead sooner than later so that they can clear up the mess.


We’re goanna go to Boss Hogg’s house. Why? Well, we have to meet his wife don’t we now? Leila was pretty with short hair. She wasn’t a skinny mini. In fact, Miss Leila Hogg loved to her size. She didn’t worry about it too much.

Now Boss Hogg had just walked in the door. “JD, you dirty skunk. You have been hiding out in your office for three days,” Leila announced.

“No Pudding Lips, I…” Boss tried to say.

“Don’t you Pudding Lips me you white ball of marshmallow goo. Look, Jesse is your friend.”

“Correction, them Dukes are my enemies.”

“We used to go out with Laurel and Jesse all the time. Now suddenly you’re abandoning him in his time of need? Come on JD now you know I love them Dukes. You need to grow up! We’re paying for the wake.”

“What? No, that means…”

“Yes, we’re spending money JD, it ain’t a crime to spend money.”

“Why did I get married?” Boss mumbled to himself.

“I heard that Jacob-Daley Hogg. Do you want me to sleep in the same room with you again?” Boss Hogg’s eyes shifted.

“Okay, I’ll pay for it, I will.”

“Even snacks for his company.”


“And a little something to drink.”


“And shake a leg and go over there and give this card to them.” Leila handed the card to him. “Heaven forbid you do anything nice on your own conscious. No, your wife has to push you.”


“Now git!” Boss did as his wife told him to do. Now she truly is the only one who can control him.

Meanwhile, over on the other side of the country, Bo and Luke had just stopped. Luke was putting real bandages on Bo’s face.
Bo smiled. He couldn’t believe how far they had come.

“Are you sure you’re doing this right?” Bo questioned his cousin. Luke shrugged but then realized Bo didn’t see it.

“I don’t really know. You said to put the patches on after cleaning the eyes and then…” Luke began.

“Wrap with gauze. How is it you can remember that but not you’re your name?”

“My name is Luke right?”

“Uh huh.”

“Your name is Bo.”

“You have got it.”

“Yes!” Luke applied the last little bit of tape and they were ready to go. “Oh and I have an Uncle Jesse and a cousin Daisy. My Dad is Cameron.”

“You have been listening.”

“Yeah just one problem, I still don’t remember who that are.”

“It will come back with time.” Luke gave Bo a hand up.

“I wish it would come now. You have no idea how scary it is not to know who you really are.”

“But I…”

“Bo, there is only so much that you can tell me.” Bo sighed. Luke shook his head as they began to walk again.

“I know Luke, I know that I could never give you your memory back and it hurts me.”

“I know it does and I’m sorry for what I said. Now, tell me about my brother.”

“Well…you always said he looked like one of those rich snobs.”

“Really?” Luke began laughing. “Do we get along?”

“Never have—never will. Vance always thinks he’s right which is almost the same way you think, Luke.”

“So that’s why we clash? And am I annoying?” Bo began laughing.

“No, you have never been.” Luke smiled. He scratched his head. “Together in Hazzard County we have learned so much and been through just too much together.”

“So we go through a lot of things like this one?”

“Why do you think I don’t panic? You know, trouble is our middle name. You wouldn’t believe how many times we have been in Hazzard jail.”

“We’re criminals? Maybe I don’t wanna remember this past.”

“No, nothing like that.”

“I am no expert but if you’re in prison doesn’t it mean that you have done something wrong?”

“Luke, this is Hazzard County. Mice chase cats sometimes. Everything can be one way and the next in a split second. We fight the system.”

“Ain’t the system working for us?”


“Why did we move here?”

“Your Dad left us here so he could go back to the war.”

“Why? From what I have seen so far, this is a war zone.” Bo began to laugh. He shook his head.

“You’re funny, you know that?” Luke and Bo continued walking. As they approached the bridge that they would usually go to get home, Bo and Luke stopped.

“What is the matter?”

“I hate to tell you this Bo but…”



“Stop and just tell me Luke. I ain’t a baby.”

“The bridge is out.”

“That’s just great. After all we have already been through in the past two days…”

“Hey, you’re supposed to be the positive one here, Bo.”

“How can you be positive when everything is going wrong?”

“Come on, I need you to be a happy person. I don’t know what to do anymore than you do.” Luke began laughing.

“What is so funny?”

“You should have seen those boys’ faces when they found out you were blind. I just about gave my ghost, I was laughing so hard.” Bo began to express his delight too, smiling away. “Ah ha! I knew you were having fun.”

“I am not.”

“You are, admit it.”

“Okay, maybe I am but how are we goanna get over this bridge.”

“Do we have to?”

“What? Go over the bridge?”


“Uh huh, basically if we don’t—it will take us three more days to get out of this mess.”

“We need to go home don’t we?”

“Yeah, we really do. We have family that probably thinks we have kicked the bucket. Enos is goanna be going crazy. Cooter is goanna loose his top because his moonshine was in there and that made the explosion bigger.”

“Who is Enos?”

“Besides me, he is your best friend.”

“How about Cooter?”

“He is a friend of the family. He is almost family which is why we include him in our adventures.”

“That is awesome. Okay, we should get back to ease their pain. What’s the plan, cousin?”

“Well I can’t swim because—I don’t know where I am going. The water is about up to my chest so technically I don’t have to swim.”

“And I am up to your chest so I will.”

“Unless Luke, you want a piggy back ride. Might be easier for me to have your eyes to know where I am going.”

“Done deal, I think that would be great then one of us gets wet only.”

“True.” Bo took off his jeans and shirt. He handed them to Luke.

“What are these for?”

“Well if I am goanna get soaked I’ll get colder if I am in jeans. Where as if I take the greater part of my outfit off, I wouldn’t freeze my tail feathers.”

“Totally makes sense.” Bo hunched downward. Luke held onto the clothes and the first aid kid as tight as he could manage. He hopped up on his cousin’s shoulders. “Okay now, go straight. There is a bit of a curvature. Walk downward.”

“Okay.” Bo kept one foot directly in front of the other. He felt it as he went into the water.

“Do you like the feel of the rocks on your feet or something?”

“Yeah I do.”


“I can’t explain it.”

“Why not?”

“Well, you like it too.”

“I would have thought it hurts.”

“Having the land under you is the most wonderful feeling in the world.”

“You think so?”

“No Luke, I know so. You love this county. You love every bit of it. You like fixing the General Lee.”

“I help a General?”

“No, he’s our car…the General Lee is the most famous car in all of Hazzard County.”

“I see.” They were half way across the water already. Well folks, they’re doing pretty good ain’t they? We’ll have to see what happens next won’t we now.


Boss Hogg stopped his Grand Torino in front of the Duke farm with a bunch of supplies. He opened the door without knocking. Daisy and Jesse were preparing the last batch of supplies that JD had brought for them.

Daisy was just taking out some small munchies for the funeral tomorrow. Jesse was decorating the front room. Boss Hogg cleared his throat. Daisy and Jesse both turned around, looking at their unexpected guest.

“I brought some more streamers for their memorial,” Boss Hogg commented.

“Thank you JD, that’s very thoughtful of you and Leila to think of us in our time of need,” Jesse replied. Boss smiled solemnly. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, just thinking of Laurel’s memorial service…how pretty she was in the dress. She was quite a woman. You were always the lucky one when it came to love.”

“You and Leila were made for each other.”

“We may be enemies Jesse, but our history goes a long way back. I have known you since you were sixteen years old.”

“Feels like longer.”

“In those thirty six years you have helped me and ruined me. I have never hated you once.”

“I guess even enemies can adore each other.” There was a knock at the door. It was Cooter. Daisy opened the door for him. He took off his hat.

“Mr. Duke, Miss Duke…I am sorry to disturb you,” Cooter commented.

“Cooter, don’t you start talking like that now, you’re family,” Daisy said.

“After what I did…”

“What did you do, Cooter? What the heck did you do?” Jesse questioned.

“Besides ruining my moonshine,” Boss grumbled.

“Yes, you see, it was his fault.”

“Yeah it was my fault—wait a minute…now no Jesse, I take that back…it wasn’t my fault.”

“JD, I ain’t blaming anyone. Not Cooter and certainly not you. If Bo and Luke were supposed to live then they would have.”

“So you forgive me then Mr. Duke?” Cooter questioned.

“Oh call me Jesse!”

“Yes sir, Uncle Jesse.”

“I ain’t your Uncle Jesse!” Daisy began laughing. “Oh you think that’s funny do ya? Well I tell you, I have enough people calling me Uncle Jesse. I have Coy and Vance and Daisy.”

“What’s one more?” Daisy questioned.

“It is the principal!”

“Uncle Jesse, relax.”

“Yeah Daisy’s right. Uncle Jesse, relax,” Cooter commented.

“I am under enough pressure with having the funeral and you’re telling me to relax?” Jesse questioned.

“Although if I didn’t give Cooter the hooch they may have still gone over the edge,” Boss contemplated.

“Boss would you stop thinking about it?”

“Jesse, I can’t. My sense of right and wrong is goanna be aching until I make emends.”

“You all are nutty.”

“What do you mean by calling me nutty?”

“You are. No one can accept that the lord wanted to take the boys. I can accept it why can’t you?”

“I guess we can.”

“It’s just hard,” Daisy commented.

“Very hard,” Cooter added.

“You know, Bo and Luke weren’t just my cousins—they were my friends. They were the ones that made it possible for me to stay in Hazzard County.”

“Bo and Luke helped me discover my roots. They showed me what being in Hazzard is all about. Camaraderie and understanding—well they taught me that and how to control my fury…when I have to.” Everyone laughed.

“Well when Bo, Luke and Vance first came here, they were angry. They have grown so much in the past two years I can hardly believe it,” Jesse cut in. Everyone looked at Boss Hogg. He smiled.

“They can foil the best of my plans?” JD said. Everyone stared at him. “FINE! Deep down I do care about them blasted boys.”

“That’s the spirit JD.”

“That’s Boss Hogg to you Dukes. Now I have to go.” Boss Hogg can’t hide his feelings too well can he? He got back in his Grand Torino and went about his way.


“This place—it looks so recognizable for some reason. There’s a white house with two floors, it is huge. A barn painted red and one not painted at all,” Luke mumbled.

“Yep that’s the Duke farm.”

“The Duke farm?”

“Uh huh.”

“It still has an outhouse.” The one that wasn’t painted…” Bo began.

“We left it that way to…to preserve our heritage.” Luke smiled so far, I thought it looked like his mouth was goanna fall off. “My goodness, I remember! I can remember every single detail! YES! I remember.”


“Bo, ask me anything. Ask me about how we helped Daisy. Ooo, ask me how we got on probation.”

“How did we get on probation?”

“Moonshine right?”

“That’s right!”

“YEEE HAW…oh my goodness, Uncle Jesse…the accident.”

“Yeah, he’s goanna be worried half out of his mind.”

“Bo—thanks for everything. Thank you for being such a wonderful cousin. A wonderful friend couldn’t have done better.”

“I’m just glad that we’re back. What else do you see?”

“Dang, masses of cars are sitting outside—our wake probably. We got to go in there and stop it.”

“Ah Luke, you forget that they think we’re dead.” Luke walked Bo up to the window. “You know if we walk in there, they are goanna freak right out.”

“The dead have arisen…like in Grandpa’s story? Where his cousin screamed?”


As Bo and Luke thought of how to crash the party, Jesse Duke was greeting people inside. He walked into the kitchen to see how Daisy was doing when out of the corner of his eye, he saw Luke’s head out of the corner of his eye. He turned and faced the window, staring at the two boys.

Jesse grabbed his red hat and put it on. He walked outside. The boys didn’t even notice him. Why? Well Bo was facing the direction that Jesse was standing.

“So what? Do we say something like: I am the ghost of Christmas past?” Bo questioned his cousin.

“Bo we’re not trying to scare them…only spring that we’re alive and not so very dead,” Luke replied.

“Define not so very dead.” Luke began laughing. Jesse cleared his throat. Luke turned around. “Who is there?” Luke smiled but didn’t answer. “Luke don’t leave me in the dark here…who is there?”

“Bo, I love you,” Jesse mumbled.

“Uncle Jesse!” Luke went to go help Bo to his Uncle. “No, let me be. I want to do this on my own.”

“Bo, listen to my voice.” As Jesse spoke Bo walked closer and closer. “Keep coming Bo. You are such a special young man. I missed you both so terribly.” Bo reached out for his Uncle, he grabbed him and hugged him.

“I missed you too.”

“How did this happen?”

“When we jumped out I hit my head on the rock.”

“I am glad to see Luke okay.” Luke ran to his Uncle, holding onto him.

“Well actually, I lost my memory for a spell. It was seeing the farm that brought it all back,” Luke replied. Jesse’s eyes filled with tears. Bo felt one on his head as his Uncle pressed both boys close.

“No matter, you’re home. Home you should stay.”

“Uncle Jesse, we missed you too.” Suddenly the door opened. Daisy stood there in total shock her eyes wide open.

“Never leave me again.” This time Luke was facing the right way.

“Now Daisy, don’t scream.” Jesse let go of his two cousins. He looked at his niece.

“Are you okay Daisy?” Bo asked. A smile rolled across her face. She ran back in the house.

“Hey y’all, Bo and Luke they ain’t dead! They’re outside,” Daisy exclaimed. Every one began mumbling to each other. Well that is all but Danny, Cooter, Enos, Roscoe and Boss Hogg. They all ran out to where Bo and Luke were standing. The crowd followed right after them.

“Bo!” Enos and Danny screamed at the same time. Bo touched the air, trying to find the voice. Enos and Danny already had him in a bear hug.

“Where were you?” Danny asked.

“What were you thinking?” Enos asked.

“We thought you was dead.”

“We all did.”

“Woe! Hardly get a word in,” Bo laughed. On the same end, Luke was getting similar treatment to Bo.

“I am so sorry if I had remembered about that moonshine…” Cooter began.

“Forget it. I am here ain’t I? Stop worrying,” Luke answered.

“Told ya big brother,” Dodger commented.

“Hey Dodger, this means I get the work on the General for free though.”

“Oh yeah.”

“Totally on the house,” Cooter replied.

“Welcome back Luke.”

“Great to be here, you have no idea how great.” Now friends, let’s talk about particulars because you wanna know. Does Bo Duke ever get his sight back? Of course he does. Full and clear in a week.

So yes, everything goes back to normal after that. Well that is if there truly is a normal…in Hazzard County.


The Millionares And The Farmers

by: Essy Jane

Dedication: This Dukes of Hazzard story is dedicated to the one and only Lisa aka, Maryanne Coltrane. She has done so much for us and more or less seems to be two people at times. She is the most outstanding moderator and will until the end of time be known as a miraculous writer. So thank you Maryanne for every little thing you do for us. This one is for you


Welcome back to Hazzard, you sure seem to like this place. After all, you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t would you now? Don’t worry none, I like Hazzard too. I love looking at all the Hazzard scenery. I love watching all the adventures that run through here. So yes, I do love this place, this Hazzard County. I wouldn’t be your Balladeer if I didn’t. Heck I guess I wouldn’t come here as often as I do.

Okay, now let’s see here—ah, there are the Dukes, they are walking in to Hazzard restaurant. They seem to move smoothly, filled with good old fashioned self-confidence and composure. Their shoes are shinned with pride…shoes? The Duke Boys don’t wear shoes like that. Wait just a minute now—those can’t be the Dukes of Hazzard County.

Bo has his hair up in a ponytail and Luke does too. Now Bo Duke may not like hair cuts but he would never go that far. As for Luke, he don’t like his hair that long in the back. Luke has gone for the same hair cut every single year. As soon as his mama let him choose his hair cut that is.

Oh boy, there is something else that is weird about the boys. Those boys there are wearing suits. You can tell the clothes they’s wearing don’t come from around here. I know it. These suits are special, they’re not just any suits, I can tell that those are custom made. They have a high-quality fit to them.

Who is that eerie gentleman with them? The guy in the penguin suit, you know the one that is standing in the middle of the boys. He doesn’t look like their father or anything like that. He couldn’t be a member of Hazzard society. He seems to be a little stiff for that.

Is that a butler? Either the Dukes have struck it rich or those ain’t the Dukes of Hazzard County. Look at that butler, he’s opening doors for them. The boys are accepting this courtesy with open arms. No way, now this can’t be the Duke Boys we’re used to.

“Geeves, why in the world are we here in Hazzard County?” The blonde one asked in a Boston like accent. Okay, now I know those ain’t the Dukes.

“Simple, Master Baker. We are dedicating a new race track in this area. That and the limo broke down,” Geeves answered. The guy, who is named Baker, scratched his head and shrugged.

“Couldn’t we have gone to a different town?” The brown haired one questioned. “This one seems so dull.” Hazzard County? Dull, now that’s funny friends. They have never been here before.

“Young Laine…you know as well as I do that I had no choice. I do not choose where we go especially when the car breaks down.”

“I suppose.”

“I know so, young man. Now we just have to deal with it until that mechanic is finished.”

“Yes, do you trust him?”

“He and his brother seem to be the only ones in town.”

“My brother and I are going to go find the lavatories.”

“Very good sirs, very good.” Baker and Laine walked over to the washrooms just as the real Dukes walked in.

“Uncle Jesse, you really didn’t have to do this,” Bo mumbled.

“For four,” Luke commented as he saw the greeter.

“I mean really Uncle Jesse, this was nice and all but…”

“Oh Bo, don’t be like that, this is celebrating your last day of therapy. The man said you were good at running again and everything,” Jesse replied. They followed the greeter and sat down. “Boys, go use the washroom okay?”


“I don’t want you two to know what I’m ordering you.”

“What are you planning to do?”

“Just scat boys, this was my idea and we wanna order y’all something great for being such wonderful guys,” Daisy cut in. Bo and Luke smiled.

“Yes Daisy,” Luke replied. He pulled up his cousin.

“I don’t even have to go,” Bo answered. They walked over to the bathroom.

“Oh well, they want to make this a secret then we’ll just have to go with it.” Bo smiled. “Besides, who wants to ruin their surprise? It is more fun this way.” Bo shrugged as he opened the door of the bathroom.

“I like surprises.”

“When I tell you what they are.” Luke walked in. Bo mimicked his cousin for a minute and shook his head. As Bo heard two screams, he rushed into the bathroom. As Bo saw Baker standing there, he couldn’t believe it. He stared at Laine.

“WOE are you guys like aliens or something?” Bo questioned.

“Usually I would say that was a very odd topic but under the circumstances…” Baker announced.

“I am Bo, what’s your name?”

“Baker, Baker York.”

“Baker York? Are you kidding me? The one who took over that huge power company is named…”

“Terrance York. That’s right.”

“He makes his boys go to the unveiling ceremonies of his off the wall projects. Like that new race track over in Capital City.”

“Yes, we have to run around the track—racing. You know, I would rather spend all day in the stable taking care of the horses. Right Laine?”

“You got it little brother,” Laine added.

“We are so sick of traveling around everywhere.”

“Never getting to stay with a girl.”

“Never able to do much of anything. All we want is one day where we don’t have to worry about traveling.”

“Just to stay in one place.” Bo and Luke looked at each other and smiled.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking cousin?” Bo asked.

“You better believe it, Bo,” Luke replied.

“Do you boys mind letting us in on it?” Laine questioned.

“Simple Laine, we switch places with you.” Baker and Laine looked at each other. “Think about it, we boys are on probation because of something that we did earlier…running whiskey.”

“Yes and we want to stay in one place which would be pretty easy considering we would be on probation,” Baker answered. Bo eyebrows went up.

“Think about this, we like race tracks and we don’t get to go,” Bo replied.

“With Bo finally at the ripe age of sixteen we can race each other,” Luke added in.

“What an excellent idea! But could we pull it off?” Laine asked.

“Sure we could, Laine. Bo and I have pulled off millions of schemes. Just say, ‘y’all’ a lot and talk with an accent. The rest you will pick up easy.”

“What about you two?”

“Well, I suppose that fancy looking type is a butler of yours. What’s his name?”


“Are you two half brothers?” Bo asked.

“Yes but how did you…?” Baker questioned.

“Oh come on, we ain’t that stupid. Now, you don’t have a mom anymore obviously or she would be traveling with you.”

“The first woman my father married, Laine’s Mom, died in child birth.”

“And the other?”

“Ran off with the mail man before she knew that Dad was the one who got the power company.”

“She tried to come back then I assume?”

“Oh yes.”

“Now, next order of business.” Bo and Luke took out their knives and began cutting the York Boys’ hair off. Soon, Baker and Laine were in Bo and Luke’s clothes. Bo and Luke loved the way they looked so much in the suits.

“Are you sure this will work?” Laine asked.

“Oh it is just a couple of days. I’ll leave something of yours at the restaurant and we’ll have to go all the way back to Hazzard County.”

“That’s where we’ll make the switch right?”

“You’re catching on fast.”

“You two are good teachers. Bo?”


“Anything else we have to know?”

“Yup of course there is.” Bo smiled. “Now, pull out your wallet, Baker—I mean my wallet.” Baker did as he said. They looked at a picture which had Jesse, Daisy, Bo and Luke in it. “Now remember, Jesse is our Uncle.” Bo pointed to Jesse and then to Daisy. “Daisy is our cousin.”


“Don’t kiss her or…”

“Or she’ll think you’re weird,” Luke laughed.

“We had no intention of violating your cousin,” Baker grumbled.

“We were kidding now, good luck.” They all walked out of the bathroom. Bo and Luke sat down at the table with Geeves.

“Bloodcurdling creatures from space—what did you…? Boys, what did you do to your locks of hair? Do you think that your father will be pleased with this new style?” Geeves asked. Bo and Luke stared at each other.

“Now Geeves, you should be more worried about why didn’t we cut our hair up to now,” Luke answered. Geeves seemed bowled over by the comeback. It was so showy and so unexpected that it trapped him, leaving poor Geeves from top to bottom baffled further than ideas could roll in his head.

“I ordered fried chicken for you two.” Bo’s eyebrows rose as a smiled rolled across his face.

Meanwhile on the other side of the restaurant, Baker and Laine were being a little too quiet for Uncle Jesse’s comfort. “Did y’all loose your tongues while you were over there?” Daisy questioned. Baker and Laine shrugged.

“We do apologize Uncle Jesse, Daisy…we are just wiped out,” Baker commented in his best southern voice. Now ain’t this goanna be interesting?

“Wiped out? What the heck did you boys do today that wasn’t different than any other day?” Daisy questioned. Baker swallowed hard.


“Oh, the voyage to the lavatory was riveting,” Laine answered. As Uncle Jesse and Daisy stared at the two they smiled. “You can’t blame a guy for using a colorful vocabulary.

“Colorful, better than I was goanna put it,” Jesse mumbled to Daisy. She began laughing.

“I heard that,” Baker announced. Daisy giggled. “Look, it has been a fun day and I don’t want to ruin it.”

“You told the doc exactly how you were feeling didn’t you?” Baker and Laine stared at each other for a second.

“Yes, we told the doc everything and he said I was fine,” Laine responded. Daisy began laughing and so did Uncle Jesse. Baker swallowed hard.

“Luke I don’t get what you mean. Did you mean to say that you wanted to be like your cousin so you decided to get a check-up? Or were you saying that you are full of beans and are joking with Daisy and me?”

“Well, first off, it’s Daisy and I. Second of all, no I am in no way sick.” Daisy and Jesse looked at each other.

“Since when did you care about how fancy your English was—or is? I have never heard that out of your mouths.” Both boys swallowed hard. They looked at Bo and Luke who waved. The two boys waved back. Daisy jumped.

“Those two look just like you,” Daisy told the group.

“Weird, I was thinking the exact same thing.” Jesse smiled and shook his head. “You know your Grandpa always said that everyone has a twin somewhere in the world. Looks like you boys found yours.”

“I don’t think they look like us,” Baker commented.

“Oh boys, stop fighting us on this one. Bo, your wheat blonde hair and Luke, your milk chocolate hair—cut exactly in a similar way. Only them boys have a lot of grease in theirs.”

“Yeah Uncle Jesse, they do don’t they?” Cooter walked into the restaurant. He looked at Geeves and smiled. Uncle Jesse looked over there once again.

“Ah Geeves McFarland?” Cooter asked.

“Yes sir, I am Geeves,” he replied.

“Y’all, your car is fixed which is the good news. The bad news is, your driver ran off with the blonde woman who works in the flower shop. Apparently, I shouldn’t have introduced him.” Bo and Luke bit on their bottom lips as they looked at one another.

“Is there a driver who is smart—that would drive for a fee for the next little while until we can get a new one in Boston?”

“Y’all want me to drive the limo—or the mobile home? I looked under the tarps of the trailer y’all are packing behind and WOOO WEE! Thems are dang good race cars.”

“Do not speak of the boys’ cars in such a manner. Now, I would like to know if you are dependable.”

“Ask anyone in Hazzard—except my brother would eat off my left foot to get this opportunity.” Bo and Luke kept the laughter in once again, hoping not to get noticed.

“I’ll give you time to say goodbye to your family.”

“Thank you sir, I can’t wait.”

“I bet you can’t.” Cooter walked over to the Dukes.

“Can you believe it, that man in the monkey suit has just given me a job,” Cooter announced.

“Good for you! Cooter, you’ll be a great driver,” Daisy said.

“I totally agree. Enjoy yourself Cooter,” Baker added.

“Well I gotta go and talk to ol’ Dodger. He’s goanna be watching shop by himself,” Cooter mumbled. He ran out the door. Baker and Laine smiled as they continued eating.

Well, they got away with it. Even though I know Jesse suspects something, I know it won’t come out for a while. Stay glued to this one y’all, we’ll see how it goes.


As Geeves opened the door for Bo and Luke they laughed. They looked at each other. Now if you know anything about Bo and Luke it is this, they don’t like the rich life. I mean that in the nicest way.

Those boys would rather be trapped in the house all day long than be served. Bo and Luke adore helping other people. They love building things. These two cousins are not used being waited on.

“Geeves, if you don’t mind, I would like to talk to this new driver,” Luke commented in his newly accustomed accent of course.

“Yes, I would like it if you were to have the benefit of the life of lavishness. You do so much for us,” Bo added. He closed the door and reopened it. “For once, we want to serve you.” Geeve’s eyes shifted.

“Is this some sort of deception Master Laine, Master Baker?” Geeves questioned.

“To a certain extent, what you just asked was utterly an incompatible position, Geeves. How dare you assume that I, Baker York, would illustrate a false impression of such magnitude!” Luke couldn’t believe how good Bo was at this rouse. Mostly, they wanted him to sit in the back only because they wanted to talk to Cooter.

“Very good sirs.” As Geeves got into the car, Bo closed the door behind him. Bo opened the door for his cousin.

“After you Laine.”

“Why thank you Baker,” Bo replied. They both began laughing. Luke got in, followed by Bo. Cooter looked at them bowled over because of the behaviors of these two young men.

“Now Gentlemen, now I know I am new at driving hot shots around but ain’t y’all supposed to sit in the back?” Cooter questioned. Bo and Luke began laughing. “Am I missing something?”

“I would say so,” Bo said, still in character.

“Okay, why don’t y’all let me in on it before I make a total fool of myself.”

“Cooter, it’s us. Bo and Luke Duke, the good ol boys. Surprise!” Luke commented, normally. Cooter began shaking his head and started laughing.

“Ain’t this a bolt from the blue!” Cooter shook his head again. He looked at Bo and Luke in the monkey suits. “And they say I’m crazy! What are y’all doing being Baker and Laine? Think about it y’all, if you’re caught…”

“Who said anything about being caught?” Bo’s eyebrows went up.

“Y’all are known for getting trapped by the bad guys.” Bo and Luke shrugged.

“Cooter, them boys we swapped places needed a break,” Bo cut in.

“Uh huh, I am so sure.”

“No really, they were going crazy. I mean for us, the life of racing on tracks and dedicating them is a dream come true,” Luke mumbled.

“Well you know, I understand all of that but I still think you’re nuts. What if you get caught?”

“With the way Luke and me…I mean Luke and I have been talking, they ain’t goanna suspect a thing. Moreover, Uncle Jesse still thinks we’re at home,” Bo added.

“I still think you two are nuts,” Cooter told the boys.

“Well crazy or not, we’re goanna have a blast this weekend.”

“You do know how suspicious Uncle Jesse is don’t ya?”


“He’s goanna catch those two if they don’t do certain things. From what I know about these two, they hate driving in the race tracks. They do a little racing but not much. Now if they don’t go driving in the General…”

“Our goose is cooked.”

“Dang, I never thought about that,” Luke answered.

“They need to be educated.”

“By who—out of everyone you know Bo, who would be the best one to teach them?”

“Not Enos…he can drive but he’s pretty flaky at times.” Luke snapped his fingers.

“I got it, Dodger.”

“My brother? You have got to be a loony. No, I know you are. Now what makes you think Dodger Davenport, my brother can pull off something like this?” Cooter grumbled.

“Simple, he’s a Davenport. When we’re done racing and all that other stuff, we’s goanna gave to give him a call.”

“Alright Luke but I still think this is a bad idea.”

“Cooter, let us do the thinkin’ alright?’ Bo said.

“I guess so…but I am goanna do some thinkin’ of my own. You know, about how to get y’all out of the big mess y’all are goanna get into.”

Meanwhile, back in Hazzard, Baker had just found the horses. He looked at one of them and immediately fell in love. He felt the horse’s beautiful silky mane, caressing it carefully.

“What do you think, Girl, will you let me have a ride?” Baker asked. The horse neighed softly, nuzzling on Baker’s face. He smiled. Never had he been so happy.

There was a knock on the side of the barn. Barker turned quickly. He stared at the young girl who was standing there. She had brown hair and blue eyes. This girl was stunning, more beautiful than any girl Baker had come across.

“Hello stranger, ya wanna ride with me?” The girl asked. Baker smiled.

“Speak your name once, so that I may be blown over,” Baker said, still with a southern accent. The girl giggled.


“Please, if I were to hear your name, it would be like angels singing to me.” She smiled at him.

“Heather, my name is Heather.” Now it was Baker’s turn to smile. His eyes seemed to become softer. He took her hand, holding it with the softest touch.

“Oh Heather, your exquisiteness is more apparent than all the diamonds in the world.” He kissed her hand. Heather’s face turned bright red.

“Bo I am sorry for asking but I have to know, what has gotten into you?” Baker’s eyes shifted. He didn’t know how to answer.

“Well you see Heather…well I think that…”

“Oh never mind, I like whatever you’re doing.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I am sure, Bo Duke.”

“You know I could change for you Heather.”

“You don’t need to explain or change.”

“That’s good, because I want to give you all the love in the world.”

“Bo, you talk too much.” Heather kissed him. Baker’s eyes widened. He kissed back for a moment. He finally was released from Heather’s spell.


“You mean I actually got Bo Duke going?”


“Come on Cowboy, let’s get you on a horse. This is fun and all but, your Uncle probably wouldn’t approve of this kind of thing.”

“Uh huh.” Man these boys have some luck. Baker and Heather each picked their horses that they wanted and rode off. Both were talking and laughing away.


Meanwhile in the house, Laine was enjoying himself. Let me tell you ladies and gentlemen, this kid hadn’t been a kid for a long time. He was jumping up and down on a bed. Now to many, this would be considered kid’s stuff. Yes, Laine is a teenager not a child.

However, when you have lived in a motor home for a long time, you’ll understand. I know, I have traveled in one a lot. Come on, I am a country singer, of course I have traveled in one a lot. I tell you, there ain’t always much room. You can’t eat without feeling crowded.

Laine was never able to jump on the bed without hitting his head on the top. Well there was one more reason why he wouldn’t jump on the bed. Think about it, would you be able to jump on the bed if Geeves kept saying it was improper? I didn’t think so.

Laine had classical music in the background playing loud. Another thing he was never able to do, Laine could never play loud music. Now he had it on for once. He was pretending to conduct the orchestra as he jumped.

Now let me tell you, this makes me think Cooter was right. I have never seen Luke listen to classical music. Luke has read poetry but that’s the most he has done.

Daisy knocked on the door. Laine jumped his last time and sat on the bed. He took a deep breath and let it out slow. Laine turned off the music and pushed his hair back. Daisy knocked again. Laine pushed his sleeves up.

“Come in Daisy,” Laine mumbled, still in character. Daisy walked in.

“How in the world did you know it was me?” She questioned.

“Simple, Bae—err Bo is out fantasizing about horses.”

“Yeah, I just saw him ride off with Heather.”

“Uncle Jesse said he was going for stamps. He said something about his fingers crossed that they have more than heart stamps. You were the only one who was left.” Daisy started laughing away.

“Oh he doesn’t have any choice in that one. Miss Tizdale has always had a thing for Uncle Jesse…ever since she came here.”

“Dresses up for every occasion?”

“You got that right, Luke.” Daisy looked into his eyes deeply. She seemed confused for a second.

“What is it, Daisy?”

“You know, there’s something different about you.”

“What do you mean by that? I am still the same old Luke Duke. You and I have always been friends.”

“Yeah I know, Luke, I know what you’re saying—but I don’t know what it is—you just seem so…different.”

“What, do you think I switched places with someone in the bathroom?” Daisy shook her head as she smiled.

“Oh never mind Luke, you want to help me make dinner?”

“A home cooked meal? Well I warn you, I haven’t cooked in a while.”

“That’s because you burn jello.” Luke got off the bed and laughed.

“Well who knew it wasn’t supposed to be left on the stove?” Daisy smiled.

“You are crazy, you know that Luke?”

“I am not the crazy one.”

“Yeah I know, Cooter is.”

“Ah…yeah, you’ve got it, Daisy.” They walked out of the room together. Now I think that Laine is falling in love…even if he don’t want to admit it.

He kept staring at Daisy. She seemed so wonderful and kind. Laine couldn’t help look at her. I don’t blame him. She ain’t bad looking. In fact, she’s quite good looking. Come on, I am a man with eyes. I know a pretty gal when I see one.

I think Laine knows a wonderful woman too. A Duke seems to have every quality a person would want. Laine walked down the stairs with her and began cooking with her. “You know, your name is quite appropriate,” Laine commented.

“Oh?” Daisy questioned. “How did you come up with that?”

“Well, a daisy is a beautiful flower.”

“It doesn’t smell very good but yes, it is a beautiful flower.” She began to put flower into a bowl along with other items. “I figured I would make pot pie for Uncle Jesse. I already made the filling.”

“Crust takes a while to bake though…I would have made that first.”

“Oh, the man who burns jello is giving me advice?”

“Who said it is advice?”

“Well…” Daisy reached in and grabbed a handful of flour. She threw it at him. Laine pushed the flour off his eyes. He coughed and it came out of his mouth. Daisy laughed. “That’s what I think of your advice.”

“I see.” Daisy continued making the pie. Laine opened the fridge and noticed a bowl of pudding. He pulled it out and took himself a handful. He smoothed it out on Daisy’s face.

“Oh Luke Duke, this is war.” Daisy grabbed a box of cereal, Laine did the same thing. They began throwing food at each other. The farmhouse door opened as Laine flung another scoop of pudding in the air. It landed on Jesse’s beard.


“Uncle Jesse, we’re so…”

“Umm…Uncle Jesse you see…” Jesse scooped the pudding up and put it in his mouth. He smacked his lips together for a few seconds.

“I haven’t had chocolate pudding in a long time,” Jesse commented. Laine noticed the dark red lipstick on Jesse’s right cheek. “Make sure you clean up your mess.”

“Yes sir.” Daisy and Laine looked at each other after Jesse walked out of the room. “Did you see that?”

“Luke, I ain’t blind…Uncle Jesse got a smoocheroo,” Daisy replied.

“From who?”

“Miss Tizdale?”

“No way.”

“You never know Daisy. Come on, think about it, it could have happened.”

“We better stop thinking about this and clean up before Uncle Jesse’s stun wears off.”

“I think you’re right.” Laine picked up the broom. “The straw like end goes down right?” Daisy began to laugh.

“You’re not funny.”

“I wasn’t trying to be.” Daisy rolled her eyes. “What?”

“Luke, stop kidding around. You know, you don’t always have to imitate Bo when he’s not around.” Laine’s eyes shifted.

“Sure, that is exactly what I am doing.” Daisy grabbed a cloth.

“Come on wonder boy, don’t slack.”

“Look who is talking Chocolate woman. You look like you could be put in an Easter basket.”

“Well Casper, you look like you’re supposed to be in a movie.”

“Better a movie than an Easter basket.” Luke began to sweep up the flour. Daisy started wiping the counters.

“Well, I taste good and look good. People are scared of you.”

“Oh Daisy, I’m a friendly ghost.”

“Just get to work.”

“Okay but I warn you, I am dangerous with a broom.” Daisy started laughing. She shook her head.

“Luke, you’re too full of beans today.” Looking at the cereal, pudding and flour, I wonder how long it will take to get all this cleaned up. Don’t you?


An alarm clock went off that morning in the motor home. Geeves stretched and stood up. He looked up towards the top bunk and then at the bottom. The boys were nowhere to be seen. Neither was Cooter.

Geeves walked out of the motor home and looked around, finally noticing the boys kissing some of the trailer park girls. Cooter was under the hood of the motor home playing with the engine.

“You are supposed to be watching those boys,” Geeves growled. Cooter looked up from the engine. He pushed his hair back, leaving a grease trail on his forehead.

“That wasn’t part of the job description. You were supposed to be watching them. I am supposed to be caring for the cars. I am also supposed to be driving y’all around,” Cooter replied.

“BAKER, LAINE, get over here right now!” Bo and Luke kept kissing the girls. Well come on, if it was between listening to some older stiff or kissing a girl, which one would you do? Uh huh, I have the same ideas here.

“Oh come on, Geeves, let them have some fun here.”

“Look yokel, I am their guardian. I know that doesn’t mean much to you but it means a lot to me.”

“Well if I was the one looking after things…”

“You’re not.”

“Then don’t ask me to watch over them.” Cooter looked back in the engine. “If I don’t have a say in this situation then you should never ask me to watch ‘em.”



“BAKER, I am not jesting here. LAINE, you don’t want me to call your father do you?” Bo and Luke growled. They knew that Geeves was only doing this because he was their guardian.

They both walked over towards him, staring at Geeves with big eyes. “Good morning Geeves, Luke commented, in his Boston accent.

“That’s all you have to say about your atrocious behavior?” Luke shrugged. “Don’t you two boys know that there could be paparazzi around the corner?”

“Lurking behind the trees yonder? Well Geeves, we let you worry about these senseless fantasies.”

“You were kissing trailer park girls. You know your father has an image to keep. Women from this location are only after one thing, your money.”

“I have to object your most recent observation Geeves, they are girls. How could you label women?” Bo questioned.

“Well Master Baker you see…I don’t have to explain myself. You boys are in trouble.”

“We were just releasing a modest fragment of our hormonal properties to better maintain them.” Cooter began laughing. Geeves cleared his throat. Cooter suddenly stopped, just staring at him.

“This is not a humorous moment, Cooter Davenport.”

“A harmless kiss is nothing to be apprehensive about.”

“One no, however you boys have not mastered the art of self control.”

“Nor shall we unless given the chance,” Luke cut in.

“Very good sir—your suits are laying on your beds. It is time to go and race.”

“Thank you Geeves.” They walked inside the motor home. They turned on the radio onto the oldies station. Bo cranked the music as they changed. Geeves kept knocking on the door. “We are changing still Geeves.”

“Turn it down?”

“What? You’ll have to remain silent until we are done, I cannot hear you,” Bo yelled. Cooter began laughing once again. He shook his head.

“What is so funny?”

“Oh come on Geeves it is effortless to explain something like them. They’s inherited some of Hazzard County’s finer traits,” Cooter commented.

“I knew I should not have stopped in that county.”

“Well if you didn’t, you wouldn’t have a driver would ya now?”

“I do not like your use of articulation.”

“Well get used to it, Geeves.”

“I am going to go take a walk, I will se you later.”

“I’ll see ya later, Geeves ol’ boy.” Cooter closed the hood of the motor home. He wiped his hands on his pants. Geeves shuttered. He walked away.

Back over in Hazzard County, Baker and Laine were doing their everyday jobs around the farm. “What do you think?” Baker asked.

“About what?” Laine questioned.

“Hazzard County, what do you think about it?”

“There is a lot of beauty.”

“You were talking with Daisy almost the entire dinner session. Are you…”

“Now Baker, don’t be stupid.”

“Bo, I am Bo.”

“I know you are. Just do not act so stupid about things. You know as well as I do…”

“I know what I see, Laine—I mean Luke. You like her.”

“You like who?” Daisy asked as she walked in. Laine’s eyes shifted. “Oh come on Luke, I am not an idiot, that’s why you have been acting so different. You’re in love.” Jesse walked into the barn.

“What’s this about Luke being in love?” Jesse questioned. Laine slapped his head.

“I am not in love with anyone. I…” Laine began.

“No, that explains a lot, Luke. When I first met your Aunt, I tried to improve my English. I tried everything I could. She liked me for who I am.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“So, who is the lucky lady?”

“Never mind about that—Bo, let’s go into town and pick up the mail.”

“Yes, that would be fun,” Baker replied. They walked out of the barn.

“Boys, the post office doesn’t open until nine. It is eight,” Daisy commented.

“Oh we know that, we want to—take a drive before then.”

“Alright, I will see you later.”

Back in Capital City, three hours later, the boys were standing on the track in their duds. Bo really liked the race suit. “All I need now is my NASCAR necklace,” Bo whispered into Luke’s ear.

“Well you know that if Uncle Jesse saw you without it, he would know it wasn’t you,” Luke whispered back.

“Hey y’all, let’s go, Geeves is goanna have a heart attack,” Cooter announced.

“You my good man are mistaken,” Geeves mumbled.

“Oh calm down, I wasn’t trying to ruin your good name.” Bo and Luke held in their laughter. “You are the tightest knitted butler I have ever met. Won’t even let a fella kiss someone, how would you feel if you didn’t kiss a hot woman?”

“I have not kissed a woman in a long time. I have been too busy mastering the art of child care.”

“Well maybe you’re mastering the wrong skill, Geeves. You need to go out on a date.”

“That is none of your business, Mr. Davenport.” Bo and Luke walked over to the podium. They looked at all the people sitting there, staring at them.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know our father has given you a brand new race track. Racing is very important to the south and I know you will treat it like you would treat an important piece of art,” Luke commented.

“Now we will open the race track by racing,” Bo added. The crowd cheered. Bo and Luke looked at the ribbon they would race to. The two got into the race car. They started up the engine, and revved it a few times.

Now if Bo and Luke weren’t so worried about their cars, they would have noticed the two odd men. You know, the ones not clapping. Now when you see someone not clapping at a major event there are two main reasons why they wouldn’t.

Reason number one, they’re sick of the noise or just sick in general. Who wants to be happy when noise is driving you bonkers? Noise can make a headache stream up faster than the General drives. If you ain’t feeling good, you wouldn’t feel joyful either would you know?

Reason number two, they are planning something. With the look on these guy’s faces, I think Bo and Luke are in trouble. One man, has dark hair and a large moustache. The other has red hair.

Now they are both looking at Bo and Luke like…well like Roscoe’s hound looks at a bone. “You know, his company is going to pay for what they have done. We were executives and now…” The first one said.

“Rafael, you know as well as I do that we were laundering money. We should have been fired,” The second one said, rubbing his red hair.

“Dale! We were good at our jobs. Mr. Hotstuff fired us personally. I mean that was low. We lost how much money because of him?”


“Now we work at a local restaurant bussing tables. How could corporate hot shots be put there?”

“So what do you propose we do?”

“We’ll give him a chance to return our jobs.”

“If not?” Rafael pointed to the two cars racing around the track. Dale’s eyes widened. “You have got to be kidding me? Kidnap people?”

“It’s the only way, Dale. We can ask for ransom money. We’ll be ahead and most of all, we’ll teach HIM a lesson.”

“Maybe you’re right.”

“I know I am. Do you think we’ll ever find another job again?”

“No, we have been in prison.”

“Yes, so never again can we ever find work anywhere.”

“No, we’ll bus tables for the rest of our lives. Living in poverty. I don’t want to live like that.” Dale straightened his hat.

“Nor do I. You know, I went to Boston in hopes of becoming the best in the world.”

“And instead?”

“I felt like the chump.”

“We should forget asking him for our jobs.” He sighed. “He will never give them to us.”

“So you want to just take the boys? I mean, grab them when they least expect it?”


“Good idea. Now why didn’t I think of that?”

“Because, I am smart.” Uh oh, under the circumstances, I think Bo and Luke should punch their lights out. Then again, they ain’t seeing what I am. Don’t you go and find yourself a snack y’all. You’ll miss something important.


Dodger walked into the barn at the Duke farm. He watched as Baker and Laine did the chores. “Baker, Laine, y’all do great with the chores but I have seen you drive,” Dodger mumbled.

“How did you…?” Baker asked, still in his southern voice.

“Don’t worry, your secret is still safe. I just need to give y’all some Duke lessons. I am surprised you haven’t been seen through yet.”

“Well so I am I. We were almost caught by our immense English proficiency.”

“Well with all that mumbo jumbo of course y’all are goanna be caught. Now if y’all wanna be Bo and Luke Duke, ya have to develop the Hazzardite way of speech ya understand?”


“Okay, now hop in the General Lee. We’re goanna go driving.” Bo’s cell phone began to ring. Baker grabbed it and stuck it to his ear.


“Hey Baker, it’s Bo. How y’all doing?” Bo questioned.

“Good, just about to go out for some Duke seminars.”

“We wanted to ask, do you mind if we switch for another two weeks? We’re having a ball being you.”

“Hold on.” Baker put a hand over the cell phone. “Laine, he wants to know if the switch can be for two more weeks.”

“Oh of course, I care for Hazzard County,” Laine replied.

“Good, I want to stay too.” Baker took the hand off the cell phone receiver. “Bo, it is a deal, we too want to stay.”

“Oh you won’t regret it,” Bo mumbled.

“I am sure I won’t.” He hung up the phone. Bo smiled as he hung up.

“Luke, we’re staying.”

“So we’re goanna show Geeves a thing or two ain’t we?” Luke questioned.

“Of course we are. Think about it Luke, this guy won’t even let us kiss gals.” Luke began to laugh. He shook his head. “I don’t believe in that.”

“I know you don’t.”

“Luke, stop making fun of me.”

“I am not making fun of you, Bo, I know how much you love women.”

“You know as well as I do I am right. Those boys are like—men who were forced to be priests.” Luke rolled his eyes. “No really. Men should be free to kiss who ever they want whenever they want.” Luke shook his head.

“I am more concerned about these boys never seeing their father.”


“You know, I barely ever see mine. He dumped me for some reason.”

“He was selfish, he wanted an army life not a family life.”

“I don’t think that’s it.”

“That’s what he said.”

“You know as well as I do sometimes people don’t say what they mean.”

“Well why do you think Uncle Cameron left then? Do you think some alien was controlling his body? Ooo, maybe he was an alien and so are you. Maybe if he stayed with you he would like try to eat you or something.”

“Now who is making fun of whom?”

“I was just teasing Luke.”

“Look, I don’t think it was because of Mom dying or the fact that he wanted to go back to the armed forces.”

“Why do you think he would have done it?”

“I don’t know—maybe one day I will investigate it. Right now, I don’t even want to know.”

“Ain’t you the least bit curious?”

“Not really.”

“Luke you have no idea what kind of gift you have.”

“What gift? A father who dumped me? How is that a gift? That’s a curse, Bo Duke. He didn’t want me. He didn’t want me, he didn’t want Vance. Dad didn’t even want you or Coy. How is that a blessing?”

“You have a blood relation, a father, who is still alive. Mine are both dead. I have barely any memory of them.”

“I don’t have many memories of my Dad either.” Bo shook his head as he sighed. “Bo, I’m sorry I…”

“Luke, you will never understand, you honestly won’t. When you do, come and tell me how you and your Dad were friends again.”


Back in Hazzard County, Baker was sitting in the front seat of the General Lee. He was about to make his first flight—in a car that is. Now I tell you friends, this is always a great moment. Not just for Dukes but for any person.

Taking flight in a car is not only a fun experience; you also get to see more. I love flying with the boys…yeah, I have done it quite a few times.

“Give it some gas,” Dodger told him. Baker nodded, doing as the mechanic told him. The General Lee went up in the air, flying. Baker’s eyes widened and his eyes nearly popped out of his head.

“Do Bo and Luke do this all the time?” Baker asked.

“Oh yeah. Now we’re goanna try more. Don’t worry, this has all been done before. General Lee can take it.” Now young Baker found himself going on two wheels. He began swaying the car and doing major turns. Don’t worry y’all, Laine tried it too.

“Dodger, I never knew how much fun a car could be,” Laine commented.

“Yes, I agree with my brother, this car is amazing. Laine, you are doing a great job driving,” Baker announced. Dodger smiled. Laine looked in his review mirror as he heard sirens.

“Should I pull off to the side of the road to let him pass?”

“No, he’s chasing you,” Dodger pointed out. Laine scratched his head.

“Now, why would someone be chasing me?”

“Roscoe probably made the sign change back there again. Trust me, you don’t want him to catch you. Think of it as bumper cars, you don’t want him to hit you or it is no fun.”

“Okay, Dodger.” Laine sped up and turned completely around, heading right towards Roscoe.

“Uh, what are you doing?”

“The bumper car statement gave me an idea.”

“Does this idea involve us getting killed?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t thought it completely through.” Dodger closed his eyes. Baker kept his wide open, wanting to experience everything Hazzard like.

In Roscoe’s car, Roscoe was looking at Flash. “Oh Flash, they’re coming to be arrested, khee ooh I love it I love it,” Roscoe said. Laine kept driving towards him. Flash barked twice. “Ooo, they’re not stopping. We’re goanna crash OOOOOO!”

Roscoe swerved out of the way and landed in the ditch. The butt of his police car was sticking in the air. He got out and fell into the ditch. Roscoe began waving his fist. He shook his head. As he did, Flash fell out of the car into Roscoe’s arms.

Back in the General, Baker was laughing. Dodger still was cowering in the corner seat of the General Lee. Laine shook his head as Baker continued to laugh.

“You can open your eyes now, Dodger,” Laine said.

“We’re not dead?” Dodger asked.

“Not yet, Dodger,” Baker laughed. Dodger finally opened his eyes.

“Heh, heh, I knew that.”

“Sure you did Dodger.”

“No I did know that, honest I did.”

“Next you’re goanna tell us you weren’t afraid.”

“HEY! Baker, you sounded Duke. I’m very impressed. Not many people can get it this right. Dang, you sounded just like Bo right there.”

“I did, didn’t I?”

“Y’all wanna go and do some Hazzard Adventure hunting?” Laine questioned.

“Of course I do.”

“Alright, I’ll drive.”

“You are driving, Luke.”

“I know I am driving.” Laine began laughing. He shook his head as he took another turn.

“Then why the heck did ya say that you were goanna drive if you were?”

“Well simple, I am supposed to be like Bo and Luke. They’s would talk like that.” Dodger laughed as Baker looked at him.

“You know, your brother’s right,” Dodger mumbled.

“Yeah but I don’t like to hear that.”

“I don’t like to hear when my brother’s right either y’all. I mean that’s a crime to any person.”

“Yeah, Dodge is right, it can be a crime to any given person,” Laine commented.

“Sure is, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out.” They sped off. Now friends, considering trouble is around the corner, Baker and Laine are having a lot of entertaining moments, don’t ya think?

I am just glad they ain’t in Bo and Luke’s place. You know how much trouble those boys are in, don’t ya? Hang on y’all this is goanna be quite the ride.


It had been a week since they phoned Baker and Laine. Bo and Luke looked out the window. The sign said, 110 miles to Boston. The phone in the back rang. “Hello?” Luke answered.

“Laine, hi, how are you son?” A strange voice said.

“Father, what a surprise, what are you doing calling us?”

“Laine, I have just met the girl of my dreams and I am going to marry her.”

“Congratulations, how did you meet her?”

“I was walking in Chicago and some man held a gun to my head.”

“That must have been frightful.”

“Oh it really truly was. He asked me to give him all of my money. I was about to loose hope when a girl, from out of nowhere, knocked the gun out of his hands. Afterward, she took me up to her apartment.”

“I see.”

“Carla and I talked all night long. By the end of the evening, we shared an embrace and kissed. Oh I feel so full of delight.”

“Woe, Carla, Carla who?”

“Her name is Carla Duke. Does the name not sway off your tongue?”

“Hold on a minute.” Luke covered the receiver. “Bo, our Auntie Cara is getting married to Terrance York.”

“WHAT?” Bo questioned.

“Yeah, what a surprise this’ll be for the York Boys.”

“You’re telling me. If I heard Uncle Jesse was getting married I’d…”

“You would ask to be his best man.”

“Well refrain from talking to me and chatter to him for a spell will ya? Don’t you think he’ll find the situation a little odd if his son doesn’t wanna talk?”

“Good point.” Luke put the receiver back to his ear. “Sorry Father, I was talking to Baker, I told him the good news.”

“Now, you will have a new step-sister but you won’t see her very often. She lives in a county called Hazzard.”

“We stopped there before.”

“Excellent. I believe you saw her there in Hazzard County then. She is a predominate inhabitant there.”


“Yes, her name is Daisy Duke. She is quite the young woman. She has brown hair and blue eyes.”

“Yeah, there are a lot of people like that, Father.” All of a sudden, the car began to turn sharply. The phone dropped out of Luke’s hand. The breaks were applied hard. Bo slammed into the window in the back of the limo. He fell back onto the seat.

“Okay, that hurt,” Bo mumbled. Luke was about to pick up the phone when the driver of the motor home crashed into the back of the limo. Smoke filled the back of the car itself.

“Are you okay?”

“I think so.” The doors if the limo were opened. Two men wearing mask grabbed Bo and Luke. “WHO ARE YOU?”

“Let us go.” One pointed a gun to Luke’s head and the other to Bo. Just to let you know, the one holding the gun to Luke’s head is Dale. The other guy…well, you know his name, Rafael.

Cooter got out of the car. He hit the gun out Dale’s hand and punched him in the face. Rafael shot in the air. “Don’t you try and play hero, driver or this one dies,” Rafael announced as Dale picked his gun back up.

“If you hurt him I’ll…” Cooter began.

“You’ll what? Come after us? Unlikely that you will be able to keep up with us, driver. Now, turn around.” Cooter folded his arms. “Are you unable to hear or naturally unintelligent? I said, turn around!” Rafael pointed the gun at Bo’s head again.

“Okay, just don’t hurt him.” Cooter turned as he was told. Rafael hit Cooter hard with the butt of the gun and then hit Bo. Luke struggled to get out of Dale’s arms.

“You won’t get away with this!” Luke exclaimed in his Boston accent.

“We won’t will we?” Dale asked.

“No, we have people who will come after us.”

“Don’t worry, rich boy…no one will know where to find you,” Rafael cut in.

“Oh you wanna make a bet?”

“Dale, hit him!”

“Yes Rafael, no problem,” Dale replied as he hoisted Luke higher. Dale took the butt of the gun and hit Luke as hard as he could. Rafael smiled.

“This was easier than pie.”

“Easier I think.” Rafael shot out their tires. “This is going to be great. We’re going to have the money we deserve.”

“We sure are.”

“Then we’ll go to Mexico.”

“Yep.” They threw Bo and Luke in the back of the truck. “Back to where my people came from.”

“His money is going to be worth a lot more down there.”

“Sure is.” Dale drove the truck down the road. “We’ll be more rich than most people I know.”

“And we will never speak of that jerk again. We have got him cornered.”

“Yes we sure do. We have got the edge, his kids. We’re going to use that edge too for everything it is worth.”

“And then some.”

“No one will ever talk bad about us again. They’ll all be looking to us. We’re have Terrance down on his knees.”

“What a sweet revenge that will be!” Now friends, I am seriously wondering what is goanna happen.

Think about it, they’s got the wrong boys. If it were Laine and Baker before they came to Hazzard County, they’s would have been in big trouble. Bo and Luke are tough cookies and can get out of just about anything. Y’all know what I’m saying?

However, you also know that these ain’t just some dumb dudes, they’s goanna get ready to fight back and when they do…well let’s just say there ain’t goanna be a sissy war here.


Over in Hazzard, Daisy was talking on the phone with her mother who was very excited. The boys just walked in the room. They sat down beside their “cousin”. Baker put his feet up. Laine shook his head and smiled.

“Mom, I would love to be your flower girl. What is his name?” Daisy began.

“Terrance York,” Cara answered her daughter.

“Terrance York? Ain’t that the name of that billionaire—the owner of the power company?” Baker and Laine looked at each other.

“Yes Daisy, that is the one. Look honey, I have sent tickets for all of you to come down. Bo and Luke…Jesse Duke. I sweet talked Boss Hogg into letting them go, Bo and Luke I mean. It wasn’t too hard.”

“I bet.” Daisy began laughing. “He would mail us there personally if he could.”

“Oh, Terrance is back in the room, I have got to go.”

“Okay, talk to you later, bye.” Daisy hung up the phone. She smiled at Baker and Laine. They were a little confused. “Can you believe it? My Ma is goanna get married.”

“That’s wonderful Daisy…did your mama talk about when she met this Terrance Fella?” Baker asked.

“Oh Bo, don’t be so defensive. Mama loves him and that’s what’s important. She wants me to be in the wedding party. Y’all are goanna be too, I just know it.”

“That’ll be a riot.” Laine leaned into Baker’s ear.

“Looks like Luke doesn’t need to come back for the switch anymore,” Laine whispered. Baker laughed.

“What’s so dang funny, Laine?” Daisy asked. Baker and Laine shrugged. The phone rang. Daisy picked it up. “Hello Duke residence, Daisy speaking.”

“Hey Daisy, its Cooter, are the boys with you?” Cooter questioned.

“Yeah sure, sitting right beside me.” Daisy flipped her hair back.

“I need to talk to them now!” Daisy’s eyes shifted she paused for a second. “Come on Daisy, I don’t have time to spare. Give the phone to Bo now!”

“Okay, okay…keep your pants on Cooter Davenport.” Daisy gave the receiver over to Baker.

“Hello?” Baker questioned.

“Baker, its Cooter Davenport talking to ya. I know, you don’t know too much about me but you have got to pay attention. Bo and Luke have been taken hostage,” Cooter began. Baker’s eyes widened.


“Just a little while ago. Dang it, I am over at your place and your Dad is going nuts. He has no idea where they are or who would have taken them. There’s police everywhere.”

“Cooter, slow down.” Baker paused and took a deep breath. He let it out real slow. “Look, what do you want me to do about it?”

“There’s only one thing we can do. You have to tell Jesse Duke the truth.”

“Cooter, I can’t do that—I mean we can’t do that. We’ll get in big trouble.”

“Look, the police just equals trouble for the party. I know as well as the next man that they will say, ‘if you bring police into the picture they’re dead.’ That’s just the way it is, Baker. We need the Dukes.”

“Fine, I will tell Jesse.” Baker hung up the phone.

“Tell him what?” Daisy questioned.

“Luke, Laine and Baker have been kidnapped.” Laine’s eyes widened.

“WHAT?” Laine questioned.

“Yeah, they have been kidnapped. Cooter says the only way to help them is to talk to Uncle Jesse.”

“About our secret?” Baker nodded.

“I’m missing something…what is going on? Who are Laine and Baker?” Daisy asked. Baker and Laine walked away from her, going towards the living room where Uncle Jesse was reading the paper. “Get back here!”

“Uncle Jesse we need to talk to you and Daisy both. It is a might important.”

“Okay Luke,” Jesse commented.

“First off, let’s start with my name—I am not Luke Duke. I am Laine York. My father is Terrance York, the one your mother is going to marry, Daisy,” Laine said in his normal voice. Daisy’s eyes widened.

“Okay, who is this then?”

“Baker, my half brother—now Jesse…”

“Call me Uncle Jesse if you will. Y’all are goanna be family anyway…might as well keep it up then.”

“Okay, Uncle Jesse, Bo and Luke decided to switch places with us. We thought it would be the most fun adventure. I had never had more fun in my life. What I heard from Dodger Davenport, Bo and Luke had a mutual amount of fun.”

“I am glad they were enjoying themselves.”


“I knew my left toe was bugging me for some reason. What trouble are they in and how can we help?”

“How did you…?”

“Are you kidding me? After being a Duke for so long, I know when there is trouble.”

“Bo and Luke have been kidnapped. They think that your boys are us.”

“So we need to go to Boston then?”

“Yes, we need to save your boys.”

“Saddle up Dukes.”

“One problem, we know about the finances of the Dukes. They’re good but not…amazing enough to pull something like that off,” Baker commented in his normal voice.

“Uncle Jesse, Baker’s right,” Daisy added.

“Well we may not be able to afford tickets but how about Jack?” Jesse questioned.

“He would give us the chopper but who would fly it?” Baker and Laine looked at each other and smiled. “Are you two kidding me?” They shook their heads no.

“Why would I fool around at a time like this?” Laine asked.

“Do you think this will work Laine?”

“It has to Daisy, I mean the boys are resourceful. They’ll be able to figure out a way out if they can. Knowing them, they are probably working on it.”

“You’re right, it is Bo and Luke. My cousins are smarter than most people I know. They can handle almost any situation.”

“Yes, with what Dodger has told us, they can handle everything and anything,” Baker added in.

“Baker, Laine?”

“Yes?” The boys said at the same time.

“You know, I love your accents.” Laine and Baker looked at each other and smiled.

“Let’s not concentrate on us, let’s think about the boys,” Laine laughed.

“I can’t wait to see what happens,” Uncle Jesse commented. Oh me neither. Now I am paying attention aren’t you? I mean really, think about everything that is going on. Terrance still thinks his sons are in bondage.

These boys are goanna continue playing Duke. Laine and Baker know they have to help their friends. After all, how would they have even known what fun was if it wasn’t for Bo and Luke? Yep. They wanted to help their new found friends.

Baker and Laine weren’t going to let Bo and Luke get into anymore trouble than they were already in. Now friends that is what I call a true friendship. How many people in this world have one of those?

I hope Bo and Luke are safe until the rest of the Dukes come to their rescue. I can’t say much about that one. The boys are smart. They’ll keep alive. Bo and Luke always seem to be able to do that one. So hang onto something y’all, this is goanna be a fun ride.


Bo’s eyes leisurely opened. He stared at his cousin Luke who was already wide awake. Bo open and closed his eyes a few times, clearing his vision. He smiled at his cousin.

“Took you long enough,” Luke grumbled. Bo looked at his surroundings. He was on a bed with ropes tied on his hands. He began laughing. “What is so funny?”

“Didn’t you look at your hands yet?” Bo questioned. Luke looked down and now was laughing too.

“I didn’t see that.” Bo and Luke both wiggled a little bit and somehow got out of the ropes. “They may be good with a smoke bomb but…”

“I agree with you Luke, they are bad at tying a knot.” Luke laughed and shook his head. “I can’t believe it, Luke.”

“Can’t believe what?”

“I think you’re loosing your touch.”

“How so, Bo Duke? I ain’t ever lost my touch in all the years you have known me.”

“No you are, you’re loosing your touch faster than Flash gets her fleas.”

“In what way do you think I am loosing my touch?”

“It took me waking up for you to find out about the ropes being painless to unknot.”

“You’re not funny, Bo.” They stood up and looked around. Luke smiled. “I don’t think I am loosing my touch.”

“Why do you figure that one?”

“We’re in attic and by the looks of things, we can only get out if he opens the hatch thingy.”

“Thingy? Is that even a word, Luke?”

“I don’t know, sounds like one to me.”

“Okay, so how do you want to do this? Do you wanna rush them or what?”

“Hide behind the wall.” Bo did as his cousin said. Both Rafael and Dale opened the door and climbed up. Bo and Luke hit them both hard. They began to run out of the house. All of a sudden, Bo’s pant leg got stuck on a nail. He began to pull and pull.

Luke saw that his cousin wasn’t behind him. He walked over to Bo, pulling at the stuck pant leg. They heard the gun as the safety was released. Bo and Luke put their hands in the air.

“Well, well, looks like SOMEBODY doesn’t know how to tie a knot,” Rafael grumbled.

“But Rafael…” Dale began.

“No problem Rafael you said. They’re as good as tied up Rafael. What kind of an executive are you? You can’t even tie a simple knot?”

“Look, you may be top dog but you don’t have to make fun of me like that. I am not an idiot. We’ll just take them back up and tie them again.”

“No Dale, you will keep a gun on them. I will tie them up.”

“Yes Rafael, whatever you say, Rafael.”

“Don’t be cheeky, you’re the one that messed up.” Bo and Luke began to laugh.

“What are you laughing at rich boy?”

“I am laughing at the miserable trade you have taken on,” Luke said, with a Boston accent. Dale shook his head.


“Whatever you say, Dale.” The boys walked up the stairs back to the attic. They lay back down on the beds and stare at the baddies. Rafael grabbed the ropes on the floor. Dale continued to point that gun.

“You boys won’t get out this time,” Rafael laughed. He started tying Luke up. “Unlike Dale here, I am good with my knots.”

“Do not be too sure of yourself, smiley. We may be prosperous young men but we are in no way dim-witted,” Bo said, still in character. He was watching how Rafael tied his cousin up.

“Well we’re going to get the money from your father. Then we will be rid of you. How do you like that?”

“Just fine Rafael, I like it just fine.”


“Yes, think about it, we can get out of almost anything. We got out of your last knots.” As Rafael finished with Luke, he hit Bo in the face hard, once again knocking him out.

“I hate loud mouths.”

“You know, you will not ever get away with this,” Luke said, in a Boston accent. Rafael rolled his eyes as he began tying up Bo.

“Yes, I am convinced I won’t. However, let’s take as fact that I am triumphant. With the video I have given your father, he won’t involve police.”

“Maybe not but he has enough family to save us.” Rafael laughed.

“Family is useless against a good gun.”

“You do not know my family, do you?”

“No, I have never met anyone except your father.”

“Well then, you are missing out on a treat. My family is strong.” Rafael laughed hard.

“Sure rich boy.” He finished tying Bo up.

“They will take you and spit you out like a sunflower seed.”

“Your family means nothing to me.” Luke shook his head. “You family will never be able to save you now. I don’t care who you think you are.” He walked out of the room. Luke stared at his cousin and smiled softly.

“We’ll get out of this Bo, I know we will.” Well, let’s hope Luke is right. I really hope he is, don’t you?


Daisy looked at the view as she stared out the window. She smiled as she pointed to a large house sitting in Boston. “Is that yours?” She yelled over the sound of the propeller. Laine nodded.

“Yep, this is our place, Daisy,” Laine yelled back. Baker pushed a few buttons and smiled.

“Time to land,” Baker commented. Jesse held on tight. His eyes widened.

“I like flying in cars way better,” Jesse screamed. Laine shook his head and smiled. Baker landed the helicopter with ease. They all got out of the seats. Terrance ran out as he looked at the helicopter.

“Do you people realize that this is private property?” Terrance said. He looked at the boys and his eyes widened. “You two must be Bo and Luke. It is nice to meet you.” Terrance put out his hand.

Laine and Baker were about to say something when Jesse elbowed him. “Yep, these are my boys,” Jesse told Terrance. Baker and Laine looked at each other. “They have been my pride and joy for a while. This is Daisy, your future stepfather, Terrance.”

“Nice to meet you, Terrance,” Daisy commented. She shook his hand, as did his sons. Baker couldn’t believe that Jesse kept them under raps. Terrance and Daisy walked ahead. Baker and Laine stayed behind.

“Why didn’t you let us tell him?” Laine questioned Jesse.

“Yeah Jesse, why?” Baker asked.

“Simple, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. He already thinks y’all are missing. He will be upset if he knew you switched places. I figured I didn’t have to ruin a good thing,” Jesse replied.

“You are…”



“You know, I figure Bo and Luke did it for a good reason and most of the time, I trust their judgment.” They walked into the huge house. Jesse seemed in awe. He couldn’t believe how huge it was.

Cara was sitting on the large velvet chesterfield. Her daughter walked over and sat beside her mom. Daisy seemed uncomfortable, thinking about the boys tied up. She tried not to show it.

“I wish we could have met in better stances…my boys have been kidnapped. I am going to the bank to get the money to give these crooks,” Terrance declared.

“No, your sons wouldn’t want you to do that and I know it,” Baker said, still acting like Bo.

“Well what else can I do?”

“Did they give you a note or did they…”

“A DVD.”

“Excellent, give it to Daisy. She can find where the boys are. We’ll launch a rescue with Cooter’s help.”

“I’m in y’all,” Cooter commented.

“Great Cooter.”

“Do you have a computer, Terrance?” Daisy asked.

“Yes, I do have a very good computer. It has DVD taping capabilities and everything else,” Terrance replied.

“Great.” Terrance gave her the DVD. “Okay, now give me an hour, I’ll be able to give you some sort of location, okay?”

“Daisy, when did you learn how to do this?” Cara asked.

“That’s my secret.” Cara smiled. She rubbed her daughter’s hair. Daisy stood up. “I’ll see y’all in a bit.”

Meanwhile, in the house Bo and Luke were trapped at, Bo was again just coming to. He looked at his cousin who was snoozing away. Bo shrugged gently. He cleared his throat and tried to sit up.

“Luke, wake up you ignoramus!” Bo yelled. Luke jumped almost immediately. He shook his head, breathing hard for a second. Luke opened his eyes and looked at his cousin.

“What did you call me?” Luke said, drowsily. Bo growled. “Oh come on Bo, can’t a man be tired?”

“We don’t have time to be tired. Now, I watched how he tied his knots and…”

“He tied them well. We’re not going to be able to get out of them. I already know that.”

“Oh come on Luke, that’s not what I was goanna say.”

“Well then what were you goanna say?” Bo smiled as he looked at his steal toe boots that he was wearing. “You’re goanna kick the ropes off.”


“Then what are you goanna do?”

“I am surprised you haven’t figured it out already.”

“Am I supposed to read your mind every time you have a thought?”


“What are you goanna do eat your arm off?” Bo laughed as she shook his head no. “I don’t get it, what do you want to do to get out of here?”

“Luke, remember when we switched clothes with Laine and Baker?”

“Of course I do.”

“I kept my lucky knife.” Luke shook his head. “What?”

“Well what if Uncle Jesse could have seen the fact that you didn’t have it? What would have happened then huh?”

“Oh stop worrying about them.”

“It’s hard not to.”

“Luke, think about this for one millisecond. Baker and Laine may love our life but they wouldn’t stay that way all the time.”


“They’ve been discovered by now. Cooter was there and saw us when we were kidnapped.”

“So what if he did?”

“Duh, if he saw us get taken by those dudes, he’s goanna bring in the best people. That would be our family.”

“I see, he would have to tell Uncle Jesse to get him down there with Daisy.”

“They’re here in Boston trying to make a plan.”

“Cooter would never let anything happen to his buddies!”

“I think the yoga classes I have been taking are finally goanna pay off.”


“You know, to get the knife. Personally I think it was the best physical therapy that I could ever get. I think it was the yoga that really turned me around.”

“The only REASON you took those classes were so that you could meet girls.” Bo’s whole face was filled with a smile. Yep, if you found a class with girls stretching in all directions, wouldn’t you wanna join?

“So what?”

“So, you live breathe and think girls.”

“There’s no reason why that should be a problem.”

“Well maybe if you spend more time thinking than with girls we wouldn’t be in this mess.”

“Come on Luke, it is the yoga that is goanna save our cans. I do mean that in the nicest way. It is handy ain’t it? I think it is. Bending in all directions?”


“So, watch this.” Bo breathed in and out in a smooth steady rhythm. He began to lift his legs higher and higher.

“That’s sick.” Bo ignored his cousin’s comment. He continued to lift his legs.

“It may be sick but it is working.” Bo grabbed his pocket knife. He opened it with one hand as he put his feet down. “You see?”

“Yeah, you really are a lucky guy you know that?”

“I know I am.” Bo began to cut through the ropes. “I have always been lucky.”

“Yeah you have.” Bo finally finished. He stretched back and forth. “Hey, stretch, do you mind helping your cousin out?”

“Well should I? Then again, you insulted me. You said that yoga was gross.”


“Okay, I’m coming.” Bo walked over and untied his cousin. “You know, this doesn’t seem to be working well. We get out of the ropes and then go down.”

“Well we can’t go up, Bo. Unless you just wanna squeeze through that tiny little window, yonder.” Luke pointed to the small window. Bo shrugged.

“Ya think?”

“No, I don’t.”

“Well it was worth a shot.”

“You fit through a small window? I don’t think so.”

“Can’t I try?”

“No way.” You know folks, I wonder if Bo could fit through that window, don’t you? You never know with him. As Luke always says, Bo can do almost anything he puts his mind to. Maybe this is one of those things. Then again, not even Luke believes he can pull off this one.


Daisy called everyone upstairs. You know as well as I do, they all came running. The group all seemed to have their attention centered on the computer. Young Daisy Duke didn’t have the monitor on. “What did you find, Daisy girl?” Jesse asked his niece.

Daisy put her attention to Terrance. “Terrance, do you have any enemies lurking around the corner?” Daisy questioned. Terrance shrugged.

“Everyone on this earth has some sort of adversary,” Terrance replied. Daisy’s head seemed to lean to one side, signaling something or other.

“No, I mean someone in your corporation that you might have fired. You know, people like that.”

“There were two people working in my company who were laundering money but I hardly think…”

“Terrance, look, this is how it works. You fire the badly behaved boys. These guys have lost the one thing that means something to them, their power.”

“I do not see what this has to do with the ones I have fired.”

“Oh it has plenty to do with them.” Daisy took a deep breath and let it out leisurely. “They come after something that means something to you. That’s why they took your boys.”

“Now that you know they why, I want to know the where.” Daisy smiled mischievously. She rubbed her hands together quickly and suddenly stopped. “What?”

“Well that one is easy to figure out.” Daisy pushed the button of the computer screen. “First I had to know who did it. When I saw the presentation of the random demands, I knew that it was some sort of corporate hot shot.”


“The editing they did. These men presented it like it was some sort of commercial. They also tried to edit out sounds in the background. I cleaned up the works, and restored it.”

“I see.”

“What do you think I found as a predominate sound?”

“I have no idea.”

“Ambulances…I heard a lot of ambulances. They were all going to the same place. Therefore, they must be by a hospital.”

“That doesn’t explain exactly where they are.”

“Oh pretty close. If I zoom in here…” Daisy pushed a few buttons, causing the screen to become larger. “You see the mail box?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“They tried to hide that too. But here’s a mailbox which gives us another clue. There is also a lot of cat meows in the background.”


“In the city, cats seem to go where there’s a lot of food.”

“That’s very true.”

“Therefore, Baker and Laine are close to a hospital. They are also close to a restaurant and across from a mail box.”

“Well done Daisy, I think you have solved our mystery.” Daisy nodded. “You should be a private eye.”

“Nah, I wouldn’t like traveling.” Cara shook her head as she smiled.

“You know, I was going to ask you Daisy if you wanted to move in with Terrance and me,” Cara commented.

“You know I couldn’t leave Hazzard,” Daisy replied.

“Yes, I do know. I said I was GOING to ask you.”

“What do you mean?”

“I see that you are settled where you are.” Cara put a hand on her daughter’s shoulder. Daisy smiled. “I think that Hazzard County has been a great influence.”

“That’s nice to hear Mom.” Cara turned her head towards her big brother, Jesse Duke. The look on this woman’s face was one of pure delight.

“Jesse, you’re doing a wonderful job with my daughter. She is turning out to be a very wise young woman.”

“Why thank you Cara,” Jesse mumbled.

“Hey, I mean it. You are a great parent and I am sorry for ever doubting you.”

“Forget about it Cara.”

“I can’t, you have been such a joy to my daughter. She loves where she is. Daisy always needed something more than I could ever give to her.”

“Thank you very much, that is an honor coming from you, Cara.”

“Enough complimenting each other, we got kin to save,” Baker cut in. Daisy laughed. He did sound a lot like Bo. She was pleased to see that quality in him.

“I agree with Bo here, Baker and Laine come first. We have got to get out there,” Daisy mumbled.

“I’ll go with Jesse,” Cooter cut in.

“Bo and me will go together in a car,” Laine added.

“Actually, Cooter, I think you should go with me,” Geeves jumped in.

“Why in the world would I go with you?” Cooter hissed.

“I know my way around.”

“So what you needle nose…”

“Oh come on, don’t fight y’all. I think Geeves is right. Cooter, you should go with him,” Baker announced.


“No buts, you know as well as I do he’s the best help you have got.”

“The most annoying one too.”

“Luke, you should travel with Uncle Jesse. We do know Boston better than he does considering Mom took us here quite a few times.”

“Got it,” Laine replied.

“I will go with Daisy. Terrance and Cara will stay here and be at home base.”

“We can handle ourselves on this end,” Cara mumbled.

“Now, do you have Walky Talkies?” Laine asked Terrance.

“Do I have Walky Talkies?” Terrance laughed.

“I take that as a yes.”

“I am glad, that was a total yes. Are you sure you guys can get them home?”

“Oh please, we’re professionals.”

“Yeah, Geeves and I can take them out ourselves,” Cooter announced.

“Quite so,” Geeves added.

“Well maybe Geeves might slow me down a little.”

“No sir, you would slow me down, you grease monkey.”

“Who are you calling a grease monkey you penguin!” Y’all know this is going to go on for a little while. So we’ll just leave it at that.

Now this is turning out to be quite the adventure. Do y’all realize that this all started with Bo ending his physical therapy? Oh well, they’re all happy I think. Man, I wish I was in Boston right now, this could be fun.


Back to the Duke boys, Bo and Luke stood at the doors. Luke figured if they would fall for it once, they would fall for it again. Bo on the other hand thought his cousin was nuts for using the same plan twice.

Dale wasn’t the smartest cookie in the bunch. Come on folks, I knew that as well as Luke did. Sure, Dale had some smarts but kidnapping skills were out of his league. Anyone could tell that one.

As Dale walked in, they knocked him down. The boys ran down the stairs with speed. They heard the gun’s safety go off. Rafael laughed. “You boys have got to be kidding me. You think you can get out the same way twice?” Rafael questioned.

“Hey, do not make fun of my cousin’s plan. Some people are mindless enough to fall for it,” Bo growled, still in character.

“I don’t care what you think. I am not stupid. Bo looked at the wall. “You know, I was the top executive in the company.”

“Which one the toy department?” Bo saw a loose nail and pulled it out. He put it in his shirt pocket. “You know, approximately one or two idiots can master the talent of pushing a button. I trust your secretary did all of the labor.”

“You would wouldn’t you?” Luke stared at his cousin for a second. Bo winked, showing that he wasn’t afraid in the least.

“Of course, you look like too much of a delegate. It is pleasurable to be the delegate, constantly handing off his jobs to others.”

“I am not interested in your politics.”

“Your brain is too thick for my politics, Rafael.”


“Yes Baker, do close your mouth before you get us in trouble,” Luke said with a harsh Boston tone.

“Now tell me, how did you get out of those ropes?” Rafael pointed the gun at Bo’s head. Luke’s eyes shifted. He shook his head. “Or should I exterminate your brother?”

“NO! We had a knife.” Rafael growled at Dale.

“No problem, Rafael, you said. I will check for weapons, Rafael, you said.”

“Well—you see—I checked their clothes,” Dale said in his defense.

“You are useless.”

“I was the best at keeping the money, Rafael. I am just no good at this crummy stuff.”

“Dale, you couldn’t do a simple task. This is the second time they have gotten out. What’s more, they cut the ropes which means they can’t be used again.”

“So what are we going to do now?”

“Handcuffs, we’ll, as in you and I, will handcuff them to the bed post…unless you can’t handle that one.”

“Oh I can do that one, Rafael, I really can.” Rafael rolled his eyes. Dale pointed the gun at Bo and Luke. He took them upstairs. Rafael followed behind them, not taking any chances.

Bo and Luke were once again locked up. Bo stuck out his tongue at the two. Rafael shook his head softly. He couldn’t believe all of this was going on. They were a couple of rich boys. Rafael figured this was goanna be an easy job.

Well what Rafael didn’t know was that these weren’t the rich boys. These were Duke Boys. You don’t mess with Duke boys…no matter how smart you think you are. Most people in Hazzard know that. However, these boys ain’t exactly the sharpest tools in the shed.

Bo and Luke stared at each other for a second. As Dale and Rafael disappeared, Bo roared with laughter. Luke growled at his cousin. Now if you were chained to a bed and your cousin was laughing, wouldn’t you be upset? I think I would.

“How can you laugh at a time like this?” Luke questioned. Bo shook his head.

“Oh come on cousin, you have to lighten up a bit,” Bo replied. Now it was Luke’s turn to shake his head. Bo’s comment didn’t make him feel too hot.

“What do you mean lighten up? I am calm and collective. You’re the one who is batty. Look at ya. You’re laughing.”

“Well I have good reason to laugh.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“While he wasn’t looking, I grabbed a nail. Rafael thinks he is a great deal smarter than Dale but he ain’t. In fact, I think that man is just as dumb.” Luke crocked an eyebrow.

“Bo, a nail ain’t goanna do you much good. What are you goanna do, gouge his eyes out?”

“I am goanna pick the lock.” Luke shook his head. He stared at his cousin for a second. “What?”

“I know I really shouldn’t ask.”

“Well do it anyway.”

“Where did you learn how to pick a lock?” Bo smiled and winked.

“That’s for me to know and for you never to find out.” Bo thrusts his chest in the air a couple of times. The nail starts to come out of his shirt pocket.

“You’re impossible, you know that?” Bo continued what he was doing until the nail was high enough for him to grab with his teeth.

Downstairs, Cooter was dressed in a suit and holding a suitcase. He had a fake beard on him. Cooter was also wearing sunglasses. Geeves had a wig on and, was standing right beside Cooter. Now folks, if you’re wondering what is going on, so am I.

They knocked on the door of the house Bo and Luke were in. You could hear someone grumble from behind the woodwork. The door opened. “What do you want?” Rafael questioned.

“Hello, I am from the pulp and paper factory. We are selling a new brand of paper that will really knock your socks off. YAHOO, I do love selling my paper,” Cooter said, with a major Texan accent.

“Look I’m…”

“Now sir, I have a hungry baby to feed. You need to listen to my ideas.” At the back door, Daisy just jimmied the lock, a skill she picked up from Bo. She took out a set of fire crackers and lit them. She ran out of the door.

As they began to fire off, both Geeves and Cooter fell to the ground. Well Rafael and Dale went to the ground just as fast if not faster. Cooter and Geeves grabbed the guns.

“Baker, Laine, where are you two at? Can you boys hear me? Baker, Laine?” Geeves questioned.

“UP HERE GEEVES!” Luke screamed.

“Cooter, cover me, I am going to get the boys out.” Cooter nodded.

“Now y’all just stay here okay? We’ll wait for the police to up and grab you two,” Cooter laughed. Geeves walked up the stairs. He found the latch and let the stairs fly downward. Bo and Luke walked down.

“Are you two alright?”

“Geeves, I have never in all my life been happier to see you,” Bo commented, still acting the part of Baker.

“Master Baker, Master Laine…let’s go home.”

“Yes, lets.”


Bo and Luke traded clothes with Baker and Laine. They looked at each other. Bo seemed happy to be in his old clothes again. He bent and moved around a lot. Baker straightened his suit jacket.

Luke didn’t pay too much attention to his cousin. He continued getting dressed. Laine stared at Luke for a second, smiling away. “So how was it like?” Laine asked Luke.

“Oh it was fun. Geeves almost had a heart attack when y’all didn’t listen to every word that he said,” Luke replied.

“You two probably have given us a little freedom and for that I am grateful.”

“Y’all must have done some things that were pretty interesting too.”

“Never once have I been surrounded by so much love. Your Uncle Jesse was such a wonderful person to us. Daisy…we had a food fight. I have never had one before.”

“Good, you deserve some sort of fun.”

“I never knew soaring in an automobile was so full of excitement. Having Roscoe chase behind is a delight. I in no way knew racing a car could be so entertaining.”

On the other side of the room, a conversation was rolling. “If Heather comes up to you and wonders what is going on please…” Baker began.

“You were kissing my girl?” Bo said with anger. Baker pulled away. Bo laughed and began to smile. “Just kidding, don’t take things so seriously.”

“I’m sorry, I am still not used to the whole Duke charm.”

“Well, you seemed to fit in just fine at my place. You liked her a lot then?”

“We went horse back riding every single day. I loved it.”

“I bet you did. You see? Hazzard ain’t as boring as you thought huh?”

“No, it was amusing. Everything was fantastic.”

“How did you like Dodger?”

“He has quite the personality. He and Cooter are a lot alike I have discovered.”

“Oh they are.”

“Cooter and Geeves are finally starting to get along huh?”

“Only a little bit.”

“And only because they have to.” Bo and Baker began to laugh.

Well, a couple weeks passed. You should have seen the wedding party. I am telling you, it was quite the sight to say the least. Bo senior giving his daughter Cara Duke away was such a joy to watch. That’s right, I was front row center for this wedding.

Baker’s three cousins stood beside Daisy. Bo and Luke kept elbowing Baker and Laine. This made it pretty interesting—especially when Uncle Jesse had to clear his throat in the middle of it. The boys knew what that one meant. They stayed still for the rest of the wedding. Even though I could almost see Bo Duke’s legs buckling.

Soon it didn’t matter. Cara was married and that’s all there was to it. She was now Cara York—not Duke. Daisy didn’t mind that change—so long as she could keep her last name. I mean after having the same one for so long, would you wanna change it? I didn’t think so.

Daisy got a present from her new stepfather. I couldn’t believe what she had received. A brand new Jeep, with a jersey cow painted on the front end. It had the word, “Dolly” on it. Bo and Luke were jealous of course. It was a beautiful white jeep…a total off road vehicle. Bo and Luke would have to accept it, after all, she did save their bacon.

After the wedding, everyone had to head back to their places. Well but not before a long heartfelt goodbye. Bo, Luke, Uncle Jesse and Daisy went back to Hazzard County. The boys had to borrow a car from Cooter since they totaled it in a drag race against…oh wait, that’s another story, for Hazzard County.


by: Essy Jane

Okay, welcome to our Hazzard County. I really am glad you decided to come back here for yet an additional voyage to this fair county. Every time y’all come back over here, I get so tickled pink you would think that I was cotton candy. You wouldn’t believe how in high spirits I am. I mean without you around who would I tell the stories too? You have to tell me that one.

This is a place where all the excitement happens. This Hazzard County is a place where everyone wants to stay forever and ever. The place…oh wait, I’m making a mountain out of a molehill. Come on, when you go to Hazzard County, you would lay it on thick too.

Bo and Luke would be of the same mind as me. Go and raise the question to them if you want. They would both tell you that this place is better than apple pie. It is better than anything else in the world. I will never dispute that one.

Well don’t blame me for being swollen with pride when it comes to Hazzard. I feel affection for this wonderful area and I think I will always love it with all my heart. Why? So many interesting things happen here. Families love to bring their kids around here too.

You know, it was Hazzard County where you, if truth were told, learned how to take to the air—without a plane that is. In Hazzard, one and all know you as a crony a buddy… more or less good egg. You are magnificent until we can provide evidence that you, the visitor, are a rotten stinker. Oh, they’ll run you out of town if you’re too rotten so don’t test my theory.

I know you committed to your memory Bo Duke and Danny Brinier. Well if you didn’t know who Bo was, I would think you were a tiny little bit batty. Danny—well I guess I could let you get away with that one…this time. Bo and Danny and been friends since—well since Bo stepped foot in this County. You see, friendship is the most wonderful thing in the world to these guys.

“I am so goanna beat you Danny,” Bo said as he jumped his bike. Danny shook his head no. “What do you mean no? Who are you to foretell the future?”

“Out of everyone in Hazzard I am the most excellent, no the most superior on a Bike,” Danny replied.

“Uh huh, sure you are.”

“I am and you know it, Bo Duke. I could take you on any time of any day.” Bo began to laugh. “Don’t you laugh at me Blondie, you know it and Luke knows it. If you want we could ask him.”

“I never did like to ask Luke about anything.”

“You mean you don’t want to make a fool of yourself because you know I am truthful kind of guy. I am the best bike rider.”

Danny was spot on when he spoke of this subject. Bo could never beat him. If it were in a go-cart, Danny would loose. He wasn’t exactly the top driver in the world. Bo on the other hand could beat him with his eyes closed.

“We’ll see about that.” As they approached a hill, Danny took the lead, making it to the main road. Now Bo was behind. He didn’t mind though. In fact, he slowed down, knowing that his best friend had already won.

On the main road, Danny was waiting for him. As he was tapping his foot, a car came by. They saw him really clearly and smiled. Danny started to smile back. The car hit a mud puddle on purpose, soaking the young man in mud.

“Take that you sinful black demon!” One of them called. Danny shook his head and sighed. He couldn’t believe what had just happened. Bo finally made it to the road. He was smiling and laughing away.

Well that is until he saw Danny’s face—and the rest of him. Bo’s eyebrows lowered with confusion. “Hey, what happened to you?” Bo asked.

Danny sighed and lowered his head. You know what’s funny about Danny? He is a lot like Bo. So when Danny’s upset like this, you know it. It was written all over the young boy’s face.

Bo’s usual smiling face was now totally overflowing with fuss and alarm. You see, this young man always loved his friend with all his heart and to see Danny like this, broke Bo in two. Now that’s friendship, y’all.

“Are you okay?” Bo asked, with kindheartedness. Danny shrugged. Bo growled and shook his head. “You know as well as I do Danny, that’s not an answer. Now, let’s try this again. Are you okay?”

“No,” Danny replied. He started to walk away from Bo quickly. Bo quickly went after him. “Go away, Bo.”


“Just go away.” Danny began to walk faster. “You wouldn’t understand, Bo Duke, you just wouldn’t.” Now don’t mess with the captain of the track and field team. He could beat you in a heart beat.

“Come on Danny, what is up?”

“That’s none of your business.”

“It is too my business, Danny. I am sort of your most excellent, kindest—best friend in the whole world. Call me crazy but I think that would make it my business.”

“Yeah–right. I think you should stay out of other people’s affairs.”

“Come on Danny. You have mud all over you. Your face is full of grief. Danny, you seem like someone has killed you.”

“Sure Bo.” Bo growled once again. He couldn’t believe Danny was holding something from him. “Whatever you say, Bo.”

“You look like you have been taken around the world being dragged by a truck, talk to me Danny.”

“I can’t.” Bo rolled his eyes slowly.

“Can’t or won’t?”

“Pick one.”

“You can’t do this to me.” Danny shook his head. All he wanted was Bo to leave him alone. All Bo wanted was for Danny to talk about this. Now who do you think is goanna win? The person with the mopes or the anxious one? You tell me.


“You just can’t do it to me. Not to Bo Duke, nope you won’t do it to me.”

“Why not Bo?”

“Because, we’re impressively the best friends in the world, that’s why!” Danny suddenly stopped in the middle of the road and he looked Bo in the eye.

“When you look at me, what do you see?”

“A guy covered in mud?” Danny rolled his eyes. He punched Bo in the arm. Bo rubbed it with care. “OWE! That hurt!”

“Good, you’re making a mockery of me.”

“No, you’re doing that all on your own.” Danny snarled at Bo. “Well what do you want me to say, Danny? Huh? I don’t get you right now. I was just stating what I saw. What do you want me to say?”

“First of all, I want you to put an end to all this joking around and become serious.” Bo crocked an eyebrow and then started laughing away. In fact, he was chucking so hard that he was turning a soft shade of red, he kind of resembled a cherry.

“You have got to be kidding me.” Bo stopped laughing but kept the smile. “I am Bo Duke. I am the gag prince.”

“Yeah I know that.”

“I can’t keep a straight face when a clowning comedian comes around.” Danny tapped his fingers on his bike. “I just keep laughing all the more. I really can’t help it you see.”


“Even if someone is trying to have one of THOSE talks with me—I wouldn’t be able to keep a real serious look about me.”

“I mean it, Bo, I need you to be absolutely extremely serious for this one.”

“What do you mean by serious? Do you mean Freddy serious or Shaggy serious?”


“But I like Shaggy.”

“You don’t have the hair to be Shaggy and you don’t have the dog—wait! You did it to me again.” Bo began laughing.

“I’m sorry, I know, I didn’t mean to. It just rather popped right out.” Danny shook his head and began walking away. Bo blocked his friend all over again. “Danny, I was only joking.”

“Yeah I noticed.”

“Look, let’s try this again.”

“Alright Bo but no shaggy dog stories, no practical jokes…I mean it!” Bo seemed to shrink with each word Danny spoke. He didn’t like the sound of this. For once Danny had become a hard and inflexible. “No lines of hilarity, just wholesome and formal.”

“Too hard.”

“Just try for a minute.” Bo set himself straight and stood tall as he sighed. He looked Danny right in the eye. “Just one minute?”

“Okay, I’ll try.”

“Now, I want you to do this for me okay?”


“Tell me what you see when you look at me.” Bo rolled his eyes and shook his head. This is what got him in trouble the last time. “What is wrong now?”

“Oh please Danny, not this again. I don’t like the question.”

“Bo, make my day, this is important to me.”

“Well if it is important…”

“Thanks Bo.”

“You’re especially welcome Danny. I am being serious when I say this to you.”

“Okay, focus now.”

“I am concentrating.” Bo looked into his face carefully, examining every feature—every blemish.

“Now tell me exactly what you see when you look into my face. No matter what comes into your mind—well never mind about that. I mean anything that isn’t a ruse.”

“I see my best friend. I see someone who has constantly been there for me no matter what. I see someone who helped me play pranks on Coy.” Danny shook his head and smiled. “I tried.”

“I know you did.”

“Now can you tell me what happened?”

“What do you mean?”

“You were in such a first-rate frame of mind just a minute ago and then suddenly out of nowhere you seemed to…I don’t know, flip over.”

“What do you mean by flipped over?” Bo hated explaining himself especially right now.

“You turned over and somehow ended up as a serious awful character. Like some bad dude off some weird film. Now what changed from…?”

“There was a truck back there…guys I have never seen before. They smiled, I smiled back. They purposely moved the car over so that I would get mud all over me.”

“How did you know it was on purpose?”

“They said, ‘Take that you black devil.’ Last time they saw me. This time—well, yet another racist comment. Last time I thought they were joking but…”

“They called you…”


“They called you that?”

“Yep they sure did. Yesterday they did the same thing. Saying a comment, then they drove away laughing and cheering.” Bo shook his head and a light of clarity seemed to come over his head.

“That’s why you were asking what I saw?”

“Yeah…you know, I had the notion spinning in my head, I thought the racism stopped.”

“It never does though. I too was sure that our country, the United States of America, was better than this.”

“Me too.”

“I have fought many guys Danny. I have fought them with my fists and I have fought them with words. I have taken down many bad men.”

“Is there a point to this Bo?”

“Danny, racism is an infection. It is something that is more horrendous than anything we’ve ever dealt with.”

“Yeah I know and that’s why I am not expecting you two to do anything about it.” Bo shook his head no.

“I can fix this.”

“Oh please don’t say you’re goanna go and do something that is extremely brainless. I can’t think of my best friend doing something like that.”

“Well I won’t, I will just do something irrational.”

“Don’t you dare, Bo Duke! I don’t want you to go and do something so intolerably idiotic on my account.”

“I promise you though that I will fix this. I have you as my eyewitness. I will make this go away.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

“I won’t ever do that. I am promising that I will fix this.”

“I would love to see it Bo, I really would.” Danny grabbed onto his bike. Bo ran back and grabbed his, catching up with his friend almost aimlessly. “You know, there are so many people that say things are changing but they’re not.”

“They are too; things just change slowly that’s all.” Danny shook his head.

“You’re just one person though.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“You know as well as I do, a group is better than a single person. What can you do? You can’t run up and fix it like you said.” Bo began laughing. He pushed his hair back with his one free hand.

“One individual is capable of changing the future. You should know that by now.”

“Yeah right, here? You know as well as I do that nothing will change.”

“Dr. Martin Luther King Jr…was he not one person?”

“Yeah but he’s different than you are.”

“No he’s not…well with the exception of the moustache thing.”


“Well that and the fact that he had brown eyes. I always wanted chocolate brown eyes—especially so I wouldn’t look like Coy but you know that never happened.”

“Bo, don’t poke fun.”

“I am just trying to tell you that we’re alike in principal.” Danny shrugged. He figured that Bo didn’t know what he was talking about.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You see? HA! We balladeers are all seeing. I knew what he was saying to you.

“Oh Danny, see outside of the box.”

“I’ll try.”

“He too was a person fighting for people’s rights and freedoms. I know I’m not marching but I do want every person to be equal.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

“Hey, let’s go and have some lemonade at your place…your Pa makes a mean cup.” Danny smiled and nodded.

“Sure Bo…hey, I’m sorry.”

“Forget about it. You know, I would be mad at me too.”

“I wasn’t frustrated with you at all Bo. I wasn’t even close to angry at you…I was just sort of taking it out on you which doesn’t make me a good friend on any counts.”

“Forget about it.”


In the coffin factory, Daisy and Luke were hiding. They watched as Boss Hogg filled the cases with moonshine. “Now you see, these are going to other cities and those dorks down at the county lines will never know the difference. I learned it from my second cousin’s archives,” Boss Hogg told Roscoe.

“Oooo goody, a phony bologna situation staring Boss Hogg, Khee. Ooo I love it I love it,” Roscoe replied.

“Roscoe, you are so stupid. In fact you’re so stupid that when you went to the antique shop and asked the shop keeper if he had anything newer in the store.”

“That’s not very polite Boss, because that happened to me on one occasion. It was an awkward incident.” Daisy bit on her bottom lip, hoping the laughter wouldn’t come streaming out. Luke smiled at his younger cousin, thinking she was funny.

“You have got to be kidding me.”

“No, I am not.”

“My goodness Roscoe, you are—oh never mind what you are. If I tried to explain that, I would be here all night long.”

“What do you think?” Daisy whispered to Luke. The young man grinned kindheartedly at his cousin. You know as well as I do that Luke has something twisting through his little mind. No, it ain’t cheese. “You think that they’ll get away with it?”

“I think we can break this,” Luke whispered back.

“Do ya think we can by today?”


“Because we have church tomorrow and school on Monday—why do you think?”

“I know that Daisy. Uncle Jesse says, ‘The key to every man is a good solid religion and a strong educational background.’ I do agree with him there.”

“I know you know that.”

“And I know that you know that I know that.”

“Can you stop that?”

“I don’t know can I.”

“Would you please stop that?”


“So what are we going to do smoke them out? I in actual fact want to be at school.”

“Jesse would tan our hides if we did that.”

“What go to school?”

“No, smoke them out.”

“Well he did it once when he was young.”

“Do you want to hear him make his next speech?” Daisy shook her head no. “You know what we’ll have to do to make this short and sweet?”


“Just call the FBI.” Daisy giggled softly. Boss heard that one. He walked up the stairs. Daisy and Luke ducked but it was too late, the damage had been done. As Boss was looking around, Luke formulated a plan. He wrapped a rope around his right leg and got Daisy to tie the other end to a coffin.

“I could have sworn someone was up here,” Boss said.

“Well, I am going back to work. Got bad guys to catch Khee!” Roscoe replied. He ran out the room. Luke stood up. He pulled Boss Hogg’s hat over his eyes. Boss tried to run after the two while pulling his had up. The coffin came with him. He finally got his hat up as Daisy and Luke ran out of the coffin factory.

Roscoe pulled away in the car. As he saw the two of them getting in the General Lee, the police car turned around and began to follow the Dukes. Daisy was in the driver’s seat this time. “Why do you get to drive?” Luke questioned.

“Because you, Luke Duke, drove here, you silly goose. Besides, I need the practice,” Daisy replied. Daisy saw a dip in the road and took it. She flew up in the air. Roscoe did the same thing, unlike most times, he made it.

“You can do better than that.”

“I’m sure I can. He seems determined today though.”

“Well get used to it Daisy, he’ll be chasing you a lot. After all you’re a Duke. Us Dukes don’t get breaks…we get chased.” Daisy shook her head as she laughed.

“Okay, let’s try Hazzard pond. He always falls for that one.”

“Good call.” Daisy sped up and took a short cut through the water and back on to the road. Roscoe followed. She turned onto the rough terrain again, making the jump right over the pond and the trees. Roscoe tried the same thing and of course didn’t make it.

“You would think he would learn by now.”

“Let’s go call the police.”

Over at Danny’s place, he explained what happened to his father. Danny’s Dad, Galen, shook his head. “You know Bo, this is common still. Not as common but it does happen,” Galen mumbled.

“I don’t see why it does. Everyone is the same aren’t they?” Bo asked.

“You and I know that but some people really don’t see it. You know that white and black can work together. White is the paper and black is the ink.”

“One with the other is incomplete?” Galen smiled softly.

“You know, you’re a smart boy. You have your Uncle’s spirit. He and I have gotten along well since I came here.


“Out of everyone out there, he has always stuck by me. I remember when we had a fire and our crops burned to the ground. He invited us over for lunch and supper every day.” Bo smiled.

“Sounds like my Uncle.” Suddenly, Bo heard the General’s engine. It came to a skidding halt. “Let’s not talk about this with them.” Galen nodded. Daisy and Luke got out of the car. Luke seemed a little preoccupied as he sat down to eat.

“Luke, you wanna say the blessing?” Galen asked.

“Sure thing Mr. Brinier,” Luke commented. Everyone folded their arms. Luke cleared his throat and took a deep breath. “Lord, thank you for this bounteous feast which you have provided and may we be extremely grateful. Lord, please bless Galen and his son. They are wonderful people and deserve the world. Amen.”

“Amen,” Everyone commented. They all dug into the ribs. Daisy was drooling over the Mashed potatoes with gravy. Bo shook his head and laughed. He served her up some.

“Thank you sooo much,” Daisy commented, as she put the potatoes on her fork.

“So I hear Jesse’s going on a trip?” Galen asked.

“Yeah, he wants to go a week over there so he can spend time with Uncle Jose,” Luke began.

“After that, Uncle Jose’s coming here and Uncle Jesse’s staying there. Uncle Jose misses Hazzard,” Bo added. He started licking the barbeque sauce off his fingers.

“Then Uncle Jesse’s coming back and Uncle Jose’s goanna stay one more week in Hazzard,” Daisy announced.

“You kids will be okay won’t ya?” Galen questioned.

“Oh of course we will.”

“He trusts you three, that’s a great quality. Back when Sharon, Eddy and Danny were all living in one roof, I would give them to Jess when I went out.”

“You know Dad, they could always all stay over here,” Danny cut in. Galen started laughing.

“Nah, you four would be worse together…partying all night.” Bo and Luke looked at each other and started laughing. “Danny don’t need that kind of encouragement.

“So Daisy, where were you and Luke today?”

“We went to bust boss’ operation. When the FBI got there, the whole business was shut down. That Boss Hogg is a sneaky one,” Daisy grumbled.

“Well at least you tried I guess.”

“Well if we would have tried harder…” Luke began.

“Oh don’t act like that. Luke, sometimes you just can’t save the world. Right Bo?”

“Yeah but you can sure try. Just because you fail in one attempt doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try,” Bo answered.

“At the same time, some issues stick no matter what.”

“It’s up to the one person to make it stop.”

“Still, it may not be stopped by one person.”

“Well maybe if more than one person gets involved or maybe if you talk to someone higher…”

“How would you know if that would work?”

“No use in throwing the ISSUE on the back burner.”

“Are we talking about the same thing here?” Luke questioned.

“Ah…yeah, of course we are cousin.”

“Bo, then why am I catching drift of a totally different conversation?” Bo shrugged. He smiled at Luke. “Something is going on isn’t it?”

“Yeah, you didn’t catch him.” Luke rolled his eyes.

“Boss is kind of a sneaky person there, cousin.”

“Exactly and that’s why you shouldn’t worry about him. Eat your food.”

“You are nuts you know that?”

“No, I’m Bo.” Danny began to laugh. He was thrilled that Bo could turn a conversation on Luke so fast.

“Come on, what are you and Danny up to?”

“Didn’t I tell you to eat your food?” Luke seemed very confused but knew he wasn’t about to get anything out of his cousin. They continued to eat the wonderful food that had been prepared for them.


Monday came too fast for all the Duke kids. He was tapping his pencil on the desk at school. All he wanted was the class to start. He was very bored. Just sitting there looked at the ceiling. Everyone was half asleep. The bell finally rang.

“Alright, we have five new students in this class. They are quintuplets. Bernard, Johan, Lucas, Jonah and Reeve Hansen. Now Luke, I want you to show them around and help them out,” Miss Strandline announced. “Luke, stand up please.” Luke did as the teacher said. “Go sit down around our Luke Duke.”

“Okay,” Lucas mumbled. They seemed to be scanning the room as they sat down. Bernard smiled at Luke and shook his hand.

“Alright, you know the assignments from yesterday. Luke, if you could help out the new students please,” Miss Strandline mumbled. The class filled with chatter. Luke showed them the questions that were given from yesterday. Each one of the kids copied it down.

“So Luke, are you in to any sports?” Bernard asked. Luke nodded softly. Bernard smiled. “I’m into football, how about you?”

“Yeah, I am into football, boxing and karate. The last one I do with my cousin. Everyone’s trying to get him onto the football team but he doesn’t want to.”

“That’s a shame. He’s truly missing out.”

“Ah, he always calls it my thing but he’s really good.”

“What else is he into?”

“Track and field and wrestling are his two favorites.”

“Really? Lucas here loves track and field. Johan loves to box you two will get along great. Um…wrestling is Lucas’ thing. Jonah loves to wrestle.”

“Sounds like our families will get along just great.”

“Sure does.” Luke and the Hansen’s continued to work side by side, chatting away until the bell rang. Somehow in the conversation, the General Lee was brought up. The Hansen Boys all happened to love cars. Luke just had to show them the car.

“I love the confederate flag up there,” Lucas commented.

“Stands for southern pride for us—also reminds us that some wars are pointless,” Luke replied.

“What do you mean pointless?” Jonah asked.

“Well I am just saying…”

“You know the south should have won that war.”

“I think that we’re more connected now than we were back then. Everyone seems to get along better now.”

“Luke, we got to get going…we’ll see you later.” Luke seemed confused as those boys walked away.

“He did say that he was from California,” Johan mumbled.

“Yeah but that doesn’t mean we can’t change him. He’s almost worthy enough to hang around us. Just because he loves those BLACK souls doesn’t mean…” Lucas began.

“No, these kids here are warped. They have no idea…”

“Hey, people can change. He drives the car doesn’t he? That flag stands for more than he’ll ever know. We’ll teach him somehow.” Uh oh, I think this is a little out of hand. Although the Confederate flag is seen by most southerners as a simple symbol of Southern pride, it is often used by people who are racist against African-American people.

As they were talking, Bo and Danny walked by. Danny recognized the guys the minute he laid eyes on them. Bo could tell right away that something was up. “Can we go the other way?” Danny questioned.

“Those are the ones? I’m goanna go talk to them.” Danny tried to hold his friend back but Bo was too determined even for him. “Excuse me gentlemen, I heard that you dumped mud on my friend. You also called him a black devil,” Bo told the boys. Bernard stared at him.

“What’s your point? He is a black devil,” Bernard commented.

“You can’t be serious. He’s a good person and one of my best friends. What you said to him was wrong and I want you to apologize.”

“I’m sorry that you can’t see what he is.”

“You know the only worse than a black person?” Lucas asked.

“A black sympathizer,” Reeve announced.

“They are animals and the fact that you hang with them is even worse.” Bo sighed. He shook his head and walked back over to Danny.

“I told you,” Danny mumbled.

“No, we will fix this… how I don’t know,” Bo answered him.

“How Bo, You can’t exactly go and walk up to them and punch them all out. Make them celebrate black history and love black people. Man, it’s just not goanna happen.”

“It still makes me upset. Upset that I can’t help you. When you had your appendix taken out, at least I could sit with you and keep you company.” Danny smiled.

“Bo, when the summer was over, I always missed my best friend. You know, it is really comforting to have you around all the time.”

“So do you want me to punch them all in the nose?” Danny started laughing. “You know, it may not make you feel better but it would make me.”


“Well I am just saying…”

“No hitting people.”


Later on that day, Daisy and Luke had caught up with Bo after a lengthy set of detention. Bo didn’t seem to mind it. Daisy couldn’t understand how Bo did it everyday. “What do you do in detention that you like so very much?” Luke questioned.

“You know, I was just thinking the same thing. You seem to like going on it,” Daisy added.

“Oddly enough, you manage to stay awake when you have practices.”

“What is this, the pick on Bo day?” Bo asked.

“We were just wondering.”

“Well first of all, I do like detention.” Daisy and Luke looked at each other for a second. Luke and Daisy got in the General Lee. Bo followed, sitting in the front.

“How can you like it?”

“It is where I get most of my thinking done.” Luke started the General Lee and put him into gear. They began to drive.

“What could you possibly have needed to think about today?” Daisy asked. Bo wanted to tell his cousins but he made a promise to Danny.

“Never mind, you wouldn’t care anyway.”

“What do you mean we wouldn’t care? You know, I stayed here because I cared.”

“Daisy, let’s just drop it.”

“Bo, what is the matter with you? Normally you’re willing to tell Daisy and I anything. We’re usually such a close, tight knit family. We’re more than cousins, we’re friends,” Luke butted in.

“Luke, you wouldn’t understand. It is between me and the other guy.”

“Oh, one of those kind of fights.”

“Must everyone focus on me?”

“You are the youngest Bo,” Daisy added.

“I may be the youngest but that don’t mean…”

“It does mean that you’re up to something.”

“Like what?”

“Well you could be…” Luke began.

“I knew you didn’t know.”

“Can we talk about something else?”

“We’re goanna have to, there’s Roscoe,” Daisy announced. Luke shook his head. Bo sat back and pushed his hair with his palms, slicking it back for a moment.

“Can’t he leave us alone?” Luke questioned.

“He wouldn’t be Roscoe if he didn’t.”

“You’re right Daisy.” They began to speed ahead. Roscoe picked up his CB.

“Alright you Dukes, pull it over,” Roscoe said over the CB.

“Yeah right Roscoe, now you’re just goanna have to catch us,” Bo grumbled back over the CB.

“I sure will Khee.” Luke began to swerve back and forth. As he saw Enos coming towards him, Luke kept going towards him. Enos pulled out of the way partly and ended up smashing into a tree. Luke pulled a 180 and went back the other way. He drove straight for a little while and then had an idea. Luke pulled off the road. Roscoe followed.

“Usually I wouldn’t ask Luke but what are you doing?” Daisy asked. Luke smiled.

“Oh you’ll see,” Luke replied. Luke drove through a creek and right back onto the same road. As Luke saw Enos’ car, he pulled the usual, Luke was on two wheels on his side.

Bo began laughing. “YAHOOOOO!” He called out.

“Now that’s the Bo spirit. Let’s get home. I am sure Uncle Jesse has chores for us to do.”

“Oh yeah, massive chores.”

“None of them include messing with Roscoe and Enos?” Daisy questioned. Luke sped to the Duke farm, knowing the law of the hour was out of action.

“Hey this is the Bullet Dodger calling the lost sheep, y’all on the porch, come back?” Dodger said over the CB.

“This is lost sheep two here ready to listen come on,” Bo replied over the CB.

“Y’all have created us some good business. We decided to take y’all out to Hogg’s Heavenly Hog.”

“Boss’ new restaurant, you wanna take us there?”

“Yes sir, the new restaurant itself…sort of a thank you from Coot and me.”

“Breaker one, breaker one, I might be crazy but I’ll never be dumb, this is crazy Cooter coming at you, I hear my brother and the Dukes on the Hazzard net. Y’all goanna accept or are we on the wrong track come back?” Cooter asked.

“Sure Cooter, we accept,” Bo laughed.

“Cool get your drop cloths on and I’m gone.”

“10-4 for me too Dukes,” Dodger added.

“10-4, boys,” Bo said. He put down the CB.

“I can’t believe Cooter and Dodger are taking everyone out,” Luke commented.

“Well they’re good eggs. They were taught well by Farley Davenport.”

“Wasn’t that LB’s son?” Daisy asked.

“You sure know your history.”

“Well Bo, after reading all of those journals I would be scared if I didn’t know anything about him. LB Davenport was a good friend to our Uncles, both Jesse and Jose Duke. He helped them get back to Hazzard.”

“Daisy, I am so glad you’re still here.”

“Me too Bo you know why?”


“A free meal.”

“YAHOOO. Hey, you’re not here for us?”

“Sure, you too.” A free meal for the Dukes, now who in their right mind would pass up that? Of course they’ll have to finish their chores but I know the Dukes and they’re there.


The race was on between Jesse and the rest of the Dukes. The boys were driving the original General Lee. Jesse was driving General two. Now can you guess who was winning? If you said Luke, you’re nuts. Jesse still has him whipped. That Luke has a few things to learn about driving.

“You have got to beat him. Otherwise you will be known as the boy who was beaten by an old guy,” Bo commented. Daisy giggled.

“You think that’s funny?” Luke asked. Daisy nodded.

“Of course it is funny,” Daisy replied. Bo began laughing too.

“Oh who is goanna find out.”


“How do you figure on that?”

“I’ll pass it around school,” Bo cut in. Daisy and Bo high fived each other…which turned into a handshake.

“I swear you two are against me.” Luke shifted gears and began going across country. Uncle Jesse kept on the road.

“Where are you going?”

“Short cut.”

“This ain’t a short cut.”

“It will be once I go there won’t it?” Bo began laughing.

“YAHOO!” Luke saw his chance and jumped the General, which got him in front of his Uncle on the road.

“This is the Shepard to lost sheep two come in,” Uncle Jesse said over the CB.

“What would you like sir, come back?” Luke answered his Uncle, via CB of course.

“Do you think we should rename today, come back?”

“What do you mean, over?”

“From Friday to Fly-day.” Luke smiled.

“10-4 to that Uncle Jesse, fly-day is a great idea. We’ll put that up with ‘Celebrate Bo week’ and ‘Dazzling Daisy month’.”

“Don’t forget ‘Leisurely Luke day’ that’s an important one.”

“What do you mean?”

“You didn’t notice I wasn’t behind you anymore.” Luke took a peak in his back mirror and shook his head.

“Gee he got you good Luke,” Daisy laughed. Jesse somehow appeared in front of Luke. He got to the airport. Both Generals were parked. Jesse jumped out of the General. He walked over to our favorite, General Lee the first.

“YE-HAW! I win kids, and that means Bo is cooking tonight,” Jesse laughed. Bo shook his head.

“Look what he makes me do,” Bo commented as he got out of the car. He walked over to the trunk of the car. Luke threw Bo the keys. “That’s the last time you bet me in a race.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll fix it Bo,” Daisy cut in.


“Simple.” Daisy looked right at Luke. “If I loose, you have to cook. If I win, I’ll cook.”

“That’s a deal,” Luke replied. They shook on it.

“Why didn’t you do it the other way around?” Uncle Jesse asked.

“Simple, I love cooking,” Daisy replied.

“You two are weird,” Bo mumbled. Luke was thrown a suitcase by his cousin Bo. Daisy picked up one and so did Luke.

Uncle Jesse stood there before his flight, just staring at the kids. Daisy, Bo and Luke didn’t mind their Uncle was going. In fact, they were thrilled. Uncle Jesse really missed Jose and there was no question about that one.

“You know, I feel bad, this is the second trip I’ve…” Uncle Jesse began to say. Daisy laughed.

“You know, just because you have us kids doesn’t mean we should hold you back,” Daisy cut in.

“Yeah, we just have a week by ourselves,” Bo added. Uncle Jesse smiled.

“Besides, we’re pretty responsible,” Luke inserted.

“We’ll be great.”

“You always are great. You boys, take care of Daisy. Daisy, make sure Bo and Luke don’t do anything stupid,” Uncle Jesse commented.

“Stupid, us? Nah, you’re confused with some other Duke Boy…like Vance,” Luke replied.

“I got to go or I’ll miss my flight.” Uncle Jesse went around hugging everyone. He walked over to the hanger and went towards the planes. Daisy smiled.

“What?” Bo asked.

“I can’t believe he’s always thinking about us,” Daisy replied.

“What do you wanna do this weekend?” Luke smiled and Daisy did the same. “Okay, I don’t wanna know. I am goanna go to town on my bike and get some new boots.” Bo lifted his foot revealing a hole. “I don’t know about you but I don’t wanna be walking in these in the rain.”

“I wouldn’t either.”

“They went clean through the other day. Uncle Jesse gave me the money but I never got the chance.”

“I wonder why.”

“Anyway, about this weekend, we’ll scope out Hazzard’s biggest troubles,” Luke commented.

“Yeah, well I’ll help you with that unless Daisy’s up for more adventure,” Bo began.

“You better believe it cousin. Now let’s get home,” Daisy replied.

“Alright Daisy.”


“You just wanna win against me,” Luke remarked.

“I could beat you with both hands tied behind my back.”

“Then bring it on.”

“Well I will then.” They both ran out. Bo drove with Daisy. Okay, for times sake, we’ll tell ya who won…Luke. He was so interested in winning he forgot about the deal. Oh well I guess.


Well, Saturday is a fun day for Enos and Cooter. That’s the day that Cooter and him go hunting together. These two ain’t exactly two peas in a pod. Enos can shoot alright but he seems to get distracted pretty easily.

“Possum on a gum bush,” Enos said. Cooter crocked an eyebrow.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Cooter questioned.

“Well I unintentionally spit my gum in the bush over there, and look yonder—that there is possum Ha!” Enos replied. Cooter rolled his eyes.

“You’re nuts, you know that?”

“No way Cooter, as I recall you say you’re the crazy one.” Cooter laughed. He couldn’t believe that Enos had just said that.

“Touché Enos. You got me there. I am crazy.”

“Not dumb.”

“Of course not.” Suddenly, a phone began to ring. Now Cooter checked his. It turned out to be Enos’ cell phone. Enos pulled it out.

“Hello there, this is Enos Strait speaking—whoa, slow down Miss Paterson…okay…alright. I’ll fix it. I promise now. Okay ma’am…goodbye.” Enos pushed the red button on his cell phone, ending the coversation. “Cooter, I gotta go. Miss Paterson just saw a crime. Can I borrow your truck?”

“Yeah sure. Don’t worry about me. I’ll walk to the Duke farm after this. Luke or Daisy’ll give me a ride into town.”

“Thanks Cooter, I’ll bring the truck back okay?”

“Get outta here Enos.” Cooter handed Enos both the guns. Enos ran towards the truck. “Don’t shoot yourself,” Cooter called to him.

“I’ll try not to.” Cooter laughed. He shook his head. Cooter continued to walk the way he was going, which conveniently leads to the Duke’s place. As he walked, it got dark. He was about two miles off when he tripped over something, sending him to the ground.

When Cooter turned to see what it was, he saw a body. His eyes grew with fear. At first, Cooter wondered if it was a drunk or something. He had a feeling not to leave this guy alone. Besides, it wouldn’t be neighborly. As he turned it over, he was horrified to see it was Bo.

“Bo? Can you hear me?” Cooter asked. There wasn’t a sound. “Bo, can you hear me…come on can you hear me boy?” Bo was mumbling something but Cooter couldn’t make it out. It was like the young Duke boy was speaking a foreign language. Cooter felt his forehead. “Dang, you’re burnin’ up kid.”

“Luke, where are you?” Bo asked, almost too soft to hear. Cooter took a closer look at him. He was horrified to see the bruises and blood on young Bo’s face. Cooter shook his head.

“What happened to you?”

“Luke…please…help me…please.”

“All the times not to have a truck.”

“Luke…please.” Cooter put his arms under Bo.

“Alright kido, let’s get on out of here.” He lifted him onto his back. Now I hope they get there in time, don’t you?

Over at the farm, Luke was staring at his watch. He seemed to be pacing back and forth. It was amazingly odd…even for Bo. The young Duke boy usually made a phone call even by this time.

“It ain’t like Bo to be this late,” He commented. Daisy was worried too. Something about this didn’t seem right to her.

“Bo and dinner time go hand in hand…he never misses it. After his sloppy Bo’s last night, I know he wants some fried chicken,” Daisy replied.

“Maybe he’s fooling with a girl. You know how he is when he’s with women. Forgetful and walks in late.”

“Not this late.”

“Luke, you’re over reacting.”

“Am I? Daisy, it’s Bo. He’s gotten himself in all sorts of trouble before.”

“You have got to have more faith in him.” Daisy reached into her pocket and grabbed a ponytail holder. She tied her hair back. She split the ponytail into two parts, pulling on them horizontally to make it tighter.

“I don’t know…”

“You know you said it yourself, Bo is a bit of a wild one.” Luke shrugged.

“Well Bo said he was going for his boots…that was over five hours ago.” Luke began pacing back and forth. “Daisy, I don’t like when he’s not around.”

“Luke, calm down, he’ll turn up alright.”

“You think so?”

“Oh I know so…then I’ll strangle him for scaring me like that.” Luke sighed. He couldn’t put his foot on it but something was going on. “Luke you need to calm down and eat something.”

“I ain’t hungry.”

“That’s not the Luke I know.” Luke sighed again. He was so distracted.

“You know, Uncle Jesse left him in my care.” Luke’s head lowered. He scratched his head. Daisy put a hand on his shoulder.

“Yes he did and he trusts you will all his might.” Luke pulled it off and made Daisy face him.

“I care about him a lot. We have been through it all together.” Daisy smiled softly. “What?”

“That’s why I love y’all so much. You both are so close to each other.”

“Yeah we do don’t we.”

“You sure do. Y’all always are together. Danny may be his friend but you are his best friend.”

“You understand then when I tell ya that I have to go and look for him.” Daisy nodded softly. Luke put on his coat. He walked back and gave Daisy a hug. As he turned to go to the door, it swung open.

Cooter was out of breath. Bo was still on his back. His face was dark and dirty. Bo’s left eye was swollen. Underneath his right eye, he had cuts. Young Bo’s shirt was torn all over. His pant legs were worse looking.

Daisy gasped at the sight of her cousin’s torn…red tainted blue shirt. She turned away from him crying. Luke shook his head no. He couldn’t believe it. Luke knew something was wrong—he just knew it.

Cooter straightened up, looking right into Luke’s eyes. “I found him out in the woods like this. I don’t think this was any accident. Who ever did this to him wanted to make it look like some critters did it,” Cooter commented.

“I’ll call for an ambulance,” Daisy said.

“NO!” Luke exclaimed.

“What?” Daisy couldn’t believe her cousin. Bo needed medical attention. They had some knowledge but not enough and Daisy knew that. She was sure that Luke wasn’t thinking rationally.

“If this wasn’t an accident, someone will be fixing on killing him.” Daisy’s face filled with tears once again. She shook her head. The thought of someone killing him was beyond comprehension.

“I…” Luke put a finger over his cousin’s mouth.

“Daisy, I want you to drive to Doc Applebee’s place.”

“But Luke…”

“Don’t you question me Daisy, I am in charge.”

“You’re making a bad decision.”

“No, trust me on this one. Go as fast as you can. Explain to him that Bo’s hurt and that it ain’t an accident. He’ll know what to bring. Now get!” Daisy ran out the door. “Cooter, come put Bo in Uncle Jesse’s bed.

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Cooter stated. He walked with Luke over to the room, putting Bo down carefully. The phone rang.

“I’ll get it, okay?” Luke nodded as he wiped the tears from his face. Cooter picked up the phone.

“Hello?” Cooter asked.

“Hey Coot, I was wonderin’ if you was over there. Enos returned the truck. Are ya comin’ back anytime soon?” Dodger began.

“Look bro, I’m goanna stay over at the Duke’s place tonight.”

“Ah, you want Daisy to cook for ya huh?”

“Dodger, don’t be weird.” Cooter sighed as he played with the phone cover. “Hey look, I might need ya to cover for me for the next coupe of days.”

“Okay Cooter that’s it, something is bugging me.”


“I am just goanna out and say it. Is something wrong?”

“Dodger, I can’t discuss this on the phone.”

“You just don’t wanna tell me.”

“Look, I got to go.”

“Fine, bye.” Cooter hung up the phone.

“Cooter, get me some water,” Luke commanded. Cooter nodded. He walked out of the room. “Hold on Bo, hold on.”


Bo had a piece of gauze under his right eye. His arm had been put in a cast. “Do you think he’ll be okay, Doc?” Luke asked.

“Well, there are some things I can’t look at until he wakes up. His legs are bruised and swollen. I don’t think they’re broken. The arm on the other hand, I could feel the break,” Doc Applebee replied.

“I need a better answer than that.”

“I am afraid that’s all I can do for now Luke. Even if I wanted to make him all better, this is no hospital. I am doing my best with what I have.”

“I know…I’m sorry, I am just stressed is all.” Bo’s head started rolling as he moaned in pain. “Do something for him, Doc. He’s in pain.”

“Bo, I know it hurts but you need to separate the types of pain. Can you do that?” Bo nodded. Doc Applebee began by pressing lightly in a circular motion. Bo pulled away a little but didn’t react too much. Doc Applebee went at it again, going lower. As he got to the ribs, Bo flinched as the pain was great.

“Bo hold on.”

“You have bruised ribs Bo. I’ll wrap them in a minute.”

“There you go Bo, you see, it’ll be okay.” Luke grabbed onto his cousin’s hand. Bo squeezed it a little. Doc Applebee kept going. As Doc Applebee put his hands on Bo’s legs, the good doctor looked confused.

“Do you feel that?”

“Feel what?” Bo mumbled. Doc Applebee pulled the covers all the way down. Bo was just in his boxers, his shirt off.

“Bo, I want you to wiggle your toes for me.” Bo closed his eyes tight. Doc Applebee kept his eyes on the adolescent Duke boy’s toes. “Wiggle your toes Bo!”

“I am wiggling—ain’t I?” Bo looked at Luke. “Ain’t I?” Luke shook his head no. “Doc, what’s wrong with me?”

“I can’t talk about this in front of Cooter.”

“Save it, he’s family. Now, tell me what’s wrong with me. Please, tell me.” Doc Applebee shook his head. He takes off his glasses and rubs his nose. Doc Applebee puts them back on and pushes them up.

“Bo, this is typical of heavy damage.”

“That I can’t move my legs? Doc Applebee are you serious?” Luke bit on his bottom lip. He was trying to hold back the tears.

“Your spinal cord has some fluid in it which is affecting the feeling below your waist.”


“You are paralyzed, Bo. There’s no way I can sugar coat it for you. That’s all there is to it. You are paralyzed from the waist down.”

“What?” Bo swallowed hard. He looked in the Doc’s eyes, shaking his head. “No, I am a track star. I am a wrestler I can’t…”

“Trust me Bo, it happens to the best of people.”

“Why to me?” Doc Applebee hated to see Bo like this. They had known each other just as long as Danny and Bo had been friends. “You’re a doctor, can’t you fix it?”

“Fluid goes away right?” Luke asked.

“Yeah…it can go away. I will walk again right?”

“It should go away,” Doc Applebee said honestly.

“What do you mean should?” Doc Applebee sighed. He pushed back his hair. “Come on Doc, you’re not saying I ain’t goanna have use of my legs are ya?”


“Doc, don’t tell us that!” Luke exclaimed. Everyone seemed to shuffle over to the doctor, as if it might change something. Doc Applebee sighed.

“It can’t be true,” Cooter cried out. He pulled off his hat, staring at Doc Applebee, hoping he was wrong.

“There has to be some sort of specialist in this thing. I mean someone who know more,” Daisy added.


“They would all tell you the same thing. We have amazing technologies but some things we still haven’t figured out Daisy. All I can tell you is sometimes it works out other times, it doesn’t. Time will tell,” Doc Applebee explained to everyone.

“But…” Cooter began.

“That’s how it is Cooter.” Now friends, ain’t this harsh? Hopefully, it’ll turn out. “I have to do a couple of things for him before I go.” Luke nodded.

“Okay Doc Applebee, do what you have to do for him,” Luke commented.

“He’ll need someone to help him change position so he doesn’t get any bed sores. Just until he heals up a little bit.”


“I’ll come over every night and check on him.”

“Thanks Doc.”

“No problem.” Luke, Daisy and Cooter walked out of the room and sat down on the couch. Daisy burst into tears.

“Daisy, it’s…”

“Don’t try to comfort me on this one, Luke. My cousin is laying in a bed. He is in pain and he can’t move his legs. You can’t take that away from me,” Daisy grumbled.

“I’m with Daisy on this one. We can’t put gimmicks on this one. This is real life,” Cooter added.

“Look, we may not be in the best of spirits but around him…we will be,” Luke announced.


“Cooter, he’s going through enough without us moping around.”

“I wanna pound whoever did this to him.”

“Cooter, hitting them ain’t goanna give Bo the use of his legs again.” Cooter shook his head.


“Oh Cooter…”

“Luke, he’s 15 years old. He’s a runner. He is a runner and they took that away from him!” Cooter began crying. Now this was something Luke hadn’t seen too often. “It ain’t fair, Bo’s a good kid.”

“I know he is.”

“Why him Luke?”

“Cooter, if I could answer that I would.”

“This should have happened to me. At least I could take it. Mechanics doesn’t require you to run. Being a Duke does.”


“No, if I could take this on I would.”

“I know you would Cooter but this ain’t yours to take on. No matter how much you wanna do it you can’t.”

“Luke, it’s a bad dream right?” Daisy asked.

“I wish it was. We have got to have faith though. God knows what he’s doing. If the lord wants him to walk…”

“Yeah, he will walk again, I just know it.”

“I hope so, Daisy. I hope so.”

“So do I,” Cooter mumbled. He shook his head and sniffled a little.

“Cooter, it’ll be alright,” Daisy tried to comfort her friend. Cooter pulled away.

“Yeah, I wish it was all better right now.”

“Come on Cooter, you know as well as I do that these things…” Luke began.

“Take time? Yeah, thanks Doctor Duke.” Luke stared at Cooter, confused by his statement. “I’m sorry, I just feel so…”

“Lost?” Daisy asked.

“Yeah, I don’t know what to do or where to go from here.”

“We all feel that way, Cooter.”

“I know y’all do. I have known him for so long and now this happens.”

“We just have to keep the faith.”

“Yeah, that’s all we can do for him right now,” Luke added. All I can say is pray for them Dukes. That and sit tight y’all.


Jesse Duke was sitting with Jose after working a lot that day. The sweat was apparent on both men. The thunder seemed to echo forever in the distance. They watched Coy and Vance as they played with the engine of Jose’s ford mustang. “You know, that car reminds me of General two,” Jose commented. He took a sip of lemonade.

“Yeah, I believe so too,” Jesse replied. He held his left foot for a second as he shook his head.

“Your left toe has been bothering you again.” Jesse nodded with unreserved total bewilderment. “What do you think it is?”

“I don’t know—it’s been a hurtin’ for the past couple of days. I phoned Bo and Luke last night and asked if anything was wrong.”


“And Luke said Bo had been having some trouble with some jerks but he was okay. For some reason, I didn’t like the tone in his voice.” Jesse sighed. He looked out into the distance, staring at Coy and Vance.

“You don’t think that was it? The trouble with the morons I mean?”

“It would have gone away if I found out what the trouble was.”

“Maybe a storm is brewing.” Jesse shrugged. At this point, he wished he knew.

“Or maybe, Luke ain’t telling me something.” Jesse pondered the thoughts in his head for a second. His face seemed to suddenly light up. “In fact, Daisy sounded a little down as well.”

“Did you talk to Bo?”

“Nah, Daisy said he was sleeping—but I kept thinking Bo never sleeps that early at night.” Jesse scratched his beard. He looked at Jose, with concern in his eyes. “He has always been a night owl. I didn’t want to question her though.”

“Jesse, you’re here for a week, how much trouble could Bo get into?”

“Jose, don’t you remember when we were kids?”

“How could I forget Hazzard County, Jesse?” Jose started laughing.

“What’s so funny?”

“Remember the time we put barbeque sauce in Boss Roscoe’s hat?” Jesse started laughing. Jose began chuckling at first but went into a full all out laugh. “He thought he was dying.”

“Yeah until DJ kept eating it off his face.”

“With that stuffed up nose Boss didn’t notice the difference.”

“Jesse, I do realize how much trouble we got in when we were kids. How Bo was always there to get them back out of it.”

“I just wonder if…”

“If what?”

“If they need me like we needed my dad.” Jose shrugged. He took a drink out of his glass. “You know how kids are like. They need you even when they think they don’t.” Jose looked up at the sky. He stuck his finger in his mouth and put it in the air.

“Looks like your big toe is predicting something.” He looked at the animals, who all seemed to be going crazy.

“What?” Jose got up. He ran to his barn. Jesse followed him, wondering what was going on. “What is going on?”

“A storm is headed this way. You see how the animals are all riled?” Jesse nodded. He opened the barn door.

“Yeah.” All the stalls were opened by either Jesse or Jose.

“They know it is coming.” He went over to the coral where he held the horses, letting them go too. Jose was about to walk in the house when suddenly the door opened. It was Paige and she looked in a frazzle.

“Tornado warning, we need to get down to the storm cellar now!” Paige screamed. The boys looked at each other and nodded. Jesse followed Jose and the rest of the family down there. Jose closed the door. The winds began to howl louder and louder.

“I never get used to this,” Coy mumbled.

“Yeah, even with Uncle Jose’s drills,” Vance adds. Jesse smiles. “What do you think is going on in Hazzard Uncle Jesse?”

“Yeah, are Bo and Luke getting into trouble?”

“Well Coy, I don’t know if they’re in trouble but I sure do wonder sometimes,” Jesse replied.

“I bet my dumb brother tries to take on the world.”

“Mine is right along with them,” Vance adds.

“Well you know how Bo is, don’t you Vance?”

“Yeah, hot headed.” The wind started picking up speed outside their place.

“Not just hot headed, doesn’t do everything right.”

“Boy does he attract the ladies though.”

“You’re telling me, he stole three of my ladies. Can you imagine? Every one of them wanted to go out with my brother.” The wind grew even stronger, howling and growling.

“You’re not too bad looking.”

“Yeah but he has Duke Charm all over him.” Jesse smiled.

“You know, your Uncle Jesse over here was the same way. He would have stolen your mother’s heart too if it hadn’t been for your Aunt Laurel,” Jose replied.


“Oh yeah Coy, your Uncle Jesse here was a real go getter.”

“You exaggerate, Jose,” Jesse retorted.

“Do not, you were the best thing for ladies. If I stood next to you they would want me too.”

“You are full of it Jose and you know it.”

“Where do they get it from?” Coy mumbled.

“Your Grandpa,” Jose replied. Jesse rolled his eyes. The floor boards began to move a little.

The Dukes stayed in there about twenty minutes. The damage wasn’t as bad as most places. Many had lost homes. The Dukes had only lost the barn…well that and their animals. Rounding up their animals wouldn’t be too hard considering all of them were tagged. Don’t worry y’all, the Dukes will be just fine.

Jose looked at his boys and then at Jesse. “Well, everyone is alright here. How is your big toe?” Jose asked.

“Still sore,” Jesse replied. He shook his head and walked towards the house. “Maybe I should go home.”

“No, the boys wouldn’t want that. Besides, I am going there in a couple of days. Don’t worry about them.”

“Are you sure they’ll be okay without me?”

“I know so Jesse.” Jesse swallowed hard. He couldn’t help but wonder what was going on. No matter how much Jose tried to convince him, he was still worried about the boys. Jesse walked into the house and picked up the phone.

“Line’s dead.”

“What do you think Tornadoes do?”

“Dang, I really want to talk to them.”

“Jesse, just relax, they’ll get them up as soon as they can.”

“That’s not enough!”

“Well that’s all I can tell you. In the meantime, we have to go see about getting our barn replaced.” Jesse smiled. He was surprised at how collective his cousin could be.


Bo opened his eyes that crisp morning. Everything was quiet which was weird for the Duke household. No one was ever quiet. Everyone had something playing in the background. It seemed like no one was around.

Bo looked around for Luke who had been with him the entire night. All he found was Cooter taking the weight off his feet in an easy chair. The soft chair had been moved in there last night so they could stay closer to Bo.

Now that Cooter was making Bo smile. You see, he was snoring softly at first but it seemed to become more thunderous with every second. Have you ever shared a room with Cooter? Bo began to chuckle gently to himself.

The sun seemed to roll in. Bo tried to sit up and stretch. The pain was so horrible, that he fell back down in an instant. Bo shook his head. All the memories of the night before flooded his head. The doctor telling him he may never walk again. That was the one that was playing the most.

Bo didn’t even want to look upon the new day. He wished that he could go back and fix what happened. If only he hadn’t bought those boots by himself. Bo knew that thinking about what could have been wasn’t going to help him though.

The snoring became quieter again. A fly flew around the room and landed on Cooter’s nose. He began to wiggle it just slightly. The fly seemed to find a good bed. Cooter waved his hand around until the fly went away. He yawned and started at Bo.

“Hey tiger,” Cooter finally said. The scruffy man stretched. Bo smiled weakly, trying to make Cooter feel a little bit better. “You hungry?” Bo shook his head no. “Sure you are, you need something good. What can I get you?”

“Luke,” Bo mumbled.

“Sorry, he’s not on the menu.” Bo began to laugh. He held his ribs.

“That was great.” Cooter’s eyes filled with concern as Bo’s eyelids tightened up. The young man breathed hard for a couple of seconds and finally calmed himself down.

“Sorry—I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“You didn’t do it, they did.” Bo tried to sit up but found it hard without using his legs and arm. Cooter put his arm under Bo’s neck and the other under his thigh. Cooter put him in an upright position.

“Who are THEY anyway?”

“Tell you so you can beat on them? Forget it.” Cooter began to laugh.

“You know me too well.”

“Yeah I know.” Cooter’s head lowered. “Are you okay?”


“You wanna talk about it?”

“It’s just you’re 15 years old and…oh no, I’m sorry.” Bo began laughing. He shook his head. “You tricked me into it, Bo Duke.”

“It serves you right for trying to be happy when I know you’re not, Cooter. Luke’s ideas never work. It was Luke’s idea wasn’t it?” Cooter nodded. Bo’s eyebrows rose. “My dear cousins won’t yield as easy.”

“Why do you say that?”

“They’re Dukes…Davenports have it written all over their faces.”

“I wouldn’t talk, Bo. You have a lot of Davenport in you.”

“Nah, more than half of it is gone. Two generations have gone by. I am more Duke than anything.” Cooter laughed.


“No really. We’re more like best friends than distant cousins.”

“I am glad you have such good friends. Like Danny, what a good egg. Eggs, now that sounds pretty good right about now.” Bo’s expression suddenly changed. He remembered Danny.

“I need to use the phone. Hand it to me?”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong, Cooter Davenport…just hand me the phone and give me some privacy please.” Cooter nodded. He did as Bo said.

“Call me if you need me.”

“I will.”

“Thanks.” Cooter nodded and walked out of the room. He closed the door. Bo dialed a number on the phone. In rang a couple of times. “Come on, please pick up Danny!”

“Hello?” Danny questioned.

“Danny, it’s Bo…you need to go somewhere else.”


“Those racist guys are…”

“You didn’t do anything stupid did you?”

“I followed your advice and did nothing.”


“Oh don’t worry about me.”

“How bad are you hurt?”

“How did you…?”

“How bad are you, Bo?”

“Don’t you be worryin’ about me.”

“How can I not? You’re my best friend.”

“Just get out of your place. Get your Daddy and you to stay at your Grandma’s.”

“Bo, you didn’t answer me…and I know that means you’re in really bad shape. I’ll get my Dad to drop me off over there, bye.”

“DANNY…” The phone hung up. Bo shook his head. “He never listens to anyone.” Bo pushed the button to hang up the phone. He lay back in his bed.

Outside, Luke and Daisy had just finished the chores. Both seemed pretty tired but alright in general. Luke sat on a hay pile in front of the Duke farmhouse. Daisy walked over to him and smiled. She sat down beside him, looking at the sun. Luke turned away.

Daisy shook her head. She handed him the keys to the General Lee. He had a perplexed look on his face. Daisy smiled. Luke knew she was up to something. What it was that she was up to was a total mystery.

“What do I want with these?” Luke asked.

“Go race with Cooter,” Daisy replied. Luke looked at her like she was crazy. “Go on, I have everything under control.”

“Daisy I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Bo needs me.”

“You have been with him all night. You even let him talk you into not telling Uncle Jesse about…”

“Daisy, he’s in pain right now. He doesn’t want Uncle Jesse to run home and try to save him. You can understand that right?” Daisy sighed.

“You’re just siding with him because he’s sick.”

“I am not.”

“Prove it then and go out somewhere.”

“FINE I WILL!” Daisy started laughing; Luke realized what he said and began chuckling right along with her. “You’re good you know that? You are really, really good.”

“Well come on Luke, if I wasn’t you would be stuck in the house all day.”

“You’re right you know that?”

“Ain’t I always right?”

“Well I wouldn’t go that far.” Daisy elbowed him hard in the stomach. “Owe! That hurt.”

“Well then don’t say dumb things about me next time.”

“Alright, I get it.”

“You better get it Luke Duke. If Uncle Jesse heard you talk that way to me he would…”

“Alright, alright, I’ll behave.”

“You’re great Luke.” Daisy messed up Luke’s hair. Luke’s eyes tightened, as he was trying not to react.

“What are you doing?”

“You are really wonderful. Never change you great guy you.” Daisy continued to mess up her cousin’s hair. Luke pulled away and tried to straighten it.

“Thanks a lot.” Daisy walked into the house. She peeked out the door for a second winking at Luke.

“You’re welcome.” Now Luke shook his head. “Man do I ever wonder about her sometimes.”

In the house, Daisy found Cooter Davenport with his fingers in the cookie jar. What a typical sight in the Duke house. After all, those Dukes make good cookies. She snapped at Cooter and signaled him to go outside.

Cooter stuffed the cookie in his mouth. He pulled out a clean hanky out of his pocket and wrapped four additional cookies with it. He smiled softly at Daisy who was tapping her foot impatiently. Cooter stuck the full hanky in his front shirt pocket.

Daisy snapped again and pointed to the door, signaling with her head. Cooter began to nod slowly. He smiled at Daisy as he swallowed the cookie. Cooter finally did as Daisy said—or signaled. Sorry, I ain’t sure on what to call it.

Anyway, as soon as the two raced off, Daisy walked into the room. She looked at Bo and smiled. He was finally asleep. She sighed, wondering if Bo was going to be okay. Daisy loved her cousins a lot. She would do anything for them.


Danny walked into Bo’s room with a determined look on his face. As he saw Bo lying there, his expression changed. Daisy was sleeping in the chair. Danny tapped her shoulder softly, hoping to wake the young beautiful woman up. Daisy cooed a little and stretched. Bo looked up at Daisy and then at Danny. He closed his sore eye.

“Daisy, can I talk to Danny for a spell by myself?” Bo questioned. Daisy nodded delicately. Bo smiled at his cousin, appreciating what she had been doing for him. Daisy got up and stretched again, letting out long-drawn-out yawn. She walked out the door, pulling it shut. Bo cleared his throat.

“I told you to leave those guys alone,” Danny commented. Bo gave Danny a sour look. “No really, I thought you would be smarter than that. You went against five guys?”

“No I didn’t, they came after me.” Now Danny looked confused. “Look, the boys said the only thing worse than having a black person around was a white person who hung around them.”

“That’s horrible.”

“Yeah I know.”

“What happened exactly?”

“You really wanna know, Danny?”

“Of course I do, Bo.”

“I don’t know, I haven’t even told this to Luke yet.”

“Well that’s because you know he’ll beat on the guy.”

“Yeah I know.”

“You can tell me.”

“How do I know you won’t hit him?”

“Just tell the story, Bo.”

“Alright, alright, keep your pants on Danny.” Danny rolled his eyes softly. He couldn’t believe Bo was being like this.

“Okay anytime now.”

“You can’t rush these things.”

“Bo, I just wanna know what happened.”

“I know you do.”

“Can’t you satisfy my need here?”

“I guess so but you better not go out and do anything stupid in my name. You have got to promise me that one Danny.”

“Bo, I promise I won’t do anything stupid. Now can you get on with it before you fall asleep?”

“Okay, it was…” As Bo began to chatter on, the pictures flooded Danny’s mind, creating a story in his head.

* * * * * *

(Bo’s story)

The day was invigorating for young Bo. He couldn’t believe how the sun was shinning. The clouds resembled the fibers of cotton. It was so beautiful in fact that he wanted to hike. Bo wanted to get his new boots just so he could break them in. What better way to do so then to walk in them.

As Bo walked over there, all he could see was the brightness of the sunshine piercing on his shoulders. Stabbing him with warmth and happiness, the sun came and went as he walked past the soaring trees. It was a dazzling enchanting afternoon alright.

On the way, Bo thought of nothing but sauntering through the stunning woodlands with Uncle Jesse by his side. He could remember all of the amazing summers he spent with his wonderful Uncle. There was only one place in the world where he would be so energized during a hike. That place was surely Hazzard County.

Bo always enjoyed the attractiveness of the countryside. He would cuddle the likes of the natural world. It was the most beautiful area on the face of the planet. To young Bo, nothing compared to the scenery of Hazzard County.

He looked down at the earth. The dirt was like the radiant light tanned sand he would see on the Californian coastline. The grassland was greener than the greenest emerald. The wood looked like whipped chocolate. Moss seemed to grow where ever this young man looked. The clouds moved softly along.

Butterflies flowed all around him. Crickets could be heard chirping softly like the strings of the guitar as you move your fingers to change chords. Even the cars momentarily passing seemed to fashion a velvety music that only Bo could become conscious of.

Life for this young man was more superior than ever anticipated. A good number of people would dream of a day like this. Not many get to marinate themselves with this much splendor. Bo knew he was fortunate. He got to see these sights everyday.

As he got closer to the town, the hustle and bustle of Hazzard became more apparent. The scenery seemed to almost completely grow fainter by the second. Still, Bo didn’t mind looking at the buildings. He watched for a few minutes. Each person seemed to be on their own TV show. As people collided, it seemed as if a crossover took place…even if just for a moment.

Only in Hazzard County could some things be seen. No, there was no litter on the grounds of this fair place. It was like a tale out of the 50’s, the styles hadn’t mutated too much. Values were primarily preserved. Life was based on good and wholesome.

He walked into his Great Uncle Derrick’s store, greeting him first. Of course Mr. Rhuebottom asked, “What can I do for you?”

“Uncle Derrick, I need some boots,” Bo commented.

“What happened to your other ones?” Bo smiled, he showed his Uncle Derrick the bottom of if his boot. Derrick laughed.

“You know back in my day, I repaired my own boots.”

“I would but I am also growing out of these ones. They’re hurting my toes. Now, I need a nice pair. I like brown leather.” Great Uncle Derrick pulled out the type that Bo generally purchased. The young man had a big smile on his face.

“How did you know?”

“Oh come on Bo, I’m your Great Uncle. I do remember some things in my old age.” Bo began to laugh. He smiled as he slipped the boots on.

“You even got them in my size!”

“After working in this business for—well since dinosaurs roamed the earth, I have been able to determine a lot of things. Especially shoe sizes or in your case, boot sizes.”

“I hate to pay and run but Luke’s expecting me home in an hour or so.”

“I know how slow you can be at times, I’ll see you later Bo.”

“Bye Uncle Derrick.” Bo walked out onto the street. He saw a man staring at a map. Bo tapped him on the shoulder. “Do you need help fella?”

“Bonjour parlez-vous français? (Do you speak French?)” The man asked Bo. He smiled, laughing. He couldn’t believe the French lessons he had been taking actually came in handy.

“Oui, Mon prénom est Bo et mon dernier nom est Duke. (Yes, my first name is Bo and my last name is Duke.) ”

“J’avais essayé de rechercher un homme. Son nom est Jacob-Daily Hogg et il travaille dans votre comté. Je suis son frère jumeau, Dale-John Harrison. (I am looking for a man. His name is Jacob-Daley Hogg, he’s my twin brother. I am Dale-John Harrison.”

“Le patron Hogg a un frère ? (Boss Hogg has a brother?)”

“Oui, oui je frère. (Yes, Yes, I am his brother)”

“Il est dans le tribunal. Juste descendez cette route et prenez une gauche. He is in the courthouse. Just go down that road and take a left.

“Merci tellement. Je suis désolé que je vous aie préoccupé avec toutes ces questions. Je sais que vous avez de meilleures choses pour faire cela pour parler à un vieil imbécile comme moi. Je voudrais vous donner quelque chose pour vous m’aidant avec tous mes problèmes. Svp ne dites non au cadeau. Vous l’avez gagné. Vous m’avez aidé à trouver mon frère. (Thank you so much. I am sorry I troubled you with all these questions. I know that you have better things to do that to talk to an old fool like me. I would like to give you something for you helping me with all of my problems. Please do not say no to the gift. You have earned it. You have helped me find my brother.)”

“Merci. (Thank you)” The man pulled out a black velvet box out of his pocket. It was filled to the gills with old styles of money. Bo went to give the box back but the man was too far away. Although Bo knew he could catch up with him, Dale-John was giving something that meant the world to him. In return, he hoped to meet his brother. Bo smiled as he walked away.

As he kept going, a green pick-up truck pulled beside him, following him slowly. Bo didn’t notice it at first. He just kept walking in the beauty of the day. As the horn blasted, Bo jumped. He looked at the guys in there, the same guys that had been bugging Danny.

“Hey boy, you wanna go for a ride with us?” Reeve asked. He looked at Lucas’ tattoo. It had a confederate flag with a noose on it. Bo swallowed hard. He had a bad feeling about this.

“Come on kid, you know you want to be with us,” Lucas added. Bo began to run faster. The car sped up to match him. Bo grabbed his pocket knife and slashed the tire. He began running even faster than before as he heard the truck pull over and the doors slam. Now remember, Bo runs pretty fast.

“Come back here boy! We ain’t done with you.”

“I’ll get him!” Lucas was just as fast as Bo. He caught up with him, dragging Bo down to the ground. The boys surrounded Bo, right by Miss Paterson’s farm.

“Leave me alone,” Bo finally said.

“If we did that then you wouldn’t learn anything. Do you know what diversity is?”

“A mixture of nationalities.”

“Don’t you understand? You are giving into the devil.” Bo crocked an eyebrow. He didn’t understand. “You see, the devil hates diversity. He wants only one race, one culture. Race mixing is wrong, don’t you get it?”

“I am not marrying Danny.”

“But he’s dating one of our people.”

“Who are our people? We’re all Americans here.”

“Haven’t you ever wanted to be white and proud?” Reeve questioned.

“The only thing that I am proud of is to be a pure American with good values. That includes dating who ever I want. Whenever I want, date a girl who loves me for me and I love her because she’s her.”

“All your life you have had the media to distort your views.”

“Yeah well the TV suits me just fine.” Bo pushed through the group and walked away. He looked behind his shoulder…they were following him. Lucas hit him in the back with a piece of the fence that was coming off. Bo couldn’t stand up.

“Pick him up!” Jonah and Johan did as their brother said. Each one of them took a turn beating on Bo. When Bo was almost loosing consciousness, they stopped. Johan released him, letting Bo drop to the ground.

“Go get a truck!” Bernard commanded. Lucas did as he said, stealing Ms. Patterson’s pickup. Bo was picked up by the two and thrown in the back of the truck. They drove for a while until they came back to the woods, close to where the Dukes lived. Bernard walked up to Bo sneering at the young man. Reeve stared into the back as well.

“You know, my Pa warned me about people like you who care only for the minorities. What about us?”

“Well bro, I guess he’ll never truly understand.” Bo was breathing with some difficulty. It was generally because of the apprehension that he felt in his heart. “Well say something boy.”

“God, bless these boys—even in their wrong doings. Bless them that they may become better,” Bo started.

“Stop it!” Bernard screamed.

“Bless them that they will learn love and tolerance instead of hatred.”

“You are a jerk! How dare you utter prayers to me you mangy…” He was about to hit him when his brother stopped him.

“Bernard, I have a better idea. We’ll dump him here. Then we’ll dispose of the truck, Jonah commented.

“I like it.”

“Good, then Reeve, help your brother.”

“Sure thing Jonah,” Reeve replied. He cackled almost as if he were a witch. Reeve and Bernard picked him up and threw him down the hill.

* * *

Danny shook his head. “You could have killed them,” Danny commented. Tears rolled down his face. “I mean you really could have beaten them up if you wanted to.”

“Hey, you enlightened me earlier remember? You said that it wouldn’t resolve anything. Besides, the force of the wood, made it so I couldn’t stand up,” Bo replied. Danny wiped his tears away. “Oh come on, I’m alive ain’t I? I didn’t die or anything.”

“Look at you though.”

“Yeah, look at me. They really did pull the wool over my eyes this time. I can’t walk, Danny. I can barely sit up. If I close my one eye you look like an alien out of my other.”

“You’re goanna get better right?”

“My eyes will heal and so will my ribs. My arm is goanna be fine.”

“What about your legs? Are you goanna walk again?”

“I hope so.”

“All of this because you’re my friend, that is the worst thing in the world—I have basically put you in danger. Because you wanted to be my best friend, you’re hurt.”

“Don’t you dare blame yourself!”

“What do you mean?”

“You had nothing to do with this. You’re not a bad person.”

“Is there anything I can do for you? You name it and I’ll do it.” Bo nodded softly. “What is it?”

“Figure out a plan how we can hide this from my Uncle Jose.”

“Are you kidding me? Your Uncle Jose is smart. He’ll figure it out pretty fast.”

“Come on, you said anything.”

“Pretend you’re sick.”


“Yeah, how else do you think you’re goanna get away with it?” Bo shrugged.

“I guess we’re going with your plan. Mine was to live at someone’s house for a week.” Danny began to laugh.

“That would be quite the sight now wouldn’t it?”

“Sure would.” Well let’s see if Jose takes the bait. After all, he has Duke Blood in him. Hold on to your shirts y’all, Jose’s plane is landing tomorrow.


Luke was pacing back and forth. He was so concerned as regards to how Bo was doing. It seemed to be hurting Luke more than anything. Bo and Luke had always been together when the other one was sick. Now Luke was standing here, worrying to death.

He wanted to stay home with his cousin. Daisy wouldn’t let him. Nope, he had to come with her. Jose would have been suspicious if Luke would have stayed home. That and Daisy had already left Dodger and Danny home with Bo.

I bet you’re wondering what happened to Cooter Davenport. Yep, Bo sent Cooter back to work for a while. He seemed so stressed out. Dodger on the other hand was pretty carefree. He was sure that everything would turn out.

Anyway, back to Luke. This guy wouldn’t stop walking back and forth. Daisy finally stopped him. She was getting dizzy from her cousin’s action. Luke sighed, staring right at her.

“Why did I have to come?” Luke questioned.

“If you weren’t here, he would have worried about you. Trust me cousin, it is one thing to leave Bo Duke at home but to leave Luke Duke at home as well, tell me that doesn’t bring on suspicion. More to the point, when Uncle Jose phoned last night he said bring both Generals. He wants to race,” Daisy replied.

“Is that all we do in this county?” Luke asked. Daisy began laughing. She pushed her wavy hair to the right shoulder, playing with the long vibrant ends.

“You know, I can’t wait until Bo is better so that you can enjoy driving again.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes really.”

“Well who says I will want to drive when he gets better?” Daisy shook her head and then rolled her eyes. She knew he didn’t mean it but still, something about that comment made her feel bad.

“Right now you have Dukes rolling in your grave with what you’re saying.” Luke shook his head. “Luke you should be a shamed. A Duke that doesn’t like driving.”

“I didn’t say I didn’t like it.”

“Sure you did.” Luke sighed and pulled away. “You said you didn’t like it at all.”

“I don’t mean it.” Daisy winked and raised her eyebrows.


“You’re not funny.” Jose walked into the hanger. He jumped at the sight of Luke. “What’s wrong Uncle Jose?”

“You look just like my Dad…well except your hair style,” Jose replied. He gave Daisy a hug and then Luke. “You two look wonderful. It is a shame that Bo ain’t feeling good.”

“Yeah well it happens sometimes.”

“Who is with him?”

“Dodger and…”


“How did you know?”

“I heard his voice last night in the background while I was on the phone with Daisy.” Jose looked into Luke’s eyes. He knew that the young man hadn’t been sleeping well. “You know, we had a tornado a couple of days back.”

“Yeah you told me.”

“Did I tell you that your Uncle’s big toe has been hurting?”

“On his left foot?” Daisy questioned.

“Yeah Daisy, he thinks you kids are in some sort of trouble.” He looked at her. Although she had a cheery disposition, Daisy too had signs of lack of sleep. “He’s been staying up tormenting himself, wondering what is up in Hazzard County.”

“Oh—I wonder why.”

“That’s the funny thing about Dukes, they stay up when they’re worried.” Jose knew that something was wrong. “So what does Bo have?”

“Flu…” Daisy said…but as she was saying it, Luke said, “Cold.”

“Well what is it, cold or flu?”

“A bit of both,” Luke replied. He whacked his head.

“Actually, we haven’t really figured it out. After he was done throwing up, he was sneezing,” Daisy mumbled. Now Jose really knew something was wrong. Those two didn’t often lie. Jesse had told him so. They seemed to be throwing answers at him faster than lightning.

“Daisy, I want to race you. Luke, I want you to drive with me,” Jose announced. He figured he could read more of Luke’s emotions. Daisy seemed cheerful but Luke seemed to mask it only slightly.

“You wanna race me? Well then you’re goanna get burned. You are used to Kansas driving cowboy, I am a purely Hazzard taught driver.”

“I’ll take my chances.”

Meanwhile, back at the Duke farm, Dodger was driving the room crazy. He had jazz music up high. He had picked Bo up out of the bed and put him on a rolling chair. Danny thought it was funny.

Bo wanted to go back to bed. His ribs weren’t 100% yet but they were looking better. The bruises looked a lot lighter too. His stitches were out as he was a fast healer. Bo’s arm was still in the cast.

Dodger began playing with the chair as if he were dancing with Bo. “You are insane you know that? “Come on Bo, lighten up. You know that you can put on a smile every once in a while,” Dodger stated.

“What if I don’t want to?” Bo asked. Dodger’s eyebrows rose. He began tickling Bo under his arms. The young Duke tried to hold it in but ended up bursting out the ears with laughter until he fell on the floor. Dodger picked him up and put him back on the chair.

“That’s the spirit!” Bo shook his head.

“You are impossible.”

“Yep, now time to dance.” Bo held onto the arms of the computer chair as he was swayed back and forth to the music. Danny grabbed the other half of the chair and helped dance with it.

“Come on Bo, smile,” Danny commented. Bo began laughing once again. He couldn’t believe how nice it was to have Dodger and Danny around. They were the ultimate clowns. The song was finally over.

“You two are nuts,” Bo announced.

“You didn’t have to tell us that!” Dodger exclaimed.

“Yeah, we already know that,” Danny answered. Dodger picked Bo back up. His legs dangled as if that part of him was dead. Dodger didn’t worry about it too much.

“Time to go and lay on the couch and relax for a while.” Dodger walked down the stairs. You have been sitting up for how long now?”

“He’s been up for an hour.”

“Right, no amount of complaining will get you back into bed.” Bo shook his head.

“Man, you’re making me start to miss Cooter,” Bo grumbled Dodger began to laugh.

“Ah, come on Dodger’s in the house.” Danny put another CD in the stereo. Danny looked at the raw ribs on the table. He put them on cookie sheets and covered them in spices. Danny flipped the spices in all sorts of directions. “Go Danny!”

“Whoo Danny!” He grabbed the barbeque sauce, flipping the glass jar. He almost dropped it. Bo could see everything from the kitchen.

“We better begin before Jose comes home.” Dodger started doing exercises for Bo’s legs. Rubbing them and moving them up and down—to the sides.

“You have my undivided attention—especially since I can’t feel this and I don’t see the point.”

“Don’t be negative Beauregard, it ain’t your style.”

“Don’t call me that retched name.”

“It matches you when you’re angry, Beauregard.” Bo shook his head.

“I wish I could kick you.”

“So do I.” Dodger winked. Danny took the ribs outside. Dodger kept working with Bo’s legs. “So, you wanna go outside before they suspect that you can’t walk?”

“Yeah, great plan.” Dodger finally stopped the exercises and picked up Bo, putting him in the chair outside. It was Uncle Jesse’s favorite lounging chair. It was a long lawn chair. Very nice for just laying there.

“What do you think about a scooter for my wheelchair?”

“I don’t think you need to be thinking about that.” Bo shrugged. “No really, it is like waving the flag.”

“It’s been four days and nothing.”

“The doctor did say that it took time.” Dodger put the chair up a bit allowing Bo to sit up. Just then, Daisy walked into the backyard. “Dang, I didn’t even hear you two pull up.”

“Has he been up all day?” Daisy asked.

“Cooter would have let me stay in bed but this is Dodger,” Bo replied.

“Well I am glad you’re feeling somewhat better. You at least have more color in your cheeks.”

“Yes, this much is true.”

“What have you been doing with him?” Daisy looked right at Dodger. Dodger smiled and rubbed his hands together.

“Ah a little of this—a little of that,” Dodger replied.

“You weren’t driving him over the deep end were you?” Bo began to laugh. He shook his head.

“Of course.”

“You’re nuts.”

“Where are Luke and Uncle Jose?” Bo asked, laughing all the way through the sentence.

“I beat Jose.” Bo smiled. He knew this was goanna be funny. “Yeah, I know that is really goanna do a number on his pride.”

“To be beat by someone younger?” Daisy shrugged and sat down in the lawn chair beside Bo. She took off her high heels. “Of course it will break his pride down a few notches.”

About ten miles to the Duke farm, the General Lee two was sitting there. Two out of four tires had been deflated, cut right through. “If you didn’t go over that last rock we would have been there right now,” Luke said as he sat on the hood of the car.

“Luke, I didn’t mean to,” Jose lied. He did mean to. He wanted to get something out of Luke and knew that he wouldn’t be able to do it at the Duke farm.

“Yeah right, I can see it in your eyes.”

“Just the same way I can see it in yours?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Come on Luke, you think I don’t see it. You have the same eyes of my father when something was wrong. You can’t hide it from me Luke, anymore than I can hide it from you.” Luke sighed.

“Well, too bad, I ain’t saying anything.”

“Then I’ll find out on my own. I know you may be smart but whatever it is, you can’t hide it from me.” Luke nodded, he loved a challenge. This being the only one he had come across in the past few days made it a good one.

“Fine with me.”

“You know, you’re just as immovable, if not more mulish, than Jesse and I were at your age, but I’ll get it. I always do. Your brother Vance thinks he’s smarter than me at times…never is.”

“Vance thinks he’s smarter than everyone on the planet.”

“Come on Luke, you know that’s not true. You two just don’t get along.” Suddenly, Cooter pulled up.

“Never will either.”

“Did someone order a taxi cab?” Cooter questioned. Jose nodded.

“Right on time, Cooter Davenport,” Jose replied.

“I live to please.”

“Well then you’re doing a great job.” Cooter hooked The General to the car and pulled it and the boys to the garage. Of course they told Danny and the rest where they were. Luke was still being cross examined over at the garage while they were waiting.

The Hansen Boys were walking down the street. Luke walked out to greet them. “How are y’all doing?” Luke questioned. Bernard smiled.

“Oh we’re fine. How are you?” Bernard asked. Something about the way these boys looked was a bit off to Luke. They seemed more cheerful than usual.

“Why are you so happy?”

“We got some of our work done is all, nothing to worry about Luke,” Reeve answered. They looked at each other and began laughing. “So we were wondering if you wanted to show us some moves over at your place?”

“I can’t, my Uncle’s out of town.”

“I am a shamed to share the same name as you. Come on Luke, you know you wanna, it would be a lot of fun. You need some fun around here,” Lucas mumbled.

“Maybe next time.” Luke walked back into the garage and waited for the General Lee.

“Who were those guys?” Jose asked.

“New guys in my school—I don’t know about them though. They always seem to be doing something,” Luke replied.

“What do you mean?”

“Well since they have been here—Bo got in trouble with some kids. He wouldn’t tell me their names or anything.”

“That’s weird even for Bo.”

“I am beginning to wonder if that was them.”

“What else happened?”

“A truck was stolen.”

“Yeah and just today, Mr. Brinier’s crops were all burned up,” Cooter added from under the hood. Luke stared at Cooter. “What? It is hard not to over hear ya.”

“Are you saying all of his crops are gone?”

“Oh yeah—you know, it happened this afternoon.”


“Yeah, Boss Hogg rolled on the volunteer fire truck and tried to put it out.”

“His house…”

“Oh, don’t worry, the volunteer firefighters saved Mr. Brinier’s house and barn from being burned down, luckily.” Luke and Jose looked at each other. Now ain’t it all coming together for the Dukes?

“Mr. Brinier—Danny…Bo, what do they have in common?”

“That’s a big mystery. If Bo wasn’t in the picture I would call it a hate crime,” Jose cut in. Uh huh, that’s what I would call it too. Good point Jose, good point indeed.

“The question is, how Bo got involved?”

“I’ll ask him.”

“He won’t tell you.”

“I can still try. I really want to help you solve a Hazzard Case. I haven’t been here for so long that I…”

“Nah, I think Luke is right, you should drop it,” Cooter added. Everything was weird. Now Cooter was defending Luke’s point of view? Everyone seemed to know something that Jose didn’t.

“I will ask him. Make no mistake about that. I will try and get something out of him.” Luke shook his head. He hoped that nothing would slip out about Bo. Luke knew that Bo was ready for almost anything when it came to questions.

“Alright but he won’t tell you,” Luke pointed out.

“You say that now.”

“No, I know that now.” This is goanna be interesting. If Jose really asks, what kind of answer will he get? Bo is pretty solid. Well, most of the time. In this case—oh wait, you have to find that out for yourself. Sit back and enjoy the ride.


Luke tapped Bo on the shoulder that morning. He looked at his cousin. “Okay, now this is how it is goanna work. We have a half day at school today. I am goanna turn you now. Cooter and Dodger are goanna make two mock visits to check on you and on Jose,” Luke announces.

“Great thinking,” Bo replies as he stretches. He stares at Luke for a second. “Okay, are you sure this will work or do you think that we’ll be caught?” Luke shook his head.

“You know I had the notion that you, my own cousin, had more confidence in me. Now I am wondering if you are wrong.”

“Well you never know Luke.” Bo scratched his nose with his index finger. He pushed back his somewhat long, Californian hair. “Us Dukes make marvelous plans and sometimes they’re messed up.”

“We will be home at one o’clock…one thirty at the latest.”

“No bed sores for Bo Duke.”

“Not today there won’t be. Bo, I would never let you go and get a bed sore. That’s not like me.”

“I do have a question for you Luke. In between all of this, when are we doing the range of motion exercises?”

“Oh you mean the leg moving action?”

“Yeah, when are we doing them?”


“Luke you know what Daisy would say if you didn’t get those done for me.”

“Yeah I know, I know.”

“Doc says we need to do them as often as possible.”

“You know what else he said?”


“We have got to get your arm strength up.”

“My legs are injured, not my arms. What do I need arm strength for?”

“If you’re goanna get better, you need more strength in your arms so you can hold yourself up on crutches.”

“Yeah, I knew that.”

“You haven’t been doing too well in that category, arm strength I mean.”

“No, I haven’t had to do any lifting.”

“Doc says if you don’t use your arms, you’re goanna loose the ability to move them too.”

“Okay, you convinced me. What’s the game plan coach?”

“What do you mean by game plan?”

“I mean how are we goanna do this? The only weights I own are the bails of hay outside. I am sure we don’t want those in the house.”

“I am goanna borrow some of Dodger’s weights. We’ll get a bar so you can do chin-ups and such.”

“How is that supposed to help…my cold?”


“Hi Uncle Jose, how are you doing?” Luke turned around. Sure enough, there was his Uncle.

“Can’t complain, can’t complain at all. Luke, I was wondering how you got the chores done in the early hours of the morning?” Jose questioned. Bo laughed and did a mock cough.

“Well, it’s a little something I like to call motivation,” Luke replied, trying to sound chipper. Of course Jose could see through his act but he decided not to say anything. Bo and Luke seemed to be having fun trying to trick him. What it was about, Jose had no clue.

“If there is one thing I have learned about teenaged boys and girls, they don’t like to get up before noon. Unless you two are mutants from outer space, I do trust that you’re normal American teenagers.” Bo began to laugh, he did another mock cough.

“Well, we’ll be working on becoming more of the teenagers you want us to be. Now if you will excuse me, Daisy’s waiting for me to drive her to school.” Luke walked down the stairs. Jose looked at Bo.

“It looks like it is just you and me today, kid.”

“I guess so.”

“You wanna sit outside for a while?”

“Nah, I would rather stay up here.”

“How about go lay on the couch. At least you would have some sort of company.” Bo’s eyes lit up. He would be thrilled. However, he knew that if he showed interest and then didn’t act on it, Jose would figure it out.”

“Walking’s not my thing today.”

“Running is.”

“Yeah so what if I like to run? Uncle Jesse says when I am sick, I stay in bed until he decides I am really ill. You don’t want me to go against my uncle now do you?”

“Bo, how is he goanna know? Jesse’s out of town. Besides, the midday air would be good for your cold.” Bo shook his head no. “Come on Bo, I could take you for a run and…”

“LOOK! I don’t wanna run ever again. I am not getting out of this bed so go downstairs and do whatever it is you do.” Bo realized what he had said. He shook his head. “I’m sorry, I guess I am a little down.”

“How did you break your arm?”

“I had some trouble with some kids, I thought we told Uncle Jesse that already. I know he told you.” Jose nodded and sat down on the edge of Bo’s bed. He acidently sat on his leg. Bo of course, not being able to feel it, didn’t react at all.

“Yeah, he did tell me. He told me that Luke told him.”


“So, Jesse told me that you tell him everything.”

“Not everything, almost everything though.” Jose finally noticed where he was sitting.

“OH I’M SORRY!” Jose jumped up.

“Sorry for what?” Suddenly, Jose seemed confused by Bo’s response. It was as if it hadn’t happened at all. Like Jose was just sitting on a pile of blankets instead of Bo’s leg. “You didn’t do anything wrong. Why would you apologize for nothing?”

“Bo, close your eyes.” Not knowing Jose was on to him, Bo did as his uncle asked.

“Alright, they’re closed.” Jose exposed Bo’s foot. He began pinching it.

“You don’t feel me touching your knee?”

“Yeah, ouch, that hurts! Quit poking my knee.”

“Bo, you can open your eyes now, I know you’re paralyzed.” Jose took his hand off Bo’s foot. Bo’s eyes popped open almost immediately. “Why did you lie? You said everything was fine.”

“We told the truth, I was in a fight.”

“You didn’t tell all of the truth, that’s lying.” Bo sighed and shook his head no. He couldn’t believe this, now Jose knew. “Hey kid, think about it. Your Uncle has had a pain in his left toe for a week and two days now.”

“Really, he’s had that pain for that long?”

“Oh yeah, he has been worrying and worrying about you boys. He wanted to go home until I convinced him not to.”

“Can you convince him to stay longer in Kansas?”


“Doc says the swelling should go down—I don’t want him to see me like this.”

“I could probably get him to stay a week longer but that’s about it.”

“Jose, you ain’t goanna tell him are you?”

“I want to, but no, it should be you that tells him.” Bo’s head lowered. He looked at his NASCAR necklace that his Grandpa had given him. Bo began playing with it.

“Yeah, I know.”

“Bo, were those guys the Hansen Brothers? The ones that went after you I mean?”

“Yeah, I didn’t wanna tell Luke.”

“Why didn’t you wanna tell him? Bo, listen, sometimes your pride will get in the way. You know what? You shouldn’t loose your head over something like that.”

“What? What do you mean by my pride?”

“You better believe it.”

“No, it ain’t that, I don’t want Luke to kill them. He would you know.” Jose laughed. “What?”

“I get it now.” Jose pulled off Bo’s covers. He picked Bo up. “Tired of being in your bed?”

“Yeah, that and being dressed by Luke in the morning—I can get my shirt on alright but my pants are a whole other situation.” Jose began laughing. He shook his head.

“We’re going out. The best thing for fluid on a spinal cord is a dip in cold water.”

“Thank goodness I am wearing a splint.” Jose smiled.

“You have a great sense of humor.” Bo shrugged and pushed his hair back.

“Some times I have something to laugh about, other times, I do not. I guess it depends on how I am feeling.”

“Yeah I guess so.”

“Hey, this beats walking.” Jose began to chuckle, he shook his head. Jose grinned and heaved out a massive sigh, trying to make the laughter stop. “You get to be carried everywhere. First off, you get a innovative fresh new point of view.”

“How so?”

“Well you’re so short.” Jose bit on his bottom lip. “Oh don’t think that’s a bad thing.”

“What’s the second thing?” Bo rubbed his chin with his index finger and thumb.

“Second of all, you feel like a king.”

“Well I am just so surprised that you…”

“Have a sense of humor right now?” Jose began to walk down the stairs.

“Yeah…a lot of people…”

“Would be gloomy Gus’?”

“Yeah, it’s like you’re reading my mind.”

“Don’t you trouble your strong willed head there Jose, Luke says that all the time.”

“Well I think it gets pretty annoying from an adult.”

“Well, you do remind me a lot of him—Luke I mean. He is always pressing me for answers.”

“Is that a good thing?”

“I don’t know really. I’ll have to think about that one.” Bo’s legs were frozen, motionless. They were flopping back and forth as Jose took him down went down the stairs. They looked like two dead fish in a glacial stream. Jose suddenly stopped.

“Are your legs okay?”

“They’re fine. After all Jose, I can’t feel them at all.” Bo shrugged as Jose looked at them again.

“Luke does that too? The whole, poke you until you talk scenario? I used to do that to Jesse all the time.” Bo could tell that Jose was uncomfortable. Altering the area under discussion was the easiest method for him to deal with it. Bo didn’t mind it at all.

“He sure does.” Bo smiled as he thought about Luke. “Even if I don’t want to have a discussion, he makes me anyway. A batch of people would describe it as the most bothersome thing any single person has ever done to them.”

“You don’t?” Jose got down the stairs and went backwards through the door, pushing it with his back to get out.

“No, I don’t at all. Personally, I like it.” Jose opened the truck door. He put Bo in the seat. “It is nice to have you and him around.”

“I would think so.”

“I am just glad that you are here.”

“You know Bo, I really think that I am goanna enjoy being here. I didn’t realize how much I missed Hazzard until…”

“You spent the few days with Uncle Jesse up taking care of Great Uncle Luke?”

“That was a mouthful.”

“But it is true is it not?”

“Oh yeah, it is true.” Jose closed the door and walked into the other side. He stared at the door for a second. He remembered a time when he and Jesse would get into the many vehicles.

Suddenly, Jose realized something. If Bo never walked again, he couldn’t get in the General Lee ever—unless they broke tradition and un-welded the door. Jesse and Bo Duke senior would never go for that. So if Bo never walked again, he would have to get the car made especially for him so that he could drive. If Bo never walked again, he would never go on another Hazzard Adventure.

Jose couldn’t believe it. He just couldn’t. Jose had so much fun being a Duke, being a kid. Now he realized how hard it would be for this young man. Jose knew that Bo would have so many challenges.

“Are you getting in the truck or not?” Bo asked through the open window. Jose nodded softly.

“Yeah as soon as I get the tire tube,” Jose replied.

“Well it is in the barn up in the loft.” Jose nodded.

“Okay, I’m on my way.”

“You better be.”


“I can’t wait anymore.” Jose laughed and shook his head.

“Alright, I’m going.” He ran over to the barn and grabbed it. “I hope this works, I really do.” Jose ran back to the truck. He threw the tire in the back. Jose grasped the handle of the door which was a cold shapely metal. He got in the truck and closed his door.

“Are you alright? You look like you have been hit by a truck, Uncle Jose.”

“No, I’m fine.”

“That’s another thing you have in common with Luke.”

“Oh? What’s that?”

“No you’re not alright. You’re upset about something and it is written all over your face.”

“Yeah I guess I never was good at that one.”

“Actually, you are.”

“I don’t quite follow.” Jose started up the car and revved the engine. Bo smiled and laid back.

“It’s quite simple. Luke and Jose Duke can hide their emotions fine. That’s how I know they’re hurting. You two perform in a play. It’s like you’re playing the part of a person who has no emotion—as if you don’t feel any pain. Still, it radiates off you both.”


“Yeah Jose?”

“You’re wise beyond your years.” Bo smiled. Jose put the truck into drive and they were off.


Meanwhile in town, Boss Hogg was happier than a goose. Roscoe was a little bored but he was pretty happy too. Oh yeah, the Dukes hadn’t been bugging Boss JD Hogg in days.

“The Dukes haven’t been bugging me in days,” Boss Hogg told Roscoe. That Boss Hogg is a copy cat. I thought of it first. “I met my brother, paid for his name to be changed to Hogg.”

“Khee, oh Boss you lucky little turnip you,” Roscoe said, pinching his cheeks.

“ACK! Don’t you do that to me Roscoe!”

“Or you’ll make me sell gas.”

“Or I’ll make you sell gas.”

“At Cooter’s.”

“Nope, door to door.” Boss cleared his throat. “Now what was I saying?”

“You have a brother?”

“Yes, he’s a little too Enos like for me but we’ll work on him after he becomes an American citizen and after he learns English.”

“Jit-jit…khee, I can’t wait.”

“Now, about my horse scheme…how’s it running?”

“Great, we’ve got them suckers—well, suckered Khee.”

“And how about the speed traps?”

“Racking in the dough.”

“The Dukes?”

“Going to school and coming home.”

“Who ever did it deserves a big sloppy kiss from me.” Boss Hogg suddenly went all deceitful eyed. “Roscoe, who got those Duke boys off my back? Am I next? Are they goanna come after everyone in Hazzard County?”


“What are they doing there?”


“Don’t you know anything? Roscoe, I told you once and I told you all over again, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”

“That was grand Boss Khee…did you note down that little tidbit?”

“Yes…” Boss Hogg smiled and shifted his eyes. “Yes I did.”

“Well it was stunning.”

“Yeah it was smart too.”

“You’re gifted.”

“I know I am.”

“You know Boss, if I could write stuff like that…”

“You would have a few more IQ points under your belt now wouldn’t you?” Roscoe waved his fist. Boss Hogg rebelliously gazed at Roscoe—making him stop his action. “I have two words for you and they’re not happy words.” Roscoe swallowed hard. He tried to make it up by fixing Boss’ shirt.

“I’m sorry Boss, I really am.”

“You waved your fist at me.”

“No, I was giving you a—thumbs up.” Now Roscoe should eat his hat right about now. “Yes, my thumbs went way up.”

“Your thumbs weren’t up.”

“Well—uh—they were a, a ‘thumbs up’ in spirit. Hee hee jit-jit ooo, I am sorry Boss, I am really sorry. I think you are a…”

“A jerk.”

“Yes a big fat jerk.”

“I knew you hated me!”

“I don’t hate you Boss, I like everything you stand for and then some.”

“Why did you call me a big fat jerk then?” Roscoe backed up. Boss kept coming at him. “Don’t even think of going for that door.”

“Boss, you were putting words into my mouth. I didn’t mean that.”

“Why did you wave your fist?”

“Well you see…”

“I do see Roscoe, I saw your fist.”

“Boss, I think you’re excellent.”

“Keep going, flattery will get you everywhere.” Okay, I think Boss Hogg loves himself a little too much. I think he does anyway. I don’t know what y’all think of him.

“Well, you’re well-dressed.”

“I better be.”

“You’re uh…”

“I’m what?”

“You have authority and a huge amount of power.”

“Don’t forget wealth.”

“Yep, I was just getting to that.”

“Sure you were.”

“I was.”

“Keep on going before your name turns to Deputy Coltrane. I don’t care if I am married to your fat sister or not.”

“Leila would get mad if you demoted her baby brother.”

“AH YOU’RE IMPOSSIBLE! Where’s the flattery, I miss it.”

“You are—a great kisser.” Boss’ eyes opened wide.

“I never in my life kissed you.”

“No Boss…I mean Leila.”

“How would you know?”

“She told me so.”


“Okay, on with the flattery. You drive a very nice car.”

“Well I better have. It sure is hard to find the classic Cadillac when it is so much money.” Boss Hogg Boss smiled thinking of his prized winning car. His facial expression changed from a loving amusement in his face to an unyielding inflexible outer shell.

“Now, spy on the Dukes and do it like you mean it.”

“You bet Boss, I’m gone.” Boss Hogg walked over to his desk. On there was a big plate of wings. He put four between each of his fingers—in both hands. Now friends, that’s advanced eating. Soon, the bones were clean.

“He better not screw this one up.”

“Screw what one up?” Enos asked. Boss Hogg jumped nearly a mile high. Enos looked confused. “Did I scare you?”

“No, I am always this jumpy.”

“No you ain’t, I scared you huh ha! I did it good.”

“You and Roscoe have the combined IQ of an egg plant. What are you doing here?”

“To tell you that I think that those meters outside, they’s broken.”

“How so?”

“Well the people put their money in and almost right after—well, the flags pop up.”

“Protecting us against people who are late.”

“Ain’t that illegal?”

“Well everyone lies.”

“I don’t lie Mr. Hogg and neither do the Duke boys.”

“Well then you’s guys are the only ones.” Boss went to grab his cigar and ended up grabbing a chicken wing. He tried to smoke it but nothing came out. As the barbeque sauce went into his mouth, he smiled and ate the rest.

“No sir Mr. Hogg sir, Hazzard is filled with honest people.”

“Well then Enos, you stick to your principals and I’ll stick to mine. Now get out there and write some tickets.”

“Yes sir, Mr. Hogg sir.” Enos ran out of the office. He shook his head. “I got better things to do than do your dirty work.” Enos walked over to the post office. He stood in an invisible line after grabbing a numbed.

“Number two,” Emma-Lee called. Enos went up in line and looked at her. Emma smiled. She applied some lipstick and smoothed her lips. “I need some ID from you Enos.”

“Yes ma’am.” He pulled out his driver’s license. She seems to be looking at it with awareness.

“Now what’s wrong Enos? You look glum.”

“Miss Emma, I feel ding dang glum. You know I haven’t seen Bo and Luke for almost a week. Sure, I see the General Lee and chase it but I don’t get to talk to my good buddies.”

“Don’t worry Enos, I am suffering too. That cute Uncle Jesse’s gone on vacation. When I catch wind of that man—Oooo my heart melts.” Enos sighed. “It ain’t the same is it?” Enos shook his head no.

“All this stuff with Boss Hogg and all—well, that makes me miss them boys that much more.”

“Oh Enos, I know you miss them, I would miss them just as much. Don’t worry, the Dukes will invite you over when they’re ready.” Yep, they just know Enos can’t keep a secret.

“I got a bad feeling Miss Tizdale, I really do.” Emma-Lee pulled back her shoulder length graying hair. She smiled at him. “What is it Miss Tizdale?”

“Well think about it, you care a lot about them boys.” She turned around and grabbed Enos some stamps with Mickey Mouse of them. Enos smiled. That boy always did like those kind of postage stamps. “I think that you’re a great friend.”

“You really think so Miss Tizdale?”

“Oh come on Enos, I know so. I know that you have always been a good friend to Bo and Luke. They have always respected you for every little thing that you have done.” Enos’ head lowered.

“I don’t respect myself. I have run them in for such stupid things and they still are nice to me.” Emma-Lee shook her head.

“No sir, you are not a bad man. You know as well as I do that you only do those things because Roscoe tells you to do them.” Enos paid Emma for the stamps.

“Miss Tizdale?”

“Yes Enos?”

“What would you get for Daisy?” Enos blushed and turned away. Emma smiled. You always did know that young Enos Strait had a crush on Miss Daisy Duke.

“Well Enos…”

“I really want to do something special for her.”

“Flowers—gals love flowers.” Enos’ eyes widened. He ran out the door. Enos opened it again.

“Thanks Miss Tizdale.”

“Anytime, Enos.” He closed the door again and ran to his car. Now friends, that boy is truly in love.


Cooter walked into the Duke farmhouse. He looked around and listened. It was too quiet. “Hey Jose, I thought I would check to see how you were doing,” Cooter called. Cooter continued to look around the house. There was no Jose in sight. As he walked up the stairs, Cooter still heard nothing. “Bo? Jose? Anyone home?”

Cooter opened Bo and Luke’s door. He was shocked at what he saw. Bo’s bed was vacant. The covers were all pushed to the end of the bed. Cooter walked over to the bed to make sure Bo hadn’t fallen out or anything like that. Nope, no one was there.

Now Cooter was getting worried. He was more than sure that he had been kidnapped. You know what assuming does to a person though don’t you? It makes a fool out of you and me. So Cooter knew before he would take any action, he knew to make the call on the CB. Thank goodness Jose had been down before.

“Breaker one breaker one, I might be crazy but don’t call me dumb, Crazy Cooter comin’ at ya, I am scanning the Hazzard net for the lone and hitched Sheep Herder are you on the CB or up a tree come on?” Cooter questioned over the CB.

He waited for a few seconds, there was no answer. Now silence isn’t a good thing in Hazzard County—well sometimes it is. Now you know as well as I do, Cooter was worried.

“Sheep Herder, come on Sheep Herder are you on the Hazzard net?” Cooter questioned. Cooter changed the channel. “Breaker one breaker one I may be crazy but I ain’t all that dumb, Crazy Cooter coming at you. I have my ears uncontaminated and purely cleaned to perfection. I am waiting for the one and only Sheep Herder…come on in Sheep Herder.”

“Hello Crazy C, this is Sheep Herder, the only Sheep Herder in the land now what can I do for you there buddy, come back?” Jose asked back over the CB. Cooter breathed a sigh of relief.

“Do you have Lost sheep two with ya, come back.”

“You mean a kid with blonde hair and blue eyes? I sure do…he’s around with me in the good ol swimming hole.”

“Roll that one by me again Sheep Herder, I thought I heard you say swimming hole.”

“That’s a positive Crazy Cooter…he’s at the swimming hole. Don’t worry about it Cooter, I know the family secret, come back.” Cooter sighed he smiled. “We’re trying to get circulation back.”

“Ah, continue, I’ll tell Bullet Dodger to lay off of the turn over. Catch you on the flip flop—over and out I’m gone.”

“Ten four,” Jose said as he put down the CB in the truck. He looked at his nephew, sitting in a bathing suit. His clothes were beside him on the grass.

“I told you they would worry about me,” Bo said, wrapping a towel around his top end. Jose shrugged. Bo grabbed a hat and put it on. He stretched a little bit.

“Yeah, they would worry. After all, you are paralyzed and you were supposed to be home.”

“Yeah I was wasn’t I?” Bo began slapping his legs. He still couldn’t feel it. Bo didn’t worry too much about it though. Something about this experience made him worry less and love life more. At first he felt as if everything was going wrong for him. Soon after, Bo realized that he wasn’t going to have as many problems as he thought.

“Yeah, you should have told me that the first time. I would have left a note.”

“You wanna try again?” Jose looked confused. “Go in the water again I mean. Do we wanna give it another shot?”

“Bo we have already driven back to get a bathing suit and a towel.”

“That’s because you forgot it.”

“We have dipped you in once.”

“Which was fun.”

“Yes, it was fun but it has been a long day for you. I know that you wanna get better Bo but, do you really want to go again? I don’t wanna do this too much and have you sick.” Bo nodded his head, indicating that he wanted to go for sure. Jose sighed.

“What? First of all, I am a Duke, I don’t get sick.”

“Yeah right.” Bo was beginning to get a little impatient. He scratched his eyebrow and looked at his uncle. “You get sick just like the rest of us Dukes.”

“Maybe so but it doesn’t last very long now does it?” Jose shrugged. “You said you wanted me to get better did you not?”

“Of course I do.”

“How am I supposed to walk if we don’t fix the legs?”

“It’s not your legs that are broken.”

“My back ain’t either.”

“I know that.”

“So how else can we fix it? Are we goanna be like a half robot half man and attach some sort of implants?” Jose looked at his nephew funny. “Come on, let’s do this thing.” Jose shook his head and laughed.

“You are way too much like Jesse.” Jose picked him up. He kicked the rubber tube into the water. As they got deeper, Jose put Bo inside.

“How am I like him?”

“Like who?”

“Like Uncle Jesse. You know, he’s so much better than me. He has way more patience. He knows almost everything.”

“That’s because he has tried it all.”

“Sometimes I wonder if he has.” Jose crocked an eyebrow. “No really, I honestly wonder if he has tried it all. You know, all the stories he has said.”

“Don’t question them, I was there.” Jose cleared his throat. “If you want to know Uncle Jesse then you have to look at yourself.”

“You have got to be joking.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Well he can’t be like me. He’s not that kind of person.”

“He’s a little bit nutty like you. He has a big streak of your Grandpa in him. Your Uncle Jesse would go out all night and…” Bo’s eyes widened suddenly. He looked out into the distance. “Are you listening to me?”

“Oh my goodness, you have got to be kidding me.”

“No I am not…”

“Oh I believe you Uncle Jose, look out yonder. You’ll understand what I mean.” Jose did as his nephew instructed. He saw the group of boys.

“Those were the ones that Luke said were a bit batty.”

“A bit? They think that black people shouldn’t marry white people. They think I shouldn’t be friends with Danny. They also said that Joan Krakauer shouldn’t date him.”

“Keep your hat on, they won’t know it’s you.”

“Yeah but they’re against whites and any ethnic group hanging out together.”

“I can handle them. You just stay in the water.”

“Like I have a choice on that one Uncle Jose. I can’t exactly paddle my way out of this.” Jose rolled his eyes. He got out of the water, letting Bo fend for himself. Now at least this way, Jose Duke took the attention off Bo. He looked at the group of boys who seemed to be coming towards Jose with purpose.

“What can I do for you gentlemen?” Jose asked calmly. The boys circled him slowly.

“Are you talking to us old man?” Bernard asked. Jose’s eyebrows rose. His fists clenched slightly. He tried to relax.

“Yes, I am talking to you.”

“What nationality are you, friend?” Lucas said, exaggerating the friend part.

“I am American.”

“No, what is your family historical background?”

“Well I am Mexican and Caucasian—a mix.” The boys glared at each other, whispering amongst themselves. Jose on the other hand kept his cool. He looked smart and unruffled even though the boys were driving him right up the wall. “You boys have a problem with that? You know I am happy with my nationality.”

“We just think…”

“What? That mixing races is wrong or the colored people all together are wrong. I have Aunties that are black. My Grandfather married a wonderful woman after his first wife died. She had one girl and three boys. All of which carry the name of Duke.”

“So you’re Luke’s family huh?”

“You got that right.”

“I see.”

“What do you see?”

“I see what their kind have done to white pride.”

“White pride? Prideful people are just hurting themselves.”

“The government forced the schools to integrate! We didn’t want them in there.”

“Oh? Did you know that African-American children who weren’t allowed to integrate had poorer education ratings?”

“That’s because THEY didn’t take care of their education.”

“No sonny, they did the best they could. There is so much against them now. So much.”

“Yeah sure, you coloreds all stick together.” Jose wanted to do something drastic to those kids. Shake them—something. He knew it wouldn’t do anything. Jose would just have to come up with something else. Suddenly, it hit him.

“Have you ever heard of Charles Richard Drew?”

“No, I haven’t.”

“Charles Drew worked on something called plasma…it is a way of taking the white cells out of the blood. You see boys, here’s your biology lesson. Whole blood doesn’t store as long. Without plasma, many people would have died.”

“What is your point?” Reeve questioned.

“Trust me, I have a point.”

“Then make it quick.”

“Charles Drew got in a car accident.”


“He died and do you know why?” Reeve rolled his eyes. He looked at his watch and looked up. “Pay attention son. This is a key point. Do you know why Charles Drew died?”


“It was a hospital for whites only—he bled to death.” They all went silent for a minute.

“He was black?” Lucas questioned.

“That’s right, he was black. The man who helped people store blood longer died because of people who didn’t believe in color mixing.”

“He was…”

“They thought that blacks should remain in their hospitals and whites in theirs.” The boys looked at each other.

“So he was…”

“Yes! People are people, Gentlemen, no matter what color they are.”

“Our Daddy said…”

“Look at me boys, give me your undivided attention for two minutes.” The boys all did as Jose said. “Thank you. Parents, no matter how wonderful they seem never truly get it.”

“How so?”

“I’m a parent and I make bad decisions. I am in no way perfect. My opinions are mine. My kids share some of my values. However, they find their own way.”

“So you think that we could do better?”

“No son, I know you could do better than your father. Do you know how many people you’re missing in your circle of friends? You put a label on them and then you have no friends.”

“Well don’t have a lot of them,” Johan commented.

“That’s right…you have each other because you share similar values. Look at you though. You have talked to me for the last ten minutes. Did it kill you?”


“That’s right. You know people are people.” Jose took a deep breath and let it out slow. “No matter how they act. I don’t care if they wear glasses or not. I don’t care if they’re missing half their body. People are people. Now why don’t you gentlemen go and ponder on that for a little while.”

“Thanks for everything Mister…umm…”

“Jose Duke.”

“Thanks Mr. Duke,” Jonah replied.

“You’re welcome.”

“No, this is new but we’ll try,” Bernard said.

“Oh I know you will. Look at people for who they are not what they have on the outside. Otherwise, you will never know what you missed.”

“Alright. They walked away.

“Ponder it!” Jose called out.

Bernard turned around and gave Jose a “thumbs up”. He continued walking with his brothers. Jose smiled. Maybe one day they would talk to more people. Someday, those boys might be teaching their dad a thing or two.

Jose had stopped a major confrontation with only his words. Bo couldn’t believe it. Danny was mistaken, one person can make a difference. Now Bo knew this with all his heart and nothing—nothing was goanna take that away from him.


Coy had just walked in the house—well over in Wichita. He sat down on the couch beside his uncle. Jesse seemed depressed and upset. “What’s wrong, Uncle Jesse?” Coy asked. Jesse looked up at his nephew and put on a weak smile.

“Oh don’t worry about it young man,” Jesse answered. His head lowered again. Jesse played with his Great Uncle’s pocket watch that had been passed down to him. Coy poked at him and Jesse turned towards his nephew.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s my anniversary today,” Jesse mumbled. He looked at his wedding ring and suddenly closed his eyes. “Sometimes, when it comes around, I think about my Laurel—your aunt. I think about all the things we did together. We solved Hazzard cases and went from place to place when the crops weren’t doing well. I would drive in races trying to make it.”

“What would she do?”

“Sell her strawberry jam. Your aunt sure knew how to make the stuff.” Jesse smiled and began to play with his beard. “She always said I was a better cook than her.”

“What do you think?”

“I would rather have her meals than anyone else’s food.” Suddenly the phone rang.

“I’ll get it,” Coy screamed. He ran over to the phone and picked it up. He pushed the button. “Hello, Duke farm, Coy speaking—how can I help you?” Coy asked normally.

“Hey Dork Burger, you still sound like a secretary for a law firm,” Bo replied. Bo began to laugh. Coy pressed his lips together hard. He wasn’t impressed with his brother’s comment.

“Must you always be like this?”

“Like what?”

“Like a big giant jerk.” Bo sighed. Coy’s eyes opened wide. He leaned on the cupboard. “What’s wrong with you?”

“Look, I need to talk to Uncle Jesse.” Coy walked over to his room and lied on his bed.

“About what?”

“None of your business Coy—oh please just forget what I just said, I don’t wanna fight with you right now.” Now Coy knew there was something wrong. Bo and him loved to fight. It was a national sport to them.

“Come on Bo, you can tell me what’s up.” Coy heard Bo sniffle on the other end.

“Look, I can’t.”

“You’re crying? You by no means cry in front of other men.”

“Coy, I am not getting into this. It took me a lot of courage to call Uncle Jesse up now I need to tell him this.”

“Tell him what?”

“You wanna know?”

“Yes, something is wrong. Just because we fight a lot doesn’t mean you ain’t my brother.” Bo sighed.

“Alright fine, you win.” Bo cleared his throat.

“Does this have something to do with the fight Uncle Jesse was telling us about?”

“Yup…Coy, I don’t know how to sugar coat it so I am just goanna say it. I am paralyzed.” Coy began laughing. He shook his head.

“Nice joke Bo.”

“No, I am serious about this one, brother.”

“Sure you are. You have to be pulling my leg. Next you’re goanna tell me that it is permanent.” Coy began laughing even harder. “You have pulled pranks on me before. I know you too well.”

“It could be permanent and I am not kidding. No tomfoolery and no hype stunts. I am truly without a shadow of a doubt, paralyzed.” Coy’s eyes widened as he stopped laughing. “That’s right Coy, this ain’t a joke. I wish it was.”

“No but…”

“I am paralyzed from the waist down—I cannot move my legs at all.” Coy dropped the phone almost immediately. His shoulder’s dropped. “Are you there Coy?” There was a sudden silence. “Come on kid, snap out of it. COY! Come on brother.” The young Duke Boy picked up the phone and put it back to his ear.

“I’m here…sorry Bo.”

“That’s why I didn’t wanna tell you or him.”

“I’ll tell Uncle Jesse about this. Then I’m coming back to Hazzard until I see those toes move.”

“That could be a long time.”

“Bro, I would do anything for you. I really would.”

“I don’t want you to come for me. If you come for anyone it would be for Luke.”

“Why Luke?”

“He’s really mixed up right now. Daisy tries to cheer him up but…”

“Never fear, Coy is on the case. Now, I am goanna tell Uncle Jesse now. You get some rest and keep working on the legs.”

“I will.”

“Bye bro.”

“Bye.” Coy walked out of his room and looked at Uncle Jesse who was now in the kitchen.

“Decided to make some cookies, do you want some?” Uncle Jesse questioned. He looked into Coy’s eyes. “What’s wrong kid?” Just as Coy was about to open his mouth, Paige and Vance walked in. The two had boxes in their hands—parcels. They all sat at the kitchen table, placing the two boxes on the table.

“Jesse, I know how much you were missing Laurel so, I got Daddy to send over some pictures,” Paige commented. Jesse walked over to the table. The boxes were opened and out came the pictures. Jesse looked through a few and then looked up.

“Coy, you were goanna tell me something.”

“Like what?”


“Uncle Jesse, family, you might wanna sit down for this one,” Coy replied. They all did as Coy requested. “Bo’s paralyzed from the waist down. That’s what the toe thing was all about.”


“Uncle Jesse look…Bo didn’t want you to worry—he didn’t know if it was permanent.” Jesse stood up and walked to the guest room. Paige followed him. He was packing faster than he ever had before. Paige put a hand on his shoulder.

“I should have known!”

“Jesse…” Paige began.

“What’s worse is Jose didn’t tell me! How could he do this to me? Those two boys are like my kids.” Jesse’s face went red, he couldn’t hold it in anymore. He began to moan as if the pain was coming purely out of this throat.

“Jesse, you know that Jose wouldn’t have done it to spite you.” Jesse shook his head. He began packing again. “Bo probably asked him not to. You know that as well as I do.” Jesse sighed.

“My nephew can’t walk. That’s all I can think about. He can’t move his legs.”

“Jesse, that’s right, he can’t walk. He was scared and felt alone. However, Luke was there for him—Daisy was there. I am more than sure Cooter and Dodger Davenport were there as well.” Jesse sighed.

“I wasn’t. Now I know how Dad felt when Great Uncle Luke didn’t invite him.”

“But you understood his reasons?”

“Yeah, I knew that Dad would make a big fuss.” Paige looked at Jesse closely. “Okay you have made your point, Paige.” Coy knocked on the door.

“I made a few calls. Tom, Catherine and Johnny are flying out tonight. They’ll be over there by midnight. Johnny said not to go home yet—wait until your plane tickets say to come home,” Coy replied. Jesse’s eyes filled with tears.

“My kids are amazing creatures.”

“Coy, that was really nice of you,” Paige commented.

“Yeah it was very nice of you, Coy.”

“Well I thought they would wanna help and yeah—I wanted you to stay longer, I miss you a lot, Uncle Jesse,” Coy answered. Jesse smiled.

“I miss you too boy.” They gave each other a hug.” Now this is goanna be interesting. I think Boss Hogg is goanna tear his hair out. Seven Dukes in Hazzard County. I think all the swindles are goanna be out the window.


Johnny, Catherine and Tom walked in the door of the farmhouse. Jose was cooking dinner and Bo was sitting up in a wheelchair donated by Doc Applebee himself. Luke was reading a book in the corner. Bo tapped his cousin’s shoulder. Luke looked up. “What are you two doing here?” Luke questioned. Now Jose looked up.

“Can’t a couple of good men come home without questions?” Johnny asked. Catherine cleared her throat. “Oh and Cat here of course.” Daisy walked into the kitchen. As she saw Catherine, Daisy ran over and gave her cousin a hug.

“Why are you really here?”

“Coy called us,” Tom answered.

“And it is a good thing he did. Did you know Roscoe’s out in your bushes spying on you?” Catherine added. Bo nodded and began to laugh.

“Boss wants to know what we’re up to and why we’re not fighting back,” Bo laughed. Everyone smiled. Bo shrugged. “I am not sure but…I think he wants to know if I am getting up and walking anytime soon.”

“Well Bo Duke, we also noticed a few of Hazzard’s spots being overly populated.”

“Ah more trouble?”

“Naturally.” Okay, you know where this conversation is leading. Now let’s go and look to Roscoe who is still spying outside.

Roscoe was in green fatigues—all accustomed with beautiful leaves and bushes. A squirrel landed on his head. He picked it up. “Listen critter, you’s messin with police business Khee! Now scat,” Roscoe said as he put the squirrel down.

The squirrel stood there for a moment, knowing Roscoe wasn’t very dangerous. Now friends, you look at Roscoe and tell me how mean he is. Heck, Roscoe can’t even tell a mean joke. I know one thing, Roscoe did like that squirrel.

“Boss Hogg, this is Roscoe P. Coltrane, do ya got your ears on fat buddy, come on?” Roscoe said of the CB.

“Roscoe, enough with your dang CB talk, why don’t you talk in normal everyday English like everyone else around here,” Boss Hogg replied.

“Okay, I think Bo Duke is pretending to be paralyzed from the waist down as to get all of his family members out here. That’s pretty low huh Boss, Over?”

“How many Dukes?”

“Six including the original Dukes—I heard them say that Uncle Jesse and Coy were coming back.”

“Roscoe, how dumb are you? First of all, he ain’t your Uncle Jesse. Second of all, think about it numbskull, if all the family is down there, he is paralyzed. Now, they’s goanna end up finding out my schemes and then where will we be? Roscoe, get back here immediately!
Ya hear?”

“Yes sir, I’m gone Khee.”

Ah, the plot thickens, Boss Hogg knows as well as we do with extra Dukes in Hazzard County, something is goanna give way. We don’t know what yet but I am more than sure we’s goanna find out. After all, this is Hazzard County.

Later on that night, Luke along with Catherine, Tom and Johnny went over to this new Hazzard Horse Derby. They of course had to knock out the gaurds before getting there which wasn’t too hard considering they had Catherine with them. Catherine, like all the Duke women, was dead gorgeous and could tempt any man.

Catherine gave them a soda each, knocking them each to the ground with what was in it. Soon it was time to get to work. No one would dispute that one. Luke began by checking out the booth where all the action happens. Tom, the more experienced Duke hit the track itself. Catherine and Johnny decided to check out the stables. Where do we wanna start? I know, we’ll go with Catherine and Johnny first.

“Hey Johnny, you have got to see this,” Catherine commented. Her brother followed her of course. Now watch closely ladies and gentlemen because we ain’t goanna show this more than once. Catherine put her finger on a button that was under a saddle. A secret door opened.

“Great work big sister. Now, I wonder what’s down there?” Johnny answered. They walked down a long set of stairs. Down there was a poster with every picture of the horse. By each name was the one who won the last derby. To the left of the poster was a large refrigerator. Inside there were hundreds of needles.

“Recognize these?”

“They look like the horse tranquilizers that we used on Dolly. Hmm, this means that Boss Hogg is drugging the horses. Obviously not with the whole thing though. This mixture looks like it has been dyed.”

“It has, looks like it is one of the shots that we gave our horses to avoid worms.”

“I was goanna say it looks like green Kool-Aid but I like your response better.” Catherine smiled. She rubbed her hands together. “What?”

“That’s what we’ll do to make the race fair…green Kool-Aid. Johnny you’re a genius.” Johnny smiled softly. He nodded his head with pride.

“I am a genius ain’t I?”

Now what was Tom discovering? Well, he saw parts where
the grass had been slightly lifted. How? Well even with the race disguising it, you could see dirt traces where they shouldn’t be. Tom picked up his walky talky. “Hey Luke, what do you see up there, over?” Tom asked.

“There are all these buttons that have no place being in a sound booth and I should know. I worked for the drama productions up on the stage booth. There are ones that open up traps. Like the one below where your standing, is a fake mouse, over,” Luke answered.

“What do you think we can do about it?”

“Simple, I can take the wiring down. I know that they have hidden it under the stands. I will just need to get in there.”

“You hear that Daisy, take Bo out of the car, we need his lock picking skills.”

“That’s a big 10-4 there, Tom,” Daisy replied over the walky talky. As Bo entered the stadium he had a large smile on his face. He held onto the walky talky.

“Ah, Luke, this is Catherine—we’re goanna take the General and go pick up something. Y’all think you’ll be okay while we’re gone?” Catherine asked over the walky talky.

“Oh come on Catherine, we’s Dukes,” Luke answered her.

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” Luke shook his head.

“Don’t worry, there’s enough Dukes to handle it. “Where you going anyway, Johnny and Catherine, come back?”

“We’re goanna make the horse races look cleaner.”

“That’s a big happy 10-4.”

Tom grabbed Bo out of his wheelchair. Daisy folded up the chair and carried it up the seating area until they found a large door.

“Daisy girl, put the wheelchair down. I assume this is what we’re looking for,” Tom commented as he pointed to the door. There was a sign on it reading, ‘Keep out, wiring unit’. Daisy did as her cousin Tom said. She put the wheelchair back to the way it was. Bo was put back inside.

“Okay y’all now give me some room to work,” Bo mumbled. He took a few supplies out and began working his way through the lock. Luke made his way over to his cousins. He stared at Bo who had just opened the door.

“Now tell me cousin, where did you learn this one?” Daisy asked him softly. Bo smiled as his eyebrows rose.

“Do you remember when the principal’s office was filled with popped corn?”

“Yeah, of course I remember.”

“Well, Cooter helped me do it. I watched him and learned carefully.”

“And where did Cooter learn it?”

“You have to ask him that question.” Daisy shook her head. She couldn’t believe how juvenile Bo seemed yet he was so smart. Luke finally walked in. “I better give him again. I am good at ruining things like this.” Bo wheeled himself inside. He began to play with the wires right along with Luke.

“Who invited you in here anyway?” Luke asked.

“Who helped you while you were doing the drama productions for Hazzard County?”

“You did.”

“Yeah I did, didn’t I? Now let’s get to work. And no comments about how I am in a wheelchair, I am just as good as you. No matter how much you think you’re better than me.” As Bo and Luke were working away, Catherine and Johnny had just gotten back.

They mixed the kool-aid powder with water. Johnny made the kool-aid as Catherine cleaned and emptied each and every needle. Johnny grabbed mixture and began filling each needle—along with Catherine of course.

“There we’re done,” Johnny said.

“You know, we Dukes sure know what we’re doing,” Catherine replied. She brushed her hair back softly. “We’ll show Boss Hogg who is Boss.”

“Or the real Boss.”

“Exactly.” They walked out of the stables and over to the other Dukes. Everyone smiled at them.

“Where were you guys?” Tom asked.

“Oh just horsing around, Johnny replied. Tom rolled his eyes.

“Real cute, Johnny. Now you know just as well as I do…”

“What that you’re a dork?”

“You are immature.” Daisy started laughing. She put her hand over her mouth to muffle it.

“What’s so funny Daisy?”

“Johnny, you and Tom sound just like Bo and Luke.” Johnny looked at his brother and smiled.

“Yeah, I guess we do.”

“No brother, we always will act like that,” Tom replied. Catherine nodded her head.

“I can vouch for that one Daisy,” She told her cousin.


“Well you have always acted like that.”

“I have not.”

“Have too.”

Now remember, the plan was going great, that don’t always mean the Dukes are goanna get away with it. Now think of the shift change for security guards. Boss didn’t want people who would ask a lot of questions, he wanted people who were loyal to him in every way.

So Boss Hogg’s guards were actually hired thugs with good fire power. So now, about the change of the guards, it was happening right now. When the thugs found the men who weren’t moving at all, of course they wondered what in the world was going on.

They walked into the arena just as Bo and Luke finished the last wire. Daisy alerted the boys. Luke simply told her, “Stay with Bo, we’ll take care of these morons.”

There was a fight between them. Luke, Johnny, Catherine and Tom were taking on the six guys out fairly easily. First of course, they took the guns out of the thugs’ hands. Second of all, they punched their lights out. Bo wished he could join in this little battle but knew he was stuck up there.

Soon, Tom was back up grabbing Bo. Luke picked up the chair. Daisy and the rest of the gang ran with them. “This whole being paralyzed thing sucks,” Bo mumbled to Tom.

“Yeah but we couldn’t have done this without you Bo,” Tom said, trying to reassure him. Bo shrugged. “Hey, I mean that cousin, heck; I would have probably got us caught a lot faster.” Bo smiled.

“I suppose so.”

“And I know so.”

“You think so?”

“Bo, you were totally awesome. I would have blown the door down with dynamite,” Johnny said.

“Sounds about right for you little brother,” Catherine replied.

“What would have you done, lipsticked it to death?” Everyone began laughing. “What?”

“Oh come on Johnny, what do you think?”

“Yeah I made a funny didn’t I?” Uh huh, the Dukes are always together on everything. Now, I wonder what was goanna happen tomorrow?


The next day, everyone got ready to see the horse races. Since Tom was the only one who could bet, they all dressed up in disguises just to watch. Well, everyone but Bo. He wanted to stay in the truck. Luke tried to convince him to come out but you know how hard that is folks.

Bo has always seemed to go his own way on things. Besides, he felt more comfortable not having to sit so close. He leaned back in the truck and turned on the radio. That way, he could listen to all the goings on.

Ladies and gentlemen, I never did say Bo was a dumb young man. Bo laughed softly to himself as the whole horse race began. You could hear the music ring through the place. Bo shook his head and shrugged. He took a deep breath out at let it go real slow like and then began laughing again.

“Boss is goanna have a heart attack when none of his tricks work,” Bo said to himself.

Boss Hogg was watching—with some of his thugs beside him. “Why is Posy winnin’ this race? She won yesterday. All the good money has been bet on her. If she wins…” Boss Hogg said.

“Woe Boss, look—I told my boys to give her a shot. If they didn’t…” The thug began.

“Look Günter, you better be on top of this. Your men said that some people broke in last night. Are you sure that they got the right stuff?” Günter, the thug seemed distracted. He looked in his binoculars out at the crowd. “What’s wrong with your brain, did you hear me?”

“It’s those people from last night. They gave our boys quite the beating and drugged the others.”

“Did some of them have blonde hair and cheesey grins?”

“Looked like pure hicks?”

“Yes, you have been hit by the Duke Boys. You better go get them ya hear?”

“Yes sir.”

Günter signaled for his twenty men to go after the Dukes. Luke caught sight of this crowd coming toward them and of course, go up and warned the others. They began to run for the door when all of a sudden, they were blocked in. Daisy kicked one of them and then another. They ran through the exit into the parking lot.

The twenty men were right on their tail. Bo saw his family being chased. He knew he had to do something. Bo opened the side door and took his wheelchair out. He unfolded it himself. Bo slid himself inside of it. He grabbed a metal poll out of the back of the pickup truck.

Bo began using all the power within him to get there. He picked up speed and held out the poll, knocking down one man after another. Up ahead, Luke, Daisy, Catherine, Tom and Johnny were fighting by the pond. Again, having to kick the guns into the water—so they would have no possession of guns. That’s a slick way to keep the men away.

Back at Bo’s end he got to the nine that he could knock down, no one noticed what was going on—why the last nine? Well think about it, the number of footprint sounds stopped. One of Günter’s men turned around and caught sight of Bo in the wheelchair—holding the poll.

As they were getting closer to the small pond, one of the thugs grabbed a large branch and threw it into Bo’s wheel. This sent Bo flying through the air. He hit the dirt, directly beside the pond.

“Bo are you okay?” Daisy asked as she punched another

“I’m fine Daisy,” Bo answered.

“Just stay there cousin,” Tom mumbled. The group continued to throw the weapons into the water. Or in Luke’s case, kick it away. Unfortunately for them, one gun remained close to Bo. As the one thug saw this, he came towards the gun. Bo wasn’t willing to let his cousin’s get hurt. He kept trying to sit up to get the gun.

He couldn’t seem to do it. Out of the blue, as if by some sort of supernatural force, Bo’s leg moved upwards slowly and surely by chance. Bo was sure that he wouldn’t make his leg go high enough. What was more important though? His family or him?

The exertion was so tough for Bo that the sweat began to wave off of his forehead as he continued to make his leg go up. The thug was running too fast to avoid the leg. Bo ended up kicking the man in the face hard. The thug fell to the ground.

And Bo, oh Bo stared at his leg as he was able to unsteadily but surely put it down. He was breathing was heavy-handed as he was out of breath by this feat. Bo took in a gulp of air finally slowing down his pant to a simple light puff of air.

As the last man was knocked out, everyone surrounded their cousin, the hero of the hour. Bo had saved them all but more than that he had just moved his leg. Everyone stared at him.

“What? You have never seen a guy raise his leg before?” Bo said, moving the leg back and forth slowly. Everyone was thrilled, cheering and letting out giant ‘Yahoo’s’ and ‘Yee-haw’s’.

“Bo you can walk!” Luke exclaimed. Bo shook his head no. Luke stared at him in disbelief. “What do you mean by that?”

“If I stood up right now, I would fall on my butt.” Everyone began laughing.

“Let’s go home,” Tom announced. Everyone agreed with him.

Well I bet you’re wondering how Boss Hogg feels right now. He’s crying and he just grabbed Roscoe’s hat. “Now Boss, you don’t wanna do that,” Roscoe commented.

“Oh yes I do!” Boss exclaimed, throwing the hat down.

And wouldn’t you know it? When Uncle Jesse came back, Bo was already using the walker? Now that my friend is a good old fashion fairytale ending—in Hazzard County.

Enter Stage Right

by: Essy Jane

Welcome to Chicago. Yeah I know what you’re thinking now. What are we doing here? Aren’t we supposed to start out in Hazzard County? Well, I don’t choose where we are, I just tell you about it. After all, I am just the balladeer. Okay, let’s get back to the story now.

Anyway, we’re in a very spacious apartment. The walls were painted a rose pink. The floor was hardwood. The table in the living room was made out of a fine glass. In fact, everything in that house seemed to beautiful to touch. From the furniture right down to the dishes.

Not everything was beautiful in this apartment. Many things kept the place from being perfect. So many dark shadows cast upon this place that were never meant to be here. In this, one of the most beautiful apartments, you would expect happiness. However, it was seldom seen. In fact, right now if you listen to that nasty noise…that horrible screaming. Yep, right in the kitchen. Here we go.

“I’ve had it, you’re not going to Kansas this year,” Cara said to her daughter. Daisy shook her head and rolled her eyes. Cara stared coldly at her daughter. “You know better than to act that way with me child. I am your mother.” Daisy couldn’t believe her Mom. She was being so unreasonable.

“Mom, I’m sixteen years old now. Why can’t I make my own decisions? I have gone to visit Uncle Jose every single year since I was six. Now you’re telling me I don’t get to go?” Daisy answered, filled with anger.

“You’re still fifteen for another two months.” Daisy sighed. Her mom always had to point out the obvious. Cara was just like that. Daisy knew her mother had no adventure in her. It was as if she had drained it out of herself on purpose. “Two months is quite the difference for you, child.”

“Two months, big deal. In the olden days, people got married younger than I am.”

“Yeah it is a big deal. Daisy, the old days are dead. You’re fifteen.”


“You’re not sixteen.” Cara began pacing back and forth. All she wanted to do was get the words out so her daughter would understand her point of view. “You don’t have the maturity to accomplish anything. You think that life is a big game.”

“No I don’t Mother, you remind me that it’s not every day.” Cara rolled her eyes and shook her head. She couldn’t believe her daughter.

“After all I have done for you…”

“What have you done?”

“Think about it Daisy, I work for you.”

“Yeah, when you’re not working for yourself.”

“Don’t play games with me all the time. Do you have all the kinds of clothes you have ever wanted?” Daisy growled. Cara didn’t understand anything about her daughter.

“Clothes don’t replace you.”

“You get the best cell phones.”

“Yeah, you never leave yours on.”

“I bought you everything.”

“It doesn’t buy back you.” Cara got right up into Daisy’s face. Daisy turned away. Her mom grabbed her as Daisy went to walk away. “Don’t do that to me again.”

“I’m sorry Daisy but I don’t see what your problem is.”

“Mom, they did a study on monkeys. One set of monkeys were fed and had their basic needs met. The other had a doll put with them in which they could snuggle it and love it.”

“I don’t see your point.”

“The monkeys who were just fed died.”


“Don’t you see? Like the monkeys, I need love. You send me down to Kansas and…”

“And what? Let you get away with murder?”

“Fine, keep me here and take a few weeks off.”

“I can’t.”

“You haven’t been on a vacation since I was born.”

“I can’t afford to.”

“You haven’t taken any time to be with me.” Daisy shook her head. “When I was sick instead of staying home with me, you phoned up a hygienist friend of yours that you knew was off work.”

“Daisy, don’t be so melodramatic.”

“Mom, why are you like that?” Daisy sighed. She tried to think of something to solve this but nothing came to mind. “Look, at least if you’re not going to spend time with me, you can send me to Kansas where someone will.”

“No Daisy you look, I told you that if you didn’t get an A average that you were going to loose some privileges. Now I am a mother to you and you can’t seem to take it? What do you want me to do? Either I am your mother or I am not.”

“Oh yeah, like everyone can get that kind of an average, I am not you, Mom.”

“You could be if you would just use the potential sitting up in that head of yours.”

“I do use it.”

“You don’t, you play around all day. You daydream.” Daisy sighed, she couldn’t believe she had to listen to this. “You should be concentrating on your studies.”

“How would you even know what I do?”

“Trust me Daisy, I know.”

“Well maybe if you paid an ounce of attention to me…!”

“Daisy! Do not raise that tone with me. I am still your mother no matter how much you hate me.”

“You can’t hate a person you don’t KNOW.”

“What do you mean?”

“You know, my cousins in Georgia and in Kansas do more for me than you do. I don’t even get to see the ones in Hazzard. You always try to take something away from me. I am sick of it. So what? I got a B.”

“It was a B minus. You have to start taking responsibility.” Cara looked at her watch. “Oh great, now I am late for work! Thanks a lot Daisy!”

“Yeah, convenient how you can just get up and leave for work.”


“While you leave me here to suffer, you always do everything while I am stuck. Now you’re leaving me alone all summer? So I end up having to go through therapy for the rest of my life because my mother doesn’t care.”

“I care.”

“Yeah right.”

“You are not doing this to me today.”

“Oh I think I am, MOTHER.”

“Daisy, I don’t have time for this, I’ll see you when I get home.” Cara walked out of the apartment. Daisy shook her head.

“I don’t have time for this Daisy,” Daisy mimicked. She began to clean up the breakfast she had made. “Summer vacation is just around the corner and I am stuck here. While Coy, Vance, Luke and Bo are having fun—I am in this suck fest.” Daisy shook her head. “No, she’s not doing this to me.”

Daisy walked into her room. She looked at the suitcase she had already packed for Kansas. Daisy picked up her stuffed animal who she had named Toto. Why? Jose got it for her. She really loved that little stuffed animal.

“It’s not fair is it?” Daisy asked the stuffed animal. “Oh what can you tell me? You’re just a stuffed animal.” Daisy started laughing. “I must really be loosing my mind!” She shrugged and smiled, looking at the door. “Kansas here I come.”

Daisy walked out the door and headed towards the bus station. When she found that she didn’t have enough money, Daisy couldn’t believe it. She walked over to the next best place, hoping to hitch a ride.

While Daisy hid in the shadows, she overheard one of the guys say that the two delivery trucks were headed towards Hazzard and Wichita, which was where Jose and Jesse lived. Which truck was which? Not even the young woman could tell the difference.

On one hand, Daisy could get in the wrong truck and end up in Hazzard, a place she had never been to. On the other hand, she could go to Wichita and have a good time with her Uncle Jose. Either way, Daisy would anger her mother and either way she would be happy. Although she still wanted to go and see Jose.

Daisy picked her the one with her favorite number on it and got in. The young woman knew it would be a long adventure but didn’t care…anywhere was better than Chicago. Anywhere away from her mother would be a paradise to the young woman. As the truck began moving, the vibrations put her to sleep.


Over in Hazzard County, the next day, school was still in session for the Duke Boys. Luke smiled as he looked at his letterman’s jacket. Bo began laughing. “I’ve got one too, you don’t have to show off to me,” Bo said.

“I just feel like…” Luke began.

“You have Hazzard spirit?”

“No you nerd, I feel like I am a part of something.”

“Luke, they made you the quarter back after they discovered you.”

“Okay, well track star why didn’t you join football, you’re way better at it than I am.”

“Why don’t I join boxing? It’s your thing—I may be good at it but doesn’t mean I should step on your toes and kick the snot out of you.”

“You joined karate.”

“Yeah, so did you.”

“Why didn’t you get mad when I did that?”

“Something to do together.” Bo laughed. Suddenly something caught his attention. He glared out into the distance. “Hey, what is Beefy Bill doing with Susanna? He’s mugging her.”

“How would you know? It’s not like you can read lips.”

“Sure I can.” Bo stared at both of them. Bo was about to read lips y’all. Now, since this ain’t like a normal Hazzard adventure, pink will be when he uses his girly voice and blue will be when he uses his man voice.

“Bill, leave me alone.”

“Now why would I go and do something like that, Susanna? Look you have money and I want it. Call it a finder’s fee.” Bill put his hand out. Susanna hit it

“My Mama gave it to me for lunch.”

“I don’t care if your brother’s mother gave it to you.”

“Why do you have to be so mean?”

“It’s my calling, sister. Now, hand over the cash.”

“I’ll go hungry.” She began to cry.

“That’s not my problem little girl.”

“Can’t you earn your money like everyone else? Then you could leave me alone. Please, just let me keep my money. I want to eat today.”

“As I said, I want your money not your excuses.”

“Please, leave me alone. I beg you, leave me alone.” She began to cry.

Luke’s eyes widened. He looked over at Bo, shocked by what he had just pulled off. “You see,” Bo commented.

“Yeah, you can read lips. I guess you were right. You’re goanna do something stupid ain’t ya?” Luke asked.

“Luke, I ain’t goanna do something stupid.”

“Oh that’s good because judging by your face cousin, you look like you are goanna do something really stupid. I am so glad you have mastered the art of self control.”

“Luke I am goanna teach Beefy Bill a lesson in etiquette!”

“You said you weren’t going to do anything stupid…now Bo, I may not be an expert but I think this is in the category.”

“Oh words don’t hurt.”

“Uh huh, if you say so little cousin. Bo, just don’t say anything stupid.”

“I’ll try.”


“Don’t worry, I am okay.” Luke rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, if you say so.”

“I know so.” He walked over to Beefy Bill as he was about to take Susanna’s money. “Hey you repulsive hideous gorilla. You leave this gal alone!” Bill stood up straight.

“Are you talking to me?” Bill asked.

“No!” Bo rolled his eyes. He couldn’t believe the guy was so dense. ”I am talking to the guy behind you who is named Beefy Bill…how many Beefy Bills are there?” Now Bo, why did you have to go and do that? If you know anything about those bad bullies, you know not to use the old sarcasm with them.

“You are talking to me.” Bill stood taller than Bo, at least by a foot. He looked down upon Bo. “Now let me ask you swine, what gives you a right to talk to me? I didn’t tell you ya could.” Bo shook his head.

“Just leave her alone moron.”

“What did you call me?”

“Moron—do you want me to spell that for you? M-O-R-O-N It means that you are a slightly held back person. You seem to loose all the concepts when they’re not explained to you. You only hear moron. So, let me give it to you straight…leave Susanna alone.” Bo began to walk away. Beefy Bill picked up a baseball bat.

“BO, WATCH OUT!” Luke screamed from across the room. Bo ducked. He kicked the baseball bat right out of Bill’s hands. Now the young Duke boy may have been smaller than Bill but he was no weakling.

“Nice try cowboy. Why don’t you try aiming next time?” Bill tried to punch Bo and he blocked it. As a gang of Buford’s boys surrounded Bo—Luke rolled his eyes and got up.

Now if you know anything about Bill, you’ll know about his older brother Buford. Mister Beefy Bill was nothing compared to his brother. The one thing that you must remember is that Buford had been kicked out of almost every school in the south. Now isn’t that progress.

Buford loved his little brother, furthermore this young pathetic brother would be protected to the end. Now that’s love folks. The Ramsay brothers always were together on everything. Even shared clothes. No wonder you couldn’t tell which one was younger.

Anyway, Bo was in trouble and Luke knew he had to help his cousin before he was—well, lunch meat. Luke opened the circle of morons and stood beside his cousin. The football team looked at the two boys and knew that they had to help. After the football team appeared well—let’s just say all the punks were with Buford to make it fair.

“What are you doing to my cousin?” Luke questioned.

“Who are you to talk Duke? He insulted my brother’s honor,” Buford grumbled.

“And he was breaking that Sue’s honor.” Buford shook his head and punched Luke in the nose, at the same time Billy punched Bo. The fight was on.

The minute that the Duke boys threw a shot, everyone was in on it. People were flying. Some were still fighting. They were all doing well. No one was doing better than Bo and Luke. They were on their tenth set of boys.

As the principal walked in, everyone seemed to stop on the spot. Bo and Luke looked up at him. “Who started this fight?” Principal Walton asked Bo and Luke.

“Well it was Billy and Buford but…” Bo began.

“We were in on it too,” Luke commented.

“Buford—Billy, to my office now as for you Bo and Luke, you sit inside the office until I am done with those two.” Bo, Buford, Luke and Billy all headed upstairs.

Bo and Luke kicked their legs to the music that the receptionist was playing. “Weren’t goanna get into trouble, huh?” Luke asked. Bo shrugged.

“What was I supposed to do? Let her get hurt?” Bo questioned. Luke sighed. He knew that his cousin was right. “Uncle Jesse would have totally agreed with me.”

“He doesn’t agree with fighting in school.”

“Luke, she was going to go hungry.”

“Then share your bagged lunch with her.”


“I don’t condone what you did little cousin.”


“But your reasons were valid.”

“He tried to hit me with a bat. That was reason enough for me to punch his lights out. I would do it again too.” Luke rolled his eyes.

“No, I mean about defending Susanna, that was the valid reason. As for the baseball bat, you could have blocked it and walked away.” Bo laughed hesitantly.

“Yeah—that’s what I meant….about Susanna I mean.”

“Look, I am just glad they didn’t kill you. He has many people behind him. You know that as well as I does. You could have been killed.”

“Well if the wrestling team ate downstairs…”

“I know.”

“They would have beaten them dudes till next month.”

“You know why the football team came to your aid?”


“They want you on the team.”


“Hey, you’re good.”

“Yeah thanks but I have enough sports to worry about.”

“You’re sure?”

“Well maybe next year…the season’s over.” Luke began laughing. He shook his head. “Well it is over, Luke. You can’t deny that one.”

“Man you are one different person.”

“We should celebrate our differences.”

“Do you have an answer for everything?”

“I guess I do.”

“No wonder you get in trouble a lot.”

“Now that’s an understatement.” Luke smiled. He couldn’t believe how proud his cousin was about this one.

“I guess it is.”

“One of these days, I’ll fix the problems in this world.”

“When you’re off probation.”

“Yes, when I’m off probation…hey.”

“You gotta admit, there ain’t much you can do right now.” Bo shrugged.

“I could say the exact same thing about you.” The Ramsay brothers walked out. They looked at Bo and Luke.

“You two better watch your backs,” Billy commented. Bo said nothing. He didn’t want to make the situation any worse than it was. The Ramsay brothers walked into the vice principal’s office.

“That was very mature,” Luke said, surprised by Bo’s act.

“You know, sometimes you have got to realize when to shut up,” Bo replied.

“You couldn’t think of doing that down in the cafeteria?” Bo shrugged once again. “How do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Shrug your way through life.”

“Well it’s all in the shoulders.” Luke began laughing once again.

“Come on in Boys,” Principal Walton called from his office. Bo and Luke stood up, their eyes both shifted. Neither one of them liked the principal’s office.

Bo hadn’t been there a lot even though a lot of people where sure he had been. You see, Bo was generally a good student. Great grades were behind the young Duke Boy. Teachers thought it was harmless what he was doing.

Luke had been in there once and that was mostly for business. You know how Luke is, always helping out people in need. Well Principal Walton always could count on the older Duke Boy to help around the school. The best fundraisers happened because of Luke.

“Have a seat Bo and Luke, I am not going to bite you,” Principal Walton announced.

Luke sat down on the far left. He sat up straight in the chair, crossing his right leg over his left. Bo on the other hand moved his chair right up to the principal’s desk. He somewhat jumped up on the chair, putting his feet cross legged. Mr. Walton sighed. He couldn’t believe how different those two were. Yet they seemed to get along so well.

Bo was almost fearless, coming towards him proved that. He seemed to always want to be stronger and better. Still, Bo was extremely care free on some things. Like school—it was a total bore for him but he still did very well. Luke never did learn his secret.

Luke on the other hand was quite the quiet one except for when he had to be. Luke always knew

“Now Bo and Luke…” Principal Walton began. Bo wouldn’t let him finish a sentence.

“Luke didn’t have anything to do with this.”


“No, let me finish here.” Bo sighed. He looked at his cousin. “It was all me. Look, he didn’t even want me to go. The only reason he came in was because there were so many and he didn’t want me to get hurt. Susanna was in big trouble and I…”

“Bo, you interrupted me.”

“I’m sorry sir.”

“Now, you know what comes of fighting don’t you?”

“Expulsion…I know exactly what comes of it.”

“Billy and Buford were expelled from school for fighting and bullying.” Bo sighed softly. He shook his head and looked at the principal, right in the eyes.

“Oh no, hey, you have got to believe me that Luke wasn’t any part of this. Expel me…leave Luke alone though as I said…”

“Bo, if you would ever let me finish you would know that I am not expelling you two.” Bo looked confused.


“Susanna told me what was going on before I got downstairs. You two are not big trouble makers in this school.”

“Thank you so much.”

“Don’t thank me yet.”

“We’re suspended?”

“For the rest of the year. We’ll see you next year.” Bo shook his hand.

“Ain’t you goanna call our Uncle?” Luke asked.

“Nah, I know you boys will tell him. Now, I’ll walk with you and unload your lockers while my sidekick calls the Ramsay boy’s parents.” Bo and Luke smiled but they weren’t out of this yet.


In town, something big was about to take place. Daisy stretched as the truck stopped. She moved behind a box, pulling her sleeping bag and other items back in her bag. Daisy held onto Toto. The truck was opened for a moment and the young woman waited patiently for a moment to get out. Finally, the men went inside.

Daisy walked out and began running away. She hid behind the wall, watching as she saw two people working. “That’s Bo and Luke,” Daisy said to herself. She had seen pictures of them but never met them before. Daisy swallowed hard. “I am so in the wrong place.

“You see the punishment for getting suspended? Do you think we would be doing this normally?” Luke questioned.

“OH come on Luke, you know as well as I do Uncle Jesse could have done a lot worse to us. Unloading a truck ain’t that bad,” Bo replied.

“You don’t think so?”

“Heck no, take the boxes move them over there. Then grab some more boxes and move them again…okay fine, it is boring.”

“I thought he would have chained us up in our rooms.” Daisy smiled. “Then again anything would be better than this.”

“Including bread and water only?”

“Oh yeah.” Daisy giggled softly, realizing what she did, Daisy covered her mouth. As Bo looked over her way, she hid.

“Did you hear that Luke?”

“Hear what?” Bo began to walk towards where Daisy was set. She began running away.

She suddenly stopped as she looked around. This place looked like something out of a cowboy movie. The majority of the buildings were as old as time.

She looked at her stuffed animal. “Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas. We got on the wrong truck. I thought I was right,” She mumbled to herself. She shook her head and started to run again, bumping into people along the way.

As Daisy continued running through the walk ways of Hazzard, the young woman bumped into someone and fell. “Oh my goodness, I am so sorry,” Daisy said. She looked up at the young man and him at her. He was staring into her eyes.

“I’m sorry too,” The man said. Daisy examined his clothes. He was wearing a mountie like hat with a gold rope around it. His shirt was a sky blue. Daisy touched his badge.

“What’s your name?”

“My name’s Enos—what’s yours?”

“I’m Daisy.”

“Daisy—what a beautiful name that is, tell me Miss Daisy, what were you doing running so fast in the streets of Hazzard?”

“Umm…passing through on my way to Kansas—I don’t really know anyone in town but I thought it looked good.”

“Do you have any money?”

“A few hundred for food…I am kind of stranded.” Enos always was good natured. He wanted to help those in need. So when Daisy said she was stranded, he wanted to help her.

“I’ll tell you what, you can stay at my house and Bo and Luke will help you…”

“Umm…I don’t want anyone else to help me but you. I am kind of a shy one you know.” Enos didn’t think too much about it. He didn’t care about her reasons.

“I have a tree house…I could always bring you food Miss Daisy.” Enos smiled softly. “You won’t have to worry about anyone bugging you up there.” Daisy smiled. She could feel the kindness in Enos’ heart. She appreciated every bit of his help.

Meanwhile, at the farm, Jesse had just gotten in from a long day in the fields. Right after he was done washing his hands and drying them, the phone rang. “Hello?” Jesse questioned.

“Hey Jess—it’s me, Jose,” Jose replied.

“Well I figured that much. What’s up, you never call me this early in the day.”

“Well…you see…”

“What’s wrong, are Coy and Vance giving you a hard time?”

“Oh no, Jesse it’s nothing like that. Coy and Vance are at school right now.”

“I wish I could say the same for mine.”

“What do you mean?”

“They were suspended for fighting in school. Don’t worry punishment is in motion right now. So why did you call then?”

“Well you see, Paige got this desperate phone call from Cara begging to talk to her daughter.”


“Not as weird as you would think. Her daughter left a note under her pillow saying goodbye to her mother. Cara has been searching frantically for her daughter for the last two days. No one has seen or heard from Daisy.” Jesse shook his head.

“Did Cara tell you why Daisy might have run away?”

“Well, she told Daisy she couldn’t come to Kansas.”

“Wrong move when her mom doesn’t pay any attention to her.”

“Yeah, I couldn’t say that to Cara though. In her state she would come down to Kansas and slap me one right across the face.”

“So is Daisy there?”

“No, I wish I knew where she was. That girl is such a wonderful one. Cara said that she took her dog I bought for her. She doesn’t go anywhere without that dog.” Jesse sighed.

“So the question is why did you call me?”

“Well it was the only place that I thought she might go to make her Mom mad.”

“Ah—umm come again?”

“Daisy told me once that her Mom refused to let her even visit you or your boys. I didn’t understand. I mean Hazzard was so wonderful.”

“Hazzard still is so wonderful.”

“Oh Jesse, I know that but Cara doesn’t even remember Hazzard. I was saying Hazzard was a wonderful experience.”

“For me, it will always be there.”

“Cara doesn’t let her visit because she thought Hazzard was nonsense.”


“Yeah like your dad was making it up.”

“Oh Dad wouldn’t do that.”

“I know that and so do you. Anyway, Daisy loves to make her Mom upset. She even got a B just to spite her but it backfired. Daisy just wanted attention. Instead, her Mom phoned and said she wasn’t coming.”

“Well, she ain’t here but then again in Hazzard, you never know if she’ll turn up.”

“Jesse, if you find her, settle her down before you call Cara.”

“Yes sir, I already was thinking that.”

“You are the best.”

“Stay safe Jose and watch out for those boys for me.”

“I sure will. You do the same with Bo and Luke.”

“Talk to you soon.”

“Bye now.” Jesse hung up the phone and sighed. Now the plot thickens. I bet you’re wondering what’s goanna happen huh?


Bo and Luke were following Enos in one of Dodger’s cars. “I still don’t see why we’re following him,” Bo grumbled.

“He’s been going in the woods everyday for the past two weeks now I wanna know what’s going on,” Luke answered. He turned left. Bo couldn’t understand his cousin. He always seemed to be in other people’s business.


“Every time I ask him where he’s going, with a twinkle in his eye he always answers me with, ‘No where special’.” Bo sighed and laughed.


“Oh come on Bo, you know Enos’ whole face lights up when he is excited. My goodness, he’s really excited!” Bo shook his head.

“I still think you’re crazy, Luke. Why can’t we leave him alone?”

“You never know with him that’s why.” Luke turned again. He looked in his mirrors to make sure no one was following him. Well that and to make sure he was safe. “Enos could never keep a secret.”

“Yeah, I know that Luke Duke. I also know that Enos can be pretty predictable. That doesn’t mean we should chase him all the way around town.”

“There you go Bo, you agree with me.”

“You only listened to the first half.”

“I knew you would see it my way.”

“I give up with you.”

“As you should.” They drove for a short while in silence. Now with Bo Duke that never lasts. He was trying to think of things that it could be. He finally seemed to get one.

“Maybe it’s a woman.” Luke shook his head.

“With you Bo, everything’s a woman.”

“Well you think of another reason.”

“I don’t really know. But what I do know is that Uncle Jesse always tells us to go with our gut feelings and this one I ain’t goanna avoid.” Bo shrugged.

“I guess I can’t change your mind.” Bo and Luke parked the car far from Enos. They followed him into the woods. “Hey, he’s going to our tree house.”

“I told you he was up to something.” They continued to follow him. They watched from below as he carried food up the tree house.

“This is weird.”

“Yeah, tell me about it.”

“Enos never has done anything like this before.” Bo and Luke waited for a while…about a half an hour to be exact—if y’all wanted to know just how long Enos’ lunch break was. Soon, Enos was on his way down. He went back into his police car and back to work. Now that Enos is pretty slick.

Bo and Luke climbed up the tree house. Daisy gasped as she saw them. “So, is this your new residence or do plan on selling?” Bo asked. Daisy shifted her eyes. “Do you have any idea how many people are worried about you?”

“Not my mother,” Daisy replied.

“Sure she is.”

“Go phone her, she’s at work. Some worrier.”

“She took two days off.”

“No skin off of her back.”

“Police are looking everywhere for you.”

“Bo, you don’t get it do you? The only reason why I know you is Uncle Jose.”

“Oh that doesn’t matter.”

“The only THINGS I know about you guys is your names and ages because Mom told me not to talk about Hazzard. I never get to do anything with my Uncle Jesse. She takes everything away from me.”

“Daisy, that doesn’t mean you run away from your problems,” Luke cut in. Daisy sighed.

“Look, I don’t want to see her right now.”

“Well you can’t stay here. Look at your hair. You haven’t showered in…”

“A week? Yeah I know, I don’t like it at all. I feel like such a pig.” Daisy sighed she looked at her two cousins. “Well, I guess everyone has to get caught sooner or later.”

“That’s the spirit, let’s go.” Bo climbed down the tree first followed by Daisy and then Luke.

“Alright Luke but you owe me one.”

“How can I owe you one, I just met you. Come on, I brought the car.” They walked over to the General Lee.

“This is an old car you boys have got here.”

“Old doesn’t take away from it’s spirit,” Bo retorted.

“A car doesn’t have a spirit.”

“I beg to differ, young lady.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well if a car is built with love, some of that love goes into it.” Daisy shrugged.

“I guess I’ll have to take your word for it.”

“He’s right,” Luke cut in. Young Daisy, not knowing anything about Hazzard, had no idea about the welded doors. She pulled and pulled but couldn’t get in. Bo and Luke were laughing.

“What’s so funny?” She pulled on the doors some more. Bo and Luke laughed harder and harder. Daisy shook her head. “Did you boys to this to make me look foolish?”

“Why would we do that?” Bo asked.

“You’re the genius master minds, not me.”

“First off Daisy, we didn’t even know you were in the woods.”

“Well then Bo, how did you find me here?”

“Simple, we followed Enos.”

“I still say this is a conspiracy…you boys had to have opened the doors to get here.” Bo and Luke began laughing again. Daisy rolled her eyes. She sighed. “I don’t get you two, what is so funny and why can’t I open this door and why do you keep making me look foolish?”

“If anyone did it to make you look foolish it’s your Grandfather. These doors have been welded since before Luke senior went to Vietnam,” Luke announced.

“So how do you get in?”

“Climb in the window my dear—it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.”

“Are you kidding me, Luke?”

“Just takes a few seconds.” Daisy crocked an eyebrow in incomprehension. “What is it?”

“Why would you weld doors shut?”

“It’s a racing car, it is supposed to have the doors welded. Now, do you need me to help you in?” Bo asked.

“No Bo, I can do it.” Daisy swung her legs over and got into the car. She moved into the back seat. Something was under her legs. “What is this large black case?”

“Our Bows and Arrows…equipped with our dynamite.” Daisy was really confused now.

“Dumb question but I’ll ask it anyway, why do you need Bows and Arrows—with your dynamite?”

“We’re on probation.” Luke started the engine and they were on their way.

“Probation…that means you can’t have guns and such?”

“Yep, that’s right.”

“How did you two get probation?”

“Daisy, if you’re goanna stay with us, you’re goanna have to talk like us.”

“Alright, how did Y’ALL get your probation?”

“Much better—we transported illegal whisky and got caught.”

“So I am riding with criminals?”

“Oh Daisy, we’s as harmless as flies,” Luke commented.

“Who break the law.”

“Ahh, look honey, we wanted to live on our own.” Luke cleared his throat as he made the turn. “Grandpa’s stories gave us the only idea we could come up with.”

“It doesn’t look like you were successful.”

“Actually, after we got caught, Uncle Jesse gave us a choice whether we wanted to move somewhere else,” Bo mumbled.

“And you wanted to stay here?”

“Just stay a couple of weeks Daisy and you’ll understand.” Daisy smiled. Suddenly, Luke heard the sirens. Daisy was once again confounded.

“We were only going 55, what does he want?” Bo and Luke began laughing again. “Oh come on, this is getting old. Let’s pull over.”

“You have got to be kidding me.”

“She is kidding you,” Luke answered his cousin.

“Look, the only time you pull over from these law men is if something’s wrong with your head.”

“Or your engine for that matter.”

“So you two run from the law? Man, this place is crooked,” Daisy growled. She pushed her long wavy brown hair back. Bo shook his head.

“Daisy, the only reason why we run from them is because these law men are crooked,” Bo told her.


“Anyone that works for the likes of Boss Hogg is a crooked person.” Luke began swaying back and forth. As he saw the dip in the road, his eyebrows went up.

“Hold on y’all,” Luke commented.

“What are you goanna do?” Daisy asked.

“We’re goanna have some fun.” Luke put the pedal to the floor. The General took to the air. Daisy began screaming. She looked down at the ground as they flew through the air. As they hit the ground, Daisy began breathing hard. “Fun huh?”

“I have never seen a car fly.” They watched as Roscoe tried to take the jump. He flipped over. “Is he okay?” Roscoe got out, waving his fist.

“Ah, he’s just fine.” A smile rolled across Daisy’s face, which seemed to get bigger with every second. “Are you okay?” Now it was her turn to laugh.

“You know, that was the most amazing feeling in the world. To think you boys do that every day. I want to go to this farm and meet Uncle Jesse.”

“Sure, your wish is my command.”

“Thanks Luke.”

“You are very welcome.”

“And I thought this summer was goanna be dull,” Bo mumbled.

“In Hazzard County?”

“Good point Luke.”

“Hazzard County has never been dull.”

“I don’t see why we wanted to leave in the first place.”

“I guess it sort of grows on ya.”

“Y’all are a riot. Why didn’t my Mom let me see you? Who knows but I know one thing, if everyday in Hazzard is like this then I want to stay,” Daisy added.

“Who knows, maybe you can. Maybe your mother will let you.”

“I don’t think so, Bo.”

“Why not?”

“My Mom thinks that Hazzard is full of nonsense.”

“Well then, we’ll just have to go and change her mind.”

“Good luck doing that. My mom is so stubborn.”

“Leave it to me, I’ll fix everything.”

“Yeah, I would love to see that Bo.” Daisy smiled.

“You haven’t seen him at work. He’s talked his way out of detention,” Luke announced.

“How much has he gone to detention?”

“Almost everyday, Bo’s the detention champ.”

“Any reason for being there or is the school system crooked too?” Luke began to laugh softly to himself.

“Nah, I’m there because they think wasting my after school times might help me stay awake in class,” Bo replied.

“You are one interesting person.”

“Yeah, if you think this is interesting, you should hear him when he sleeps,” Luke mumbled.

“You’re not funny Luke,” Bo grumbles.

“Sure I am. You said it yourself last week.” Bo shook his head but couldn’t help but smile.

“Okay, maybe you’re funny sometimes but not all the time.”

“You think?”

“Think? No cousin I…”

“You’re right you don’t think.”

“Why I outta…”

“Oh come on Bo, be a good sport,” Daisy said. Luke shook his head softly. He bit on his bottom lip trying not to laugh. Daisy wasn’t about to hold it in. After all she thought it was funny. Daisy laughed as the Dukes sped away towards the farm.


Now as the boys got the farm, they didn’t find Uncle Jesse at all. Isn’t it Funny how you think that you’re about to get in trouble when the person isn’t even there? That’s Bo and Luke’s luck for ya. They seemed to be having a lot of it lately.

Anyway, they would not accept that Uncle Jesse was gone—even though the truck wasn’t there. His hat was gone. His famous checker board was gone. When Uncle Jesse’s checker board is gone, you know he’s not home. Yep, the man even took his toothbrush.

“I guess he ain’t here. I don’t understand that man. Whenever we think he’s home he’s not,” Bo mumbled.

“Where could have he gone?” Luke asked.

“He could be kidnapped by Boss to get us to stop doing things.”

“Bo, don’t be so dramatic.”

“Dramatic? I ain’t being dramatic.”

“You know that Boss Hogg and Uncle Jesse were friends for a while after he came back.”

“Yeah well then Boss Roscoe died and he took over the empire.”

“You’re nuts.”

“No you are.”

“Take that back!”

“Now why should I go and do that?”

“Because I am anything but nuts.”

“You think so huh?”

“I think you’re insane.”

“Be quiet!”

“How about you?”

“Ah boys,” Daisy commented, holding up a piece of paper.

“What’s that?”

“Read it and find out.”

“I guess we should huh?”


“Okay, we get it Daisy now give me the paper.” Daisy held it up. “Come on, this ain’t funny.”

“No more fighting?”

“Promise.” Daisy gave Luke the paper.

It was a note:

Hey Boys,

Great Uncle Luke is sick, I have gone to help your Great Auntie Maria out. Luke is pretty sick and he’s really important to this family. That’s why I am going. I know you boys understand.

Remember how important family is to me. Helping them out is one thing you should always do. If you find your lost cousin, help her out.

I made you a couple of frozen dinners. I should be back in a week. Don’t eat them all for a midnight snack. I don’t make meals for that purpose.

Bo, behave yourself…I know how good you are at getting in trouble and talking your way out of it. Please be good though. I don’t want to come home and find you in jail.

Luke, don’t get into too much trouble either. You’re a good kid with a bad luck streak. Luke, you are in charge but Bo can make most of his own decisions.

I have Miss Tizdale coming to look in on you in three days.

I love you both,

Uncle Jesse

“Looks like you just missed him. This means…” Bo began.

“This means that we have to call your mother,” Luke cut in, quickly, knowing what his cousin was going to say. Bo shook his head. Luke usually always followed reason and Bo, most of the time, would always followed his heart.

“Awe, come on Luke.”

“No way, you want us to keep her in the house?”

“Uncle Jesse ain’t goanna know she’s here.”

“What if he comes back early?”

“Well then he’ll tell Aunt Cara.”

“He won’t be too thrilled that we did the wrong thing.”

“Uncle Jesse said to help family and she’s family is she not?”

“Yes she is but…”

“There you go, we should help her. If Daisy wants to stay here she should stay, shouldn’t ya darlin’?” Daisy shook her head as she smiled. She nodded her head yes.

“Bo, Daisy ain’t a puppy…we ain’t allowed to keep her.”

“And DAISY wants to stay here…so, why don’t you leave it that way until Jesse gets home?” Daisy questioned. Bo began to laugh.

“Daisy, you know that we could get in a lot of trouble.”

“Well, I’ll take the blame for it.”

“Alright Daisy but…”

“Relax.” Bo shook his head and laughed. They walked into the farm house.

“This is our place. I know, it isn’t like any of the places in Chicago. I love it because it ain’t like California either. That’s what really made me want to stay out here.”

Daisy couldn’t believe the look of the kitchen. It was something right out of an old movie to her. She looked at the frilly curtains hanging in the window. The stove sat there with doilies on the towels. Daisy shook her head as the smile rolled across her face.

She walked into the living room. The furniture had massive Afghans draped over each one ever so carefully. They were filled with all the colors of the rainbow. Daisy felt the soft yarn. She knew right away it was cotton. Bo and Luke couldn’t understand how one person could be so amazed with the look of a house.

She walked into one of the spare bedrooms. The curtains were long and pink. “This was Catherine’s room. Before that, it was Daisy’s—ah Daisy senior,” Bo commented.

“Yeah—Grandpa’s first room was destroyed by him. The staircase is where it used to be. He used to share with Luke. Uncle Jesse said that it is good to have a roommate. Being alone is boring,” Luke added.

Daisy smiled. She touched the quilts on the bed. The furniture was beautifully hand crafted. You could see the love that was put into each work of art that was in this room. Daisy loved each piece that had been done. One was a flower scene with a young girl dipping her hair into the water.

Instantly, Daisy saw herself in that picture. She touched the bottom, mirroring the letters of the person who drew it, “Johnny Duke”. This house was filled with so much joy and love and Daisy was enjoying every second of it.

Daisy walked out of the room. The boys followed her upstairs. She opened the door to Bo and Luke’s room. They had posters of cars with women on them. Trees that they had climbed were posted on the bulletin board.

Also on the wall in there was a picture of Bo, Luke, Coy and Vance in it. One was with Vance and Luke entered in the same soap box race. Luke beat his brother just barely. They both were really good drivers. The picture of Bo and Coy was one where they entered in a go-kart race. Bo beat Coy. Pretty funny how that works huh?

The pictures she enjoyed the most were the ones with Bo, Coy, Vance, Luke, Uncle Jesse and her Auntie Jessie. They looked like a great little family. Everyone seemed so happy, so excited. The boys didn’t seem to have a care in the world.

Daisy longer for these memories the boys had. She thought about going out with her nanny…it just wasn’t the same. Daisy’s mother was the one person she wanted to do everything with. All she wanted was a chance—Daisy wanted the world.

The boys stared at her, wondering what was on her mind. Daisy finally clued into their suspicions and headed for the bathroom upstairs. Bo and Luke went up into the attic that Bo senior had added on to the house. They pulled out a trunk of clothes marked, “Catherine”. They pulled out an outfit.

Bo and Luke walked down the steep ladder and pushed it back up. As Bo hung the clothes on the door handle, Luke walked down the stairs. He grabbed Daisy’s suitcase and began putting them in piles by the washing machine.

You know what’s funny about the Dukes? Traditions—the traditions to still hang clothes on the line. Uncle Jesse said the clothes don’t smell as good unless they’re on the line. So yes, he bought a washing machine but not a dryer.

As Daisy finished her shower, she walked out in the clothes that were given to her. She went into Catherine’s old room and found the blow dryer sitting in the right hand drawer. She pulled it out with care, plugging it in. Daisy looked into the mirror. She put her head upside down and began letting the breeze flow through her hair.

As she did this, Daisy closed her eyes. She imagined her mother holding her close. Playing with her on a sandy beach, Daisy would smile and look upon the white clouds. The sea gulls were rolling through the atmosphere swimming on the blue platted sky.

Suddenly, the clouds changed. The rain began rolling down like water on a glass. People scampered away—all but Daisy who seemed to hear the rhythm of the rain. She danced in it softly, smiling with every drop. A smile rolling across her flushed rosy cheeks.

Daisy’s dream soon ended and she was back in Catherine’s old room. She sighed softly. “If only that were true,” Daisy said to herself.

“If only what were true?” Bo asked as he was passing by. Daisy pulled herself up. Her wild brown country like hair made its way into its normal place. Bo smiled. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“No, I am glad you’re here.” Bo sat on the edge of Catherine’s old bed. Daisy did the same thing. “What was your Mother like or can you remember?” Bo smiled.

“Ah, you can never forget something like that. My mother worked a lot but she was around for me. Every day she would come home from work tired and yawning but, she would always tuck Coy and I in.”

“Were you ever upset with her?”

“Oh heck no—she told the best stories and she was so kind. Every night she would talk about how each of us was special. When we went to the playground, I remember looking at my parents holding hands. It was so remarkable.”

“What was your father like?”

“Oh my Dad?” Bo began to laugh, he shook his head softly. Daisy smiled weakly not knowing what her cousin was thinking.

“Of course, I want to know about your Dad.”

“You sure have a lot of questions today don’t you?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Well my Dad was a tall mechanic who ran his business inside his home. He also wrote poetry on the side…not that he would tell anyone about that one. He got a book published once.”

“He worked too?”

“Yeah well…we worked with him. He took care of us during the day. Our dad hired help so he could go out whenever he needed with us. Farley was one amazing guy. Dad was the most amazing person out there. He took us to all sorts of things.”

“Like what?”

“Well, Coy and I were both in archery…I did better at it than he did. The teacher said I was a natural.”

“What else?”

“Well…karate and ballet.”

“Wow, you must be a talented dancer then?”

“Oh yeah…don’t tell Luke that.” Daisy started laughing. She took her finger and pretended to lock her lips up. She threw away the key. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Me too.”

“I hope you don’t have to leave.” Daisy laughed again. She shook her head.

“You know, every second of the day you find another way to make me laugh.”

“It’s the way it should be isn’t it?”

“I guess so.”

“So here’s the deal…I’ll make you laugh every day you’re here and that way you have great memories.”

“That’s a deal.” They gave each other a big hug, sealing the deal.

“I’ll always protect you too Daisy, nothing will ever happen ot you.”

“Thanks Bo.”

“You’re welcome.” Now friends, I think the boys like her a lot don’t you? I can’t wait to see what happens next. Should be a fun day tomorrow.


Okay, Daisy and the boys were having a great time in town. They loved walking around with her asking all sorts of questions. Daisy was an open book which was lucky for her because Bo and Luke didn’t like secrets.

She wanted them to know everything and in return, she wanted to know everything about them. Bo and Luke didn’t mind that. They weren’t the biggest braggers in the world but they both loved to talk about themselves.

What did they find out about Daisy? Well, Miss Daisy had top marks in school. She was good in every subject except math. Luke said if she stayed he would help her. Daisy wouldn’t mind having the help.

Daisy is a gymnast. She loved doing back flips. She worked hard on her routines. The coach told her that she could go to the nationals. When her Mom didn’t show up to any of the regional competition dates, Daisy quit the team but still kept up with it.

She also took numerous kickboxing classes. Daisy loved her kickboxing. She was great at it. No one could beat her in her weight class. This young lady was proud of the record. Her teacher said she could whoop anyone…Luke didn’t doubt that one for a second.

The one thing Daisy didn’t know how to do was to work with the Bows and Arrows. Luke and Bo were both shocked. “Well Miss Daisy, we’re just goanna have to go home and teach you,” Luke mumbled.

“Okay, that would be fun,” Daisy expressed. As they went back towards the General Lee, the Ramsay Boys and their gang bumped into them. Bo and Luke shook their heads. Bo and Luke gave the boys the evil eye. “Who are these gentlemen?” Daisy whispered softly.

“These are far from gentlemen, these guys are what got us suspended from school,” Bo whispered back. Daisy sighed.

“Oh boy.”

“Stop keeping secrets from us Duke, you owe us an education. Our Pa is angry at us for getting kicked out of yet another school,” Buford commented.

“Well sorry moron, I think that you would know better by now. You want education? You treat people nice and no one will get kicked out of school,” Bo growled loudly.

“I am sick and tired of you Bo Duke. Now, here’s the ultimate deal, we beat out the difference of moving and you take it like a man,” Billy hissed.

“Oh you think so? I think that we’ll have to think about this one,” Luke said, cutting off Bo. Luke knew as well as anyone how bad his cousin’s temper was. “Duke huddle y’all.”

“Make it quick Dukes.” Daisy and Bo both huddled with Luke.

“Cousin, controlling your mouth might have been a good idea but since you can’t seem to do that, I guess we’re goanna have to fight. You know, this is goanna be hard considering there are just two of us,” Luke mumbled.

“Uh there are three of us. Three against six are pretty good odds,” Daisy spoke softly.

“Are you sure?”

“Sure, I have never been surer of anything in my life. I am a Duke and no matter what I will stick with you boys.” Bo smiled. He couldn’t believe how fast Daisy had turned around. All she wanted to do was be a part of Hazzard County.

“Alright.” They turned around and smiled, walking up to the Ramsay brothers and the rest of their little gang. Bo smiled as they all punched someone. Daisy was doing very good for herself. Within minutes two men had already been punched out.

Luke was working with one and Bo was caught between two and being hit by one. Daisy stood there for a second watching Bo flail with his legs. “Are you goanna do anything yet?” Daisy asked.

“Yep,” Bo replied. He jumped up and kicked both of the guys who were holding onto him. Daisy took on the guy who was previously kicking her cousin. Luke finally got Buford down on the ground. “Luke, you’re cheap.”

“Why?” Luke asked.

“You gave us all the dirty work.”

“Well that’s because I am a person who gives out the jobs and makes sure they’re done.” Daisy and Bo looked at each other.

“You have got to be kidding me.”

“Nope, I know what y’all should do and when you should do it. You know, the brains of the operation are me.” Daisy and Bo shook their head. They noticed the fountain that had been put in Hazzard Park a year ago. Their eyebrows went up. “What?” Bo and Daisy charged at Luke. They grabbed him. “LET ME GO!” Bo hoisted him up. Daisy had the legs and Bo had his upper body.

“Here we go.” They walked across the street hurriedly. Daisy and Bo threw Luke in the water.

“Now who is the brain in the family?” Daisy asked.

“You mean brains?”

“Of course Bo, I do mean brains.”

“Okay, y’all win, you’re the brains. Now can you help me up?” Luke asked. As Daisy and Bo went to help their cousin, Luke pulled them in the water too.

“That was dirty pool.”

“Nah, it was justice, Daisy.”

“Yeah right, Luke. Justice would have been you slipping a second time.” Bo began to laugh.”

“That ain’t funny.”

“Oh Bo knows that it is.”

“Yep,” Bo replied.

“You are awesome cousin.” Bo and Daisy high fived each other. They all got out of the fountain and walked over to the garage. Enos was there getting his car fixed. As he saw Daisy, everything seemed to stop.

“Hiya Daisy—I mean…hello Miss Daisy how…uh fancy seeing you here in town,” Enos commented. Daisy began laughing. She smiled at Enos, doing her light wave.

“Don’t be so nervous Enos, I’m just a girl.”

“You’re all wet Daisy.”

“Hey y’all, what brings you to my garage?” Dodger interrupted.

“You mean my garage, look at the sign little brother. It doesn’t say Dodger’s garage it says Cooter’s garage,” Cooter retorted.

“Why I outta…”

“You outta what?”

“Never mind Cooter.”

“So what are y’all doing here anyway?”

“Well we were wondering about…” Luke began.

“Towels? Go for it. They’re up in the apartment over the garage.”

“Thanks Cooter, you’re the best.” Luke walked up the stairs and grabbed three towels. He threw one to Daisy. Enos caught it and wrapped it around her.

“Y’all don’t live up there do ya?” Bo asked. Staring at Enos and Daisy as they talked—uh huh, he was a bit protective of Daisy. Even if Enos was one of his best friends, Bo didn’t like it when he talked to Daisy.

“Heck no, we live at a farm together,” Dodger replied.

“Farm life is good.”

“Of course it is.” Daisy gave Enos a hug just before he went back across the street.

“Bo, you were staring at me the whole time,” Daisy growled.

“Sorry—I just don’t know if Enos is the best man for you,” Bo replied.

“Who said he was becoming my man?”

“You leaned.”


“Yeah, when you put your arms around him and squeezed him.”

“Uh, Bo that was called a hug—you are paranoid.”

“No, a hug is something you give to your Grandpa or Grandma. You my dear were leaning.” Daisy crocked an eye brow. She shook her head.

“Look, I was not leaning.”

“Do you know what that is?”


“Hugging involves both arms. Leaning involves eye contact and passion. Leaning in for the kill, that’s what you were doing.” Daisy rolled her eyes. She slapped her cousin in the back of the head. “Owe.” Cooter began laughing. He looked at Enos’ car, Luke was already under the hood. Cooter shrugged.

“I’m still the one who gets paid,” Cooter announced.

“That’s fine.” Luke pulled out a line. “Does that look like it was torn normally to you?” Dodger grabbed it out of Luke’s hand. He examined it and then passed it to Cooter.

“No—who would want to kill Enos though?”

“I don’t know but I reckon I’m goanna have to find out.”

“You, last time you wanted to go on a Duke like adventure, didn’t y’all get caught?” Dodger asked.

“We’re Dukes, Dodger. Besides, even my Granddaddy and my Great Uncle got caught a few times.”

“Not like y’all though.”

“Hey, can we focus on Enos here.” Luke paced back and forth for a minute.

“What is he doing Bo?” Bo looked away from Daisy.

“Huh?” Bo responded.

“Nice retort…try again. Why is Luke pacing like that?” Bo smiled, finally clueing in.

“Well he’ll do that for a couple of minutes—then he’ll snap his fingers and say, ‘I’ve got it, let’s go Bo. Then I’ll end up in trouble.” Luke snapped his fingers as if on command.

“I’ve got it…let’s go Bo,” Luke announced. Dodger began laughing.

“Go where?”

“We need to ask your lady friends for a favor.”

“Oooh, I like the sound of this already.”

“I’m coming with y’all,” Daisy proclaimed.

“Can we help?” Cooter asked.

“Don’t worry, all of ya are goanna be in this one,” Luke replied. A big smile went across everyone’s face.

“I do like a first-class escapade. YEEEEEEE HAW! Dang, this will be fun.”

“Now bro, you ain’t thinking of doing something crazy are ya?” Dodger asked.

“Come on little Dodger, I am CRAAAAZY COOTER. I am supposed to do crazy things. If I didn’t I wouldn’t be…”

“Crazy, I know.”

“So get into the spirit.” Cooter looked at Luke smiling. “You know what we could do Lukas? We could drive through the sheriff’s office on a motorcycle and…”

“I was thinking of something more on the lines of where we didn’t get caught and thrown in jail,” Luke replied.

“Come on Lukas Duke, you only live once.”

“That may be true but I don’t want to do all of my living behind a jail cell. Now, I am goanna stick with my plan.”

“Which is…?”

“Come on, if I give away all of my secrets it wouldn’t be as fun would it now.” Daisy climbed into the General. Bo followed her, sitting in the passenger’s side.

“Oh Luke, can’t you give me a sign?”

“Not until I ask Bo. Are you ready cousin?”

“Oh yeah,” Bo replied. Luke slid over the hood. “Hey, I liked that Luke and, I am goanna do that when I get to drive.” Luke started up the engine and revved it for a couple of seconds. Soon, the Dukes were speeding off. Now you see y’all, this is about to turn into an adventure.


Over in New York City, Bo walked into Luke and Maria’s house. “Where is he?” Bo asked Maria, with a worried look on his face. She smiled.

“Nice to see you in New York, Bo—don’t worry about your cousin he’s…” She began.

“Fine?! Don’t you say that to me, its pneumonia! That’s dangerous for people his age.”

“Bo, you’re no spring chicken yourself.” Bo shook his head as tears rolled down his face. “Hey, calm down. Jesse’s with him. Luke’s just fine.” Bo shook his head no.

“I knew I shouldn’t have moved so far away from Luke—I knew it. I just knew it. Something was bound to happen. Why did I leave?”

“Bo! It wasn’t like you could have done anything.”

“Why didn’t anyone tell me?”

“Luke made me promise.”

“Yet he told Jesse?”

“Oh Bo, don’t be such a child. You know as well as I do your cousin loves you. Luke didn’t want you to worry that’s all there is to it.”

“Well Luke doesn’t know what’s good for him. If he did, Luke would never have let it get this bad.”

“Oh Bo, you know how much pride your cousin has. Doctors aren’t exactly his best friend.”

“Yeah I do.” Bo shook his head. He walked up the stairs and opened the door to Luke’s room. Jesse was sitting beside Luke, just staring at his father. “Why would you keep this from me?”

“Hi Dad,” Jesse mumbled.

“Hi son.” Bo directed his view back at Luke. “How could you do this? Here I was sitting at home and you didn’t tell me. I was sitting in my nice cozy chair thinking how wonderful that everyone was well and you didn’t tell me.” Luke began coughing. Jesse handed him a drink.

“Look how you’re acting…still as childish as always,” Luke replied. He sighed softly. “Bo, you know as well as I do that I am fine.”

“No I don’t it’s pneumonia. You’re not young anymore—78 years old doesn’t mean to speed up it means to slow down.”

“Look whose talking? Think about it Bo, you’re running how many companies and here you are lecturing me to slow down. You’re an old fart too.” Jesse began laughing. He shook his head.

“You two sound like my Bo and Luke. Now, I want you two to accept some things. Luke, no more letting your pride get the best of you. You will go to the doctors like a normal person does.”

“Jesse I don’t need some…” Luke began.

“I know I was told to respect my elders but be quiet.”


“Thank you…now, pride not to be in an old folks home is one thing but putting yourself in a dangerous situation is another. Dad is right about that.”

“Thank you son,” Bo said, smugly.

“Dad, I wasn’t finished.”

“Sorry Jesse.”

“Now, I may have said you were right about the doctor thing but you have got to think about slowing down yourself.”

“Me I’m…”

“Retiring is not a crime. You don’t have to drop out of a plane to come and visit me. You don’t need to drive a helicopter upside down either.”

“HA!” Luke cut in.

“Last of all…shake and make up.”

“Jesse, ain’t that a little bit ridiculous?”

“Luke, Bo made Jose and I do it. I don’t think you two are too young. Besides, your Uncle Jesse would have made you do it. NOW SHAKE!”

“I’m sorry Bo, I shouldn’t have called you childish. I am also sorry for not telling you that I was sick. That was pretty low.” Luke put out his hand. “Can we end this?” Bo smiled.

“I’m sorry Luke for calling you old—even if you are,” Bo answered. Jesse shook his head. He couldn’t believe Luke was laughing though. Bo started with him. Luke suddenly began coughing again. Jesse handed his second cousin the cup of water once again.

“Sorry about that.”

“We seem to say sorry a lot.”

“I’ll leave you two to catch up,” Jesse mumbled. He walked out of the room. Bo sighed and sat down in the oak chair that Jesse had vacated. He crossed his leg, leaving a triangle like gap.

“Can you believe that just happened?” Bo laughed.

“Your son was trying to control us right?” Luke questioned. Bo smiled. He couldn’t believe what had just happened either. Jesse seemed so much smarter than both of them. “Well, he’s a good kid.”

“A good adult.”

“Made to be an Uncle Jesse that one…I am so proud of him.” They sighed as they remembered their own Uncle. Luke sighed. He missed his dear Uncle so much. Every wrinkle—every white hair was planted in his memory.

“You know, I miss him too.” Bo sighed softly to himself. “We are getting old ain’t we?” Luke nodded slowly.

“Think about it Bo, even Roscoe’s gone.”

“Boss Hogg…”

“Half our friends are in a nursing home.”

“Or retirement home.”

“Here we are still kicking.”

“Far from our roots. Luke, why didn’t you want to come back to Hazzard? I mean…why New York?” Luke shrugged.

“I don’t know…I guess it just didn’t feel like home once he was gone.” Bo’s head lowered. “What’s wrong?”

“Hazzard was the best time of our lives and yet…”

“We both left it. You know, I kept thinking the same thing. I wanted to stay but…”

“You just didn’t?”

“Yeah…I guess. Why did you really leave Hazzard?” Bo shrugged.

“I suppose to give Jesse the chance that I had. You know, I could have put my foot down with Nancy-Lou and said we’re staying. The only reason she wanted to go up there in the first place was…”

“Because of Daisy and her Mom? I know that. She missed them.”

“The place where I felt the best was Hazzard. I guess I kind of had to hand it off to the next Generation. Maybe—maybe I didn’t think it was fair that I was there and he…”

“He wasn’t? Bo, it’s not your fault he died.”

“I wish I could have stopped it.” He stood up and moved to the wall, trying to avoid crying. “He didn’t get to this age and I did. I feel like I am wasting my time…time he would have used better.” Luke smiled.

“Bo, if he were here, do you know what he would say to you?”

“No Luke, because he’s not.”

“Well I know…he would tell you, ‘Now Bo, you have grown up the way I wanted you to. You kept my memory going.’ It’s funny, when I was in trouble, I would phone you and you would listen to me for hours about my kids.”


“So, that’s what Uncle Jesse wanted. Your boys had kids. Two of them are living with an Uncle Jesse who is as giving as the first one was.”

“We have our names on their heads as well.”

“Enjoy it.” Bo and Luke smiled.

“I love you Luke.”

“I love you too Bo.” They hugged each other. Luke finally released his cousin from his grip. He stared at every wrinkle Bo had on him. Luke then peered down at his own hands. “We’re old.”

“Only on the shell, Luke…only on the shell we’re old.”

“You think so?” Bo nodded softly. He scratched his chin and pushed his gray and white hair back.

“I think that we’re only as young as we think we are.”

“Which makes you about sixteen, right?” Bo began to laugh. He shook his head.

“I said youthful not moody.”

“Okay, maybe sixteen is a bit off.” Bo laughed. Luke shook his head in fun. “There’s one thing I’ll ask of you, Bo. Don’t ever change cousin.”

“Right back at you Luke, I don’t want you to change either.”

“Friends forever…”

“Forever’s not enough.” Bo shook his head, smiling at his cousin.


“Yeah Luke?”

“I don’t know how to say it but…”

“Well just up and say it.”

“It’s nice to have you here.”

“Thanks for letting me be here.”

“You’re welcome Bo.” Luke looked confused. “How did you find out anyway?”

“Daisy can’t keep a secret from me.” Luke began to laugh once again. They hugged a second time, both men with smiles on their faces. “She never will be able to keep a secret.”

“I guess not.”

“Oh well, I guess it was good she told me about you. She was worried too. I think she feels better now that I am here.”

“She would wouldn’t she?” Bo and Luke stopped the hug and looked at each other.

“But of course Daisy would feel better about me being with you. After all, I was the brains of the family.”

“You wish.”

“Nah, I know.” Now ain’t that a great sight? I have to say Bo and Luke always have been close…I hope it stays that way. I wonder how long Jesse’s goanna stay now that his daddy’s here.


Alright, we’re back in Hazzard again. Oh come on, don’t lose sleep over old Lukas over in New York, he’s a Duke ain’t he? Luke has been through all sorts of stuff. He has gone through negotiations with criminals for goodness sakes. Luke is a fighter. He has been all of his life. He also has a good head on his shoulders.

Besides, Bo and Jesse are there with him. What better luck than to have a father son duo? They are a good team when they’re together. So guess what y’all? All is well and then some. With the way Bo and Jesse cook, Luke will get better in no time. Not to mention all the country remedies.

Besides, some action is about to happen here with Bo and Luke Junior that you do not wanna miss. Trust me, I know these things. Luke comes up with some interesting plans today. You’ll just have to wait and see. This one takes the cake. Oh, I am getting ahead of myself. I guess I had better explain what I mean before I ruin it for you.

Now Bo and Luke had to do something to keep their good friend Enos occupied—well, Enos and Roscoe. Now I bet you’re wondering how to keep the law busy. Well in any other place it might be quite the job but you haven’t been to Hazzard that often have you?

You see, if they didn’t keep Enos busy, the plan would never work. Roscoe was always suspicious therefore they had to keep him out of their hair. Now friends, this was goanna be a task. Keeping two people busy was a lot of work.

Luke had to enlist a group of people into this plan. Cooter for one who would be the diversion for Roscoe—well Daisy would help with that one too. Mr. Dodger Davenport to make all of it come through, just the way Luke wanted that is. I suppose you want to see what’s happening well, we’ll start at Enos’ house.

As Enos stretched, all he could think about was another fun day at work. Police work was in his blood. He loved the chase. Enos would be into it all the time. Lately, the young deputy was afraid of many things. He was so sure that another fun car accident was ahead of him.

Now you remember, Bo and Luke had to keep him occupied. So when Enos didn’t have his usual PJ’s on, he was a little bit nervous. I would be too if I were in poor Enos’ condition. Mmm, mmm, mmm, those boys did a number on him. Well Enos really did want to go to work today. He wanted to get out of bed but he was only in his britches.

Now you remember all those gals that Luke was talking about before? You know what I am talking about don’t you? The gals that Bo knew so very well? Yeah, at first I wondered what that Luke was thinking. I thought of his one track mind with women…I was wrong. Luke did have a plan for all of them. A great one at that.

Well sir, they were all sitting in Enos’ room. The women were thoughtfully given to him by the one and only Bo Duke. You could just imagine waking up to a room full of girls.

Uh huh, they were all those slinky gals from high school. Bo was so loved by all the ladies that he even dated the older ones which Luke thought was funny. All of these gals had their hair done up very nice with pretty painted nails. Some had earrings and others had none.

You should see all the girls. My goodness, Enos had never seen so many. There were red heads, blondes, brunettes and jet black haired gals. There were tall ones, short ones and even medium sized ones. There were cheerleaders, spirit readers and bird feeders. There were chess players, grass sprayers and people who worked with fashion layers.

I bet you’re wondering what Luke’s angle is for this one. If anyone knows anything about Enos Strait it is that he is a gentleman. He would rather never walk through a door ever if it meant he couldn’t hold it open for a lady. He tried to pull on the blankets to wrap them around him but couldn’t quite get it. That was Bo’s trick. Super gluing the blanket to the bed was an old ploy he used in LA on his brother Coy.

“Ah ladies, I am goanna be late for work now. Do y’all mind going out so I can find some clothes to wear?” Enos began. Lila, Bo’s latest craze, opened Enos’ closet and picked up his clothes. She put them into a suitcase.

“Sorry Enos, but this is for your own good,” Lila mumbled. She opened the window and threw his clothes out on the lawn.

“Now that ain’t funny, y’all great gals will you go and grab my clothes?” They all shook their heads waving to Enos, blowing him kisses. Now how would he get out of this one? “Please ladies…can’t you give me some clothes?”

“Oh come on Enos, we like you,” One of the other girls said. Enos went red in the face.

“Now I like y’all too but I would like you more if you got me my clothes.”

“Awe, we see.”

Meanwhile, on the lower floor, Bo was putting the final additions on his newly accustomed deputy sheriff uniform. “Luke, I still say this is stupid. If Roscoe catches us…” Bo began.

“What do you think Daisy and Cooter are for? Think about it BO…” Luke started.

“I am thinking about it cousin. We could have our probation revoked and we could be sent right back to jail. Impersonating an officer of the law…holding a gun.”

“WOE, who said anything about holding a gun?”

“Well they ain’t exactly goanna believe I am a police officer without a gun.” Luke reached into his back pocket and grabbed a gun. Bo jumped. “How could you do this to me? Do you think that we’ll get away with…?”

“HOLD IT BO!” Luke squirted Bo with the gun…all that came out was water. Bo laughed. “Now don’t you think I would have thought of that? I wouldn’t break our probation for anyone alive.”

“Good thinking but how do we get away with the whole impersonating thing?” Luke smiled.

“You leave that to me, cousin.” Bo rolled his eyes. “What is the matter now?”

“Every time I leave it to you, something happens.” Luke smiled. He patted his cousin on the back.

“I guess you have to trust me.”

“Trust you? You were the one that wanted to run the moonshine.”

“Are you always goanna hold that over my head?” Bo shrugged and smiled. “Look, that was a long time ago…I am a little bit smarter than I was before.”

“So you won’t be getting us caught?”

“I so hope not.”

“What if we do?” Luke shrugged.

“I don’t know, we’ll wing it I guess, Bo.”

“You’re nuts.” Bo began laughing. He shook his head delicately. Bo’s curly hair seemed to move almost in slow motion. “You know, I think you’re lightening up though. A few more years and you’ll be just about right.”


Back over in town, about an hour later, Roscoe was coming into work. It was time for Dodger’s end of the deal. Now you had better watch this because I am only goanna show this once. After that, if you get lost folks, you’re on your own.

“HEY ROSCOE,” Dodger called. Roscoe jumped in shock like he always did. He walked over to Dodger.

“Wooo Jit…I should be arresting you for disturbing a police officer.” Dodger shook his head.

“Look, I just thought you would want to know that two strange people are getting in General Lee.” Roscoe looked at two bandit like people, climbing into the General just like Dodger said.

“WOOO, I should stop them.”

“You do that law man.” Roscoe’s eyebrows rose. He looked at his target getting into his car. A smile rolled across his face. “Go get them Roscoe,” Dodger laughed as Roscoe turned on his sirens, speeding after them. He picked up his CB radio laughing all the way. “Hello this is the bullet dodger calling Miss Bo peep, are you in honey?”

“Yes sir Bullet Dodger this is the Bo peep, what’s up on over at the landing one come back?” Daisy asked.

“Glad you asked Bo Peep. The Healthy Hound is chasing the foxy fox come back.”

“So the trap has been laid. 10-4 out.”

“I’m gone.”

“This is Bo Peep calling her lost sheep…come back.”

“Leave them alone and they’ll come home wagging their tails behind them. This here is lost sheep number two Miss Bo Peep what to do you need honey?” Bo questioned back, over Enos’ radio.

“Just wondering if operation girl got underway.”

“10-4 to that one cousin, handled and done.”

“We’re goanna have to make this up to him you know.”

“Daisy, he’s surrounded by women.”

“Good point Bo, catch you on the flip flop.”

“10-4 Bo Peep, over and out.” That gal had some good training for CB talk huh? Now there was one flaw in Luke’s plan. First off, he was originally going to play Enos. Luke may be good at football but he ain’t anything like the size of ol’ Enos.

Bo on the other hand was a little taller than Luke after the growing spurt he had. That’s why he was the one in Luke’s clothes. Now what’s the flaw you’re wondering? Simple, if you recall, Bo can’t drive.

Remember, the boys break their probation and they’re in jail. So, who was going to drive? Luke…but you’re thinking that will look suspicious. Not when Luke is driving by Bo’s feet. Now ain’t those boys smart? As they began to drive, Bo noticed someone following him.

“Is that the person who is looking to kill Enos?” Bo asked his cousin. Luke turned his periscope.

“I don’t know, signal left and I’ll turn the steering wheel,” Luke answered. Bo did as his cousin said. Luke made a left hand turn. “Turn it off?”

“Not yet.” Luke made another one. The car stayed behind him.


“Yeah they’re following. Maybe if we slow down they’ll come after us.” There was a rock in the road, with it a big bump. Luke hit his head hard and was knocked unconscious.

“Luke?” There was no answer. Bo put his hands on the wheel as Luke’s slid off. “LUKE! Wake up, I don’t know how to drive anything but a tractor.” Bo began to breathe hard. “Okay Bo, don’t panic…a tractor is a lot like a car.”

Bo began to swerve back and forth a little but after a few minutes, the newest Duke driver had full control of the car. He couldn’t believe he was doing it. Bo had always longer to drive but never really had the chance.

He smiled weakly wondering if Luke would wake up…especially when bullets started flying. Now can you imagine driving normally now envision your first time in an automobile with ammunition soaring through your back window. Now friends, I think I would be a little worried—wouldn’t you?

“Alright, don’t panic Bo, keep your head down and drive,” Bo said to himself. Bo heard some moaning. “Luke? Are you okay?”

“What happened?” Luke asked.

“You bumped your head pretty good there. Look, do you wanna drive? I don’t think this is too legal. Well considering I am almost fifteen.” Luke shook his head a couple of times. “Well, are you goanna take over or what?”

“Bo, I didn’t know there were two of you. You have a twin driving beside you.” Bo crocked an eyebrow.

“Okay, no driving for you.” Bo put his foot down on the accelerator and he was off. He began swerving back and forth.

“Do you mind not going so fast? Everything’s spinning.” Another bullet flung through the air.

“I don’t think you understand…today is goanna be the day that we’re goanna get shot if we don’t move.” There was a dip in the road. “Oh my gosh…I can’t slow down fast enough. Luke, hold onto something.”

“Oh boy, we’re in trouble.” Luke sat up in the car, putting on his seatbelt just before Bo made history.

The police car went up in the air, flying. It hit the ground successfully. “That wasn’t so bad now was it?” Bo questioned. Luke was starting to snap out of it.

“Yeah, just peachy.”

“Don’t worry; we’ll go to the doctor in a minute.” As the other car tried the same thing, it too flew up into a tree. Bo got out of the car and went to face his fears. He pointed his water pistol at the man. “Come down little by little, no surprises.”

“Don’t shoot him Bo.” Bo kept a serious face as the man did as he said. The young Duke boy didn’t want to laugh. Remember, he was carrying a water pistol…not a real gun.

“Keep coming.” The masked man continued to climb down the tree slowly. He finally made his way to the bottom. “Put your hands on the tree.” Bo pulled off the handcuffs off his belt—well I do mean Enos’ belt but Enos ain’t here is he now?

“You’re not the deputy. You’re impersonating a deputy of the law. That’s a crime you know,” A deep familiar voice commented. Bo looked befuddled by the man’s statement. Not only by his words but the voice behind them. Bo pulled off the man’s mask. An older man with silver streaked hair stood before him. His eyes were cold like ice.

“Deputy Montanez?”

“Ex-Deputy to you…I had been working in this profession before Roscoe was born.”

“Why did you do it though?”

“Bo, you don’t understand. I was the best in my job. For a while there, Jesse Duke didn’t have to deal with the baddies. Why? I was amazing. Did they promote me? Of course not.”

“Why not?”

“Boss Hogg decided that the one and only Roscoe would allow him more business. When I protested, I was replaced by Enos! An eighteen year old boy!”

“That’s no reason to kill him.” Montanez sighed and looked away from Bo. “Look, this was wrong on all accounts.”

“Yeah, and now I’m goanna suffer.”

“I’m afraid so…we all have to go through our punishments.”

“Well, I was caught by a worthy adversary. Bo Duke, you were amazing…did you drive all by yourself?”

“Well up until the big bump.”

“Great job rex.” Bo couldn’t believe how well they were getting along.


“You’re welcome. I would have you on my police force anytime…well if I was in the police force.” Whelp, ain’t you glad they’re friends? It would have been much harder if they weren’t.

Oh…we had better catch up with the General Lee, over near Willow creek. The driver of the car was amazing, pushing the General to its limits. One minute Roscoe was behind them. Another minute, poor Roscoe was in front and the General was chasing.

For a minute there, the driver was driving on one side of the car. The two side tires up in the air. This driver was insane…he even backed into a trailer of a moving vehicle…thanks to the help of bandit number two who was in the front seat.

As the two in the General Lee were driving, they heard something through the CB radio. “This is lost sheep two calling Crazy Cooter…come in,” Bo said over the CB. The driver put the passenger’s hands on the wheel for a second. “Crazy Cooter would you please come in.” The driver took his mask off. Sure enough it was Cooter Davenport.

“Breaker one Breaker one…I might be crazy but I sure ain’t dumb, crazy Cooter comin’ at ya. I got my ears on and I’m listening strong what can I do for ya Lost Sheep two come back?” Cooter replied over the CB.

“Cooter, I have got the mad bomber and I’m taking him to town. I am almost there. Roscoe can be let out of the chicken coop. Repeat, Roscoe can be let out of the chicken coop.” Cooter smiled.

“That’s a big ten four…over and out I’m gone.” Cooter put down his CB. “You can take the mask off now Criminal number two.” The passenger nodded, slowly peeling off the mask. Yep, if you haven’t guessed already, that’s Daisy with the long brown hair. She began laughing.

“Cooter, I love Hazzard County,” Daisy announced.

“Glad you think so miss flower because it’s time for your lines.” Cooter stepped on the breaks hard. Roscoe went into the ditch and smashed up his front end.

“Woo-jit-jit, you dang people are under arrest. Yep, I’m the law,” Roscoe commented as he tripped. “Oooo—that smarts. Now listen here crooks…” Roscoe stopped as he saw Cooter in the car. He looked over at Daisy. “Who is she?”

“Roscoe! I was driving Miss Daisy DUKE around Hazzard and then you come along and begin chasing us. That’s not fair!”

“Woo-jit-jit…no way now, that’s unpossible.”

“You mean impossible.”

“Whatever. Because A, there is no Daisy Duke in Hazzard County.”

“Why Sheriff, I heard all about you sugar,” Daisy put in.

“Mmm…you have to leave Hazzard…Boss will kill me if there’s another Duke.” Daisy pulled out her lipstick, applying it slowly. She rubbed her lips together and puckered.

“Well I am sorry to disappoint but this is Duke property…the General I mean. You don’t get to arrest anybody.”

“Awe well Judas priest on a pony…my Daddy taught me that Khee-hee-hee.” Roscoe straightened up. “Well I’ll be on my way then.” Roscoe looked at the steam coming from his car. “Ah, will you Dukes give me a ride?”

“Sorry, but you don’t want me in Hazzard remember?”

“What…I was just kidding.”

“Oh please, I know better than that.”


“Hit it Cooter!”

“As you wish your malady,” Cooter said in his best British voice. He sped off leaving Roscoe waving his fist…that and hitch hiking.

“I’ll get you Dukes for this!” Roscoe exclaimed. He sighed and swallowed hard. “Hopefully before Boss Hogg gets me.”


A week passed and everything seemed quiet in Hazzard County. The boys and Daisy finished all the chores that needed to be done. Dinner was simmering on the stove and Uncle Jesse walked in the house. Okay, I said SEEMED quiet not WAS quiet.

You do remember that Daisy has been a runaway for a while now. A month. Now police were sending out flyers to every police department in the country. So naturally, when Uncle Jesse saw Daisy, there was goanna be fireworks.

Daisy walked out of the bathroom and back into the kitchen. As she saw Jesse sitting at the kitchen table, Daisy ran out of the room and upstairs. “Bo, is that you?” Uncle Jesse questioned.

She walked into Bo and Luke’s room. Bo was sitting on his bed surrounded by car magazines. Luke on the other hand was reading a book. Both looked up from what they were doing.

“What’s wrong, you have the look of terror on your face,” Luke expressed.

“Uncle Jesse’s home,” Daisy replied. Both boys stood up and looked at Daisy.

“Luke, I am not loosing my cousin. She’s too much fun,” Bo cut in fast.

“Bo, you know as well as I do that she can’t stay here forever. I know she likes it but…” Luke tried to say. Bo wouldn’t have it.

“Daisy’s our kin!”

“Would you boys stop talking about me like I ain’t here? Look, I wanna stay here as much as you want me to. Luke’s right though…Jesse’s got to know,” Daisy said, maturely.

“Daisy, I don’t want you to leave.”

“Bo, I know you don’t but it ain’t up to you.” Daisy sighed softly. She pushed back the tears, hoping not to make Bo any more upset than he already was. “But you know what? This was the best time of my life.”

“We love you.”

“I know.” There was a knock at the door. Daisy opened it. Sure enough, it was Uncle Jesse. His eyes went wider than hub caps. “Look, it wasn’t their fault I…”

“Do you know how worried I was—how worried Jose was?” Daisy bit on her bottom lip.

“How would you know?”

“Yeah I know that I don’t know you very well. However, with the amount your Uncle talks about you, I do know you.” Daisy smiled softly. “Don’t go smiling yet young lady. I’m not done.” Daisy wiped the smile off her face.


“Daisy Duke, I thought you knew better than to run away.” The tears finally came out. Jesse’s shoulders lowered. “I’m sorry sweet heart.”

“No, it’s not you.” Daisy sighed softly to herself. She sniffled a bit. Jesse grabbed a hanky out of his pocket and handed it to Daisy.

“Hasn’t been used.” Daisy began to laugh. “Oh kid, you know that I would love you here. I love Bo and Luke but a young woman would be a great addition.”


“However, it’s not up to me.”

“I know.”

“I’ll call your mother.”

“You’ll need her work number.”

“If my kids were missing, I wouldn’t be at work I’d…”

“Well you can’t think of her as you, Uncle Jesse. You have to think of Cara Duke. Mom would be at work right now.” Daisy grabbed a piece of paper and a pen from Bo’s nightstand. She wrote the number on the piece of paper passed it to her uncle.

“I’ll try the home phone first.”

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Jesse nodded softly.

“Look for the good.”

“I have tried.”

“You have got to try a little bit harder than Daisy.”

“Seriously, I know she’s there. Mom is always working she never takes a day off. The only time she takes time off of work is when she personally is sick. Even then Mom’s barking orders on the phone.”

“Yeah, I’m goanna phone her now.”

“Okay, see you in a few minutes.” Jesse walked down the stairs and grabbed the portable phone.

“She’s a parent how could she not be home?” Yep Uncle Jesse had a lot of trust in people. “I would be there in a heart beat looking with the cops. Especially if it was my own kid…or even Bo and Luke. Well, I guess any family member; yeah I would do it for anyone.”

He dialed the number he had in his home phone book for Cara. As Daisy had predicted, she was not home. He shook his head and dialed the next number. “Hello, Smiley Teeth, your teeth are our business. This Deborah speaking, can I help you today?” Deborah asked.

“Yes hello ma’am, I am looking to talk to Dr. Cara Duke please,” Jesse replied.

“One moment please.”

“Okay, thanks.” Jesse was put on hold listening to the usual elevator music. He walked around the downstairs amazed at how clean it was. Jesse walked over to the pot and opened it. A cloud of steam spilled out from the large metal object.

Jesse couldn’t believe how amazing the aroma was. He took out a small metal spoon and dipped it in. He blew on it for a second and stuck the small sample in his mouth. Jesse pressed his lips together and nodded his head with satisfaction.

“Hello, this is Dr. Duke speaking, I am here for your needs—how may I help you?” Cara asked.

“Well we’ll start with a cleaning and work our way up,” Jesse grumbled.

“Jesse, how did you get this number?”

“You know, if I were in your shoes I would be searching for my daughter instead of searching in people’s mouths.”

“Well you’re not me Jesse.”

“No I guess not.”

“Did you call me to lecture me big brother because I don’t have time for this. Besides, our beast for an older sister already took that role.”

“Don’t talk about Jo that way. Do you have no respect for your family at all?”

“Love Cameron to death…you two are part of the nonsense of Hazzard.”

“Well maybe if you triplets would have stayed in Hazzard you would have turned out better. You’re a workaholic…that’s all you seem to care about.”

“I miss my daughter if that’s what you mean…I do care.”

“Look, this is about your daughter, she made her way to Hazzard County. You can call off the police.”

“Great, send her up on a plane. I will have someone to pick her up.” Jesse shook his head. “It’s settled then so…”

“Don’t you hang up that phone, missy.”

“Excuse me?”

“If you want your daughter, you come down and get her.” Jesse heard some typing. “Did you hear me?”

“Yeah I heard you…looks like you get her for a couple of weeks. I can’t take time off work right now.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“If you’re sick of her shove on a plane or a bus…whatever you yokels like to do.”

“I ain’t sick of her…I would have thought you would have cared enough to come yourself. Remember Cara, success outside the home doesn’t account for lack of success in the home.”

“Jesse, I don’t need your lectures. I will talk to you in a couple of weeks.” Cara hung up the phone. Jesse pushed the button and shook his head. Daisy walked down the stairs along with the boys.

“Don’t whine boys, she’s staying for a couple more weeks.” Bo and Luke smiled. “I can’t believe that woman!”

“Yeah, tell me about it,” Daisy replied.

“How is Great Uncle Luke?” Bo asked.

“Oh your Grandpa came over and is helping now. Luke wanted me to go home and take care of y’all. He said y’all were probably getting into trouble. I said in Hazzard? Nah…they’re Dukes,” Jesse replied. Bo and Luke began to laugh.

“We can handle ourselves pretty good,” Luke added.

“What happened while I was gone?”

“Oh the usual…someone was after Enos. Ah, Ramsey Gang tried to beat the stuffing out of us,” Bo replied. Uncle Jesse shook his head and smiled.

“You won didn’t you?”

“No thanks to Luke, he tried to supervise,” Daisy laughed.

“Well not the whole time. I took a fella on,” Luke replied.

“A FELLA is the word. One dude compared to Bo and my share. Ain’t that right Bo?”

“Oh yeah, we beat the stuffing outa them bad guys.”

“It was great.” Daisy smiled, winking at her uncle. “Nothing better than a little Hazzard fun.”

“Bo also had his first driving lesson,” Luke cut in.

“That’s right, how was that?”

“Uh…not too bad. Flew for my first time,” Bo answered.

“You ain’t supposed to be drivin’ anything Bo Duke,” Uncle Jesse grumbled.

“Hey, if I didn’t the car would have crashed. Then we would have been arrested for destruction of County property.”

“You were driving a police car?”

“The only way to catch a bad guy.”

“What’d you do with it?” Bo and Luke looked at each other and began to laugh. Uncle Jesse didn’t get it. “Come on boys, what did you do?”

“Well, we gave it back to Enos at his place.” Bo began laughing harder. “After I changed out of uniform, I went up and saved him from the gals in his room.”


“Yeah, Luke’s idea,” Daisy quickly added.

“I see.”

“Whelp, Enos was so glad for a pair of clothes he didn’t care that the car was there,” Luke answered. Bo tried to control his amusement but it kept coming out. In fact it was so bad that Luke started laughing once again.

“How’d you boys get back?”

“Dodger was there to give us a ride.”

“Then he had to go and pick up Roscoe,” Daisy began to laugh.

“You left him out in the dust.”

“Of course I did Bo.”

“Sounds like y’all had a great time together. I guess you have some Duke blood in you after all,” Uncle Jesse cut in.

“Great ain’t the right word Uncle Jesse. Over here has been breathtaking. I wish I could have come here more often. Speeding in the General. Who needs a plane when you got the General Lee?”

“Your cousins were nice I hope.”

“Bo and Luke have been a riot. I laugh everyday here with Bo. Luke taught me how to take apart an engine with a blind fold on.”

“He learned it from his cousin, Tom.”

“Bo taught me everything you need to know about fixing a car and then some.” Jesse smiled. He loved seeing these kids all together. It was like something out of a dream. “You know, Luke and Bo even went horseback riding with me.”

“You want to go with me tonight?”


“Yeah…all of you kids.”

“Sure,” They all said at the same time.

“It’s settled then.”


Bo and Luke senior were sitting on the front porch looking up at the night sky. Luke was wrapped up in lots of blankets. “Can’t see half as many stars as Hazzard,” Luke mumbles. He leaned back on the chair. Bo shook his head.

“Nope, you can’t,” Bo replied. Maria came out on the front step looking at the two men. She had three cups on a tray.

“I thought you boys would be thirsty,” Maria mumbled. She handed the cups out.

“Thanks Maria—from both of us.”

“You are both welcome.” Maria sat down by Bo on the front step. “You know, New York is nothing like Mexico.”

“You think?”

“Oh I know.” She laughed. “I guess that’s why Luke and I understand each other so much.”

“You miss Mexico.”

“He misses Hazzard, don’t you honey?” Luke nodded softly.

“Of course he misses it. He misses showing off.” Luke rolled his eyes. He shook his head. “Come on Luke, you know I’m right.”

“Everyone misses where they used to live.”

“Even me.”

“Of course you.”

“Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I stayed.”

“Don’t have any regrets Bo. You cannot live a good life without a clean conscience.” Bo sighed, he knew Maria was right about this one.

“That’s true. I just wonder if…”

“You know Bo, Hazzard will be special to you for the rest of your life. No matter where you go or what you do it will be in your heart.”

“Well I know that.”

“You have roots there.”

“I met Nancy-Lou there for the first time. You know, memories like those make it special.”

“Yeah, just like Mexico is to me. I remember when I first saw Luke.”

“Oh? Was he at his best?” Luke went red in the face. “Oh come on Luke, I love these kind of stories. Especially when they’re about you.” Maria laughed. “So tell me, did he look good?”

“Not really…he had tripped and fell in the mud after it rained. He had it all over. I thought it was funny. He said to me, ‘Estoy tan apesadumbrado. No signifiqué hacer a un tonto de mí delante de usted, señora hermosa.’ This roughly means…he was sorry he made a fool out of himself in front of me…such a beautiful lady.”

“That’s the Duke charm for you.”

“Tell me about it.”

“I love you Maria…I don’t regret meeting you,” Luke mumbled.

“Oh Luke…Usted es hermoso para un Americano.”

“Su brillo de los ojos como las estrellas esmeralda. ”

“Sí y yo le amará para la vida y toda la eternidad. ”

“Hey come on y’all, speak in English,” Bo laughed. He shook his head. Bo sighed longing for his own wife.

“Bo, look,” Luke said. Out in the distance stood Nancy-Lou. Bo ran to her almost instinctively. He embraced her in his arms, holding her tight.

“Why did you come?”

“Luke said you missed me. Besides, I couldn’t be away from you for one more second,” Nancy-Lou answered. Bo began to cry, holding his wife tight.

“Oh Nancy-Lou…I love you.”

“And I you.”

“Not half as much as I love you. Honey, you do everything for me. I adore you for it.”

“You’re too kind.”

“Never leave me again.”

“Well I got to leave some time.” Nancy-Lou began to laugh. She shook her head in amusement.

“No, I mean next time you go, take me with you.” Bo nodded.

“You have yourself a deal.”

“I love you.”

“Didn’t we already say that?”

“Well then plug your ears babe because I will say it anytime I want.”

“I love you.”

“No I love you.” They began to kiss. Maria moved closer to her husband and held him tight.


Back in Hazzard, two weeks were almost up for the Dukes. Bo looked at his new school clothes and shook his head. “Why do I have to wear these again?” Bo asked. He looked at the blue jeans and the tan shirt that was buttoned up just perfectly. There was a tie and everything.

“Why do I have to wear this?” Luke questioned. He had the same type of thing on only with a plaid shirt. His tie was plain black. “Simple, every year school pictures look stupid.”

“So we’re going as someone else? Luke, this ain’t us. We’re going back in two days and we look like…”

“Like dorks?” Daisy asked. The boys jumped. “Relax, I listened for Bo twisting to look at himself in the mirror. I hear it every morning before I usually knock.” Luke giggled to himself.

“Not funny Luke.”

“Sure it is Bo. Now, you boys need work. I know.” Daisy pulled the ties off. She undid two of Luke’s buttons and all of Bo’s…he had another shirt on y’all. “Now that’s the Bo and Luke I am used to.”

“What did you want?”

“I wanted to read Great Great Uncle Jesse’s journal…the fourteenth one.”

“Fourteenth edition, huh? Well it is on the corner shelf. Just remember to return it like the last one.”

“No problem.” Daisy grabbed his fifth journal and held it tight in her arms.

“Daisy you would think you were holding a treasure chest,” Luke commented.

“To me it is. To think Hazzard has always been this way.” Bo and Luke smiled. “Well, I am off to read it up in the loft. Don’t let me stay up there too long. I wanna help our Uncle Jesse with dinner.”

“No problem Daisy girl.” She ran down to the stairs and slid on the railing. She began running more as she got down.

“None of that, Daisy,” Uncle Jesse scolded.

“Yes sir,” Daisy replied. She began to walk like a young lady.

“Now there’s the young woman I have come to love.” Daisy began laughing.

“I am not all that lady like am I?”

“You can be cured of that one.”

“I guess so.”

“Are you goanna help me with dinner tonight? Your cooking skills are remarkable.”

“Yes sir, I would love to.”

“Good, I’ll get your oven mitts ready.” Daisy looked confused by her uncle’s statement. “Well come on, you don’t think you can cook without your own do you?” Jesse pulled a package out from behind the wood stove, which he kept in the house.

“What’s this?” The box was white, wrapped in gold paper with a blue ribbon on it.

“A gift just for you.”

“Uncle Jesse, you didn’t have to do this for me.”

“Why sure I did. Now, you hand me the journal while you open the gift.” Daisy passed her Uncle Jesse the book hesitantly. She didn’t think it was necessary for someone to pick her up a gift. “Well come on now.”

“Okay, here I go.” Daisy tried to preserve the paper, unfolding it carefully.

“Daisy, a present is meant to be ripped open. Now I understand keeping the bow but not the paper. Come on, you can do it.” Daisy’s eyebrows went up. She took off the bow like Uncle Jesse suggested. When it came to the paper, it was mutilated. As she opened the box, she saw a beautiful pair of over mitts with D’s on the front.

“Oh Uncle Jesse!” Tears rolled down her face. She wiped them away quickly. “Did you make this yourself?” Jesse nodded softly.

“I wanted you to know how much this time with you has meant to me.” Daisy smiled. She gave him a big hug. “I hope you know how much I care.”

“Uncle Jesse, I adore you more than anyone else. The horseback riding, the cooking lessons.”

“You taught me some things too.”

“I never knew how to knit before I met you and now I am a professional it seems like. You’re so wonderful.” Daisy finally released him from the hug. Jesse wiped the tears from his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“You remind me so much of Laurel—my wife.”

“In what way?”

“Her spirit. You know, you’re as free as a bird inside. You light up a room whenever you are there. Daisy, you’re special…don’t let anyone else tell you different.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Jesse handed her the journal. “Now you run along and enjoy your reading.” Daisy nodded. She kissed her uncle’s cheek. She ran out the door.

Daisy carefully climbed up the ladder to the loft of the barn. She loved to read there. Daisy always seemed to embrace the scenes with the farm sounds behind her. Especially with this one:

I haven’t written in a while. Things have been busy. My love life seems to turn me in circles I never thought I would have to go. Livonia, she seems to accept everything that is going on in my life. I promised her I would marry when all the kids had gone. However, she told me that being without me was too hard.

We had a quiet ceremony. Only select people were to be there with us. Jeff made the shine for the wedding which was very amazing of him. Seeing as he’s busy with school and all.

She wore all lace as she walked towards me. Her eyes seemed to light up as she spoke those sacred words. My heart has never pounded so deeply as when we got married. I thought now our troubles were over. Then a couple of years went by very quickly. We both went through sicknesses and losses. They never seemed to end for us. I don’t know why God gave us these trials but we are willing to go through them together.

David came back today with his wife. He told me that he had lost his job. To make things worse, Marie is pregnant. I feel for him, my dear brother David.

A while back we gave up a son because of my wife’s health at the time. We were sure that we were going to die. At the time, it was the only way to keep him from getting what we had. When both my wife and myself became better, she wept over the fact that she no longer had a son because of her fear.

So to know Marie was pregnant, really helped me make a decision. I knew that I had to help my brother…it was the lord’s way.

Now he and his wife are living under our roof. At first, I was convinced my cherished Livonia would be upset as we were still in our beginnings and were working to make it as it was. Instead, she embraced Marie with open arms.

Now I have two women in the kitchen. My brother helps me in the fields. I am blessed beyond believe. Now I have both brothers close to me. My little nephew, Luke, comes over quite frequently. I adore spending time with him.

Well, that’s all for now signed,

Jesse Vernon Duke

Daisy read on in the journal, finding many entries that intrigued her. One though really stood out in her mind. She couldn’t believe this entry. She felt for her Uncle in so many ways. All the things that happened, all the pain he had. And as she cried, Daisy read it again:

I can’t believe it! I just can’t. I play it back over and over in my mind—still; somehow it turns out the same. Why did this have to happen?

They went up to the mountains trying to cheer David up only to loose him. He was pronounced dead on Bo’s birthday. How can you explain to a one year old that his father is dead? I don’t think I can do this. I can’t raise this kid. He reminds me too much of his father. Yet at the same time, he’s so defenseless.

The will is clear, he’s mine. I will love him like he was my own…like the son I lost. Bo will never feel like he’s second best. This is my promise to him.

Jake isn’t taking it very well. Not only did he loose his brother but he lost his wife as well. Luke tries to cheer his Dad up but can’t seem to do so.

Anyway, I have got to cook.

Jesse Vernon Duke

Daisy read further on in the journal:

Sorry, I haven’t written for a while again. I have been busy with a lot of legal stuff. You know what I mean lawyers from the big city and social workers. I have seen so many lawyers I think I have them down to a science.

Still, I keep thinking how could any father do this to their son? Jake didn’t give me any notice at all. He walked outside, Luke screaming to him. Bo was crying because Luke was. Those two seem to have a bond that can’t be broken.

Today, I applied for custody of Luke. Now hopefully they’ll both be mine. It has been three months since Jake did this. With this court order, Luke will stay mine until Jake shows that he is worthy of him. Or if Jake doesn’t show up at all, Luke and Bo can be like brothers always.

You know, it’s funny how things work. Livonia is fine with this whole mess. She seems to hold the boys together. Still, I think that she has regrets about marrying me. I don’t know, maybe I am being silly.

Jesse Duke.

Suddenly, Daisy heard a car come to a stop. She looked out of the opening in the barn. A slender blonde walked out, staring at the house. She pulled off her driving gloves. Daisy stared at her face, her mother’s face. “No, not today,” Daisy mumbled. She didn’t want to come home yet.


Cara walked right into the house, not wasting any time. She wanted to leave Hazzard County immediately. Daisy had been exposed enough to this life. Cara wasn’t going to risk anymore of it. She was sure it was already ruining Daisy’s life. “Where is my daughter?” Cara questioned. Jesse shook his head softly. “Come on Jesse, I’m not playing games.”

“You have quite the nerve Cara. No hello just give me my kid,” Jesse responded. He sighed turning from her almost instantly. Cara shook her head, radiating with anger.

“You don’t understand…”

“No Cara, I do—I am very aware of what’s going on around me.” Jesse sighed. He knew very well that he had to teach his little sister a little bit. “Do you know how many people would jump at the chance to have your little girl?”

“Jesse, I don’t have time for your little lectures on life. I am a parent and I am qualified for this.”

“Oh really?”

“YES REALLY! I can take care of my own daughter. I don’t need you to meddle. Now, I need to get back because unlike you who can choose to sit around all day I do not have time.”

“Your little girl ran away, you have all the time in the world. Don’t tell me you do not have time.” Cara rolled her eyes. “She loves it here. Daisy loves the attention she gets. She loves the adventure that comes with being here.”

“Get to the point.”

“Do you love her?”

“Of course I do? Why do you think I work all those hours? I do it for her.”

“Maybe in the beginning.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Your second cousin Luke worked hard at his job. He still had time for his boys.” Cara shook her head. “Don’t do that to me. Listen instead.”


“You come home most of the time to dinner on the table.”


“When did you notice she was gone?”

“I got home and there was no dinner. I assumed she was still mad at me so I went to bed. The next morning I woke up and there was no breakfast. I looked in her room and her back pack was gone. I was sure she left early to avoid me.”

“Right after you left for work that morning, she went to the bus station. It took her two hours from where she was to get there. She waited in line for hours to get the tickets only to find she was short.”

“I’m supposed to know everything? I am a single working mother.”

“Daisy was sick when she was two with a bad case of chicken pox. Where were you?”

“At work.”

“Where were you when she got her appendix out?”

“I was in doing emergency surgery.”

“Don’t you get it?”

“Look, all those times, she had someone with her. Daisy was never alone.”

“No, she was alone. When she was twelve…”

“She was legally old enough to stay by herself.”

“Because the nanny wasn’t there…” Cara sighed. “BECAUSE the nanny wasn’t there to cook for her, Daisy learned. Soon you expected dinner.”

“Well, I can’t cook.”

“Why not? Your father wanted to teach you. You see Cara, even though you have cut me out of your life, I have not cut you out of mine. Daisy is the same way. She asked about you.”

“Who did she ask?”

“Hygienists…she wanted to know her mother. She would call receptionists and talk on the phone. Do you know why?”

“No, I don’t.”

“To hear your voice. Soon, she knew that work would always be number one. She tried to get low marks so you would notice…leaving them right where you could see them.”


“When you told her she couldn’t go to the ONE place where EVERYONE paid attention to her, she ran away.” Cara shook her head.

“Jesse, I am not perfect but I am her mother.”

“You know, at one point you called me and talked. You wondered if you were doing the right thing. Cara, you called me. That’s when you still had an ounce of real love still in you for your daughter. Now I am giving you golden advice.”

“Oh and what’s that?”

“Leave her here. The boys love her and I love her.”

“HOW WOULD THAT LOOK? Me, a mother, getting rid of my daughter.” Jesse’s fists tightened. His face felt warm to him.

“You wouldn’t be getting rid of her.”

“Where did you stash my daughter?”

“She’s reading up in the loft.”


“In the barn.”


“It is not.”

“Great now I can go home. Daisy can forget all about this place.” Bo walked down the stairs. He looked at this woman carefully.

“So, you’re my Auntie Cara. You look different in person,” Bo commented.

“I DO NOT HAVE TIME TO CONVERSE WITH HILLBILLIES, out of my way!” Cara marched to the barn. Bo shook his head. He walked outside and leaned on the house. Daisy continued to read, as if she hadn’t seen her mother at all. Cara walked into the barn. “Daisy, time to go home with Mommy.”

“Why would I want to go home with you?” Daisy asked.

“He brainwashed you?”

“No one brainwashed me, mother. I wanted to be here.”

“Well you were and now it is time to go home.”

“Can I come back?”


“Why not? I like it here.”

“Next year you can go to a nice summer school with girls your own age.” Daisy shook her head. Cara was loosing patience. She began climbing the ladder.

“I don’t want to go with you.”

“You don’t have much of a choice.” Daisy backed up instinctively. Bo saw her coming close to the ledge, even from where he was standing. He began to run as she slipped. Cara tried to grab onto her daughter.

“Don’t let go!” Cara tried to hold her but Daisy slipped from her fingers. Instead of waiting for the end result, Cara immediately turned towards the ladder. She climbed down, shaking the whole time. She saw Daisy lying on the flat of her back…on top of Bo.

“Are you okay?” Daisy was helped up by Luke who saw the whole thing.

“I’m fine…Bo, are you okay?”

“Ack…I think so,” Bo replied. As he tried to stand up, he felt pain and fell back down. Bo shook his head.

“Let me see.” Daisy pulled up his pant leg. She put her hand into his boot. “Not as much room in those as there was yesterday when I picked them out.”

“Swollen?” Luke asked.

“Oh yeah.”

“Yeah I can feel it too,” Bo grumbled.

“We got to get him to a doctor,” Luke commented.

“Doc Applebee?” Daisy questioned.

“Yep, you’re on the ball today cousin.” Daisy got down on the ground.


“Don’t mention it.”

“Ready Luke? One—two—three, up.” Daisy and Luke lifted their cousin up.

“You’re not going anywhere,” Cara cut in.

“My cousin is hurt. He comes first.” Daisy loaded Bo into the truck. She got into the back seat. Cara walked up to the truck.

“I am leaving tonight, with or without you.”

“Make it without me then.”

“You want to stay with him?”

“Yes I do.”

“FINE! I’ll sign you over to him. You can stay in Hazzard.”


“Yes. It is obvious you’d be better off without me. I’ll go into town in this thing and get it all settled.” Daisy smiled.

“You know, this is the first time you have done anything for me.” Cara began to cry. “I know, I’ll miss you too.” Luke closed the door.

Well friends, life is like a stage. Daisy happened to enter on the wrong side of the stage but soon she made her own play. She chose her destiny. By entering on the right side of the stage, Daisy was able to start again…to have a life. Now she would be happy.


Good ol’ Boys

by: Essy Jane

Howdy enthusiastic supporter, welcome back to Hazzard. Yeah, you want to know about the adventures of Bo and Luke Duke don’t ya? Well, you have come to the right place. You see, Bo and Luke are coming around the corner—now. Now who said that balladeers ain’t all seeing? Oh, what are those lights behind them? Roscoe, why is he chasing them?

Okay, I am not all seeing. I just made a good guess is all—you see, I still don’t know why he’s chasing the boys. All they did today was do chores and pick up the mail. They haven’t done anything yet that would be considered real trouble. Then again, Roscoe P Coltrane the second doesn’t always give a reason why he chases the Duke boys. It just sort of happens.

“What do you think he wants?” Luke asked his younger cousin.

“This much I know, if we don’t get out of here, we’re goanna find out, floor it Luke,” Bo said happily.

“You got it Bo.” Luke did as his cousin said. Luke looked up for a second. He could see Bo looking at himself in the mirror. “What is up with you?”

“Does this shirt make me look—well good?” Luke rolled his eyes.

“We’re in the middle of a chase and you’re worried about your shirt?”

“Well, I happen to know a certain girl who would love to go out with me.”


“Yeah but she doesn’t know it yet.” Luke shook his head and smiled.

“You’re an odd one you know that?” Bo nodded as he smiled.

“If I wasn’t odd, I wouldn’t be normal.”

“That makes as much sense as a chicken giving birth to a whale.” Now you know what’s funny about Hazzard County? No matter how much technology is made, CB radios never seem to go out of style here. Practically every car has one. It’s the easiest way to communicate. Bo picked up the one in the General Lee.

“Hey Roscoe, what’s the charge this time?” He asked.

“Whoo-jit, how dare you question a man of the law Bo Duke. Now I want y’all to pull over in alphabetical order B and L are before R,” Roscoe commented over the CB. Luke grabbed the CB out of Bo’s hand.

“VERY good Roscoe, now can you tell us the other letters of the alphabet?” Luke questioned over the CB. Bo began laughing.

“Now that’s not funny boys—pull over.”

“Yeah right Roscoe, like we would pull over for you.” Luke put the CB down.

“Does he think we’re goanna listen?” Bo asked.

“How would I know? I ain’t in Roscoe’s head,” Luke replied. He made it to Hazzard pond.

“Jump it.”

“Your wish is my command.”

“And away we go!” Luke put on the gas and sure enough made it clear across the pond. Roscoe tried the same thing and landed in it. Bo began laughing as Roscoe climbed on top of the car. Luke shook his head but couldn’t help but grin.

“He’ll be out there for a while.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Roscoe can do a lot of things but drive and swim are two things he can’t.” Luke began to laugh.

“How did you know that?”

“Boss’ wife told me.” Luke began to snicker.

“Now Luke, don’t make fun of someone else because of a problem they have.”


“He’ll have to wait for Enos to come and get him.” Luke shook his head.

“We got to get to school.”

Well sir, the boys were late for school. Luke walked into his classroom in the middle of a lesson. “Lukas Duke where have you been?” Miss March asked. Luke liked this teacher. She looked very good to him in her short skirt.

“Well ma’am, I was driving to school early for once, by two hours,” Luke began.

“Seeing as you’re late, I don’t buy it.”

“Let me finish please.” Miss March Nodded. “We forgot that we had to pick up the mail. Anyway, as we went to pick up the mail from Emma-Lee Tizdale, she asked for ID. All Bo had in his wallet was his health card.” Miss March shook her head. Luke knew she wasn’t buying it but it was the truth. His Uncle Jesse always told him to tell the truth. He took a deep breath and let it out slow.

“I see.”

“I dug in and grabbed mine. We got this neat package from our cousins in London. It was a ring that amazed him. We thought since we were early, we would stop by the museum. As we were heading there, Bo said he wanted to be early for a change.”


“So we drove past the museum. Well, Roscoe got up behind us and we had to loose him to get to school. We tried every trick.”

“Go on.”

“Well, Bo and I jumped Hazzard pond.” Miss March nodded, it wasn’t uncommon to hear about the Duke Boys jumping in the General. That part of course she might have believed. However, Bo and Luke both didn’t have much luck today. “Roscoe couldn’t pull off the jump and he’s now in the pond waiting for Enos to pull him out.”

“Luke, you could have used the dog ate my homework.”

“But I’m telling…”

“It would have been more believable.”



“Yes ma’am.”

“Now, take your seat.”

“Yes ma’am.” Well, the Dukes ain’t starting out too good are they?

Anyway, at lunch time, Bo and Luke met as they always did. They sat together at a table looking at the brown lunch bags they carried. Bo was sour because he got double detention. The first one was for being late. Bo was a lot of things but he was usually reasonably on time. Today, they were really late.

Bo got his second set of detention for sleeping in class. Now Bo wasn’t very good at keeping the attention on the teacher. Most of the teachers Bo had were slow and boring. Bo always said that they should make a club…the monotone club. Luke always had a good laugh with that one.

At any rate, Bo felt pretty rotten today. He even kicked a good thing in the mouth, his bagged lunch. Uncle Jesse always made their lunches with so much care. He put love into each thing he put in. Bo always felt bad when his Uncle did things for him. He figured he could do them himself.

“I don’t see why Uncle Jesse can’t just give us money. He wouldn’t have to wake up at the crack of dawn and make us anything,” Bo grumbled.

“Well Bo, these are Hazzard terms and in Hazzard they bag lunches,” Luke answered him.

“Yeah sure, cut the act Luke and look around you. Everyone has a bagged lunch.” Luke sighed.

“Oh well, Uncle Jesse must love us or he wouldn’t do that for us.” Bo crocked an eyebrow.

“Just yesterday you were staring at the meat loaf.”

“So? Uncle Jesse made it for us for dinner.”

“Okay, what’s wrong with you? The Luke I know would want that meatloaf a second.” Luke sighed. Bo unwrapped his sandwich and took a big bite. “Come on Luke, tell old cousin Bo all about your troubles.” He took a bit of his sandwich. He seemed to be savoring it.

“Miss March.” Bo pushed Luke’s lunch bag closer to him. Luke sighed and opened it up, grabbing his sandwich which was totally different from Bo’s. He had to smile.

“What about her? Is it her legs or silky lips that are bugging you?” Luke elbowed his cousin hard. “OWE! Sorry, geeze, you didn’t have to do that.”

“Bo, she didn’t believe me and she made me stay for detention.” Bo began to laugh hard. “What is so dang funny?” Luke commented, with his mouth half full.

“You stay everyday anyway. What makes you so worried about it now?” Bo took a rather large bite, finishing off the sandwich. He took out his apple and a juice box. Bo seemed to suck the thing dry in a matter of seconds. Luke sipped on his slowly.

“I’m not the one in detention normally, you are.”


“So, your detention doesn’t usually end up on my permanent record.”

“You actually believe in those things?” Luke’s head popped up, his straw came with it. Bo giggled softly. Luke put the straw back into the juice box.

“What do you mean?”

“There’s no such thing, they use that to scare you.” Bo took another bite of his apple. “Unless you get a performance warning.”

“What’s that?” Bo stuck his cousin’s apple in his mouth. Luke shook his head, biting down on the apple and then pulling it out.”

“Oh, that stays with you the rest of your life.”

“Can you get one for detention?”

“Oh Luke, quit thinking like that. So negative, you think every thing is goanna turn out wrong.” The bell rang. Bo and Luke both sighed. Bo picked up the garbage, combining both Luke’s and himself.

“I’m just worried that’s all.”

“Luke, the bell just rang, get up.”

“Right.” Bo threw the garbage out. He smiled at his cousin as he saw a pretty girl. His eyebrows went up. Luke snapped his fingers and Bo came out of it in an instant.

“Whelp, another day, another class to sleep through, I’ll see ya later.”

“Why do you sleep through class?” Bo rubbed his chin with his index finger and his thumb. He looked up, snapping his fingers.

“Duh, they’re boring.”

“How do you get the marks you get?” Bo had a half smile rolled across his face, the signature characteristic of when he was thinking.

“If I knew that I would be a genius.”

“Have you ever stayed awake in a class?”


“Do you think you ever will?” Bo shrugged and walked away. Luke couldn’t believe how much his cousin got away with. He seemed to be treated harder than any student there. He was extremely hard working and always got straight A’s—Bo got the same marks and still was treated better. This is a total phenomenon in the mind, huh? Oh well.


Bo and Luke walked out of detention and looked out the door. “Now that wasn’t so bad was it?” Bo asked.

“Yeah right, for you maybe. I was bored to tears—one thing bugs me, how did you convince the teacher to let you go out and get a soda?” Luke replied. Bo began to laugh.

“Now that my friend is a secret.”

“Did you bribe him with Uncle Jesse’s meatloaf?” Bo nodded. “You are one sneaky little thing.”

There was Roscoe standing at the front door, waiting for the Dukes to come out. Bo and Luke had no idea that he was there. They were still getting their stuff out of their lockers. One of the kids threw a football to Luke and he threw it back. Luke had a pretty good arm in football. When they were in California, Luke was always being compared to Vance. Vance had a way better arm than Luke.

Bo finally held his locker just enough to close it. Now that Bo has the messiest locker I have ever seen. It looks like a tornado hit it. Young Bo was good at making messes. He always told Luke that he had to clean up his room at home and that he wanted one place to be messy, his locker. Luke would tell him in return that a clean locker means you can find everything. I am not disputing.

As Bo and Luke finally made their way to the door, they noticed Roscoe. Bo shook his head softly. Luke pulled his right hand down his face. “Man, they must have a good mechanic in Hazzard,” Bo mumbled.

“How would we know, we’ve never met him,” Luke mumbled back.

“How are we going to get passed Roscoe?”

“I don’t know.”

“I do.” Bo began to walk away from his cousin. He turned around. “Well are you coming or not?” Luke rolled his eyes as he began to walk towards his cousin. “That’s it, one foot in front of the other.”

“I’ll club you.”

“No you won’t.” Luke growled. Bo took Luke to the janitor’s closet.

“What are you doing?”

“Oh come on, don’t tell me you have never made out in the janitor’s closet.” Luke’s eyes shifted. His eyebrows suddenly rose. “Okay—obviously you haven’t. Well, let me tell you, it is a good place.”

“What are we doing here?”

“If you had ever made out in here you would know.” Bo grabbed a key from his pocket and put it in the door, he turned it and opened it.

“Where the heck did you get a key from?”

“Let’s just say an eye for an eye.” Luke shook his head.

“Come on tell me.”

“I caught the janitor sleeping here. Now he lets me do whatever I want.”

“You could get away with murder you know that?” Bo laughed as Luke shook his head.

“Probably could get away with it, cousin.” Bo walked in the back and pointed to a metal ladder connected to the roof.

“This is your master plan?”

“Yeah this is my plan, unless you have a better one, Luke.”

“Why should I come up with all the plans?”

“Come on, just think about it for a minute.”


“That’s my Luke Duke. You think hard.”

“Be quiet for a minute.”

“Being quiet, sir.” Bo saluted Luke. Luke couldn’t help but laugh. Bo was always pulling things like this and Luke always seemed to let Bo get away with it. Luke thought for a minute and shrugged. “Start climbing.”

“Yeah, okay but don’t think this is a good idea.” Luke climbed up followed by Bo. They both got to the top. As they looked around, they found the ladder leading down to the ground was taken off for repairs. “What’s your plan now genius?”

“Umm…” Bo looked down and saw the gymnasts practicing outside. They had a large trampoline outside. Bo smiled as he pointed down. “There.” Luke shook his head.

“Bo, you’re plain old lucky that’s what you are.”

“I was born that way.”

“After you cousin.”

“Thanks Luke.” Bo jumped off the roof and bounced on the trampoline for a minute. He took one more jump, did a back flip and landed on his feet.

“Show off,” Luke mumbled from above. He jumped off the roof and jumped for a little bit and climbed off.

“Why didn’t you try any tricks?”

“Because unlike you, I think Roscoe will find us. We can’t live out all our days on luck.”

“I beg to differ.” Thank goodness the student parking lot was on the side that Roscoe was not. As they drove to the front, Luke sounded the Dixie horn. Roscoe waved his fist a few times and got into the police car. He began to chase the boys once again.

“He just can’t leave us alone today Bo.”

“No kidding Luke.” Bo and Luke seemed to be better with the country than they used to be. They hid under a bridge while Roscoe sped past them. “Something’s going on…I think he thinks that we did something.”

“I think you’re right cousin.” Luke tried to start the General. He wouldn’t start. “What’s wrong with him?” Luke tried repeatedly. Finally he started.

“We better get him checked in a car hospital.”

“Meet the mechanics?”

“Yep, you’ve got it.”

Sure enough, Bo and Luke headed to the garage. They drove the General right inside, not taking any chances. The two mechanics were startled by this. “That’s some mighty good driving. If I didn’t know any better I would say that y’all were Dukes,” One of them said.

“By the look of their car Dodger, I would say they are Dukes,” the other replied. The first one looked at them.

“They do look familiar, Cooter.” Dodger and Cooter both had brown hair that stuck out of hats. Only Dodger had a go-tee with a backwards hat. Cooter was full of stubble with his hat facing the normal way.

“Cooter and Dodger?” Bo questioned.

“Who were your parents, hippies?” Luke asked.

“Cooter is after my third cousin Cooter Davenport and my brother here is named after a baseball team my Daddy loved,” Cooter growled.

“Wait a minute, did you just say Davenport?” Bo questioned.

“You got it partner,” Dodger replied.

“Did y’all live up in Montana?”

“Uh huh…?”

“Your Dad was Farley?”

“Yeah that’s right.”

“It’s me Bo.” Dodger stared at Bo for a minute and laughed hard. He punched Bo in the arm playfully.

“Dang boy, you’re huge. When I saw you last you were four years old.”

“Ten years does a lot to a person.”

“Who’s shorty?”

“That’s Luke.”

“Little Lukey Duke?”

“The very same Dodge…hey, can you help us? Our General Lee is having a hiccup.”

“Yeah no problem.”

“Question number two…can you make it quick? Roscoe’s after us.”

“Why should we help a couple of fugitives? Just because we know ya doesn’t mean we should help ya,” Cooter pointed out.

“Look, we don’t know what we did but we do need help,” Luke replied.

“Oh come on Cooter, you’re crazy,” Dodger commented.

“I am no Crazy Cooter—hey, I like that,” Cooter answered his brother.

“You like what?”

“Crazy Cooter, that would be the ultimate CB handle.” Dodger rolled his eyes. He clipped his brother in the back of the head.

“You’re dumb.”

“I don’t think so brother. I have done a lot of crazy things but I ain’t dumb.”

“So you’re saying you might be crazy but you ain’t dumb?”

“Yep, Crazy Cooter comin’ at ya.”

“Are we goanna help them or not?”

“Yeah…we’ll help them.” Bo let out a yahoo. Luke shook his head.

“Thank you so much,” Luke said.

“You got it Lukas Dukas.”

“Don’t all me that.”

“Okay Lukas Dukas.” Bo began to laugh.

“What are you laughing at Beauregard?”

“Don’t call me by that horrible name, Lukas. I don’t even know why Mama named me that,” Bo replied.

“After Granddaddy of course, duh, I’m surprised you didn’t know that yourself.” Bo crocked an eyebrow.

“Of course I knew that! Granddaddy doesn’t like his name either.” Luke began to laugh as he shook his head. “Well he doesn’t.”

“Yeah I know.” Anyway, y’all know where this conversation is heading. Bo and Luke could be at this one for hours. Stay calm y’all, General will be done soon.


At the courthouse, Boss Hogg was shaking his head. “The crown jewels come to Hazzard County and they get stolen. I ought to make your hound dog sheriff—she would do a better job,” Boss Hogg yelled.

“Well Boss, I didn’t know what to do, them Duke boys drove passed just before Emery Potter walked out screaming that the jewels had been stolen,” Roscoe replied.


“I tried Boss but you see mmm—mmm well they put me in the pond.”

“Yeah I know that, I paid for it, remember pee brain?” Roscoe smiled pinching Boss Hogg’s cheeks.

“Oh fat buddy I really appreciate that.”

“Ack! Quit pinching my cheeks you dough head.” Boss Hogg growled. “Look if you don’t know how to be a sheriff maybe I’ll find you some other job. How does cleaning the sewers sound?” Roscoe’s eyes widened.

“Ah, I’ll try Boss, really I will.” Well, now we know why Roscoe keeps chasing the Dukes. Now when will the boys figure it out?

Over in the post office, Jesse walked in to buy some stamps. Jesse watched as she put the mail away. She was wearing a skirt to her knees. Now Daisy Duke Senior had the best legs in the county but those Tizdale’s seemed to tie with her every time. Jesse was raised old fashioned, he tried to turn from it.

As Emma-Lee turned around, she gazed into Jesse’s eyes. “Why hello there handsome, you do know that your boys already picked up the mail don’t you?” Emma commented. Jesse blushed.

“Now Miss Emma, I know what you’re up to. You’re trying to woo me,” Jesse replied.

“Now Jesse, what do you mean by that?” Emma flipped her hair, rolling it from shoulder to shoulder.

“Well…you see Emma…”

“Ah, you don’t have to explain.”

“I don’t?”

“Of course not.” Emma tapped his nose. Jesse pulled away. Emma pushed her rimless glasses up and winked. “Now what can I do for you?”

“I’d like some pants—I mean stamps.” Jesse shook his head as Emma-Lee laughed. “I am out of stamps you see—heh, um not pants.”

“Most people use email nowadays.”

“Ah, you can’t send packages through the internet.”

“You have a point. I’ll pick out the best stamps I have. While you’re waiting, you can look through the list of most wanted. I know your boys are better lawmen than the law.”

“Not a bad idea, my boys did say that Hazzard has been a little slow lately.”

“Only for the past week. You and your boys are amazing young men.”

“Thanks Emma.”

“Anytime Jesse, now you be patient alright?”

“I am always patient for you Emma.”

“That’s good because I need a good old patient man around Hazzard.” Jesse blushed.

“Well thank you Emma.”

“You’re welcome Jesse.”

“That was really kind.” Jesse looked at the wall. Emma looked up at the one poster she knew Jesse would come across:



Bo Duke Luke Duke




Jesse swallowed hard. He scratched his beard and crocked an eyebrow. Jesse shook his head softly. He couldn’t believe that his boys would ever steal anything like that. They knew better than that. Bo and Luke wouldn’t want to go back to jail. It took two FBI fellers, Sheriff Little and Uncle Jesse himself to clear up the last mess.

“When did this get up here?” He asked. Emma sighed as she pulled out stamps with love hearts all over them.

“Well Jesse, just this afternoon. Bo and Luke will be in an awful mess of trouble if you don’t find them,” She replied. Emma-Lee handed Jesse the stamps.

“Confounded woman, don’t you have any others?”

“No sir, just these ones.”

“Every time I come in for stamps you conveniently run out of all other ones but the ones with hearts.”

“Sorry Jesse.” Jesse paid Emma and walked out of the post office. He grabbed the CB off of his truck.

“This is Shepard to lost sheep—Shepard to lost sheep, do y’all have your ears on?”

“Shepard this is lost sheep one, what do you need?” Luke questioned back over the CB.

“Did you know you’re wanted for stealin’ jewelry?”

“WHAT? Ah—Shepard, this is news to us. What did we steal, come back?”

“You went big, you stole the grand jewels of Britain today.”

“And that’s why Roscoe’s been trying to catch us all day.”

“I would suppose so but I am surprised that you didn’t tell me about that.”

“Well Uncle Jesse We’re…”

“Don’t give away your 20! What if Roscoe’s monitoring?”

“Good point, where do you want to meet?”

“Still nine.”



Jesse stared at his boys. He paced back and forth. He glared at them once more, shaking his head softly. “This is horrible. I mean we get you out of the moonshine mess and now you’re here again. Stealing jewels,” Jesse commented.

“We didn’t steal anything!” Luke exclaimed. He shook his head. How could his Uncle Jesse blame him of something like that? He couldn’t believe that his own flesh and blood would pull something like that. Bo was at the same point in his thinking as well.

“Yeah, why would we? Luke and I both know that it wouldn’t get us anywhere. I wouldn’t want to be stuck in a jail cell,” Bo added.

“Besides, I think that we were set up.” Bo shook his head no. Luke stared at him for a second. I think he wondered if his cousin was crazy. “What do you mean no? How many times in history has a Hogg set a Duke up?”

“Nah, I think it was a weird fluke, how would Roscoe and Boss Hogg know that we were going to drive passed the old museum anyway?”

“You do have a point there Bo.”

“I know I do. Boss Hogg has set us up for a couple of things but it has never stuck.”

“That and Roscoe always messes it up.” Both boys began laughing.

“You boys are crazy—I mean how do you do it? Every single time I think y’all are safe another thing comes up. How do you two get into these messes?” Jesse asked.

“Well, I don’t rightfully know,” Bo replied.

“Well them fellas that did steal the jewels are at large.”

“Yeah I know.”

“They can get away Scott Free because y’all are taking the rap for something you really didn’t do.”

“Now is that justice?”

“Boss Hogg doesn’t care, as long as he has someone to blame.” Luke snapped his fingers.

“What do people do after they rob places?” Luke asked. Bo looked confused by his cousin’s statement. “Oh come on cousin, you have watched just as many if not more of those cop movies.”

“Run like mad?” Bo questioned.

“Well besides that.”

“I’m stumped.”

“They figure out how much their loot is,” Jesse announced.

“Exactly—so if we find them, we get the jewels.” Luke put a piece of gum into his mouth and began chewing it. “We can return them and get the jewel thief name off of our tails.”

“Luke, are you sure that’s a good idea?” Luke handed Bo a piece of gum and then Uncle Jesse. “I mean think about what you’re up against here.”

“We don’t know.”

“Exactly, you don’t know who these people are. It ain’t like going against Roscoe and Boss Hogg. You know your foe there.” Bo began blowing a bubble.

“Oh yeah, we’ll be able to handle them.” The bubble Bo was blowing got bigger and bigger.

“They could come with guns and the works.”

“Oh Uncle Jesse, we’re Dukes. We come from a long line of heroes.” Suddenly the bubble popped all over Bo’s face. He began pulling it off his eyebrows and other parts of his face. Jesse shook his head.

“You two are also really young, Bo just proved my point there.” Luke rolled his eyes. “Don’t you do that to me!”

“No, that was aimed at Bo.”

“Okay, granted, now what was I saying? Oh yeah, even Jose and I had problems when we were your age.”

“No problem Uncle Jesse. It is just a case of grabbing some jewels and running away with them. That’s child’s play. We’ll be back for supper.”

“You boys be careful.”

“Come on, careful is our middle name,” Bo mumbled.

“Yeah right, trouble is your middle name, Bo Duke,” Jesse answered his nephew. Luke began laughing. “I wouldn’t laugh Luke Duke, you’re about the same.”

“Yeah I guess I am,” Luke replied, smiling.

“Remember now, supper time comes fast.”

“Yes sir it does. Is Enos and Danny coming over again?”

“Well of course they are—Enos and Danny love my cooking.” Bo and Luke laughed. Everyone in Hazzard County loved their Uncle’s cooking. He was the best in the state. “I am making apple pie.” Bo licked his chops. Luke’s eyebrows rose.

“Okay, we’ll make it home for dinner.”

They walked over to the General and got in. Bo and Luke turned on their stereo that they had just put in the General last month. Bo began to bob his head. “SEE YA,” Bo said.

“Turn down that confounded noise. Do you wanna be caught?”

“Sorry Uncle Jesse.” Bo turned down the sound. Luke drove off. “Do you know where we’re going?”

“I know where they are. Where else could you hide that many jewels without questions asked?” Luke announced.

“Lilly-Beth’s farm that she abandoned, am I right?”

“You are on the ball cousin. Now it’s time to show them what the name Luke and Bo Duke mean in this county.”

“You mean Bo and Luke.”

“Why do you think your name goes first?”

“Because a rhyme at the end sounds better.” Luke shook his head.

“You’re one interesting person.” They approached Lilly-Beth’s farm and noticed the smoke coming out of the chimney. The boys parked the General where no one could see it. They crept up to the window, watching a man play with the jewelry. He was putting crowns on his head and the necklaces around him.

“He thinks he’s the queen,” Luke whispered.

“Well I don’t, I think we’re goanna have to show him that the queen’s not in England,” Bo whispered back. Suddenly they heard the safety come off of a gun. Bo swallowed hard.

“Oh I think he’s the king boys,” a woman said. She glared at them as Bo and Luke laughed weakly. “On your feet!” Oh yeah, they were doing well, for Dukes that is. Bo and Luke both put their hands up. She walked them into the building. “Look what I found?”

“They’re just a couple of curious kids,” The man replied.

“They were spying on us, how much more do you want? They could ruin our whole operation.”

“Fine, tie them up in the barn. We’ll waste them tomorrow.”

“Why not today?”

“Today’s Friday the thirteenth. Bad luck to kill people today—why do you think we’re not leaving Hazzard today? Something could happen.”

“Oh you and your bad luck, Logan.”

“I wouldn’t talk, Ella…wasn’t it you who wanted to hang a horse shoe? Now get rid of them, I’m playing.” Bo swallowed hard. They made their way into the barn.

“Pick up the rope pretty boy.” Bo did as the lady said. Ella pointed the gun at Luke. “Go over by the far pillar and sit down.” Luke did as she said, sitting almost directly under the window. “Tie up your cousin and make it good.”

“WHAT? You can’t expect me to…” Bo began.

“Do it or loose your cousin.” Bo sighed as he nodded.

“I’m sorry Luke.” Bo began doing the best tie job of his life.

“You must have been in cubs.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“I know those knots just as well as you.” Bo finished tying Luke’s hands up.

“There, I tied up my own cousin. Now what do you want me to do? Administer the torture test?”

“You’re funny kid, I must admit.”

“Now, move over to the pillar beside the door. Bo did as the lady said, sitting down on the hay. Luke watched as his cousin was tied up. He couldn’t believe this happened. This was supposed to be easy.

Now here they were, about to die on Lilly-Beth’s old farm. Bo’s hands were tied well. She looked at them and smiled. After tying Luke’s and Bo’s feet up, Ella walked out of the barn. “This is all your fault,” Bo commented.

“My fault! How is this little situation my fault, Bo? You could have tied me looser—maybe I could have gotten out,” Luke answered.

“She was going to kill you if I didn’t do it right.”

“That Miss Ella was going to kill me anyway.” Bo shrugged, staring at his cousin from across the room.

“You know, I figured this might give us some time to get out of here and grab the jewels.”

“Yeah I guess you’re right but how are we goanna get out? As I said, you tie a mean knot.

“Well I think I can…” Ella suddenly walked back in. “I knew there was trouble lurking behind the corner.”

“Yeah me too…I could smell a rat.”

“A big one.”

“Nice to think of me that way, boys…a rat can be a very smart creature,” Ella laughed.

“You’re sick.”

“Oh am I pretty boy?”

“You are goanna kill two minors, I would think that’s sick. You won’t get away with that either.”

“You don’t think so?”

“No I don’t!”

“Why’s that, pretty boy?”

“We’re Dukes.”

“Oh good, now I know what to write on your tombstone. Dukes.”

“Laugh now but when it’s time, we’ll rise and…”

“Oh? You think you can beat my knots?”


“Or that brown haired prince over there can pull out of your knots.”


“That’s what I thought. I also was listening to your conversation. How pathetic, even for you, pretty boy.” She began to laugh as she held her purse closer to herself.

“You shouldn’t listen in on others conversations, it’s rude.” Luke rolled his eyes. “Well it is rude, Luke.”

“I had to find up what the famous Dukes were up to.”

“What did you learn?”

“You boys are talking to each other about how to escape this place. Well, I can fix that.”

Ella took out two hankies out of her purse. One was dark red with white plaid all over it. The other was navy blue. She walked over and gagged each of the boys. How did she gag them you ask? Well, Ella put the hanky on Bo’s tongue and tied it behind his head.

Bo tried to struggle out of his knots but Ella was right, she was good at knot tying. Yep, he wanted out of this one and I don’t blame him. Bo wanted to go home and be a kid. Play with Danny in the field. Not be tied up here waiting for his death sentence to happen.

“You’re lucky, you get to die together. How many people wish they knew when they would die?” Ella howled with laughter as she walked back out.

Bo grumbled through the hanky that was sitting on his tongue. Luke nodded, seeming to understand his cousin’s worries. After all, who really wants to die?

Bo shook his head. He truly wondered if they were going to get out of this one. I guess y’all have to hang on for that one. I can’t give you all the secrets, even if I am the balladeer.


Back at the Duke farm, there was a table itching to eat Uncle Jesse’s famous crawdad’s Bisk. Enos and Danny were sitting up at the table staring at the pot on the stove. “Where are those boys?” Jesse asked.

“Well with Roscoe and me on their tail Uncle Jesse I don’t think they’s goanna come home for dinner,” Enos mumbled. Jesse shook his head.

“Now Enos, do you think my boys would ever do such a thing?”

“No sir.”

“Would you be willing to make a truce until after dinner if they showed up?”

“Yes sir.”

“Jesse, they should have been here by now. Bo is never late for a meal,” Danny added.

“I know but they went off to do something,” Jesse replied.

“Nah, Bo’s in trouble—right along with Luke. I can feel it. Danny scratched his black hair with his long brown fingers. He shook his head. “You know, since the day I have known those two they have been getting into trouble.”

“That’s true Danny—that’s why I am so worried about them.”

“Then again, they have always gotten themselves back out.”

“I hope you’re right Danny.”

“Me too, Jesse. You know, Bo and I have been friends way too long to have him mess it up.”

“Yeah…you two have done a great job staying friends. Jesse frowned as he looked outside, the clouds had darkened and gone clear across the sky. They looked like large cotton balls, painted a dark grey.

“Ooo-wee, we’re goanna have a rainstorm tonight. I predict thunder, lightning—the whole works.” Jesse shook his head softly. “Hey, are you okay Jesse?”

“No—but we can’t let it sit any longer—let’s eat.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, I have a feeling they are not coming.” Danny sighed and swallowed hard.

“Can I say the blessing?”


“Lord, please watch over Bo and Luke. Help them to be able to get through their trying time. Lord, please bless this bountiful feast that you have provided us with. Amen.”

“Amen,” Everyone said.

“Now let’s eat.”

You know, Danny was right, the rain began moving and the wind began a howling. Thunder crackled through the sky. Jesse hoped that providence was looking out for his boys. He could only hope that they weren’t caught out in the storm somewhere hurt.

Over at Lilly-Beth’s farm, things were steaming up for the Duke boys. Rain trickled in on Bo as he watched Luke struggle to get out of his ropes. A tree bashed against the barn window. Who would want a window in a barn? Only Lilly-Beth would want one. That gal loved windows.

Anyway, the window finally shattered sending glass flying all around. Luke tucked his head in to avoid it. Bo was worried about his cousin and began making a fuss. Luke on the other hand, had a plan. He managed to slide a piece of glass in between his feet. He passed it up to his hands.

Bo crossed his fingers behind his back. If this worked they would both be free and be able to get out of there. Luke continued to move the glass back and forth.

The ropes finally cut. However the glass slipped and cut the front of Luke’s wrist. He took the gag off of himself. Luke untied his feet, hoping his cousin wouldn’t notice his arm bleeding.

Now Bo has two eyes and can see very well. Of course he noticed the arm thing. Luke took the gag off his cousin. “Are you okay?” Bo asked. Luke rolled his eyes. As Luke untied his cousin, Bo sighed.

“Look, I’m fine,” Luke replied. Bo untied his feet. He walked over to where the glass was and cut the seams on his shirt. “What are you doing?! You love that shirt.”

“There are more important things than a shirt, Lukas.” Bo pulled the arms off the shirt and wrapped them around Luke’s hand. Luke smiled weakly. He didn’t want his cousin to do that for him.


“You’re welcome. Now, it’s time to go fishing.”

“I don’t get you.”

“Well, we have the fishing line in the back seat. Attach a hook and…”

“This is no time to go fishing.”

“What type of sack do they have?”


“Fishing line is strong is it not?” Luke finally caught on, he had a big smile on his face. Bo knew was he was talking about and Luke was going to go with the flow. “There you go cousin, time to go fishing.”

Bo and Luke managed to make it back to the General. Luke pulled out their fishing polls. Bo put them back in. He grabbed a sewing set he picked up for Daisy. He was going to send it to her but decided that this was more important.

Bo grabbed one of the spools out of the kit and began to take the thread off. “Now what are you doing?” Luke asked.

“The rods make noise—the spools do not. Now we know that she has raptures in her house. We can hang up there and grab these bags,” Bo replied.

“Four bags…how are we going to get down with four bags in our hands?”

“Empty my backpack, Luke.”

“Why should I empty your backpack? You keep it so messy…”

“Well, I am goanna carry the jewels on my back.” Luke nodded. Well the plan was coming together. The Dukes were going to go fishing.

So, step one of BO’s plan—I like the sound of that, Bo’s plan. I remember when it was always Luke’s plan. Oh no matter. Anyway, Bo’s first step was to climb up the roof. With all the thunder and lightning it was a bit of a risk but Bo and Luke were willing to take it. They looked like Batman and Robin climbing onto the roof.

Both boys made it through the small window. Ella and Logan were sleeping comfortably in easy chairs. Bo had the green knapsack on his back. Luke swallowed hard. He hoped this was going to work. Bo and Luke melted the fishing line on with a lighter. Hopefully it wouldn’t break.

The first bag of jewels began to climb into the air. Luke put it in Bo’s backpack. “This is going well,” Luke whispered. Bo lowered his line down again for the next big fish. He grabbed the jewels again putting them in. The next two bags were easy.

The hard part would be getting the crown off of Logan’s head. Bo got it low enough and began swinging the hook back and forth. He finally gripped onto it and pulled it up. Bo and Luke shimmied back to the window and climbed down.

“Now for the fun part,” Luke mumbled.

“What are you going to do?” Bo asked softly. Now there was only one entrance to Lilly-Beth’s farm. The front door and Luke figured he could make it so they couldn’t come out at all. “Lilly-Beth left her husband’s tools go get his electric nail gun, the big boards from the barn and his screw driver.

Now each time the thunder roared, Luke would do some more work until these people were boarded up in the house. Luke boarded the windows while Bo took off the door handle. It’s funny how people with such good hearing can be such sound sleepers.

After they were done, Bo and Luke got into the General Lee and were on their way. Now if you think they’re done, think again. A bolt of lightning hit a tree, wiping out the road to Hazzard.

“Any great ideas, Luke?” Bo asked.

“Yeah…who needs a road?” Luke replied. Bo smiled.

“Do it.” Luke drove off the road into the creek and up onto the other side of the remains of the tree that had been hit. They made it up to Hazzard and dropped off the Jewels, right back in the museum. Pretty slick huh?


Luke was sitting in the waiting room of the hospital. He looked at Bo and sighed. “This is so boring. You know, I didn’t have to come here,” Luke grumbled.

“Sure you did, you need a tetanus shot and you need stitches. Blood was starting to come through my second sleeve on your hand,” Bo answered. Luke rolled his eyes.

“You’re a pain you know that?”

“I ain’t a pain, I am a cousin.”

“You’re worse than a little brother.”

“Lukas Duke,” The lady called. Luke let out a yahoo as he went in. A nurse walked in the room.

“Wow, the famous Duke Boys. Good to see you both here. I know there’s nothing wrong with Bo. He seems to be checking out every nurse in sight. So, what can I do for you Luke?” She asked softly. Bo winked.

“Well I cut my wrist on some glass and…” Luke began.

“Say no more, I’ll send the doctor in with a shot and some stitches.” Luke sighed.

“What’s wrong, Cousin?” Bo asked.

“I hate needles,” Luke replied.

About an hour later, Bo and Luke were on their way home. “I can’t believe he let you drive,” Bo commented.

“What do you mean by that?”

“You fainted when you saw the needle.”


“So, you looked like you were goanna hurl when you got the second one.”

“Well at least I was unconscious when they put the stitches in.” Bo shook his head and laughed.

“You can take on baddies yet you can’t get a needle without flinching.”

“No one is perfect Bo.”

“Evidently not.” Luke rolled his eyes. “I think I pictured you a little tougher.”

“I guess you were wrong.”

“I guess so.”

When Bo and Luke finally got home, Danny was still waiting with Jesse. Luke and Bo climbed out of the General Lee. They looked at Bo “Hey, what are you doing here Danny?” Bo asked.

“I told Mama I was sleeping over here. I was really worried about you two,” Danny replied. Bo shook his head.

“We’re fine, honest. Just got into a little bit of a test—you know a test of strength that’s all. We won too. I’ll tell you all about it.”

“Sweet, let’s go.” Danny and Bo walked upstairs. Luke sat beside his Uncle, who was looking up into the cleared sky.

“You know Luke, storms are a funny thing. One minute they seem frightening and scary and the next, they clear up,” Uncle Jesse mumbled.

“I don’t get what you mean,” Luke replied. Jesse smiled at his nephew and messed up his hair.

“You see, one minute you can think you have it all under control. The next, you’re in a while mess of trouble. Soon, you either find a way out or you don’t and somehow, the situation clears itself.”

“Uncle Jesse…”

“Luke, you boys were lucky. By the scrape on your arm, I know something went on. By the rope marks on both of your wrists I know you were caught.”

“We’re learning.”

“I know you are. You boys ain’t goanna be the best fighting Dukes in the world. You need practice. As the older one though, I know you understand when I say that you need to watch over Bo.”

“Yeah I do. He has some good ideas though. I wish I could see Mr. Higgins’s face when he opens up the museum tomorrow.”

“What did you do?”

“What do you mean what did I do?”

“What did you do to the museum?”

“Well we—gave the jewels back.”

“Where are the thieves?”

“What thieves?” Uncle Jesse shook his head and Luke laughed.

“You know what I mean but the thieves, the ones that stole the jewels. What did you do with them?”

“Oh Uncle Jesse, you wouldn’t want me to tell you that.”

“Yes I would, now come on.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I am sure now let’s hear it.” Luke smiled as he rubbed his hands together. He told Uncle Jesse exactly what they had done. Now thank goodness Jesse has a sense of humor. That man began to laugh up a storm.

“Yep and that’s what we did to them.”

“Oh what poetic justice.”

“Uh huh.”

“Whose idea?”


“Smart kid.”

Well, okay, we’ll skip ahead to the next day…more fun that way anyway. Whelp, Mr. Higgins opened the door and saw four bags sitting there with two guns. He looked at it curiously. On one of the bags a note was attached:

Dear Mister Higgins:
Here are the Royal family’s jewels, we know that you have been in a panic and we apologize for not getting them to you sooner. The twisted lawbreakers who stole the jewels in the first place are not far. In fact, they are at Lilly-Beth’s neglected farm trapped in her farmhouse. Send the Sheriff and he’ll take care of them. Here are their guns.

Yours truly,

Your Friendly Hazzard County Good Ol Boys

Bo Duke Luke Duke

Now Bo sure has nice writing doesn’t he? I really like his writing, I think it looks splendid. Mr. Higgins sure thought so. And speaking of Mr. Higgins, he did in fact feel relieved.

Whelp, he called the Sheriff as Bo directed him to do. Luke, Bo, Dodger, Danny and Cooter went into the forest to watch them be arrested they had to break the door down.

Bo had to laugh watching these crooks walking away with moustaches drawn on their faces…compliments of Bo Duke. “Am I an artist or what?” Bo asked Cooter.

“You ain’t half as good as I am,” Cooter replied.

“Oh you think so?”

“Yeah, your moustaches look like the Dairy Queen loop.”

“Is that so?”

“I think you’re both wrong, I’m the artist,” Dodger cut in. Okay, I’m not sticking around for this one. All you have to know is everything is back to normal…if there is a normal in Hazzard County.