The Hijackers: Chapter 11

by: Kristy Duke

Rough and ragged chills race rapidly across my warm body as I stare silently through the mud splattered windshield as a thick flow of disbelief rushes through me. For a long moment I stare at the rolling hills and the towering mountains that line the distant horizon, taking in farm land with scattered trees and houses throughout. “Any thoughts?” Treyton’s dry voice breaks through the thick silence that had filled the state car to distract my thoughts and my attention, bringing my attention to what brings us to where we are right now. Taking a deep breath I slowly glance away from the peaceful and quiet scenery, I slowly glance down at the thick and lengthy poster I had placed upon my lap upon entering the car. Fear slowly begins to build within me to accelerate my disbelief at the sight of Whinston’s evil face smiling up at me from a black and white picture. A picture of his past and a recent picture in his orange jump suit and chains. After twenty-six long years, how does a man like Whinston escape from the state pen? Even with help? Good should always over come evil and bad. Yet the deaths of the bus driver and the four guards says otherwise.

“On what to do?” I slowly glance up at my partner who holds tightly onto the leather steering wheel, staring seriously at the road that lies ahead, “We go do our jobs…just like any other job we’ve taken. We go in, post the poster and ask around. Hope they haven’t seen nor heard of him and go on our merry way.”

“The sheriff shot and killed his baby brother,” Treyton slowly responds, his disbelief thickly in his voice, “of course he knows of him. I mean Whinston even verbally threatened him in court and silently threatened Jesse Duke while being drug back into jail after being found guilty. They know of him.”

“You know what I meant,” I sigh heavily as I allow his statement to wash over me, thinking of the bold truth behind what he said. Whinston had promised to seek revenge upon the death of his baby brother and now he has a wide range of opportunity to do so. “Where’s backup?” I glance through the side mirror to find an empty road behind us, “I don’t see them.”

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New Wheels for the Dukes, Act 6

by: Keith

UNCLE JESSE: What do ya got in mind, Luke?

LUKE: What’s the one thing that Rosco loves more than anything else in the world?

DAISY: Well, if it was anybody else, I’d say either his momma or Lulu. But, knowin’ Rosco, I’d guess it would be Flash.

LUKE: (grinning) Exactly. Now suppose, for a minute, that Rosco was still sheriff and Flash turned up missin’. What do ya think is the first thing he’d do?

BO: (chuckling) Knowin’ Rosco, he’d probably put out an A.P.B. or her.

LUKE: Bingo.

BALLADEER: Now, since Luke couldn’t play an active part in his plan, he figured he aughtta keep it as simple as possible.

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The Hijackers: Chapter 10

by: Kristy Duke

Chills race rapidly across Levi Dunning’s muscular back as he silently steps out of the rusty old green truck that he had stolen only moments upon entering Hazzard. Silently staring around the entrance of the old mine shaft, staring through the dark entry of the thick trees to staring ungrudgingly at the two guards that stand silently near the entry way, their beefy thick arms crossed over the chests. After a short moment of taking in his vast, empty surroundings a slim smile crosses Levi’s handsome face as he allows the thoughts of all the plans the group has made for the rest of Hazzard. Thoughts of the his own plans that he has been silently relishing since the day that they had helped Whinston break out of jail.

Taking a deep breath, Levi slowly steps out of the protection of the truck and is attacked by the harsh wind that tickles off of the bare branches that whip quickly upon the thick trunks of the trees. More chills rush down his neck as Levi slowly makes his way to the dark entry of the old shaft to nod at the two burly guards before being swallowed by the thick darkness of the shaft. For a short moment, Levi stands a foot within the shaft, allowing his vision to adjust to the darkness before he blindly finds the rocky, dirty ledge before swiftly turning around to climb down. After a long couple of minutes of searching and struggling with the iron rungs that had been placed in the dirt, Levi stands upon solid ground. After grabbing an old lantern that hangs upon another rung just left of the stepping rungs, Levi quickly lights it to look down the narrow and long passage way. Down the right lies an a smaller room that they had stored all their extra stolen stuff that they have hidden from Hogg while down the left of the passage way is where they had made home for their prisoners.

Watching the flicker of the lantern dancing upon the dark rocky walls, Levi slowly makes his way through the passage way by walking half sideways. After a long couple of minutes he reaches the end of the passage way and to where the walls widen into a large room with four beams spread apart reaches from the ground to the rocky roof. “Whatchya doing?!” Levi breaks the silence as he enters the icy cold room to force Trent almost off of his chair in surprise.

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The Greatest Hazzardian Hero, Act 3

by: Keith

Act Three

(Ralph collides head-on with the General Lee and plummets into the water. The General Lee lands on the other side of the creek bed and Bo slams on the brakes as fast as he can. He and Luke look back at the creek, bewildered.)

LUKE: Any ideas what in the heck that was??

BO: I ain’t got the slightest. I mean, it was too BIG to be a bird….

LUKE: You got that right. It was too small to be a plane, either.

(Bo looks at Luke and smirks)

BALLADEER: Friends, y’all might wanna block yer ears…..cause ya know it’s commin’.

BO: Ya reckon maybe it was Superman?

LUKE: Not likely. But we best get back there and make sure it’s ok, whatever it was.

(Bo turns the General Lee around and drives to the edge of the creek bed. We see a soaking wet Ralph walking out of the water. Bo and Luke climb out of the General Lee and approach him.)

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In God’s Hands, ch. 17

by: Marty Chrisman

When Jesse and Daisy walked into his room, Bo looked at them and grinned until he saw the expressions on their faces. “What’s wrong?” he asked, the smile fading from his face “Is it Luke?”

“Luke had a stroke early this morning. They did surgery and removed the blood clot that caused it” Jesse told him “But now his condition is worse than it was. His body just can’t take any more.”

“He’s not gonna die…..he can’t die!” Bo said his voice taking on a shrill edge as he fought to control his emotions.

“Bo, now don’t git all worked up.” Jesse said “The doctors put him back into a  coma to give his body a change to rest and get stronger.”

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