by: Marty Chrisman
“Luke,” Jesse said leaning in close to Luke’s ear “If you can hear me, I talked to the doctors and they’re gonna start giving you something to help with the pain.”
Thank God. Finally someone realized how much he was hurting. They were going to make the pain go away. Bo. It had to have been Bo. Bo must have been the one who told Jesse how much he was suffering. Bo had sensed it just the way Luke had always been able to sense when Bo was in pain or in trouble. Neither one of them had ever questioned how they could do it they had just accepted the fact that they could. It was a gift, the same gift that Jesse had told Luke that Luke’s father and Jesse had shared too.
Jesse looked up as a nurse’s came into the room. Jesse had to argue with the doctor about giving Luke something for pain. The doctor kept insisting that Luke was in a coma and therefore couldn’t feel any pain. But Jesse had stood his ground and the doctor had backed down finally agreeing to give Luke something for pain. He still didn’t think it was really necessary but something in Jesse’s eyes warned him that it was best to stop arguing about it and just do it. The nurse took a needle and depressed the plunger to get the air out, then she inserted the needle directly into the IV line running into the back of Luke’s left hand. Jesse nodded curtly as the nurse finished her job and left the room.