In God’s Hands, ch. 15

by: Marty Chrisman

 “Luke,” Jesse said leaning in close to Luke’s ear “If you can hear me, I talked to the doctors and they’re gonna start giving you something to help with the pain.”

Thank God. Finally someone realized how much he was hurting. They were going to make the pain go away. Bo. It had to have been Bo. Bo must have been the one who told Jesse how much he was suffering. Bo had sensed it just the way Luke had always been able to sense when Bo was in pain or in trouble. Neither one of them had ever questioned how they could do it they had just accepted the fact that they could. It was a gift, the same gift that Jesse had told Luke that Luke’s father and Jesse had shared too.

            Jesse looked up as a nurse’s came into the room. Jesse had to argue with the doctor about giving Luke something for pain. The doctor kept insisting that Luke was in a coma and therefore couldn’t feel any pain. But Jesse had stood his ground and the doctor had backed down finally agreeing to give Luke something for pain. He still didn’t think it was really necessary but something in Jesse’s eyes warned him that it was best to stop arguing about it and just do it. The nurse took a needle and depressed the plunger to get the air out, then she inserted the needle directly into the IV line running into the back of Luke’s left hand. Jesse nodded curtly as the nurse finished her job and left the room.

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New Wheels for the Dukes, Act 4

by: Keith

ROSCO: Enos…cuff me and stuff me!

(Enos reluctantly pulls out his handcuffs and approaches Rosco)

ENOS: Yessir, Sheriff…

LUKE: Rosco, listen, we all appreciate what you’re tryin’ to do. We know you’re sorry and, like Uncle Jesse said, we forgive ya. But quittin’ your sheriff’s job ain’t gonna get me and Bo outta these casts and wheelchairs any faster.

UNCLE JESSE: Rosco, angry as I am right now, I gotta admit Luke’s right. You quittin’ ain’t gonna help the boys none. (smiles politely) Besides, you and Enos are the only law we got in Hazzard. And, as good as he is, Enos can’t handle it all by himself.

ROSCO: Oh, tiddly tuddly! The only real crimes that ever happen in Hazzard are whatever comes from (points to Boss) that little fat meadow muffin and his hair-brained schemes. And without me around to do all his dirty work for him, even he doesn’t have enough money to pay off all the help he’d need. Enos’ll do just fine on his own (looks Enos up and down) even if he IS a dipstick! Now, come on, Enos. Do like I told ya (holds out his hands) and slap the cuffs on.

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The Hijackers: Chapter 7

by: Kristy Duke

My mind continues to run numbly within me as I gently set Barb Harper’s order down in front of her as I slightly notice her smiling appreciatively up at me. “Thanks Daisy,” she continues to smile as she puts an aged tan hand upon mine before I am able to stand fully up to bring my full attention onto her. Her bright blue eyes shine brightly up at me, vividly showing her wit and intelligence she has after sixty long years of living on a small farm, years filled with hard work; hard work that she seems to enjoy. “Something wrong, honey? You feeling OK?” Genuine concern etches her raspy voice as her witty eyes grow stern and stubborn, demanding me to tell the truth.

“Yeah I’m feeling alright,” I force a smile down on her, struggling back the horrid thoughts that continues to haunt me, “I just have a lot on my mind lately.”

“Your cousins,” she nods understandably at me as my thoughts slowly shift from my worries to the several times I’ve been at her house while growing up. Her middle daughter had been one of my best friends until she had moved to Atlanta for college and then onto Chicago with her business degree. Her oldest son, Rob, now continues to hold up the old farm after her husband had passed away with a long struggle against cancer a few years ago. She had always been so kind to me, so loving, she had treated me as one of her own with each visit, demanding me to come back again and soon. “That has to be so hard…what’s that boy’s name?” Barb interrupts her own silence as she glances around before eyeing me with clarity, “Garrett. Garrett and Ethan whose truck that was hijacked. How is Garrett?”

I shrug as my thoughts slowly slip back to my cousin that rests in the hospital, remaining lost in his coma. I had stopped by for a brief visit on my way to work this afternoon only to be shocked by the lack of any progress, he had almost seemed worse than the first time I had visited him. “Not very good,” I shrug again, “he was beaten pretty bad. Ethan should be going home soon, they say.”

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The Greatest Hazzardian Hero, Act 1

by: Keith

Act One

(Opening shot of a tan sedan driving along the back roads approaching Hazzard.)

BALLADEER: Now, friends and neighbors, if you’re lookin’ for a slow ride, then y’all best look elsewhere. Cause this one’s gonna move fast right from the get-go.

(Switch to a view of the car’s enterior. We see Bill Maxwell driving, with Ralph Hinkley in the passenger’s seat)

BALLADEER: Now, the man behind the wheel is Bill Maxwell. He’s a special agent for the FBI, outta California. The feds out there figured that, with his recent record, he was the best for the job of commin’ down south and sniffin’ out all the illegal moonshinin’ bein’ done. Which, ya know, is gonna mean trouble for the Dukes. I told this one was gonna move fast.

(switch to a close-up shot of Ralph. The top button of his shirt is undone, revealing the suit’s cape underneath.)

BALLADEER: That blonde feller is Ralph Hinkley. He’s a school teacher from the same part of California as the G-man. They’ve known each other about two years, now. The way they met is miiiight longer story than we got time for. Maxwell brought Ralph along with him hopin’ that he could help him get the assignment over with quicker. Now, if y’all are wonderin’ how a school teacher is gonna help a fed find a bunch of moonshine stills….well, ya see that funny-lookin’ scarf Ralph’s got around his neck? That ain’t no scarf. Wait’ll y’all see what he’s got on under his clothes…

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In God’s Hands, ch. 14

by: Marty Chrisman

The next day it was only Jesse and Daisy who went to Atlanta. Cooter had to go to the garage. He couldn’t neglect his business any longer. He hated to do it but he had no choice if he wanted to continue to make a living. Daisy had arranged with another waitress to cover her shifts at the Boar’s nest but she would have to return to work at the end of the week or Boss threatened to fire her. Boss Hogg had no love for the Dukes, it didn’t matter how seriously the boys were hurt.

Daisy and Jesse sat by Luke’s side, touching his hand and talking to him even though he was still unconscious. If there was even the slightest chance that he could hear them, Jesse wanted him to know that they were there and that he wasn’t alone. The doctor still wasn’t very optimistic about Luke’s chances of pulling through. But Jesse had faith and he believed that Luke would eventually get better.

The question was if there would be any permanent damage from his injuries. He had already had to have one kidney removed because it had been severely damaged in the accident. Luckily he could still lead a normal life with just one functioning kidney. The ruptured spleen had been removed and the tear in the aortic artery had been repaired. He had numerous broken bones including 4 ribs, a broken collar bone, a broken hip and his right arm was broken in three places. His hip and his arm had been set using surgical pins and a steel plate. But Jesse knew the broken bones would heal. All it would take was time.

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