by: Kristy Duke
A thin smile flashes upon Levi’s handsome face as he slowly steps out of the Ford Ranger and into the summer heat to glare up at the town’s court house. His thoughts quickly rush through him, silently going through the plan they had created months ago, before all of this had even started. To him, it was a perfect plan with little room for error, perfect none the less. He couldn’t see where they could go wrong with their plan, everyone would get what they wanted during this mission. “Ready?” Trent’s low voice booms besides him upon the curb and he slowly glances at Trent before slowly nodding and together they slowly walk up the cemented stairs.
Walking into the air conditioned hall ways of the court house, they silently walk down the narrow halls, reading the writing on the door until they reach the door that reads: SHERIFF STATION. “Here we are,” Levi smiles at Trent as he slowly opens the door to the police station to be greeted with the emptiness of the large open room. “Anyone here?” he yells out.
A short moment passes until the door in the far right corner opens and the fat, round commissioner dressed in a white suit walks out chomping on a fat cigar. “Levi, Trent?” the commissioner’s gray hairy eyebrows furrow in surprise at seeing them, “What can I do for you?”