The Hijackers: Chapter 6

by: Kristy Duke

A thin smile flashes upon Levi’s handsome face as he slowly steps out of the Ford Ranger and into the summer heat to glare up at the town’s court house. His thoughts quickly rush through him, silently going through the plan they had created months ago, before all of this had even started. To him, it was a perfect plan with little room for error, perfect none the less. He couldn’t see where they could go wrong with their plan, everyone would get what they wanted during this mission. “Ready?” Trent’s low voice booms besides him upon the curb and he slowly glances at Trent before slowly nodding and together they slowly walk up the cemented stairs.

Walking into the air conditioned hall ways of the court house, they silently walk down the narrow halls, reading the writing on the door until they reach the door that reads: SHERIFF STATION. “Here we are,” Levi smiles at Trent as he slowly opens the door to the police station to be greeted with the emptiness of the large open room. “Anyone here?” he yells out.

A short moment passes until the door in the far right corner opens and the fat, round commissioner dressed in a white suit walks out chomping on a fat cigar. “Levi, Trent?” the commissioner’s gray hairy eyebrows furrow in surprise at seeing them, “What can I do for you?”

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In God’s Hands, ch. 13

by: Marty Chrisman

After only a couple of hours sleep, Daisy, Jesse and Cooter were up again. Jesse and Cooter did the morning chores that the boys would normally have done, while Daisy made breakfast. After they had eaten, they went to the Tri County Medical Center to check on Bo. When they went into his room, they were surprised to see that Bo was awake. He was groggy and drowsy but he was awake.

“There’s my, boy….” Jesse said, smiling happily as he grabbed his youngest nephew’s hand.

“Hey, cousin…” Daisy said smiling brightly. “How ya feeling?”

“Unc’ Jesse…….” Bo slurred, trying to focus his eyes on his family and Cooter.

“That’s right. It’s your Uncle Jesse.” Jesse told him gently with a smile. “Now, don’t try to talk too much….you been in a bad accident…but you’re gonna be okay.”

“Luke….” Bo whispered “Where’s…..Luke?”

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The Hijackers: Chapter 5

by: Kristy Duke

A thick air of silence quickly hangs above us as emotions slowly begin to settle upon their faces, allowing us to see the anger and resentment that crawls through their bodies. The same anger and resentment continues to thrive within me, anger towards Hogg for what he has done. This time he’s gone too far by arresting the boys falsely. It is one thing to arrest them for a fake crime, but to arrest them for such a violent beating?

“How much he’s asking for bail, this time?” Cooter rolls his dark brown eyes as he breaks through the thick silence while he nervously wipes his grease stained hands upon his old greasy yellow rag that he had pulled out of his back pocket only a moment ago, “I mean that is a pretty harsh accusation he’s placing in there. Beating Ethan and Garrett?”

I slowly nod in agreement as I anxiously glance down at my old pocket watch to watch the second hand slowly tick around the small circle. Five minutes until the sheriff and the commissioner will be accepting bail money for the boys, bail money I don’t have. I sigh heavily in frustration as I silently struggle on what I should do, of what the best choice would be. The only true decision I have is whether to give up the farm for the bail, but that’d leave us out of a home and upset Bo greatly. But I can’t leave them locked up, healthy or not.

“Eight hundred and fifty dollars to bail both the boys out,” Daisy slowly speaks up as I catch her looking at me before she slowly looks up at Cooter and over at LB who stands quietly in the dark corner, “eight hundred and fifty dollars we don’t have.” She pauses a moment as she steps back to sit down on an old blue milk crate that rests against the wooden wall. “Our only choice is to auction off the farm to Hogg to get them out…Hogg will love that.”

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The Hijackers: Chapter 4

by: Kristy Duke

Anger and fear roughly rushes through my trembling body as I sit silently on the edge of the old scratched dark blue bench chair seats that line against the beige walls of the small waiting room. My mind silently pictures Garrett lying bloody upon the rain soaked road as LB had described him lying while my thoughts rush from our argument we had in Garrett’s room yesterday. All seeming to happen a lifetime ago. “You want to talk about it, Kris?” LB’s voice drips with concern as he lies a protective hand upon my shoulder, making me jump slightly in surprise, “Sorry, didn’t mean to surprise you,” I slowly glance up at him over my shoulder to find his green eyes alarmingly filled with emotions, “I just want you to know that I’m here for you.”

“We’re all here for you,” Jesse slowly speaks up to draw my attention onto him who sits in the left corner and I slowly glance around everyone that sits besides me, lining the side wall of the waiting room.

“Thanks,” I slowly respond, the only thing I can think of to say. Once again, I return to glaring down at the bright white linoleum floor while my mind spins wildly within me to force my emotions to dig deeper in me.

“Garrett Duke,” an husky voice brings my attention towards the receptionist’s desk to find an older hefty man standing holding a clipboard with a thick salt and pepper beard and mustache that covers most of his tanned face.

I slowly glance around as Jesse and the boys are the first one to greet the doctor before LB slowly helps me up where we slowly join the rest of the family. “That’d be for us,” Jesse says as he sees that I have joined them, “How are is he doctor?”

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The Hijackers: Chapter 3

by: Kristy Duke

Feeling the power of the big truck through the thin leather steering wheel, I feel a small smile creep upon my face as I follow the maze Hogg had sat out for us. Despite the trapped feeling Hogg had installed yesterday after spending the night in the cold jail cell after his corrupt fight, I can’t help but to feel a little excited at the new job aspect; of being in charge of such a big vehicle. Slowly turning in between two large orange cones, my mind vaguely leaves the past couple of days to think of my favorite movie: Smokey and the Bandit, and all the truck scenes it had entailed. Perhaps we can’t be the bandit, but we can play snowman. I let out a small laugh at the thought of comparing my life to a movie, at picturing us as the Bandit’s buddy who had blocked several cop cars with his big semi.

“What you find so funny?” Ethan slowly asks in the passenger seat to break the silence between us and I glance over to find him watching me with interest.

“Nothin,” I silently shrug as I glance ahead at the rest of the maze we have left to finish before reaching Rosco and Hogg, “just thinking of Smokey and the Bandit. We get this job as Hogg’s truck driver, we can be Snowman…we just need a dog for company.” I laugh once again before adding, “Never mind, I don’t need a dog…I got you.”

“Well gee thanks,” he rolls his eyes at me as he glares out of his passenger window, “if we get to be the snowman and I take it that Rosco is the Smokey, who’s Bandit?”

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