by: Marty Chrisman
Jesse and Daisy both had tears streaming down their faces, but this time they were tears of happiness, not of grief. Dr Malone had told them there was no hope, that there wasn’t anything more the doctors could do. There was no hope left….they were going to lose Luke. And his heart had started to fail, along with his other systems, even with the machines that were supposed to be keeping him alive. When the heart monitor flat lined, Jesse’s heart had stopped too. The doctor and nurses had rushed into the room and the doctor had shook his head ready to give up and declare Luke dead. Then Jesse stood up and bellowed “No, my boy ain’t gonna die like this! You try bringing him back!”
“Mr Duke….” Doctor Malone said sadly “It’s no use….he’s just hurt too badly…”
“I don’t care!” Jesse bellowed “You try to bring him back! If you can’t, then I’ll let him go…but not until I know you tried!”
Reluctantly, the doctor did as Jesse ordered even though he knew that it was hopeless. He gave Luke’s body 5 shots with the paddles with no luck and no change. He was ready to give up when the heart monitor fluttered, just briefly, but it fluttered. With baited breath the doctor watched the monitor, unable to believe what he was seeing, as the monitor beeped and began to register a heartbeat. Erratic and unstable but a heartbeat just the same. Quickly, the doctor grabbed a needle from the crash cart and injected the medication it contained directly into Luke’s heart muscle. Miraculously, he watched as his heart beat began to stabilize.