by: Kristy Duke
Levi Dunning’s dark brown eyes steadily scans through the smokey haze of the crowded bar while his mind slowly turns from thought to thought. ‘Damn, where is he?’ Impatience and frustration intertwines within his broad muscular framed body as he silently looks from face to face of the people that crowd around him in the hick bar. Once again, he glances down at his expensively gold watch to find that the man he is looking for is now a half hour late to steadily increase his frustration. Glancing back up at the people that surrounds him, he takes everything in with a trained eye while his thoughts return to the plan they had created; it had to work. A small smile crawls across his chiseled face as he can’t hide the excitement that begins to spread through him with his thoughts of the plans, the plans that will change the future for everyone in the hick town.
Taking a deep breath, Levi slowly slips back down into his old wooden chair and grabs onto his condensed beer mug and as he brings it up to take another drink from his watered down beer, a small beefy hand lands upon his broad shoulder. Surprise fuels the anger within him as beer melts down the condensed cup and onto his muscular hand that grabs tightly onto the glass handle and he forcefully sets the mug down onto the old torn table clothed table. “Lookin’ for someone?” a deep southern voice comes from behind him as the hand seems to sink into his shoulder. A long moment passes by as Levi fights to control his raging emotions before he glances back to find it to be a short round man dressed in an expensive three piece white suit with a matching Stetson hat. Under his hat was the mans thickly dark gray eye brows above a pair of piercing brown eyes and a thick cigar stuck within the man’s cocky smiling mouth, the cigar clinging desperately between the man’s thick beefy index and middle finger. “Sorry I’m so late,” the man takes his hand off of Levi’s shoulder to pull out an gold pocket watch, “I got hung up at the office.”
“Look Hogg,” Levi’s deep voice brings the attention from a few people that surround his small table before he lower’s his voice, “I’m in no moods for any of your games or for your damn lateness. We agreed upon a time and a date…I was here!”