by: Kristy Duke
Emotions rush roughly through me as I silently stare out through the small window that over looks the oval shaped dirt drive way and the few trees that line the yard against the dusty dirt road. My mind rushes through the past that had brought us to Hazzard, that had led us to the farm house window that I stare out through of. Since the day dad had disappeared well over twenty-two years ago, I had dreamt of returning to Hazzard, being able to run free as I once had. And yet, as I stand in the house that seems to be my future home, I am stuck with mixed emotions and left wondering if I made the right decision. Glaring through my reflection that stares silently at me, I bring a soft gentle hand to softly brush it against the bruise that still shines on my cheeks, slowly growing lighter as time passes. If Trevor where to think of coming to Hazzard to find me, he wouldn’t think twice of hurting anyone to get to me and the kids. Abruptly I am filled with what if questions, all pertaining to Trevor finding me in Hazzard.
Glaring through the window, I watch as my eyes begin to glisten through the reflection that stares back at me before a lonely tear breaks lose to roll gently down my cheek. A week and a half has passed since Trevor’s attack and yet the memory remains clear as if it had happened last night, bringing on more fear of him finding me. The past week and a half has been filled with sleepless nights where Jamie awakes screaming and yelling, lost in one of her fits as she is certain that he will return to hurt me. She is afraid for me. Only four and a half years old and she has grown to fear her own father and being afraid of losing me or seeing me hurt through all that she has witnessed the past couple of years. If only I had been stronger for her and walked out on him long before I had, perhaps her young life wouldn’t be as scarred and troubled. She is my angel that gives me strength to awaken each morning, her and Shay.
I force myself to take a deep breath as an old rusted white truck passes by on the dusty dirt road forcing my thoughts to switch from Trevor to being reunited with the family I hadn’t seen since I was six. The old Duke farm stands the same as I remember it being so many years ago and Uncle Jesse remains as sweet and kind as he had been years ago, the only thing that seemed to change was the graying of his hair. Daisy keeps the thick long chestnut hair and the light bluish brown eyes that sparkle with mischief as she had years ago, growing only an inch taller than me into be an adult. Luke remains smart and quick witted with clever bright blue eyes and thick dark brown hair as he had been years ago though now stands well over me and muscular. Everything seems to remain the same here.
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