
The adventures of the Coltrane clan (and some Dukes!) before “One Armed Bandits” (pre-1978)
Last Updated: 2000

This series picks up where the last episode of the series, “Opening Night at The Boar’s Nest,” left off. Friends and neighbors, meet MaryAnne Coltrane and take a lookie at how much trouble she and her cousin Rosco can get into!
Last Updated: November 24, 2007

(A Cuz and Lisa Adventure.)
The bond of family is put to the test when Rosco and MaryAnne discover a long lost cousin, who turns out to be a Syndicate hitman.
Last Updated: June 1, 2004

(A Dukes of Hazzard/Greatest American Hero Series)
FBI Agent Bill Maxwell ends up assigned with the Atlanta field office for a spell.
Find out what happens when he crosses paths with the citizen’s of Hazzard…
Updated: April 26, 2013 


Christmas Kin – A look at Christmastime with the Coltrane’s, as one family member settles in to Hazzard County. *2005 Christmas Challenge*

Chances of the Heart – Hazzard law man walks through a Versace ad and ends up in the Hotel California…. *2006 Romance Challenge*

Bronze Star – Something from Rosco’s past, something the Sheriff has tried long to forget, comes back in an unexpected way. *2007 Appomattox Challenge*

General Lee’s Little Cousin – The fall of 1989 ushers in a new era in Hazzard County. When CJ and Roy Duke turn 18 years old, they inherit “Rebel,” their fathers’s 1970 Dodge Challenger that the two Duke brothers were working on building into a powerful race car. But when they died suddenly in 1977, the car remained unfinished. Now, the Annual Hazzard Road Race is approaching and CJ and Roy vow to make “Rebel” everything their Daddies intended him to be. *CJ and Roy Duke Series*

2 thoughts on “MaryAnne

  1. Hey, I first read your stories back in the 2000’s and I keep coming back to reread them. I really enjoy them and respect your talent and the massive amount of work and research that went into writing them. I’m looking forward to reading through them all again. Thank you!

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