Story Archive

Authors included in this archive, listed alphabetically.

Alternate Universe
Stories in this category take place in alternate universes, whether it’s an alternate timeline, a what-if, or various facts of cannon have otherwise been ignored or changed on purpose.

Cannon (Original DOH characters only)
Stories in this category feature the original DOH characters and little to no new major characters.

DOH fic crossed with other TV shows, movies or book series.

Stories featuring non-cannon characters, including new long lost Duke cousins and siblings, new town folks, ect.

The CJ and Roy Dukes Series
Series that takes place after the original run of the Dukes featuring new cousins CJ and Roy.

The Luke in Vietnam Series
Stories in this series focus on Luke’s time serving in the Marines during the Vietnam War.

DOHFF Challenge Fics
Various writing challenges issued over the years for story prompts and what-if scenarios with some fun results.

Holiday Challenge Fics
Self explanatory writing challenges for holiday themed stories.