A Normal Day in Hazzard County (Daisy diary)

by: i1976

Driving in Hazzard streets, last night I was very
angry. Why Bo and Luke are so annoying sometimes? I’m
not a child; I’m a woman and they have to treat me
like a woman. I’m able to take care of myself. They
can’t come to Boars Nest and punch a boy only because
he made me a compliment; it was a rough compliment,
and I decided to discharge the beer on his head before
they punched him. I’m able to take care of myself. I
know they are protective, but sometimes they become
overprotective. So annoying.
In the evening, at the farm, I had a fight with Bo and
Luke; I’m too emotional, I know.
After the fight and after my ride in Hazzard streets,
when I realized where I was, I was there, in Enos
apartment. Enos heard everything I was saying
silently; he said something from time to time, and his
words calmed me down.
I was so embarrassed; I awoke him in the middle of the
night, while he was sleeping.
It was 02:00 o’clock. He was embarrassed while he was
telling me to sleep in his bed, and he would have
slept in the living room’s couch.
In his bed, I was still awake when I heard him phoning
to the farm to inform Uncle Jesse that I was there.
Enos style, but I wasn’t angry with him. However, his
sweet scent that filled his bed calmed me down, so I
fell asleep.

When I woke up in the morning, he wasn’t there. I left
his apartment; that day was my free day, so I decided
pay a visit to Lulu, and to go shopping with her. I
like talk to Lulu Hogg; she’s very smart. I told Lulu
everything; when I told her that I went to Enos
apartment, she laughed. “So, you went to Enos
apartment in the middle of the night? Poor boy”
I don’t understand why Lulu is always so allusive
‘bout my relationship with Enos; she talks always like
she knows something about me and Enos, something that
she knows but I don’t know.
Anyway, I like to go shopping with Lulu. It’ very
funny and it relaxes me.
Meanwhile we were walking near Hazzard Bank, I saw
Enos. He was talking with a young woman, and he was
smiling. I know that girl; she works in Hazzard Bank,
and I know that she’s engaged with another bank clerk,
but somehow, when I see Enos smiling to another woman,
it bothers me.
Enos, when you smile, is it innocence or deceit?
Probably, did you never realize it, right? But every
your smile stirs my heart, and you have to smile only
at me.
Lulu looked at Enos and the girl, then she looked at
me, laughing when she saw my face. “Are you jealous,
Daisy?” Not. I’m not jealous at all. Enos is only a
friend, right? My best friend, but only a friend,

It was time to return to the farm. Bo and Luke didn’t
search me; they know that when I’m angry it’s better
to stay away from me. I was quiet, so I could come
back home, in order to talk with my cousins and Uncle
Jesse, and apologize.
Suddenly, I saw Enos patrol car.
I decided to stop; I wanted to thank him for last
night. I stopped my car, and I approached his patrol
car. When I reached it, I saw him sleeping. Enos is
able to sleep everywhere, also hanging on the wall. I
decided not to awake him; it was also my fault he was
so tired. I opened his patrol car’s door and I kissed
him gently on lips. He didn’t wake up, but he smiled.
Sometimes I wonder what he’s thinking, or what he’s
dreaming. Maybe I’ll ask him. Not today.

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