Families Stick Together, pt. 3

by: Essy Jane

Back at the farm, Nancy-Lou was pacing around the barn thinking of how to tell Bo about her new found news. She starting talking to herself, “Bo I know you have always said you loved children…well, guess what? No, that’ll never do. Honey, I have got buns in the oven…now I sound like I am a bakery.” She thought about it again. “I have children living inside me…no, that’s too obvious. Honey…I am pregnant. Well yeah but will you be happy about it?”

She looked out into the night sky. The stars shone in the sky and the tears rolled down Nancy-Lou’s face. She was afraid of doing this again. Had it been so long that she forgot even how to hold a baby. Something about it worried her.

Nancy was a wonderful mother and understood kids better than most parents ever could. This would be a challenge for her though. Something about raising a new set of twins freaked her out. Nancy was sure she was just extremely sick. After having many pains and such she went to see her doctor. She was pregnant and there was nothing Nancy-Lou could do about it.

Nancy wondered if it would be okay. Something inside her was sure this wouldn’t be fun. She thought that since Bo was getting older and all…that he wouldn’t want to be a father. What would happen then? Would he ignore his children? Yeah I know, Nancy’s thinking the worst…especially for that husband of hers. Bo ain’t like most fathers…he ain’t as scared either.

Bo walked out into the barn and looked at his sweet wife. As he walked closer, Nancy pulled away. She didn’t want to tell him anymore. Why wouldn’t I tell him? He’s the Daddy and he’ll find out sooner or later, Nancy thought to herself.

“You were too quiet tonight Hun, are you okay?” Bo asked.

“Never better…I just don’t know how to tell you…” Nancy started.

“How to tell me what?”

“Bo, I am pregnant.” Bo stood there in shock. The smile went across his whole face. “I am going to have another set of twins.”

“Nancy-Lou Dianne Duke…that’s wonderful! I am going to have more children.”

“I thought you would be upset.”

“Upset? Why would I be upset? You know what honey, I wanted more kids…I want a big family…its wonderful having children. If you want we could have another after this one.” Nancy didn’t know what to say. She was so thrilled by her husband’s response. “Will always take care of you…I will love you forever and help you along the way. That’s what family does.”

“I love you…I love you more than anything in the world.” They held each other and looked at the stars. The night was still young and they had something to share that was beautiful…parenting.

But the silence of the night wouldn’t last. The horn of the General wailed in the night. Jose got out of the driver’s seat and dragged out his dazed cousin Jesse. Jo Anna walked in the house slowly wondering what just happened. The whole farm was quiet.

Even the animals seemed to be silent tonight. The only thing that made a noise was the wind whistling though the trees in the distance. Jose threw Jesse over one shoulder and carried him in the house. Cooter and his sweetheart were already over at his place.

Jose laid Jesse down in his bed and looked at him. He couldn’t believe all that had happened in one night. Jesse looked so peaceful just lying there in that bed. Bo and Nancy came into the house almost forgetting what their children had actually done that night. Bo walked into his room and Nancy sat down at the table.

“Hey Mom, Jesse’s been drugged,” Jo Anna commented as she saw her mother. Nancy’s eyes widened almost immediately.

“What?!” Nancy exclaimed.

“Your son has been drugged; he’ll be fine in an hour.” Nancy sighed and took a deep breath.

“Well that’s good. How are you?”

“I can never go into town again.”

“Why is that?”

“People saw me in a dress. Those things should be banned off this earth.” Jo walked into her bedroom and closed the door. Nancy knocked on the boys’ door. Something about Jo’s statement made Nancy-Lou nervous.

“Y’all changing or can I enter?” Nancy asked.

“Oh we’re decent…I just have my shirt off,” Jose replied. Nancy turned the cold door knob and opened it. She sat on Jesse’s bed.

“Who’s the greatest mom Jesse?”

“You’re the greatest…I love you,” Jesse mumbled.

“Well it’s wearing off. Maybe I should get him some hot chocolate. Would you like some? Jose, what happened tonight?”

“Well, we were found out and it didn’t take them long to do it.”

“You underestimated them.”

“Yeah and they underestimated us.”

“Oh well, we found out who was behind all of this. I need to talk to Dad…I mean Bo. Could you take care of Jesse?” Jose replied.

“Sure sweetie.”

“Thanks.” Jose walked across the hall and noticed that the door was open. He walked in and jumped on the bed. He lied down on Nancy’s pillow and looked up at Bo. “Look man, we need to talk.”

“There are a lot of people that want to talk to me tonight,” Bo replied. He grabbed a laundry basket on the floor and began putting his clothes away.

“Well this is important. Do you know a Jason Steele?” Bo dropped the shirt he was putting away.

“Where did you hear that name?”

“That’s the person who is behind all of the bank robbery attempts.”

“He’s not the type of person that would do that.”

“Are you calling me a liar?”

“Maybe it’s a copy cat.”

“Look, he sure knew you.”

“Jose, maybe you heard him wrong.”

“I know what I heard Bo. He almost killed us tonight. He attached a bomb to their own get-away car and we could have died if it wasn’t for the girls.”

“It’s not possible. Probably is a person that has heard of Jason trying to use his name to build a reputation…that’s what I think anyway?”

“No, you don’t understand, he is Jason Steele.” Bo slammed his pants in the drawer and faced Jesse. “I wouldn’t keep this conversation going if I didn’t believe it was true.”

“Jose, drop it okay?”

“I know you don’t believe me but you have to listen to me Bo. He knew you by name…he told me that he pulled revenge on you and he wasn’t seeking you again…whatever that means.” Bo’s eyes lit up with fear. He couldn’t face him again. Last time Bo stole his girl friend from him. Maybe he would be after Annie…no, Annie was a good friend now. She was married to a painter named Homer.

“If you’re right that means Hazzard is gonna be put upside down. Jose, does Jesse know about this?”

“Yeah but he’s no good to you.”

“Out like a light?”

“Yeah…how’d you know?”

“A lot of bad guys do that…I was drugged a few times. We’re gonna have to talk more about this when Jesse’s more awake.”

“But Bo…”

“Get to bed and work on this later okay? Look, you two went through a lot tonight and I ain’t gonna let you get all worried and tired. Your Dad and I tried to pull all nighters. Uncle Jesse would make us do the same thing.” Jose rolled his eyes.

“Do you believe me or not?”

“You know I do. Listen Jose, I have had no reason not to trust you. You’ve been like a son to me.”

“Thanks Bo, means a lot to me.” Jose walked out and went into his room. He jumped into his own bed. Jose wondered what Bo was hiding from him…or was he just saving the story like he said. Something about it wasn’t right but Jesse and himself knew would have to find out what was going on.

Jose pulled up the covers to his chin. He tossed and turned trying to find that position that he would finally be comfortable in. He sat up and turned on the light. Jose couldn’t stand the thoughts he was having. The only thing that went through his mind was Jason Steele. They both could’ve been killed…even when Jo Anna helped, she might have died too.

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